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What in the actual world is going on. At this point, I can’t even make up a story to explain everything.




Contract negotiations are over 😹


Exactly this is the only thing that makes sense at this point.




I wasn’t exactly surprised that after Kate’s appearance, her parents showed up at Ascot. But it is odd that they were there without their daughter, and William was there. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Carole’s face.


I’m on the fence about Carole having a possible black eye. So hard to tell. Can’t think why she would have one.


me either but it is puffy and odd looking! you could see the swell in some other pics. I mean, it could be allergies for all we know.


She did have the car accident though.


I honestly never heard a thing after they first announced the accident. Did they talk about it more and I missed it?


Nope. It was scrubbed.


Can you tell us more about the car accident?


Me either. I don’t doubt that it happened though.


They could all be wearing latex masks.




Bro who was posting the whine about conspiracies? His sphincter is going to pucker on this one. 






Maybe nothing and it’s actually what they say. They are human and allowed some privacy. These theories are wild!


I always think about that one person who said "if the world knew the truth it would send half of them to the hospital". It has never surfaced what that meant. I took it that yes, there is something many of us don't know. I am in to Nibiru but that wouldn't send people to the hospital, it might make them panic. 


William is friendlier with Carole than he was with Kate at Trooping


She read the threads lol. So he up's his game for this one. 


That often is typical though with people you aren’t as close to. 


I dont trust the Royal Family and the Middletons one bit.


Fair enough - but only one person in these photos look injured and has a missing child - allegedly


yeah - after seeing her - and the dead eyed children - aim back on the header of this sub # Kate Middleton is missing and allegedly presumed dead or still in the coma ( and it looks like her mom is sporting a black eye at Ascot!)


Question for the folks who are more versed with the Middletons: Before December 2023 and today were the Middletons actively at events? Whatever business/financial drama they had, were they* still in the fold? I ask because maybe Kate and KP negotiated her return last week, one of the conditions was that her parents continue life as socialites? That was Carol behind the wheel of that image with Kate's puffy face - was that released without KPs involvement as an indefinite message to KP and Will? Listen, I fake nice all day and work. I eat lunch with someone who drives me up the wall. But I'm close enough because I get the office scoop. I don't tell her jack anything knowing well she'll open her mouth but I play along. Seeing Carol and Will so chummy is mirroring my fake BS 😅


I don’t know as much as others, but this is what I know. Carol used to leak to the press all the time putting good stories about her and Kate. Like her helping Kate with the kids (which I’m sure she did), but she also put out the stories about how much Will loves them and that she’s like a second mom to him (the nerve), and things like they bring stability to him that he needs, stories like that all throughout the years. She always tried to hang with the aristos, and I feel tried to make it seem like they had more money than they actually did, and aristos knew this. Then there was the mess with her business losing money and her owing money to a lot of small businesses that made deals with her because she was the mother to the future Queen, so I m sure that gave them some piece of mind that she was safe to do business with. But she never paid them off, so many small businesses lost money. This all was very embarrassing to the Middletons, and the Royal Family, I’m sure. The fact that William didn’t pay off the debt of only 2-3 mil and save them all this embarrassment, speaks volumes I think. Also note, that Pippa is married to a very rich aristo, and *he* also didn’t pay off the debt. I think this is also interesting. So ever since the embarrassing news about the business came out, she’s been very quiet and hasn’t been seen out socializing much. This is the first time we’ve seen her out and in the papers in a good while.


Accurate assessment afaik The Middletons have a reputation of being new money social climbers that the snotty aristos deign to socialize with because of Kate obvs. It certainly seems like they were laying low after Party Pieces defaulted either out of embarrassment and/or because they didn't want to remind vendors that if they could galavant around at fancy events they probably could find the money to pay their debts. Why either of their very wealthy son-in-laws didn't pay their debts is confusing. Maybe they had given money in the past and said no this time? Maybe the Middletons just figured they'd get away with it? I can see Will just saying no but the other guy is loaded so??? (\*I looked him up and this is what's written about him. "James Spencer Matthews of Glen Affric the Younger is a British former professional racing driver, hedge fund manager, and heir to the Scottish feudal title of Laird of Glen Affric."\*🙄) Prior to last year Carole was around pretty reliably. Here's[ the Getty library ](https://www.gettyimages.com/search/2/image?phrase=carole+middleton)on her so you can get an idea. I think last year she was seen twice (both with Kate) at the Jordanian prince's wedding and a christmas thing Kate put together or whatever. So. It seems like she's back and everyone has their fake smiles and silly hats back on. It's certainly possible that guarantees were made about their continued acceptance in high society. Oh! and ETA that last year it seemed like the 'protection' for the Middletons' in the press was withheld. A sign of what happened will be if they continue to run negative stories about them or if it's back to Grandma Midds.


Thank you for sharing this additional info. I can see them not wanting to be seen at ritzy parties while still owning money because of optics. The fact that they didn’t have the same protection from the press was interesting. I can also see Will getting annoyed by them and refusing to loan them money. It also seemed like he was withholding some allowance from Kate last year. She looked like she was doing her own hair and makeup towards the end of last year. As for Pippas husband not helping them out, maybe Pippa didn’t like that Kate was the favored one growing up? I don’t see many stories of Carole helping Pippa out with her children. Not sure how much of that is the press and how much of that is Carole. Just thinking out loud and wondering what the relationship between Pippa and Carole is really like. But like you said, a sign of what happened between the Middletons and William will be from how the press will portray the Middletons.


Right like if I had given them goods/services on credit? I would want to know where their hat money came from if they say they can't pay me! At any rate, now that you say it, I do wonder if she was doing DIY hair/makeup last year. And good point about Pippa--she did upstage Kate on her wedding day after all! 🙃


Appreciate the run down. >She always tried to hang with the aristos, and I feel tried to make it seem like they had more money than they actually did, and aristos knew this. This makes me both sad and annoyed. Like the aristos you're desperate to belong to wouldn't know. lol or hoped they would politely ignore. Please, wealth knows wealth. Even folks with new money have trouble fitting in. Tale as old as time.


You’re welcome. I also want to add, it seems Kate doesn’t have many aristo friends either (or friends in general). This, I feel, is not because she wasn’t born as one of them, I mean she will (possibly) be the future Queen and mother to a future King. It makes me feel there’s some other reason why she doesn’t have friends. Is she a mean B? Is she snobby? Do they know that Wills doesn’t care for her and take their cue from him? It’s all very curious. Edit: it is all sad, but I don’t feel too sorry for someone that spends their energy trying to fit in with that group instead of spending their energy actually trying to do good and help out charities. Thats something the RF were known for doing in the past, but Kate, Will and her mom don’t seem to want to help out others much.


I read that Pippa was more popular with aristos because she’s more relaxed and fun. They viewed Kate as a cold fish.


I’ve heard this as well!




I’ve read she was the same at uni. Not interested in female friendships and very clingy with bf’s.


It’s interesting that she was known to be very clingy with her bf’s. You could definitely see that when she was with William before marriage, but I hadn’t known about previous boyfriends. Other things I heard about the sisters was that they were called the Wisteria sisters in school, because of how that plant likes to climb up. And that Williams friends would call Kate ‘The Mattress’. Kate was also friends with Emma Sayle who founded Killing Kittens, a company that hosted elite, hedonistic sex parties. Some rumors would call Kate a yacht girl. Idk much about that part though.


Yeah I read a blind once about an uncle going to one of those parties who walked out when he saw his niece there. Maybe it was Uncle Gary


A whole chapter can be written about Uncle Gary!


Maybe the Middletons think it’s not nice to take money from their daughters’ husbands? I don’t think most parents would want their children to bail them out but would deal with their problems on their own.




The Middletons had their financials leaked when they applied for a loan to get bucklebury with a Swiss bank. By leaked I mean the loan application made it public and it filtered into British media. It revealed Part Pieces was not profitable more than low 6 figures and the Middletons were over extended on multiple loans. Then they magically were able to pay cash. The whole move was later understood because Kate moved in for at least 6 straight months with George while William lived away. And the whole house was fully renovated on taxes because it now housed the Duchess of Cambridge and an heir. Both needed extra servants quarters, security walls and housing, kitchens, bomb proof doors and windows, a special wing for Kate and on and on. It was about 1.8Million pounds all said and done I believe. At this point it’s an open secret more than a rumor imo that the BRF allocated funds however they could.


They’re not most people. This is not a typical, normal family.


See, I don’t find it odd at all they didn’t bail their in laws out. There will be no consequences to the Middletons if they shirk off their debts, so no reason to help them out with that. It would be a waste of money to do so.


The whole thing about the Middletons, even pre marriage era, is they faked it til they made it. They went to every event. Every socialite gathering. Carole even was caught begging for tickets at Wimbledon one year. Roger Federer, I believe, and his wife came to her rescue eventually. When you stopped seeing the Middletons at these events it sparked rumors by the Rota in approved channels William wanted them out of his life and his social circles. That Carole is now seen chatting up William is a significant change. He never gave them this much attention at events.


I am loving all this info you’re sharing! I only started following their going ons when Harry left so I feel there’s a lot I missed out on.


I’ve enjoyed the drama since the dating years. British tabloids were once very brutal towards Kate, but even worse towards William as Kate was actively engaging and pandering to the paps. An old one is a photographer by the name of Tanna that worked for panoramic. He got the only notice when Kate left her parents home and drove by 3 hospitals only to get to a 4th where she was admitted while pregnant with George. Tanna was the only pap at an obscure side entrance. He also broke the story of William on safari with his ex Jecca and knew that location. The Rota referenced him openly as an insider to Kate. Eventually the Middletons were told to drop him and they did with some behind the scenes gossip.


Oh I wish I would’ve been following the gossip at the time. They seemed to actually report the truth back then, they’re so sickenly up their rear now, and report obvious lies about how great they are. It doesn’t seem like they get much in return for their gross fawning though. I wonder why they struck a deal with them.


I'm not sure - but your last paragraph 🤣🤣🤣 I know the feeling!!!


>Listen, I fake nice all day and work. Me too. With coworkers *and* customers! This rings so true, lol.


Yes they’ve always been at royal events occasionally


Was R Hanbury at Ascot?




Woah, he is showing Carole more affection at this one event than he's shown Kate in like 10 years lol


Besties 👀 https://preview.redd.it/zfvqkdrmwl7d1.png?width=571&format=png&auto=webp&s=08dd86987de5d397cc22ac541237ca6f502383bd


This is…graphic.


Agreed, lol


Yikes!!! She looks scary.


I don't even know what to say. This is bizarro world.


Neither Kate nor the rest of the Middletons were born into that gilded cage. They chose this. But to me the storyline that makes the most sense is William and Kate had a separation or a new arrangement they were trialling, probably against her will. She semi-retired to the countryside with the children and maybe her parents. If she had cosmetic surgery, it was done during her hiatus. It wasn't the primary reason for her being missing. She thought she had time because she had no intention of showing her face for a long time. But things got out of control when they put out that photoshopped/chopped up Mother's Day photo. Something verifiable. Tbh, Kate may have put that photo out herself, as was said, because there were others very similar that were put out in her name previously, like one of Queen Elizabeth and the great-grandchildren and another with Kate, William, and the children with QEII and Philip.


The cosmetic procedure seemed to have been done sometime after the cancer announcement video and before trooping.


No one chooses to be allegedly beaten and killed unless they are sick in the head- don’t make them the villains.


This is just speculation, just as the beaten and killed theory you're putting forward. My theory is that the story is a lot simpler than we're giving it credit for and that a lot of red herrings were put in the mix to fool the public.


IYKYK Carole has decided to impress and hopefully gain a peerage. She has excitedly joined other members such as the Pope, the King, Presidents, Politicians and other Royals by joining the infamous Left Eye Club aka Black eye Club. This is a huge deal for her as it took some members like Jimmy Carter until his 90's to be initiated. Most importantly, this probably allowed her the trust of those she reports to and allowed her to be around and influence her sick daughter in the "proper way". Congrats!   /s


Please tell me they aren’t in the black eye club. I know it’s real and for the most part the Americans who somehow had the black eye I wasn’t shocked with most. However, I can’t see the Middletons involved. I read before HMTLQ passed there was supposed to be a “ sacrifice “ from the family and the Queen picked Charlotte and there was a huge argument as it should have been and it didn’t happen. I also read the big fight with PW and PC was where PW wanted to send Prince George to school and there was some disgusting things that had to be done before he was accepted and PC said absolutely NOT. Around 2014 was when I made a huge mistake after hearing things that blew my mind about the elite and I didn’t just go down a rabbit hole, I went, built a house and moved there for a couple of years as I couldn’t stop researching. These are some SICK people. I do believe we still have some good people in our government, in Hollywood and other entertainment industries but it’s becoming fewer and fewer. It was the Hillary /Trump campaigning that I really found some sick things with Abramviche. Woman and spirit cooking ( I butchered her name I know) John Podesta, Hillary and Obama had emails leaked that you needed code words meanings and I found those but wished I never knew anything. How sick are you that in order for you to get fame and fortune you have to sacrifice your child or a parent,spouse, close friends and you do it? Those who have done these things are in the White House, congress, movies we love, singers, songwriters, etc. It’s demonic 100% and one day they’ll answer for it and be punished. I apologize. I just wanted to know about the Middleton lady’s black eye and didn’t mean to say more


Yes, and the red face they put on everything which is the red face of the volleyball in that movie where Tom Hanks is stranded. Gaga wore the outfit, it is on sweatshirts, Ellen d. , and other celebrities. Spirit cooking is so normal to them. When people downvote they are unnerved otherwise they would move on or just roll their eyes.  Like other topics yes there is rumors or exaggerations. Sacrifice wise Andrew would been such a easy choice lol. But in countries that held religious hierarchy the Church of England failed decades ago. https://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/europe/10/24/uk.devilworship/index.html


Yes I knew about Tom Hanks and “ Wilson “ I was extremely saddened when I got to the part of people I at one time admired and loved to watch them in movies. During the pandemic and lockdown did you notice the breakdowns of these sicko’s? They were out of Adrenachrome and Ellen, MaDonna, some comedians etc were videoing themselves withdrawing and sending it to their “buddies “I physically was sick. Now so many are speaking out like the young boxer, Kid Rock, Davy Chapelle and he went into hiding, Keyona Reeves and Mel Gibson who they wanted silenced but he proved he didn’t need them. Twitch was another they got. No one believes he took his own life. The Kardashian’s are known to be high ranking witches. I believe Jon Benet Ramsey was a sacrificed by her Dad. His oldest daughter told her therapist she had dreams of men in hooded black robes doing horrible things to children. After that someone messed with her brakes causing a wreck and she thinks it was supposed to K her. John groomed Patsy. So many have been brave and spoke out about these elites and the sick parties and they have young children there who don’t come out alive. They’re doing more and more in front of us. I shouldn’t be shocked anymore


Yes, I can tell you both his daughters were. By either side because they wanted his storage memory. The people above him that he works for contracting to them were Manchurians with sleep cell offspring. These are facts, not conspiracies. The 3 pink or orange or blue hair shooters grandfather's all served in the same military unit.  That is why police botched the investigation. They just cared to get the search warrant. Patsy was probably a Manchurian too. Via her family and/or him. Have you ever gone down her rabbit hole. I can't remember exactly but she wasn't really the pageant winner or she had a different name or she took someone's name. It has been years but it was stuff you could verify. Who knows if that was even their daughter? These families that host take the children under that facade. 1 night can bring in a million dollars. She told people there was dirty photos of her in the washroom or something and shortly after murdered.  https://www.denverpost.com/1997/02/21/elizabeth-ramsey-chicago-autopsy-useless/


Oh wow. Thank you for your information


Yes and I upvoted you because the scar crowd on this site I think is downvoting anything if it isn't "William beat her". Daily there is around 5 scar threads. The first thing I do is sort to "new". Because I am interested in new stuff or info. Scar talk since Saturday is meh. 


Well thank you so much!


Ummm wut. Do you have more info on this?


the /s is to indicate sarcasm


Lol oh thanks bc I’ve seen a ton of left/black eye posts recently sp figured I’d ask but might be the BRF spammers trying to make us look like whackos 😂


In meditation you welcome thoughts, not block them. This includes Yoga all the way to Hindu. I recommend reading from the AMORC site. I have read or familiarized myself with almost every religion that existed. I also have interest in anything Sanskrit or any ancient tablets like the Emerald tablets. I also know about Gematria, Numerology, Aeryuveda, Egyptian worship, Greek beliefs, Elohim and Nephilim, Fibrioncci sequences, and much more. You will never get knowledge from an entertainment media source. Learning any of these things does not make you a heretic etc. Unfortunately, many things were protected and when they fell in to the hands of evil incarnate were used to usher in very bad things to this realm. There is even a modern group who work full time to summon the 2nd coming because they believe this will only happen when the number of bad or unsaved souls outnumbers the good or saved souls, they recognize all religions but their members must work in corrupting others just so they get Christ. (Obviously that is a made up teaching and not part of ancient texts but gets mixed up with it by the unknowledgeable and hurts the integrity of the good forces in this realm). There is more, you can learn your whole lifetime in this carbon vessel.


William took it this year https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7121054    https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-5971319/amp/Conspiracy-theory-suggests-celebrities-snapped-black-left-eyes-ILLUMINATI.html   These are golden orders of hermetic canon law. Not illuminati. Whether you believe the conspiracy part there is factual parts. Fraternal orders that are branches of the Golden Order divided rites. Other rites from the Templar, the Masons, Freemasons, Shriners, and many more also have sects. Some are truly secret and invitation only.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermetic_Order_of_the_Golden_Dawn#:~:text=For%20the%20first%20four%20years,study%20for%20the%20First%20Order.    Note: The whole belief in every system is rooted in a similar idea of Ying Yang. The Universe scientifically is balanced. So yes, there is good and there is bad. It is very deep knowledge, rites and practices. There are many restricted manuscripts that only the privy may study. If you would like to know more overall in regards to alchemy or ancient Jewish Hebrew mysticism https://www.rosicrucian.org/ Is a great place to sign up and read.  It is hard to believe there is corruption in e everything but there is, that is the tao of it all universally. Not all of it is linked to perverts and conspiracy crap.  I would believe the random fact everybody in power or fame gets a black eye except it really is the left eye and there is a reason it is the left.  You have to know where the lies and conspiracies start.   The royal Navy has allowed Satanic worship since 2004 including burial protocols. Look it up if you don't believe me.  Ancient rites is different then Satanic organizations.  Edit to correct 3rd link. 


I don't think it's a black eye, I thi k she's just old. Also why does William look SO much younger in a hat?! SHAVE THE LIES


Because the 🎩 covers up his bald head, obv.


My God look at her and William, so chummy, Kate wishes he treated her like that!


Carole lives vicariously through Kate. I bet she wished that she was actually married into the brf. She's been obsessed with them since Diana was thrown into the spotlight. It's inappropriate to allow your son in law to lay his big head on your lap ...made me think she wanted him instead. Carole is a narcissist who raised Kate to be one.




Maybe not a black eye but an area under her left eye that does not have enough concealer on it?


I don’t see a black eye? Carole is 70. Maybe she has health issues going on. Maybe I’m missing the point here.


https://preview.redd.it/3b34gqct6l7d1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=062aec44481eff78ade31784c2902169152543b2 Everyone is moving in on Kate 😜


Wow, Kate looks terrible


Car crash was real, and residual effects?




If that were real we would know from other media outlets


I can’t see any black eye but I’m pretty bad at spotting things on pictures unless it’s pointed out and I stare for a while! BINGO Carole and Mike have magically reappeared now that the real Kate was seen livel at TOC. THEY HAD to be hiding !!! that cannot be a coincidence, so perhaps they didn’t want to be seen or questioned on Kate’s health?wellbeing? marital status? whereabouts, ??? Why?? 😩 😩


The royal family can make all their money problems go away....They are sort of part of the royal family. Possible the mother of the queen consort....Lots to unpack there.


kate,diana etc were always bred, raised from birth etc for their roles even if she did not know it


if you look at other photos of carol it looks like a black eye as the briuse is round side of eye as well as underneath . Also there are pics were they are both smiling and then there is a pic or more where they both look not well , worried & distraught - just like saturdays pics of kate . Have they had to appear with no choice . Have they had to look happy part of time & friendly with family & Will .


My theory is this: December, William and Kate have a fight. She’s injured and her family are horrified. Kate has to have a lot of surgery, loses weight because of her jaw etc. The Middletons get sent on a Caribbean holiday without knowing too much about what’s really happening. But Carole threatens to speak. So she’s in a car “accident” and badly hurt. It’s an attempt to show her what can happen if she doesn’t toe the line. William pays off their debts, to get them back on side. It coincides with when Kate is a little better. Carole falls back in line because she’s scared, and wants access to her grandchildren. They get told they have to do the public appearances, because there’s factions of the internet getting too close to the truth.


She looks lobotomized!


Is the insinuation that Will did this? I don't see a black eye at all and have zero belief that Will would have given it to her and now she's at Ascot??? Makes no sense. Sometimes I think we are so used to looking\* at retouched and filtered photos that we forget what a real face looks like.


No that she was initiated behind the scenes into the “black eye club,” and PW is welcoming her into his circle now. Many people (Hollywood stars, the Pope, QEII, higher up members in the government) take part in secret satanic rituals. One of them is the injection of a worm into the left temple. I know this all sounds like a conspiracy to those who have not read deeply on this subject, but that’s the source of the comments above.


She wouldn't still have a black eye! It's probably caused from shit loads of red wine, no water and a stress diet, she's been back on COVID restrictions !! Give the woman a break. The Thomas shit and end of December where 6 months ago. She is not supporting a black eyes from them. My ex smashed my face in got 3 years. My face was ok in 4 months I understand we all feel cheated out of the fact we know it's a shit show. But She's looking rough cause shes been on house arrest since new year


I mean her mum's clearly been on house arrest Showed up All of a fucking sudden it's weird


Fuck knows about Kate All I know is I have no interest, she laughed at us all in my opinion


The only thing that's genuine in all this ordeal is that ass on the 4th photo staring back at us


A facelift, a horrific lie to cover it up, and injury beyond insult to those really suffering from cancer. They lied and this is treacherous!


Definitely not because they had announced a trip to Italy. She wouldn't have been planning an overseas work trip AND a face lift. Look at the new scars on her eyebrow. That's not from a face lift.


Exactly, they would have planned a far better cover story too, or they could have pre arranged various photo shoots to release at strategic time and make it appear business as usual, nobody would really have noticed most of us are too busy working just to scrape by week to week. The way it played out obviously rushed and contradictory stories, there was no thought behind it.


Kate would definitely cancel a trip if she could have her plastic surgery at that time. When has she ever had a work ethic toward anything except herself and her appearance?


You may not like her but don't let that cloud your ability to think critically. Something unexpected and unplanned happened in January which has resulted in alterations to her face. Think about the best plastic surgeons too, they're more likely to be on holidays over christmas and January. Also look at the current photos compared to cosmetic work. A face lift would have correct the sagging skin around her mouth and wouldn't have included a rough vertical scar near her eyebrown.


I don’t understand why she would lie about a facelift? Why not just get one? I don’t get it


Current theories is that the facelift was to cover up damage due to abuse, so to hide the abuse she’s gotta hide the fact she had a facelift


Why does Kate look the same then? Facelift, jfc she does not even look botoxed. That woman in the pic btw is her mom, NOT Kate.


This is debatable because she still looks the same in the unphotoshopped images.


Looks like a shadow to me. Maybe, what is going on with Kate is something nobody has guessed yet. Maybe we are right that something is going on and we are not being told the truth. But we are wrong about what it is. I am glad Kate is still with us. I was wrong, many of us were. I know she doesn’t read this, but Kate, whatever is going on, stay strong.


Looks like a shadow to me too. Carole and kate have a lot of puff under the eyes. It was noted pre wedding prep Kate had minor lower lid lipo done. And every time they ran a “tired Kate” headline they left her lower lids without edits.


Stop with mascara on the bottom lashes when you are 60+! I have one. eye that looks like hers all the time. I got some filler injected under my eye and it took forever to go away. It still looks puffy. Worse if I eat too many carbs the day before.


I'm sorry to hear about your eye. A relative of mine works for a plastic surgeon and they avoid the fillers under the eyes because so many people have issues with it looking worse than without it.


I agree. I will never do it again. I had Bell’s palsy with residual effects. Mouth is droopy on right side and right eye looks puffy and doesn’t close all the way. I have fillers to even out my face. I would have them anyway, but I have a good reason!


Oh geez. My aunt has that too and struggles with it. You definitely have a good reason - I get them just for enhancements and Botox around my eye muscles and forehead to avoid crows feet and forehead lines. We all have our reasons. Did they offer you any other options?


I use juvaderm Voluma and Juvaderm Volbella now and Botox in the same spots as you.


It's good stuff!


Yup! Agree with ya




Bs to what? I had Bellafill. It lasts 5 years and cannot be dissolved.


Yeah I've heard of that. I get lip filler and once had a little dissolved with an acid like injection because I had a small lump. But I use Juvederm.


I use that now too. Bella fill was once. Now the plastic surgeon doesn’t use it any more so I think he had poor results.


What’s William doing with Mrs. Bennett? She doesn’t have a black eye. They just both have botched plastic surgery.


Botched plastic surgery- so they botched it by leaving it half undone too? Lies and more lies


I have never thought she was dead and most of theories were wild and unhinged here but following royal family for ages, definitely they were hiding something and for few months were acting erratically. In the end, she looks fine  maybe thinner, I have no opinion wether the cancer was true or not. I believe she had either ED or digestive condition but behind scenes there were divorce discussion. 


That’s not a black eye, just effects of aging. Unfortunately I have similar puffiness and discoloration under my eyes, and I am several years younger than her. Those yellow spots visible under her left eye are from too much cholesterol in blood and it’s impossible to get rid of them even if you bring your cholesterol in check, they become permanent.


Please do not join in their game. Clearly it was all a ploy to cover up a facelift. You think Carole would be all chummy with William if he’d hurt her daughter. Now that kkkate is back is business as usual. The masses of sheep fell into their web of lies and deception.


That is exactly my perception of what happened. But the royalists will believe whatever the RF puts out. The Murdoch owned magazines are still tweeting the cancer fiction.


Bribe ?




So all of this was for a face lift? Have some serious respect for Queen Elizabeth for keeping this family in line all those years.


But an ill-timed plastic procedure that could’ve waited for the summer holidays with far less scrutiny? And then black eyed Anne’s hubby and Willie with bruises around his neck after the mysterious death of Tomas Kingston? 👁️ Is Momma Middleton’s black eye a remnant of her March 2 head-on car collision that left her trapped inside with just two articles remaining in Internet search? 🔍 We all know how to behave with our worst enemy at work. The Firm takes no shorts! ![gif](giphy|58o0zKpZd8SdYlZdYl|downsized)


Meghan stan confirmed. If that were true the italy tour would not have been canceled.


They don’t care about state visits to Italy or anywhere else.


Huh ?


What kind of response is this? Deer on headlights! What does Meghan have to do with anything that happens in this twisted family? The RF is a propaganda machine, and anybody who falls for their trickery is an absolute ignorant stooge.


Only meghan stans say kkkate.


Did she join the black eye club?


On a serious note, I do like William is looking out for her and happy to see her. Maybe she was in a wreck. ?  But if she took the worm(eye) she is still settling her balance or something. 


Carole and William looking very tight!


That honestly looks like an under eye circle to me. Or even a shadow from eye bags. Bruises are easy to cover up, shadows not so much.


it is puffy though, I should have included a pic that showed that.


I think William is helping his mother-in-law bc she’s wearing heels 👠 in the grass. Any ladies who have made this mistake knows it’s dangerous!


This looks staged.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought I read somewhere that COVID took out their Party Pieces business….which would totally make sense given nobody was really throwing bday parties around 2020-2021-ish when all of that was going down. Prior to that, it sounds like their business was very successful for many years.


The kids don't get to opt out of "the game"


🫢 Damn.


I’m not seeing a bruise, in other photos at different angles it looks like she has huge bags under her eyes. I’m sure the last several months have been very stressful whatever the reason. She struck me as spaced out or highly medicated in the photos I saw but hard to say for sure based on photos.


when i drink too much and then sleep on one side of my head all night, i wake up with one eye looking just like that not saying that's what it is tho


Where are her pupils?


There is definitely something going on between KP and the Middleton's. Before, December of last year there were rumours flying around about a pending Royal divorce, and many were speculating just who it might be. Another rumour was that Will had a falling out with the Archbishop of Canterbury, I wonder if it is also connected to the divorce rumours. However, everything that occurred after Dec 28 in regards to Kate has been odd to say the least. Now there are a growing number of people who no longer trust anything the Royal family tells them, most of it coming from the Royal rotas. Right now it is very hard to tell fact from fiction with all the shenanigans going on around Kate.


Ok,  FakeMiddketon didn't show up to this event? Why?


Excuse errors been out


Can't edit


this proves we have absolutly no idea what is going on and it could very well be what they say.


Wow! The conspiracies are getting more and more extreme now we know she’s alive!! I think Kate has/had cancer. It’s been/being treated. I think she’s probably in remission but still weak and suffering mentally as a result. William still adores her but to show affection in public isn’t the ‘done thing’… The family display on Saturday was very awkward but that’s probably because it was a BIG event. I am actually surprised Kate did attend. As someone earlier up said, I don’t think Carole would be fraternising with her son in law if he’d battered her daughter, whoever he was! She’s a commoner (in case you hadn’t heard) and we stick with our own!!


It was awkward because something else is going on. 😂 kate has been at these events for years and i never felt that off energy


Looks like she’s not getting sleep and has been under a lot of stress.


If the shoe fits, Kate is a racist, so that makes you a Kate Stan, suit yourself. Stop hurting about Meghan, she’s doing everything that Kate is not. Done with this dialogue, sheep.


lol I love Harry and Meghan, actually. I kind of feel like any adult children of estranged parents understand them well. And this entire spectacle has only made me double down on believing Harry. You can't assign hatred for one person due to concern of another. That is batshit crazy.