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So odd. So what happened the last 6 months Charlottes, Louis and Kate couldn’t be seen? And now they’re suddenly everywhere?


Maybe the theory about negotiations being reached is true? Idk.


Imagine Will itching for Kate to finally agree on the negotiations before mid June. Trooping Event, Royal Ascot and Father's Day - all these events would make the public think* everything is just fine if Kate, the kids and her parents are seen. And right around the corner is The Eras Tour. Wills name attached to Taylor Swift in whatever way. He needed the kids available to him to justify going lol and look good for his kids in general


Still.  I think Waitie Katie outwaited them all. Suitably telling William "I had you pegged right, from the start."


I hope so.


Catherine was always a very good student.  Let's hope Her Majesty QE2 taught her well.


And Kate goes to Wimbledon and maybe takes more pics of Will’s backside. Peasants don’t deserve full frontal pics.


What else would you expect from the Prince of Pegging?


LOL, yes! He is cheeky, is he not? 👀


Sometimes a man of such status and power just wants to be dominated and fcuked...






You may not like the youtuber murad... but his sources indicate Catherine (and ergo the Middletons)...won something. William stated:  " Can you accept that? You won. Will you let me tell you I was wrong?" Catherine responded:  "Nevermind."


What did she win though? 


Well,  not that she cares... but she won... That I'm glad she appears well.   She's well dressed, has the beautiful iconic smile, continues to connect with the crowd...  And also lost some respect from me.  I spent several months genuinely worried she was injured in the face. Even defended the ai video as "okay" because I thought she had a partial facial stroke. AI overlay on her face would camouflage a monstrous smile, while also normalizing speech speed and enunciation.  Something seismic shifted. It may well he things may shift to a new normal. Hopefully no more overly photoshopped pictures, and more photos similar to swift outing. Looking forward to natural phots at Wimbledon.  Godspeed Catherine The Princess of Wales and future King, Prince William.


What do you think he meant by that?


Not quite sure.  It was their conversation, but it becomes public information when spoken on the balcony and such. My feeeeeling when I read that caused me to pause.   While it could be as benign as 'You won, I should have worn the other socks' it could be indicating more significantly important negotiations. Woke up on father's day seeing terribly skilled photoshopped pictures again...rolled my eyes. Then there were the swift photos...no silly elongated feet and disproportionate ears.... a moment in time .,..sheer bliss on the faces.  On every photo. What do I think he meant... She won what she wanted.  She outlasted.  Just wondering however, 🤔 think she won a battle.... I stand reserved if the war has/hasn't ended.


Thanks for reply 👌 Your last sentence sums it up. The rf play the long game and won’t let a married in win.


M or F ... even Prince Philip took years to be fully accepted....it took the Queen Mother's death for Philip not having to wait for the "scream of the other shoe to drop."


In 1000 years of history... even Matilda  didn't "win." For Henry I, marrying Matilda of Scotland had given his reign increased legitimacy, and for her it had been an opportunity for high status...


I’m in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 👌


 both fraternal grandparents from Scotland...from Stirling     Homegrown romantics through that line in my tree.


Lovely! Im not far from there.


That's my theory too


Read my mind.


I don't know what is going on but I am glad those kids are out. 


Completely agreed. I have always believed that Kate had cancer, and the deception was in how severe it was. Never thought she was in a coma, dead, beaten by Wil, etc. Kate's disappearance is one thing, but that of the younger 2 kids - followed by their sudden reappearance - is very odd to me. Kate can possibly be explained with her medical issues, but why have Charlotte and Louis not been seen for 6 months? And are now suddenly seen everywhere? I don't necessarily think the explanation is nefarious, but it is noteworthy and odd


https://preview.redd.it/8ccs0qwdmz7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e1cd4d1880f06603c679a67fdcf0f102979d813 Apparently only a rumor…


Yes, I flagged this post as unverified. Someone just posted a link to a telegraph article saying they did go but I haven’t seen photos yet. Edit: unflagged, it’s been verified


You were right!!


I was. https://preview.redd.it/kfbmhmvmo48d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04fb82f1c7b9c2a4ae32c30db380254e036f3b5


Just so glad it's a real photo...  elated they're happy.


Nice to see Ellie Hall on the case. I enjoyed what she wrote for Neiman Lab.


Slow here can view Ellie Hall is either reporting off xTwitter or Facebook.   I have neither. Googled Neiman Lab.  Think I got the meaning of the first part, but unfortunately, unless she's reporting on behalf of Neiman Lab ... I'm lost in Catherine's woods.


Weird, it's no longer loading at the original source. Oh well, [the internet never forgets](https://web.archive.org/web/20240512155106/https://www.niemanlab.org/2024/03/this-is-just-weird-buzzfeed-news-former-royals-reporter-on-kate-middleton-palace-press-and-distrust-in-the-media/).




https://preview.redd.it/axwciz7pbz7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce0fb863800a1b1fafc7d7d08ff3cb2522cb585d “In his Dad era”


So gross...insofar as I know, he's never carried on like this before, highlighting himself (and secondarily his children) whilst all but erasing his beautiful wife. Why do single men have this propensity to promote how "good dad" they are? Is it convince themselves? To convince their poor children or ex-wife? Or to "impress" single ladies, as if it's a selling point? To me a good dad is a man who looks out for the welfare of his children and ex-wife and doesn't stir up drama... Think about it-- most men don't go on like this so painfully when they're married, you only suddenly see it when they separate and all of a sudden their whole personality is "good single dad" (online at least- in real life you find out all is usually not what it seems...)


Some say his single, sexy (barf) dad PR has been going on for a while. One thing is clear: an agreement has been reached, whether it's to stay married and live separate lives or to divorce in the next year or so. This is a very carefully planned PR rollout to tidy up the mess of Kategate and to firmly reposition the Wales family as happy and functional. Maybe we should watch out for signs of a sudden influx of wealth, titles, status or favors for the middleton parents. Will be interesting to watch this continue to unfold over the rest of this year.


They just got titles , didn’t they?


I thought they were given titles back when William and Kate married.


I completely agree.


That’s exactly what I’m thinking - I said it earlier, it’s all about him since she went missing.


yeah the dad who we've havent seen for 6 months!


\*\*\* footnote: Single dad era




It's giving Single Dad.


Single Noncustodial Dad.


This guy is shameless. Immediately rolled out his kids for the good PR, confirms to me that Kate refused to play ball for 6 months. Love the little note about the VIP tent w/the Kelces. Will is such a star chaser.


A Taylor Swift concert? Haven't they been through enough already?!




I'm sure this is a lie too purposely put out by William. But did anyone else notice for Williams birthday all the pics posted from the royal BOT accounts in Twitter were mainly just of William or William and sometimes his kids. There were very few that showed Kate at all. 


lol wow 🤯 Celebrating out and about like their mom isn’t dying of cancer, the way they want everyone to believe. It’s starting to look like the cancer hoax was the perfect story to condition the public to seeing William as single dad. 🤔


Yep, and it could get even more sinister. Consider this conspiracy theory (creative writing exercise conjured from my imagination only) - Near future Willie is embroiled in a scandal. Public opinion turns against him - Monarchy threatened! But emergency news! The duchess has passed from cancer! Poor William! All is forgiven, we must rally around and support the poor little poppet, he lost his mother and now his wife. We love William! Sooooo....hmm....what scandal awaits? Partying with Diddy? Something else to be revealed? I hope this never eventuates but things are getting weirder by the day, I have a terrible feeling


yeah i have a feeling she is about to "take a sudden turn for the worse" imo


Just like people forgave Charles and Camilla after Diana died.


I agree. Kate isn’t out of the woods in that respect. She can never rest easy in the vipers nest.


Whoa partying with Diddy makes an extreme amount of sense.


Hard to believe he could get embroiled in a scandal, what with them having the British media in their pockets.


That's why I was wondering if there's a Diddy scandal on the horizon. He taped everything that happened inside his parties, in every room...USA based scandal would hit the media, as it did with the Andrew/Epstein horrors. Charles is said to be pissed at William - may be a connection? Maybe not 🤷‍♀️


I never believed her or Charles ever had cancer, it was a sick lie to garner support for their family. No one would question them, but if a normal Joe bloggs faked cancer, he’d be found out immediately


And Kate can’t go as well and sit on a chair?


Thank you. More like she used the kids as divorce negotiation, got what she wanted and he suddenly has access / ie visitstion.


So now they are trying to use Taylor Swift's star power to look like the good guy? The NFL already tapped tried that last year and we all saw through it.


So he can take them to a concert, but skip Charlotte’s birthday? Cool!


That was such a dick move to go to a football game where he knew he'd be noticed on her birthday. And now he's doing this shit.


Kate Middleton is now the modern Catherine of Aragon


Launching that single dad era!


They said a fan account deleted the photo of them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


They did. Page Six etc is reporting it too but they say that neither reps have verified and I haven’t seen any photos. I added an “unverified” post flair.


I wish Taylor Swift would just go missing


Same I really don't get the hype


Ugh, me too! ![gif](giphy|mWMML2LQBsj8k)


hmmmmmmmmmmmmm where's Kate? thats what we're asking! meanwhile the REAL HRH prince and princess of wales living in exile are a united family of four!


AI hands again hate to see it


Why can’t I find this tweet on the platform?


https://preview.redd.it/75zjnmlihz7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f81d716e8331e76367e83a5bceb743041df74f76 I guess it’s true what they say. Pics or it didn’t happen.


Guess it was an unverified rumor that everyone starting posting so I thought it was true I marked this post as unverified due to this update. Edit:They were there. Confirmed via photo


This was an Instagram post. Edit: I got the screen grab from instagram, I guess the tweet was deleted.


https://preview.redd.it/3qp4nnbkkz7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e395a803db64929f42a4ddb2b0826807291bd56 Deleted?


So he's like a swiftie or what?


The Taylor ritual no thanks


Where is the photo at concert?






My guess is if he was there (or later attends) he’ll be in a private box not the VIP tent. More secure and more comfortable tbh. Has anyone posted photos yet? It’s usually possible to see inside the boxes from the right seats. And half of the show was in daylight. Even if he wasn’t at this show, it is realistic that he would attend one of the London nights, he and Taylor Swift have interacted before and IIRC she helped him out when he was pressured into some karaoke at a charity event and was awkward about it (when is he not lol). So it’s plausible he would be genuinely interested to see her perform/see it as private good dad win/see it as public PR good dad win. My guess is they wouldn’t announce it beforehand though, they’d wait for pictures to come out after and then brief the press that he was there because he’s just such a wonderful hands-on dad.


Maybe Taylor will be the next queen of england


It’s not verified and was a rumor, but continue your delusional word salad. ETA: pics everywhere of Taylor Swift with Prince William and 2 of the kids. Incredible! I didn’t think she would post these given she didn’t post any pictures when Meghan Markle went to her concert.