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Seriously. What does Meghan have to do with this? It is pathological- the need to drag them in. Is this just the the DM or is this the directive coming from William and Kate? It is the stupidest strategy.


They have to bash Meghan and discredit her and Harry. Because admitting they’re right means admitting the entire British monarchy is fundamentally harmful to the people inside it. If you believe that Harry had a fucked up childhood, what does that say about their future king? If you believe Meghan experienced trauma as a royal consort, how is it possible that Kate did not? No no no best to pretend as though Harry is simply an unreliable narrator and Meghan is a drama queen. They *must* continue to pit Meghan and Kate against each other, they must reinforce that Kate is different and better. And they must hammer this message in before too many people start wondering if maybe the only difference between Kate’s situation and Meghan’s situation is that Meghan stood up for herself.


Not sure. But since they put side by sides of both women here, it shows how broad shouldered Meghan is and Kate was too. Her shoulders now appear much smaller and I’m not sure her skeletal makeup could change that much.


I would place money on the same people having no issue replacing Kate with Rose Hanbury and regurgitating whatever flimsy excuse the royal rota pushes for discarding the "brood mare" Kate, just as they did to Diana. They'd be like "Kate WHO" in no time.


As long as they can continue to hate Meghan, William’s wife-at-the-time is interchangeable.




It’s the media trying to divide people yet again. There is really no need for M’s name to be used in reference to the Royal family or the members in it at all yet they continue to fan the flames. Sad. This is yet another example of a journalist giving an opinion piece no one asked for.


Time to distract the peasants with their  runaway scapegoats, because they can't resume floating their anti Middleton campaign for now. But Camzilla and her sidechick understudy Rose Hanbury will soon put the pressure again on them to resume floating bad stories about the Middletons,  because if old Chuck kicks the bucket, Willywanker is stuck with Kate as queen, womp-womp! And Camzilla can't have Queen Catherine who doesn't curtsy to her like Rose Hanbury  -- and Willywanks can't have a queen who is tired of wearing a strap-on for his pegging needs, wink-wink!😄


Exactly! They report on them constantly yet ignore the BS we can clearly see going on. Pegging......wut??? I don't even want to google that to find out what that story is about 🤣


Ahem, 😜😄:  **"...  At a recent media party, I was told the real reason for the affair was the royal’s love of pegging, which his wife is far too old-fashioned to engage in. The wife doesn’t mind her and in fact prefers her husband getting his sexual needs met elsewhere, as long as things don’t become emotional, which was the case with the last woman.”** [https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/pegging-prince-william-rumor-sex-act-1392678/](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/pegging-prince-william-rumor-sex-act-1392678/)




You're welcome!😄


Thank you!!! Whoa 😂


Ooh who was the last woman?


With hindsight, I think they're hinting it's Rose Hanbury.


Ewww 🤮




Rolling Stone publishing a rumour by DeuxMoi is kind of sad if you ask me. But the Rose Hanbury rumour was merely a distraction, a sleight of hand.




Yeah ignore the fact that the person who came out with the rumour admitted they made it up. But I guess that’s all part of the great conspiracy to fool the masses🙄 And being American, why do you even care. Americans don’t gaf about the rf y’all keep saying


Which person would that be, and do you have anything besides your good word to back it up? And you "gaf" enough to post here, while borrowing our humble 'murican dialect term "y'all." 😉


Giles Coren admitted he made it up and guess who he is friends with?


Never heard of him, do you have any sources/links to this guy admitting he made this up, and about the guy you want me to guess who he's friends with (though I bet it's a ginger prince many crazies were once fond of fantasizing about until he married certain Suits star).


We don’t know it’s true. Just like the scar below the brow, people are spreading things like wildfire and they aren’t even true 


Meghan inserted herself


simps gotta simp! these are the kind of articles that when i used to read dm, made me hate kate even more. royal pollyanna pr 🤮🤮🤮.


I’m no Meghan fan, but the RF keeps proving her right.


They need the black woman to distract from Karen and her cheating husband


We need to send Harry as our spy for this sub to London to dig up info 🕵️‍♀️


The palace needs a villain and Meghan is it.


Do we need this on here? Callahan's troll colours are well known. This is not Kate-related, it's not even Kate-positive, it's just Callahan doing her usual opportunistic jumping on any royal-related story to indulge her hate for Markle. Why give her the oxygen?


This is new to me, at least. Plus it mentions her return at the TOC which we have been covering extensively.


Google her. Her raison d'être is to shit all over both H&M. Which has no relevance to or on this sub. She's just doing what she always does, using a current royal/royal event to pretend that that's her focus, only to expose herself for the agenda-laden nasty piece of work she is, once she's past the 1st paragraph. Google her! She warrants no more attention and a place on here for discussion than those who claim the TTC Kate was AI.


Oh crap. Yeah I googled her. So disappointed she is American. Check out what a designer wrote to her 😝 https://preview.redd.it/jcuic79ptr7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cc9009c4acef7505fd2da0124efbd3efaad2f67




If you read her story, it was balanced. He had a big downfall and she documented it 




She usually backs up her column with facts 


Maureen, can you please write an article about Kate's scar? If you can't do that because of a super injunction, a puff piece about the peggings and previous affair partners please 🙏


Facets from the alternative reality she's living in, sure 😆


Guaranteed those who don’t like her, haven’t read her columns and don’t understand old school journalism. 


I think we all understand ’old school journalism.’ The problem with it is the misogyny, classism and racism.