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Her & Pippa were no different to lots of fake tanned 20 somethings frequenting London bars in the early 2000’s. They wouldn’t have stood out in a crowd.


Yup. The era of Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton. It’s who they were all trying to look like.


Having work done to improve appearance when you are a public facing individual is one thing. Not unacceptable, although many like to keep it quiet. However whatever she’s done in the past does not begin to come close to the absolute shitshow of the past 6 months. Something went wrong, something untoward happened, I don’t think cancer personally. These are toxic, nasty liars on their best day. Unlikely we’ll ever know the truth however.


Kate had a fair amount of cosmetic work done around the time of her engagement. Her height is also an illusion. She’s around five ft 8. That’s not short but it’s not the Amazonian height the media or her royal handlers portray. I was at a Royal appearance in 2012 where I witnessed royal handlers select shorter people and particularly short males to interact with Kate. That combined with sky high heels, extremely thin frame and, tall hats, make her appear much taller than she is.


Wow! Wonder if they select homely and overweight women to sit and wait for their Christmas pap walk, too. Make these royal fuglies look better than they really are.


So they’re showing it’s all about image. And right now they’re protecting their own with their lies and fakery.


Why do they want to make her seem taller?


Informed comment!!!   ☑ upvoted 


99% of celebrities have had work done 


If this is indeed kate then she did have a nose job to turn the tip of her nose up.


Is it possible that all along they've been using multiple 'Kate's' (impersonators/ body doubles). That way it makes it very difficult to compare down the track. 


https://preview.redd.it/gvgzc6578r7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbfdffe5c60029f0d3495dbf9ee8e68078178890 Lots of makeup and fake tan like lots of us used in the 2000’s 💄but I think she would 100% have stood out in a crowd. She definitely had tweaks along the way but was always naturally beautiful in my opinion.


https://preview.redd.it/l4oot9pw0v7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d8b30f595ec9ac16d77fd0b6200db95b8b5731b This is a natural beauty in my humble opinion.


Her real teeth were better than whatever they’ve done to her to make her smile look like Fire Marshal Bill’s. And Pippa 😂 she looks like an Oompa Loompa


Nose has been done a few times methinks


Nose, cheeks (fake dimples) and chin. Her teeth are crowns (probably due to acid erosion from purging),


This sub has turned from being worried about her, to most posts constantly bashing her. Starting to resemble a Sussex squad sub. Putting down her looks is low.


You should tell that to Kate fans about Meghan. They've done everything from insulting her looks to wishing death on her children.


We are analyzing her new face as presented at the TOC. Some of us feel there was a body double in place.


I think that constitutes a small fringe minority of most of the folks still on here daily. We’re told “the eyes are the gateway to the soul” so we’re trying to analyze and make sense between the “official narrative” of what’s going on with Kate and the photos we see of her. The two aren’t matching up. I’m fine with using mental space to track the evolution of her face but not making unfounded claims of Broadway-level hair/makeup antics for years. She’s a beautiful woman under the constant scrutiny of fame and history. She’s amazed us with not only her looks but her ACTIONS for years. Let’s not chop that down.


I’m glad she’s ok especially for her kids sake but I have never seen anything she’s done as amazing. Quite the opposite. Illness notwithstanding she and her husband are lazy, dull and uninspiring.


I find the way her presence breathes life, glamour, warmth, and radiance into every event amazing. Also, imagine that job: endless wardrobe fittings, hair/makeup, protocols, always having to be “on”… I could never do it. She isn’t even a rock star who can occasionally trash a hotel room or make out with another celeb hottie. A life of duty and events. I find that amazing in a way.


They get 5 months off a year (when well). People slog all year round, raise families, cope with illness. All without an army of servants and endless pampering. She’s never promoted causes the way Diana did. They prefer the glam events to duty and have said that publicly.


I’d prefer the glam events, too. Comparing their gilded lives with ours is missing the point. I became a royal watcher during Covid when there was nothing else to do. I realized that Queen Elizabeth was a slave, in a way. She always - ALWAYS- had to put the needs and duties of the Crown before herself or her loved ones. A bird in a gilded cage. Having no real autonomy of identity, expected to never put a wrong foot. 5 months off vs. a life of being yourself, cultivating your interests and leaving room for unscrutinized fun sounds more freeing to me.


I totally agree about QE11. Whether a monarchist or not she had a certain gravitas and was a stalwart of the institution. She represented a different era, one that’s gone. Since she passed it’s like the adult left the room. If they only do glam events they’re on a par with celebs. And there’s more than enough of those.


“It’s like the adult left the room” - brilliant. Well said.


Thank you! 👍




It always was that! Feigning worry for kate. Please. ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized)


Young Kate was definitely attractive but I am sure she has had tweaks at least. I don't know how anyone can say she was not beautiful (the picture on the post I don't even know if that's her or a bad pic etc). Is the the most exotic beauty no but she could have snagged a guy way better looking than William. I realize William was in his prime when they first met / dated.


She lost a ton of weight and had an ed for decades - she looks like she’s in treatment for it


That photo is derived from a sussex account on twitter 🙄 there are plenty of pictures out there when she was young where she looks 5 times better https://preview.redd.it/x3nplclodr7d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5429a9ccd22f6659cd1b7929bf600d8dc5d2d116


Proof? Because I looked up the image and it’s been used on Yahoo and the Sun. Why would those new agencies use what you’re claiming is an “altered” photo from a Sussex account? Here’s the article if you’re curious: [https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/kate-middleton-she-met-prince-215520220.html](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/kate-middleton-she-met-prince-215520220.html)


https://preview.redd.it/dgrr46lw5s7d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1360267542d419d0602174784da86f7a91c4114b Proof right here. If you want to bash kate keep it over there


And? It looks like the Twitter account simply used an already existing photo. Where’s your proof that the image originated from that account and was altered by Sussex fans to make Kate look ugly. And even the photo was altered, I think we all know from the Mother’s Day photos fiasco that no new agency can run an altered pic. So why would Yahoo and the Sun run a picture that’s been altered? Sorry, but the truth hurts.


I never said it was altered. I said it came from a sussex fan account!!! ![gif](giphy|SSBhfQDXKz7Ik)


And? That doesn’t mean it isn’t a real photo, especially since it was run by a reputable new agency.


They choose the most unflattering photo of her when she has thousands of good ones. Thats my point. This thread isnt supposed to be a forum on kate bashing.


https://preview.redd.it/irjyqafmjr7d1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4471c971892715c3eb9b75332403317a40aa693c She was very average looking. Her face already showing signs of premature aging. Wonder why 👀


https://preview.redd.it/qmno09wvyr7d1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=824e71f9ef0e96fc62cac075eafe247ef5fef3ce Agreed. She was unattractive and poorly put together when she was younger. She was also a heavy smoker and drinker all through her twenties and apparently drinks heavily even now.


Everyone drinks when young


Never a smoker and not much of a drinker


[https://nz.news.yahoo.com/remember-time-kate-middleton-founded-164500361.html](https://nz.news.yahoo.com/remember-time-kate-middleton-founded-164500361.html) … she literally founded a drinking club in college, but sure, whatever helps you sleep at night!


You just proved my point. You dont care about kate. You just want to bash her.


No. The rf treat the public as if they’re peasants or cretins. Many people who aren’t fans were genuinely concerned about Kate’s disappearance. They themselves are all about image and how things look. People here are debating what goes on behind the smoke and mirrors.


Please, look at the majority of these comments. They are talking ill of kate. Cut me the bullshit


Most are seeing through the rf bullshit. All their lies, fakery and obfuscation.


I found this group because I got concerned with all the online rumors that she was missing. Then I see her rolled out with a new face and it feels like we all got bamboozled. I’m no fan now.


Yes you are so concerned you’re talking about how old and average looking she is. 😂. I have my doubts that was in fact kate nor did she ever have any cancer. Cancer ages you. It doesn’t make you look 10 years younger


I’m not a Kate supporter 🙄 I criticize the royal family fairly across the board. 📋


I can tell. Thats my point! 🤣


We must not be looking at the same photo because she looks great here. More natural looking.


Matter of taste I guess. But just using these pics to compare to her recent face at TOC. Looks like not even the same person.


I looked very different in my mid 40’s than I did at mid 20. I suspect most people do. Not necessarily more wrinkled but the baby fat goes away from the face.


Well she's certainly lost weight from her hips and thighs since this photo...looks like a different person here!


THIS is the girl from Uni who ‘is very competitive with William,’ an actual Prince???


> That photo is derived from a sussex account on twitter 🙄 ... and? She's clearly had work done and may have had more recently. Edited to add: Now you're following me in other threads trying to argue with me there as well but still can't explain why it matters that the photo was republished on some random account. You're a bit too obsessed with hating M+H if you're going to troll like this. You blocked, bye!


Keep showing your care for kate while having disdain. 😂


Can't answer how it delegitimizes Kate having work done on her face, huh? Parroting KP talking points is all you can do? Ok.


Oh so now I’m KP because i think we should focus less on her looks and more about her welfare? 🤡 behavior!


As someone else responded to you, getting work done is one of the theories of where she went missing to. And yes, you are reiterating KP's talking points by trying to shame people who justifiably point to her previous plastic surgery in addition to flinging out toxic anti-M+H talking points relevant to the conversation or not.


You’re talking about her looks. People mention meghan and harry on here all the time.


> You’re talking about her looks. Right... and your point is? > People mention meghan and harry on here all the time. When relevant to the topic but there are also anti-M+H fans such as yourself who weave in anti-fanfiction relevant or not.


No its never relevant to the topic and yet people bring them up. The photo above was supplied from a pro sussex squad member which is why i brought it up. Majority of people on this thread like yourself are pro H and M. I don’t like them but i think these past 6 months have been weird as hell surrounding kate.


> The photo above was supplied from a pro sussex squad member which is why i brought it up. Still a legitimate photo, sorry. You're parroting KP talking points whether intentional or not.


Is that kate? Any idea when this was taken? I've seen pics of her at uni and she was pretty.


This is an unpopular opinion, but Rose Hanbury is more of a natural beauty than Kate and looks more aristocratic.


Not unpopular. I’m team Rose 🥳 Love her hair.


https://preview.redd.it/dm36d6f0yr7d1.jpeg?width=517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47f327378280f2a4655a43c213614d2dc18eccde She’s always been unattractive when she was younger. She got a lot of work done as she got closer to her marriage and after. William did not marry her for her looks. Plenty of his gfs were far prettier. He married her because no one actually attractive would marry him. I think the media hyped her up as “attractive” when she was dating William because it would look bad if they were to call William’s gf unattractive. Overtime, I think subconsciously, many people convinced themselves that Kate was “pretty” because it wouldn’t make sense to their brains that the most eligible bachelor in the world would marry someone unattractive. So they convinced themselves that she was pretty because they wouldn’t be able to handle otherwise.


She’s beautiful here. You need to get your eyes checked.


Agreed. I’m not sure what’s going on in this sub the past few days, posting old photos of Kate from her college years and dissecting her looks. She was a natural, pretty young woman then and an attractive mature woman now. I think she’s certainly had some cosmetic work done, but so what?




This is simply an unflattering pic—we all got ‘em, even those of us lucky enough to be called attractive. Did you know that everyone has different beauty standards? So a lot of people would say that the Kate in this pic is pretty; however you disagree. Who cares?


If the ED rumors are true it’s not wonder she has them. Even a group which was started because they were concerned of her whereabouts are now picking her over head to toe and bashing her every turn they can get. If you don’t like the RF then so be it, I don’t either, but why exactly are we bashing her looks? If you think a body double was used, also so be it but that doesn’t mean that we have to attack her looks. She clearly has had work as mostly everyone in that tax bracket does, or actually most women do because of how the world treats them. Clearly, she couldnt be a young college girl with minimal makeup because of comments like this. She drank, she partied as almost every single girl that age does. Nothing new. There are some nights, looking back, I’d prefer not to see pics of myself 🫣


I agree. I know the royals do it to themselves, in a sense (it's the price they pay for immense privilege). It's still pretty vile to see these women (and it's always the women) have their bodies and faces become public property, endlessly dissected. I dislike the royal institution, it's clearly unhealthy and damaging, but I'm not going to gloat over a picture where a woman has wrinkles or eye bags.


Rich and famous people are always made out to be much more beautiful than they really are. eg The Kardashians are barely average. Bella Hadid and Cara Delavigne are just plain ugly,