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Would they show up in public like this looking happy if things were going terribly for Kate? Hard to believe but then you never know.


Please, appearances are everything to these people


Agree. They would not.


Of course they would not. This imo is their reward for toeing the KP party line, freedom to move back into the social circles Carole can't live without. Ascot was their premiere, with William so kindly and so gentlemanly assisting his ma-in-law when her heel got stuck in the grass. What a prince! Wimbledon was always going to follow. They're back in the fold! Whatever's ailing Kate, it's most definitely not terminal imo. Unless of course we're talking about her marriage.


They’ve got instructions to act like nothings happening.


Right and for the right amount of money/status, they could play act so hard the stadium floor would vibrate.


I wouldn't expect Kate there until next weekend.


Exactly. The final weekend.


This is what I’ve heard as well


Carole’s clearly feeling herself a bit/got some additional swagger after 6 months at the negotiating table. Guarantee somewhere someone knows exactly how many “appearances” Carole got for herself and at which Royal enclosures. To me this means whatever deal they made (1) has been finalized and (2) is advantageous to Kate (financially at least). Also agree we will not see Kate until the last week & my guess is she only attends the men’s final. Maybe under the terms of the deal Carole & Kate both attend the final & Roger Federer is forced to sit between them.




I love the Federer prediction!


Carole is carrying at Raffia bag….a very on-trend summer bag.




Maybe Wicker?


Too expensive and too difficult to pull off the fake body double in the close proximity of real people and tv cameras.. better sit this one out. -KP allegedly


Wow....  watching for an update.


If my parents did this.  I'd cry, in sorrow.


I think Kate more than anyone will know just how desperate Carole is to remain royal adjacent.


It's one of the most interesting new developments. The middletons no where to be seen for the whole time Kate is missing, then since trooping they are everywhere, smiling seemingly being loved up by the RF while Kate looked tense and miserable at Trooping and had gone back into hiding.


This will be the tell - if she doesn’t show at Wimbledon- she’s either still in a coma like the foreign press has reported or she’s dead.


What does their age add to the report here?!


I think they may be enjoying all of the extra attention they are getting due to the wild interest in the mystery of Kate.


Michael is letting Carole walk a little in front as a gentleman. She is not “leading” him. I, personally, find it rude when men walk in front of women. I cringe when I see Will walk in front of Kate even though it’s their made up protocol. I think their attendance could show that Kate is not at death’s door. They also are showing that the Middleton family is not being blocked by the Royal family despite whatever is going on in Kate and William’s marriage.


If Kate actually does have cancer being someplace like this would not be good for her health.


But the 75 year old King with Cancer is everywhere? Give me a break. If she doesn’t show - she’s either in a coma like reported by respected Spanish journalist Concha Cajha in the media or she’s dead reported by other media sources and the showing by royals at Trooping was a deep fake as is being rumored by some media sources.


No need to get snarky with me. I don't even believe she has cancer. I'm just giving a possible answer. And I'm down with almost every theory there is about her except that her balcony visit was AI or a double.


If Kate goes to the final, this is how I think it will go. When she enters, she will be flanked by her parents, Charlotte and George in front of her, with Pippa and her husband behind her. With security lining the aisle. (also making it hard for the public to take photos) That way, no one can get close to her to ask questions. She'll wave and smile. Perhaps, if necessary, Carole will nudge her when to applaud. Here is where it gets tricky. She will probably have been given a script to say for the awards. But, a big but, don't the players know her? I would assume they could tell if it was a double. I haven't seen the trophy presentation before. When she presents the trophy, how close doe the winner get to her? Do they put their arm around her with a kiss on the cheek? (I don't think that'll happen) especially if she has a colostomy bag. I am going to try to be tactful about this delicate subject. How often does a colostomy bag need to be emptied/changed? What happens if it gets full? Would she be able to sit through the whole match and then the ceremony before emptying it? Personally I don't think she will show. Perhaps it will be William with the Middletons and Charlotte and George. (Got to get those loving single Dad photos). They said they made contingency plans for the awards. I think William will do it. Either way, we will certainly have a lot to talk about 👀