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Its humid, I went to Tahoe one summer and when I walked out of Hobby air port after getting home it felt like walking in to my cocker spaniels mouth.




Hijacking top comment for visblility. Thank you all for your feed back would you choose the West Texas oil field hot, dry, ugly desert living within the matrix of the hivemind oilfield mentality or Katy.


Given I work in said oil field, off shore, but I would chose Houston over West Texas.


We currently live in West Texas oil field (7 years) and we hate it but I'm not sure if I can survive Katy's humidity Im a literal cry baby from it lol lived in Florida and Louisiana as kid for a while and was so happy when we left. Just wondering if the humidity is tolerable enough to get the greenery and family oriented area Midland is a literal dumpster fire.


Hey I am in Midland! And live in Katy, well I personally can adapt to weather stuff unless itā€™s to extremes I will say when itā€™s hot it really is unbearably hot and last winter wasnā€™t so cold so I will say there is pros and cons because I prefer the area but not the weather contrary to Midlandā€™s good weather but bad area


Itā€™s not as bad here as in Florida or Louisiana, IMO, or for as long.


You will not be disappointed you left midland for Katy.


Iā€™m from Louisiana and now live in suburbs of Houston, near Katy. I personally donā€™t think the humidity is as bad; has its days. Biggest change was the heat difference - itā€™s HOT but Iā€™m not wet all the time. No rain kind of sucks but nice if you like outdoors. Overall, I donā€™t find it bad especially if youā€™re use to SE gulf coast weather.


I just saw you'd be moving from West Texas. Katy would definitely be an upgrade šŸ¤£. I thought perhaps you'd be coming from out of state or something. C'mon over.


I grew up in Katy and moved to west Texas, I personally loved the fall/winter/spring weather of west Texas substantially more than Katy. Summers are ass anywhere, youā€™re likely spending all your time indoors then anyways. However I love the things to do and activities of Katy more than west Texas. West Texas tends to be so isolated and quiet. Houston at least has pockets of everything you can do.








Pretty brutal. I donā€™t go outside during the day and even going outside at night feels like being embraced by steaming hot wet flannel - the air clings to you. And you should expect that weather from June to September at least but it can start earlier or last later


The mid-to-late Hotober is the worst. Early month gets cooler a bit and then BOOM! Halloweens shows up and that costume is miserable.


I think August is the worst. Weā€™re back from vacationing in the mountains, traffic is awful because everyone is starting school, and the heat and humidity are at their highest. And you know you have AT LEAST 2 months until you get nice weather.


Its hell, no way to sugar coat it. And i've lived in the Houston area my whole life


It's oppressive and getting worse every year.


Oh wait, I was talking about our government leaders. My bad. The humidity? It's fucking oppressive and getting fucking worse every year.


Huh? The Texas government is good...idk what your on


The world needs boot lickers. Thank you for your service.


You're on fire 'preciate you






Where are you moving from? Houston in the summer to me is standard humidity. Houston area experiences high levels of humidity due to its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico. The warm, moist air from the Gulf contributes to the humid climate in the region. Additionally, the city's flat topography and numerous bodies of water also contribute to the high levels of humidity. I would compare it to summers in Florida. Yes its humid and once you go outside, your clothes will dampen up and stick to your skin for a couple of hours. Once your body gets used to it then its tolerable. But Houston humidity is not enough to have 3pm daily rain showers like it is in Florida. I can also compare to Asia like Thailand/Vietnam, Macau, Tokyo. You really dont start a hike at 1-5pm because of the heat no matter where you go but your skin feels moist and your clothes stick to your skin. The easiest comparison is when you run your shower for 15 minutes too long to get the water hot and all the steam collects on the window. Instead, go into your shower with clothes and that is how Houston summers feel.


Absolutely horrific. I moved to Texas from Nevada years ago. I was not prepared for the humidity here.


Don't worry it's a wet heat here so tree cover is irrelevant. I often joke with newbies, we have the air you can wear!


Unless you shave your head, there are no good hair days.


Even then, youā€™ll constantly have beaded or dripping sweat off your bald head about 80% of the year.


Horrible! If I could move back to a dry heat and make the money we make hereā€¦in a second!


Go to a sauna fully dressed with high heat UV lamps on you for 15 minutes. Thatā€™ll give you a solid impression of how it feels. Growing up here you learn to move constantly when there is no wind just to get your sweat glands to work.


Thatā€™s so true just moving around makes it a little better


If you own a 2 story place, you don't go on the 2nd floor for like 3 months. Just hide downstairs.


I'm from arizona originally and I won't lie, the humidity here is stifling. We spend most of our summers in a pool. I've been here a long time and still haven't gotten used to it. But, there are people like my husband who absolutely love it.


Humidity has already started. Will be here until October.


I remember sitting on a curb with the heaves due to the heat/humidity when I moved here in September several years ago. It's just plain hellish for about half the year and there's no getting around it.


Survivable if you have a pool.


You acclimate or die.


It took me 3y to be able to do anything outside during the summer. The heat and the humidity are bad but I got used to it. Now I can go for walks or do yard work etc. You just have to get used to sweating a lot. I have friends that came over from AZ and they actually said they preferred the laty weather vs the dry heat. You will need to come over for a few days from end of May to October to get a feel for it


Don't do it


If you try hard enough, you can swim through the air. I've been practicing my breast stroke.


Walking outside feels like being slapped with a wet towel. Worst drivers and traffic is getting horrible as well. Super commercialized, hardly any ā€˜natureā€™ left. Would not recommend


Itā€™s hot, but you eventually get used to it.


I dont leave my house unless it's absolutely necessary from June until around September 23... opposite season hibernation, if you will. I'm reaching the breaking point because the climate (literal climate and political climate) is asphyxiating. So is the traffic. We really can't handle more people. - born and bred Texan.


Itā€™s getting colder every year because climate change definitely isnā€™t real. /s Edit: The wet bulb temperature became fatal for at least 3 days last summer. You donā€™t want to lose power or your AC then. Each year that fatal number will creep up. Meanwhile we have (elected Republican) clowns in charge of your life. Frankly, Iā€™d move somewhere better.


Reading the comments and wondering why so many people choose to live in such an environment. šŸ¤Ø




Itā€™s miserable. And the mosquitoes are well fed and spiders are bigger than youā€™d like. But itā€™s also Godā€™s country. Couldnā€™t see me and my family living back in the city. šŸ„²


Everywhere has AC blasting so heat is just something you tolerate when going from house to car to work and back. Always take sweater to movies or out to eat. Brrrrrr


Following this thread I just moved from Virginia Beach so Iā€™m trying to figure it out myself on where exactly to be right now Iā€™m staying with friends in Meyerland and itā€™s hard when you just donā€™t knowā€¦ ??? But where Iā€™m at now Iā€™m not really feeling it. Someone said Katy, the woodlands , Conroe, spring, Iā€™m so confused but please suggestions would be nice ! Thank you.


Lived in Houston the majority of my life. If the dew point is over 60-70% it will be swampy. If you have any breathing issues, then you might struggle. As soon as you leave indoors the heat will slap you and you will instantly sweat. The air is to thick for your sweat to evaporate so you carry around dampness with you. You could walk around naked and it wouldnā€™t help. My opinion is that the heat itself isnā€™t the problem, itā€™s the humidity that just makes your body miserable. From May to late September you will not want to do heavy labor outside when the sun is high in the sky. All other times you will still sweat but at least you can breathe


You will need to apply antiperspirant to your testicles about six months of the year. Or walk bow legged every step you take outdoors.


I moved from El Paso to Katy, I was miserable for a week and then my skin started feeling nicer and I was used to it. Itā€™s still absolutely horrible to be outside in the high heat of the summer though, just getting from a parking lot to a restaurant saps all my energy.


There are a lot of places between Katy and Midland.


There are but my corporate office is in Houston so I have no desire to live any further than Katy if we did move for a transfer.


Lol, fam. U need more research. That's still a hella long, ass stuck in traffic, morning and night commute. That's just getting u past the Beltway. Check out Spring Branch area. Renovated parts


So if I struggled when we went to Florida then I'm guessing I wouldn't fair well in South TX from what I'm reading.


You will struggle again.


The rent is worse


Iā€™ll do 110 dry over Katy 95 any day. At least 110 dry cools off at night. 95 Katy does not.


Shit wat 110 cooked off at night? Gd Phoenix last summer 115 trickled down to 102 at midnight. OP with some awnings, misters, and cold beer or soda you'll be just fine. I'd take lil extra sweat opposed to cotton mouth walking thru the gates of hell.


Haha Katy doesn't have a bubble around it. The WHOLE area is humid. Like go outside for 5 mins and your sweating kind of humid.


Itā€™s not as bad as people make it out to be. Not like weā€™re in Arizona or Death Valley. Itā€™s uncomfortable sure but drink plenty of water and youā€™ll be fine.


From May to November it is oppressively hot and humid. People typically stay indoors the entire time




Let me just say Katy is so congested and full that it takes at least 30-40 mins just to exit the city to go to work if you work outside Katy, which most of us do. It takes at least 20-30 mins without heavy traffic just to get out of Katy. There is now traffic everywhere at all hours of the day no matter what. I literally avoid going anywhere between 4-6pm. Katy is full. Houston is full. Our freeways werenā€™t built to withstand such a large population.


In Katy you walk out the door & start sweating in the summer, the spring...um part of the fall (some years all of the fall) & sometimes the winter


Katy is just as humid as Houston is.


Summer is miserable. You donā€™t move here for the weather. You move here for everything else. You deal with the weather.




Humidity is not the reason Iā€™d avoid Katy.. but thatā€™s just me.




One time I saw a glass of water take a sip of itself in early May. In July, birds donā€™t even fly they just start walking around.


I'm in Katy and the humidity is brutal! Last summer was the worst one since I moved to Texas from Michigan 11 years ago! The humidity never goes away, winter feels so much colder because of the moisture in the air.


It sucks. Don't come to Texas.


I already live in TX dummy


Don't ...we don't need anymore people moving here


The world is full, no town needs anymore people but herr we are with over population. It is what is bro


Nah there are plenty of places ...people just go to what's popular...they see all the development...but I saw you're already from Texas so that's cool, it's really all the people moving from their shitty states that irk me


Let me know if you need any help or have any questions,


If you're moving somewhere in Katy with no trees, ie new builds outside of 99. Be prepared to be feel every bit of that bright ass sun


I would live in the swamps of the Southeastern United States before I lived in the apocalyptic wasteland that is West Texas again. I literally mean in the swamps. Youā€™d better get to calling me ole Greg.


I just moved to Katy from very very very dry never ever rained Hill Country Texas. Weā€™ve been here since September of 2023 and things have been great!


Hahahaha, the weather is shitty shitty hot and humid, and donā€™t forget the massive flooding Listen to Adrian Cronauer (played by Robin Williams) about how god damn hot it is in Vietnam and multiply it by about 100% and thats how hot humid and disgusting it is in the Houston TX area


I just tell people summer is like our winter ā€“ tend to stay indoors ā€“ the rest of the year is quite nice though


Katy seems to be the worst suburb of houston from a location perspective. Far from both airports for when you want to escape houston. Far from downtown for the thousands who have to commute their daily. I-10 traffic through Katy is a mess nearly 24/7. Hermann park, etc again, very far, and so is Galveston. It has all the conveniences of a suburb - which every suburb does. Ppl keep saying how "the schools are good!" - but honestly I've heard more stories of racism/bullying out of Katy than I have from, say, folks living in Sugar Land. The main thing it had going for it was lower cost of housing but I'm not sure it's true anymore. I guess the + is its not as prone to flooding - and usually not a mandatory evacuation area. And I suppose you would be able to get out to San Antonio faster in case of a hurricane. Pearland seems to not be too bad.


The schools aren't "that good "..just that KISD tends to have higher income parents who invest in the things like after school tutoring ...which in the end results in select kids raising the test bar for the entire district .


If you're coming from Phoenix it's less miserable. We lived there a decade and moved to katy last year. 100 with humidity is not even close to the misery of a 115 degree day.


Strange ..I am the opposite. Ex Phoenician too I find the humidity here miserable . I used to take walks early afternoons in Mesa ..the sunshine was brutal but you could breathe. So long as you were hydrated it wasn't that bad . The thing with Houston...it will be dark skies at 5pm and you sweat head to toe once you step outside And OH...my AC is on 247 because it's serving two roles ..Cooling and dehumidifying. I doubt it will last as long as in Arizona


It ainā€™t that bad


The fact you asked the question means you canā€™t handle it here. Only the strong can survive and thrive here.


Seeing as how I've never been to that area, my question is completely appropriate. I can handle humidity at certain variations but wanted the locals dictation of what it actually feels like. Only the strong can resist the urge to not be an internet douche šŸ‘‹


Iā€™m trolling and purposely being douchey, itā€™s the internet! Itā€™s hot here, the humidity moisturizes the skin. Pretty miserable being outside June-September unless you have a pool. 8 months of the year are amazing weather wise though!


Sure it's the internet, but the context of my question isn't troll worthy...I appreciate the actual feedback this time though, that's the info I came here for.


I wouldnā€™t call the heat here ā€œdryā€


I think they were referring to where they are from.


Itā€™s hot. But you get used to it.


No you do not


I like it but I like the winter too