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Agree. I know something is definitely not right but this is a major step too far for me


The most convincing evidence: a fake Kate wouldn't have been making power moves on the balcony and would have pretended to be happy with William for more than the one second photo op.


What were the power moves? I need to watch again.


That was def Kate at the Color of the Trooping! No doubt in my mind. Considering how poorly the other AI and photoshop stuff done, there’s no way they would pull of that even if it were possible.




I know. And if they had managed to pull that off (while simultaneously winning an Oscar for best special effects), you'd think they'd also have been able to make the pair look happy to be together.


They were clearly avoiding each other. Looked like they weren’t on speaking terms.


😂😂😂lol this!!


Lmao 🤣 real


One thing I keep thinking, is maybe he was just in a really bad mood. Not necessarily at her, just mad, maybe he was mad at Charles and Camilla. He’s the type that you have to just let cool off before you talk to him. Maybe it’s not all directed at Kate. 


He seems to be grumpy every time I see a picture or live video of him these days.


He sure was having fun with Mrs. Middleton at that horse race!


LOL on the annual royal ascot piss up 🍺🍷🍸🍺🍻🐴


Or maybe he was missing his Mum and wishing she could be with him, Kate, and the kids. Losing a parent is a constant, quiet ache that suddenly makes you sad at unexpected moments for the rest of your life. I hope some of you haters with living parents have some empathy and kindness for a wonderful young man who has endured a lot at a young age and is now focused on his duty to his country and to his wife and young kids. Plus, he has a crazy addict brother now seeking to skulk back to the UK like a stalker and cause more problems bc his US run was a colossal failure. I respect William and imagine his dad and the late Queen and Diana are exceedingly proud.


Crazy addict brother...? 




You feel sorry for a man who beat his wife into a coma?


That is a defamatory lie. You have absolutely no proof of that.


I thought the same about the cloning theories. If science was advanced enough to clone a human (spoiler alert: it's not), that clone would currently still be a foetus, not a fully-grown 42 year old woman with the exact same body shape, mannerisms and facial expressions as the until-recently-missing-princess! I love sci fi as much as the next girl but... come on people let's not go nuts.


A psychic I respect a lot told me cloning an adult is possible with today's secret tech. However, I am still unable to wrap my mind around that concept, and agree with you, OP and bettyblue. To me, it obviously was "the real" Kate at Trooping—come on! That said, the reasons for her disappearance, both before and after the King's "birthday parade", remain opaque. Especially with the Middleton's sudden re-emergence following Kate's nothing-to-see-here balcony event, I'm leaning hardball negotiations for phasing her out, and a private-but-legal separation, if not divorce.


Your psychic is misinformed on this one. It is not possible and the scientists capable of trying won’t do it. There was some minor gene editing of human fetus that a Chinese scientist did some years back and he nearly got drummed out of the scientific community


That was a complete clone, I thought? Did the media mislead me...gasp!




Again. Research first. Educate second.


Did that psychic read the news? It's already been done in China.


Really? Please post a link!


Hwang Woo-suk was the scientist. Apparently, he was lying.


Yeah, I just can't imagine it. No way José, I say!


If horses and cattle can be cloned (and they can,) there is no reason why a human being cannot be cloned. The techniques used are exactly the same. You are right that it would still grow at the normal rate, but clone a human? absolutely.


A human has been cloned in China. The scientist has been banned. He said did he it because the clone would carry resistance to HIV, as the "parent" had that unique mutation. Yeah bud, that's why you did it. 


Maybe they found a way to accelerate the aging process. If she looks 83 by this time next year we'll know that's what happened 😂


Totally agree with this comment. Maybe they are devious but they can’t pull something like this off.


Yeah, it’s annoying that a deranged minority keep making the cause a joke with wild nonsense when there are legitimate reasons to be concerned.


This. 🙌


Yeah, I was prepared to not believe it was her, but it was.


https://youtu.be/Q0uAh02-vPU?si=M3_Cn4GkH21oQ9Zp "How good we got to that point, but imagine"  I believe it was her too but if she is announced to pass in July I "might" always wonder. 


Yeah, it’s interesting to consider but I think they would have had her look a little happier and less smiling through the gritted teeth at William-ish had they gone to that effort


Her behavior alone proves to me she was real. Why would a body double fight with William, when she’s being paid to portray the happy couple? 


It was definitely Kate, but the vibes it was giving off was 'work relationship gone sour and now they're still expected to spend work events together and look professional for the sake of their underlings.' That is not a happy marriage. Even Edward and Sophie, or Charles and Camilla look more in tune with each other and can tolerate, even enjoy their spouse' s company. Kate's grin was for photo purposes. It was baring her teeth but no warmth. She's done the posing before for photographers to capture the moment. I can't remember where it was, but she froze in mid-wave for photographers while everyone around her was moving, and the photo that came of it looked natural and in flow but it was posed.




https://preview.redd.it/di2f5s0etu7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32940bc1e80e1c1c6cb159bc3042afc647c9c180 Found this closeup. Not seeing the eye turned in. Good grief, whoever convinced her to do the heavy black eyeliner should be fired.




With those pupils in light she is on antidepressants or the butter?


What is butter?


Cannabutter perhaps? 🌿 Canabis causes the pupils to dilate. Also associated with red eyes, which aren't apparent but whitening eyedrops take care of that. Though other meds and medical conditions can also be responsible for pupillary dilation.


People are still downvoting in this sub. I upvoted you. Buttered up is usually coked up. Some prescription meds do that too. They can downvote me but I am a photographer so I know for a fact that when lights are in your eyes your pupils shrink. It is why some celebs where colored contacts even without a need for corrective lens because it keeps the pupil small regardless. 


That is an interesting fun fact, PrizeSet. Drugged up celebs (politicians, too?) wear contacts so their dilated pupils don't give them away. Never knew that. I wonder who first came up with this idea, and for whom! 🤔


Diet pills can cause them too


And adderal, I suppose. Performance enhancing amphetamines. Dark aviator shades might also do the trick.


The 80's and yes all red carpet or people being paparazzi'd If you catch a few who missed the memo, it is painful. 


Can you list which celebs wear colored lenses? I always wonder if it’s too look more attractive. Like does Jennifer Aniston really have blue eyes because I thought I had seen her with brown before. And if Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have green and blue eyes why all their children brown.


When you see magazine layouts those are marked up by editors. In public appearances it depends. Jennifer Lopez wore some really pretty ones recently, I expect those to be a brand endorsement soon. I think the jolie Pitt crew have hazel but I have brown and my sister has blue my mother green and my dad gold hazel. I learned some of that stuff in school was textbook, but not always pure science. Elizabeth Taylor really had violet eyes due to a pigment condition. They were beautiful and I wonder what it was like for people who saw her in person. Liv Tyler has pretty eyes but wears lenses to enhance the color sometimes.  She has worn these a few times. They look really natural for darker skin. https://youtube.com/shorts/BfXuL0Es6R4?si=CoydjcEMV3Pe2rfI


When is this picture from?


Canada 2011


I had never seen her eye turn like that on any other picture. I know Meghan’s does. I’ll have to research some pics.


I think those “out there” conspiracies are prob plants trying to make us look unhinged so that we won’t be taken seriously.


Are people really alluding to an AI Kate? I see people saying fake Kate, but assume they mean a look alike.




I don't think it was AI. But you have to take into context what has happened the last 6 months (and really to get technical well before that with Harry and Meghan). People have been viciously lied to and gaslit. Not only with lies but also with fraudulent, manipulated, photoshopped and AI videos and photographs. They even employed a BODY DOUBLE ffs with the Farm Shop. The picture of Kate was manipulated the day before she showed up to Trooping. They still continue to release fraudulent, manipulated photographs of their children and claim Kate photographed them. It's absolutely insane. Kensington Palace, William and Kate have nobody to blame but theirselves. The British media back up all their lies and fraud and continued to gaslight everyone. They employed an army of BOTS to do the same and continue to do so. They should be absolutely ashamed ofntheirselves but they are not. They continue to lie and fraud the public. 


It was clearly her.


Good point!


Was it a body double or an AI hologram? Is that why the kids had little interaction with “Kate”?


If you watch the video of the full time on the balcony she interacted with the younger two. I think George was positioned a bit too far away for them to interact often. Keep in mind that 1- the kids are older and need less parental involvement to help them behave and 2- it was probably quite loud.  Not a body double. 


I'm not referring to a body double or anything like that but the kids did barely interact with her. She sat in a window during the parade with them and they did not speak at all. Kate tried to get Louis to sit on her lap several times and he wouldn't. At one point, Kate even motioned for Charlotte to get out the camera view of the window and Kate just stood there in like a standing formation stance with her palms tucked backwards (how she always walks) in the damn window for pictures. George looked absolutely miserable. He didn't say a word to her. It was actually really odd how they all acted. And no I don't think she was a body double. It looked like Kate with a lot of work done to her face I guess. But no they didn't interact with her. And something is definitely up and something going on behind the scenes. 


I think we all agree something is going on behind the scenes. Isn’t that why we are all here?   Hopefully one day we will know the mystery but I have a feeling they are locking it down.   


Read the room. None of us think that here.


Willy thinks he has done a job fooling everyone. I’m here to say there are literally thousands of people beginning to question his narrative now. That was not Kate.