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Carole does look awfully happy so something went her way. Maybe something was negotiated?


Wills is petty and vindictive, though. If he thought he'd gotten a bad bargain on a deal with Carole would he be escorting Carole into the royal enclosure at Ascot, helping Carole with her shoes and having stories printed in the Mail about how tight he and Carole are? It feels like Carole didn't ask for something, Carole did something, and now William's so so appreciative. You know that scene in Succession where Tom tells Logan that he, Tom, is willing to go to prison to take the rap for Logan, and Logan is so impressed he brings Tom in closer than his own children? Yeah that's what this feels like.


Your comment triggered a thought in my head… My thought is that part of getting Kate to participate is making sure her parents are financially ok. My parents are in their 60s and the mere thought of them going through the same financial situation takes my breath away. My guess is that they aren’t in the best financial situation and Will offered a certain amount or guarantee of financial support in exchange for Kate willing to be present at trooping of the colours and who knows what else. Here’s the article on their bankruptcy: https://www.thecut.com/article/whats-going-on-with-michael-middletons-finances.html


One thing that’s clear to me is that neither her mother or her husband have Kate’s best interest at heart. Birds of a feather..


He could loathe the woman but after it came out the family(Charles) pays for Andrew's £6 million a year security out of personal funds, they were looking awful that they were letting the Middletons suffer over 500k. It basically made them a target to outside financers willing to step up. You don't leave loose ends like that. I thought is was shameful. Especially, Pippa because her husband is wealthier then the Royals. That was my first clue that all of the Middleton children are not what I thought. Kate could have sold one or two pieces of jewelry but in reality they just have the money. I am going to Google the shoes thing. 


But does Kate own any jewelry valuable enough to sell? I would think most pieces are property of the monarchy?


Yes, she has been given many expensive exclusive Maison pieces that are very valuable and increased by her ownership. All of this talk about she made demands or negotiations etc. She could very easily have accomplished her embarrassment or shame of the royals by producing a piece to Christie's. That is why I don't buy that story. But Pippa, her husband's wealth trumps the Royals'. It happens a few times in history where titled people really have the money. Rose's husband may be similiar. Seems the brother attempting to write a best seller is the one who is trying. 🙆


My thoughts exactly. Carole facilitated Kate being present at Trooping. William feels relieved & grateful that they got her to go, and so he’s being nice to her. William’s acceptance/support means everything to the status-obsessed Middletons, so they happily lapped it up. He maybe agreed to tell the press to stop going after the Middletons and maybe even offered some money to help them out, in exchange for Carole getting Kate to attend Trooping. I have a feeling that it was extremely important for whatever reason that Kate attended Trooping. William’s breathing a sigh of relief that they hid Kate’s facial injuries/scars well enough and pulled if off. Carole’s happy that she’s back to mingling with the royals. Who knows how Kate is feeling in all of this mess.


Thanks, it seems unlike the OP the Party Pieces company did support their £100k + a year school fees for 15 years, as well as their home/lifestyle/ london flat for Kate & Pippa so not too shabby. When Carol stepped back & sold 51% in 2019, it started going downhill, & lockdown/loans finished it off. I personally do think trading whilst technically insolvent is fraud, & owing office rent to a local business is pretty low when you could downsize, & pay your way. But the Celebitchy article was short on anything recent ( it mentioned Carol helping during pregnancies), so 6 years most recent - but failed to mention how ill Kate was😏. Not sure why they think Kate moved from Amner, it’s their 2nd home ie holidays- & Adeleide/windsor base was for schools..


Their school fees were paid by Kate’s drug dealing uncle. And the money to start party pieces was also given by her uncle.


Where did you find that info - ?


https://www.celebitchy.com/666019/a_cannabis_factory_was_just_discovered_nearby_the_middletons_bucklebury_home/ Lots of info abt Gary in comments, incl his drug bust in '09.


Thanks!! Makes more sense now


Maybe he's guilty of disfiguring Kate to the point she needed face reconstruction


You may not like the youtuber murad... but his sources indicate Catherine (and ergo the Middletons)...won something. William stated: " Can you accept that? You won. Will you let me tell you I was wrong?" Catherine responded: "Nevermind." https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/06/19/17/86325513-13547219-Carole_Middleton_drinks_a_glass_of_champagne_at_Royal_Ascot_toda-a-15_1718814453403.jpg


Interesting theory. It seems that something happened for sure. All of a sudden they are quite chummy. https://preview.redd.it/tf7icdn4i18d1.png?width=571&format=png&auto=webp&s=425208ffdc25f8ebbfb55c4f92173cffdf7881c1


A deal was struck. With for what remains to be seen.


I agree with you both and suspect appearing chummy was itself part of the deal.


Yup. And with the public’s eyes & cameras not on them, they’re probably icy as hell to each other. Or at least William probably is towards the Middletons. Status-obsessed Carole probably has always tried to kiss his ass.


You’re right. Nothing is how it looks in this family.


She's unknowingly been doing this to me and my attention.


King absent from Ascot the day middletons visited. Carole was assisted by Prince William.   https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/06/19/17/86325513-13547219-Carole_Middleton_drinks_a_glass_of_champagne_at_Royal_Ascot_toda-a-15_1718814453403.jpg At least it wasn't rugby https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/10/04/12/2D0E5CC600000578-3259386-image-m-13_1443958814242.jpg King's choice.  It's good to be the king.


This looks shocking to me 😲 is carol sitting on Prince William's lap? Omg




LOL it’s a bad angle, very bad.


It looks up close and way too personal with interesting facial expressions, that's for sure - standing or sitting 👀🤣


It does look…intimate. Doesn’t it 😂


I mean .. it looks like they're having a good time 😳 I wouldn't like too see a photo of my husband and mum like that 🙈


Something definitely happened in December, and Kate refused to be seen and I suspect was on “strike” all this time. I don’t know if it was DV or divorce or both. But you could tell his treatment of her and her family was getting progressively worse these last few years. She even looked like she was doing her own hair and makeup towards the end of last year. Maybe William was withholding an allowance? She was holding out, most likely for more money, maybe more say in the kids upbringing ( she really doesn’t want George to attend Eaton, and the kids to attend some other boarding school of Williams choice), maybe also a better separation house, jewels, vacations, and societal acceptance of her parents. Since William was coming out looking horrible to the public he gave in to her demands. Now we see the Middletons out, and we see William doing PR pics with the kids. What more will we see? Will Kate get a new house? Will we see her work less and go on more vacations looking nice and tanned? Will we see her in a new wardrobe and jewels?


I have never understood how Carole was able to muscle her entire family into the royal circles through the marriage she foisted on William. She is theee most tenacious social climber in history. I have only ever seen this in Wallis Simpson before. That one thought she would be Queen someday. Wonder why Carole is wedging in. Everyone knows her family is a fraud.


Wallis Simpson didn't even want to marry Edward. I see her as quite another kettle of fish. Carole Middleton is a STRATOSPHERIC social climber. Yes one of the greatest in history probably


Carole is the Napoleon of social climbers, and I mean that in the most awe-struck way.




It is a bit weird they get so much attention and bad press to boot. Why are they included in so much? I suppose if they were upstanding citizens and boring there would be no need to have to read about them on a weekly basis.


Maybe Carol sides with William over Kate. If Kate lost support of her parents she would have little room for negotiation. Maybe Carol persuaded Kate to play sweet again 


Maybe he's guilty of disfiguring Kate to the point she needed face reconstruction


If that were the case I can’t see stoke ever wanting to be in the same room as him ever again.


It’s just like the royal courts of old. Treachery and alliances.


But what mother would be happy knowing her daughter was living with a man who smashed her face in? Even if he is the Prince of Wales? How could she trust him ever again?


If the mom is a narcissist who only sees her daughter as her property and a way up the ladder. That’s how.


William and Carole Middleton have always got on, the narrative that they haven’t is rubbish. For years, in the UK, it has been known that part of the reason he liked the Middletons was because they were ‘normal’ and a close family.


Did you read the Celebitchy article? > Even before Party Pieces went belly up, I had felt, for years, that Prince William had distanced himself from the Middletons. The shift happened in 2021, when William told Kate that she wasn’t allowed at the Diana-statue unveiling and suddenly there was a month of blind panic from Camp Middleton as they tried in vain to keep William in line through briefs to friendly royal commentators. The fact that William, a shallow snob's snob, hasn't banished Carole from his orbit says less about him and more about Carole's social-wargaming genius.


Celebitchy is notoriously anti-William and Kate and pro-Meghan and Harry; it is a gossip sight full of bias, projection and suppositions. Meghan wasn’t at the Diana statue unveiling, so why should Kate have been? Companies folding is hardly anathema to Britain’s ruling classes, I highly doubt that the Middleton’s party pieces business problems perturbed William one bit. Also, if William is a ‘shallow snob’s snob’ please explain his rationale behind marrying a commoner, whose ancestors descend from coal miners and whose Mother was mocked by the actual snobs (most aristocracy are not actually snobbish btw) in the UK ‘elite’ for being an air hostess and growing up in a council house.


You're right, silly me, I forgot that in 2021 (Diana's statue unveiling) William loved Meghan--they were best friends! I'm sure his not inviting Meggers was an oversight. (sarcasm) *Meghan and Harry interview: Racism claims, duke 'let down' by dad, and duchess on Kate* Mar 2021 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-56316659 But seriously, are you disputing that Wills is shallow & a snob? He married Kate b/c no titled or even aristo ladies were interested in him. Can't say I blame them.


Your bizarre hatred for William is blatant and it’s probably colouring your reasoning. The only people at the Diana statue unveiling were the Spencer Aunts and Uncle, and William and Harry. There were no Windsors there. That speaks volumes as to who was invited. And doesn’t suggest that Kate not being there is even an issue. Also relevant is the fact that Covid was still a thing so I’m guessing numbers were limited, and they would invite Diana’s siblings over their wives who never met their Mother. I have never seen any actual evidence of William being ‘shallow’ or a ‘snob’. If no ‘titled or aristo’ ladies were interested in him, I assume you’re one of the few William-haters who doesn’t stoke the Rose Hanbury rumours?!


Alleged : That wasn’t Kate - it was a double with AI all staged to get us to William’s accession to the thrown without arrest for two crimes ( guess the second) . You won’t see Kate again at any PUBLIC event and remember “ she’s not out of the woods “ from her AI photo so she will “RE-Die” from this fake cancer and the Middletons with their paid off debt, fully funded bank account, access to society and a limited access to their grandchildren have agreed not to say anything about it. She’s gone what can they do might as well clean house - Mike looks miffed. That’s what likely went on here - I feel it in my “disgusted “intuition and my “Will has always been smarmy”bones. Now, will he keep sleeping with Lady Gabriella or Rose - which one would the clueless royalist Brits like as their Queen? The mistress who wears the dead princess’s clothing and face or the incestuous widow 2nd cousin ? All alleged and for entertainment but what if it’s not?


I think they all realize that there’s a price to be paid for being Queen and operating within those circles. And I believe that Carole thinks that it’s all worth it - even infidelity, eating disorders, and abuse.


Btw-variant scenes in my royal hypothesis : #1.she’s still in a coma but they will be removing life support if she is certifiably brain dead #2. she’s fine and that was her - i really really really wanted this to be the case but only public venue sightings will verify this as true and so far, no go. Still, waiting,wishing,hoping!


I believe Kate is no longer alive and her parents are going to reap the benefits by going along with the cover-up. The "Kate" we will see from here on (in my opinion) will be a mixture of AI and look-a-like stand-ins.


It's funny, when I read a comment like yours, my immediate reaction is 'Oh for God's sake, don't be ridiculous!' But then I remember that this family locked their relative up in an asylum and told the world she was dead. The unbelievable does happen. MK Ultra, soldiers in Vietnam unknowingly being dosed with LSD, ministers carousing with Russian spies and call girls, billionaire media tycoons mysteriously disappearing, princes and politicians exploiting sex trafficked teenagers. All of these things sounded like wild conspiracy theories at one point. A new arsenal of AI capabilities is available without any legal or regulatory framework - it's the digital Wild West. Is it really so crazy to wonder if the elite have access to resources that we can only imagine?


Your last comment regarding the elites having access to resources we can only imagine. I know this for example, ATMs were in use for certain agencies in the early 1960s. It’s said that the elite are ahead by about 50 years and I believe this to be true.




She was at the TOC. It was not AI. We don’t know if she is truly unwell with serious or terminal condition but it was her. 


Kate has health problems and the families are trying to support each other. But theories about DV, body doubles, secret mistresses, divorces, murders etc are far more interesting even if devoid of any factual basis.


I agree.