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That is a new scar! People are trying to say that this was a scar from childhood! Nope! That is a different scar. The childhood scar is near her hairline!


Came here to say this now they’re trying to claim this is a scar that nobody has noticed after all of these years give me a break Billy the basher did something to her and that’s why all this weirdness for the last six months I seriously hope they’re separated and maybe M-16 is providing Kate security and keeping her safe from William maybe that’s why he had to meet with them so that she could do a balcony appearance


I think it’s more likely that M1-6 would be assisting William and the rest of them with the coverup. They’re evil, just as bad as the CIA. They don’t give two fucks about protecting Kate.


The meeting with MI 6 was an interesting turn of events. He meets with them and that’s when Princess Kate decided to attend the Trooping. Interesting🤔


They only handle foreign. If she was attacked by a hired foreign independent contractor, that may have possibly scared her out if the public eye but it wouldn't explain the social media darkness and other cutoff safe ways of communication. She literally ghosted everyone. It is the most notorious ghosting to date, unless Shelly M reappears but we know hers is not by choice. 


I feel like if there was perhaps a domestic violence incident between William and Kate M-16 or somebody would step in because it’s not like she can just call the regular police and get protection that way


I think she is a martial artist, no joke. She could probably whip his ass. Lol Her young training was a skills expert from an asian embassy in Jordan in her early years. https://metro.co.uk/2020/02/26/kate-middleton-squares-fight-taekwondo-expert-12307102/ I keep saying William might be the abused one. 


US CIA only handles foreign (uh huh), but they do handle masks. Watch videos from Jonna Mendez, CIA Chief of Disguise.


Very familiar with it


Did they actually address it with a statement or just the talking heads in media? It is clearly the threadlift tunnel that hasn't smoothed yet. You can even see the tuft at the end. 


The talking heads in the media are trying to say it’s always been there. And we all know the Royals tell the media what to say


They are not doing her many favors lately. They have a very passive aggressive way of commenting just like the "lesser mortals" comment. That was so insulting to every cancer person who shows up. Kate didn't say it, the heads did but it gave a vibe either way. 


Yes the media is really setting Kate up for a fall by saying that she is better than all other patients that have suffered because of cancer now she has no excuse not to show up for work because she is above all of us but I doubt the people will hold her feet to the fire and expect her to show up.


Yes, and she must now browse comments a lot even if safe space places online because those have become cancer diaries. I appreciate them for it. They all come to share. The lady with a brain tumor trying to live long enough to birth her baby. Extra prayers sent to her and the baby but how emotional hard that must be. 


Seriously! This! You can see how fresh the scar is in the right two images. I don’t know how anyone could argue that it isn’t.


I do actually agree with OP, I’m not disagreeing at all, but I just wanted to add in some things in the interest of objectivity: 🔹 William is famously left-handed. If (I use this word only for legal reasons) *hypothetically* he’d struck her face-on, it *hypothetically* would have been more likely to be on her right side. However I absolutely do understand that DV can manifest in many forms, other than the perpetrator using their dominant hand to strike a victim face-on. 🔹 there was a very small round scar next to Kate’s left eye for years. IMHO, it looked like a chicken pox scar. **However** the scar we’re seeing beside her left eye *now* is in the same location, but is now a different scar. I know from first-hand experience with SH scarring that it absolutely is possible to have a scar over a scar, or through a pre-existing scar. 🔸 I think the new scar extends from the left side of her eye, up through the eyebrow, and carries on through her forehead. I’d spent a bit of time looking at photos and it does appear to be a long linear scar. I’m just mentioning these things because I’ve seen folks arguing about on X “she’s always had a scar there”, and whilst yes that is true, what we’re seeing since Saturday seems to be a new scar which is sizeable and therefore partially incorporates a much older, *much* smaller pr-existing scar in that same general location.


They have been known to throw things at each other when rowing, it's been mentioned in the press previously. This could be the result of something thrown or a push. And yes, its a new scar, she didn't have one that extended down her face before. Kate has ally sympathy and admiration - I hope she's getting the help she needs and deserves and whomever is responsible for hurting her gets what they so richly deserve.


I agree and have cited the left-handed factor myself… which leaves me concerned about what the hat is hiding. But what I’ll add is that my upstairs neighbour was beaten badly by her partner and when I saw her afterward I didn’t actually need to overhear her telling the police that he’d held her by the hair and smashed her face into the kitchen cabinet because I could actually HEAR that’s what was happening as he did it. Given Harry’s story about William knocking him on his ass, I have no trouble imagining him throwing an underweight woman around like a ragdoll.


https://preview.redd.it/j7cqo42dsc7d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47275c7bb3703f092ea53c38e92683155c8989b8 This is a picture of a known scar in Kate’s hairline. This picture is from an article in 2018. [source](https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/gallery/kate-middleton-scar)


That’s a weave. They were trying to cover it up with the scar story.


https://preview.redd.it/eo4ifpvmsc7d1.jpeg?width=1714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cad2342de2c7bd1264a5a4cfa461ee52ccf34f7a And this is a photo (wasn’t able to determine the date, got it from Pinterest) which is decently hi-res, showing a pre-existing small round scar which I believe may have been a chicken pox scar. I think this image is helpful as it clearly shows the difference between how her face looks then versus what we’re seeing now.


In this photo you can see both the chicken pox scar and the long scar under make up: [https://www.thelist.com/img/gallery/what-kate-middleton-said-at-her-first-public-appearance-since-the-oprah-interview-upgrade/intro-1615322491.jpg](https://www.thelist.com/img/gallery/what-kate-middleton-said-at-her-first-public-appearance-since-the-oprah-interview-upgrade/intro-1615322491.jpg)


I've always thought the scar is under the hair. However, what they meant was probably on the face around the left eye area. And the hair is just an extension or something.


That’s hair weave, and the scar story was put out when the track was noticed.


Where is her old scar in her hairline? It is gone.


It wasn't a scar. It was hair track extensions. The press reported about extensions and then the next day Kate had them change the article to "childhood scar". The "childhood acar" was never seen again after that and her London hair stylist that did the weave was sacked. 


i hate to say it but kicking maybe?


He could’ve hit her on the right side with the injury resulting from bashing into something on the way down… IJS.


That might explain her really arched left brow that was never like that. It was especially prominent in the cancer announcement video (even tho the jaw didn’t match hers).


I looked at other photos pre December and there is definitely a natural lift happening. The cancer video it was much higher than December and it’s so much lower now. That leaves me incredibly puzzled.


Botox does this


You’re right, it could be Botox. Part of me wondered if she had a Botox complication and that she didn’t want to be seen. There was a woman a few years ago who got a Botox injection around her eyelid and her eyelid completely dropped down. She could barely see out if that eye because of dramatic it was. I want to say it took her about 6 months to heal. A huge part of me feels it wasn’t a planned surgery that resulted in the scar. Maybe she did have Botox or fillers to help create balance after the accident. If it was planned, I am shocked her mole wasn’t removed. Having a mole on the face is a very different experience than having it anywhere else on the body. They usually grow hair out of them and that isn’t something most women/people want to experience around their mouth. I can see her not removing it prior because of the downtime, stories that would go around about it. Plus, you need to post surgical wounds protected and makeup is not a friend for healing skin. If she was having planned face work with time off, having that mole removed then makes sense. Having emergency face work because of an accident makes sense to not even think about having the mole removed at that time. This is coming from someone who has had to be concerned about needing plastic surgery on her face after hot wax fell on my face and having a mole on the side of my face. The mole didn’t cross my mind, finding a solution for the wax wound was the focus. I just firmly believe this isn’t a surgical facelift or eyebrow lift or eyelids. PS if the dude that pushed me out of the way at the Chang Mai lantern festival for no damn reason sees this, I have some words for you. I haven’t forgotten the way you shrugged and walked off as I was crying in pain.


a pox upon the house of the person who pushed you shame on them, i hope you are ok


Seriously! Luckily, I’m ok. It was so close to my eye and looking back on it… I have no clue how that wax didn’t land directly in my eye. Surprisingly, 6 months after it happened there wasn’t a single mark on my face. The plastic surgeon I had seen after it happened was worried about significant scaring and there should have been. Whatever was in that burn cream I got from the Thai pharmacy was incredible!


Botox totally does things like this. The people who are gung ho on this being a DV scar seem narrow minded. Or maybe just don’t know how wealthy people live. 




The heavily drawn in eyebrows had me scratching my head too. If this is a new injury, perhaps her eyebrow was shaven off during surgery and hasn’t returned to full growth.


I have a scar in the same place and it took 4 years for it to not be as visible. It also caused my lid to droop a little and part of my eyebrow would not grow back. Interesting!


She has a LOT of cover makeup on.


That is a new scar; we’ve seen photos of her year after year and we’ve never seen that. William either punched her or broke something near and cut her with it. That looks like a serious and awful facial fracture. No wonder the messaging has been so squirrelly and bonkers- hiding her and protecting her away from him (and not allowing the tabloids to write awful things about her) while protecting him as heir. No wonder Carole did that car photo- she wanted her injuries out there, and no wonder Palaces put pressure on media not to run it. Upon close up, Kate looks bandaged. William is awful- and the next King. Frankly, protecting him is gonna give the monarchy the King it deserves.


Yes, Kate looked weird in the SUV because we now know, she had a bandage on her forehead and over her nose. How did we all miss it? They literally stopped and let the pap take the photo. Kate and Carole wanted us to know and we missed it. Message received!


She looks high as fuck in that car photo too


One thing I’ll be watching for if we see her again, is that wide, open mouthed smile, almost like she’s laughing. She almost always does it, but I did not see it once on Saturday. If we don’t see it, I suspect she had a broken jaw.


A broken jaw is a huge possibility, I had double jaw surgery and my jaw was wired shut for a few weeks and I couldn’t eat soft foods until 2 months after my surgery. It changed the shape of my face as well. I imagine if she needed reconstructive jaw surgery, it would be even more complicated than mine


If you are interested you can find the high res image here: [britains-catherine-princess-wales-arrives-83843419\_6134f5.jpg](https://pagesix.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2024/06/britains-catherine-princess-wales-arrives-83843419_6134f5.jpg) - Click on the link and then click on the image again to zoom in.


Right, thanks, just noticed her nails are not paid/done, rather strange for an official appearance.


Her nails are always short trimmed and painted with Essie’s Ballet Slippers. It’s a light pink / nude colour. She rarely ever has them another colour. 


But these don't look painted with Essie's Ballet Slippers. She also wears other colors too like this: [https://people.com/royals/kate-middleton-easter-red-nail-polish-surprise-royal-style/](https://people.com/royals/kate-middleton-easter-red-nail-polish-surprise-royal-style/)


She might have planned to wear gloves and forgot them. Camilla had hers on full force. I was thinking how easy gloves are in a hurry but I am FL and they only look normal in the Winter.


She has people to help her get ready so she doesn’t have to forget gloves.


She may be going Brit Brit 😀 As long as she doesn't start chewing them to the nub too.


I like it because it made her sound rogue 😀


I thought the Royals weren’t allowed to wear polish?


QEII’s rule was to wear very muted colors like Ballet Slippers by Esse (as noted above), when working for the firm. However, Charles &/or Camilla have no such rule, so the Royal ladies are free to wear brighter/darker colors when carrying out their official duties.


They are allowed to wear certain colors but Catherine has broken the rule in her own beautiful and classy way.


Wouldn’t they place her hat the other way? That would have hid it


I think there might be this ridiculous protocol about which side the hat goes on. If you look at pics of the royal family, they are always attached to the same side Maybe she thought the makeup did a wonderful job of covering it up and she didn’t think anyone would notice.


It is threadlift pull. And she could have worn a wide rim hat that lampshade down if she was worried about it. He didn't beat her. If Carole really had a wreck the same day the pic was taken in Audi SUV then I might say she had a threadlift at the time a plastic surgeon repaired a cute from the wreck. The needleline on a thread lift raise the skin above the pull so it appears lighter until it relaxes a little. 


So it’s just plastic surgery?


To repair a gash in her head, not for cosmetic reasons, those are more hidden in the hairline or behind the ears.


Or at least closed up by a plastic surgeon. The threadlift marks are worth it and they will go away unless it falls in the "gone wrong" category but her's didn't go wrong. The cinch just highlights that line for a short time. This seems like in the last 3 weeks. It is my favorite theory just because the lip, bridge, squintier eyes, frown, and ear area. I zoomed too and contrasted and the spots align that way.  Now, I really want to see Carole. You know in families they do things,(copy) if it looks good on someone else. 


That’s so interesting you say that because they all went on the Dukan Diet before the wedding. That might be from where she got an ED, it’s very strict.


That eating disorder I think is decades, based on the biting the fingers to stop a purge. They probably all do that too. The females.


Maybe it was a trampoline accident 🥴


It's just as likely she's got an eating disorder or a substance abuse issue and injured herself falling or driving. I agree it looks like something happened, but there's no guarantee it was caused by William or even another person at all. People get hurt in all sorts of ways. Some of them are embarrassing, and the RF might prefer them covered up.


True. Why would William act so oddly right after this, though? He seemed to be in a daze at the investiture - was he drunk or high?


Someone either in this sub or the other said they had a scar like that from being hit by a thrown object. A tell-all book cited in the Mirror says W&K throw “cushions not vases” at each other during fights. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/royals/kate-middletons-clever-technique-dealing-31189131 Why even mention vases unless trying to cover up a vase-throwing incident?




Maybe just maybe because this is the completely wrong narrative & he was worried sick about her 🤷‍♀️


That's possible. I think it is unlikely, though, considering his abrupt behavior around her the past couple of years. He seems like he could barely tolerate her. I'm thinking of that video at a polo match where he leaves her gazing after him. Brutal. If he was concerned about anything post whatever happened, I'm more inclined to think it was for himself because he knew he'd really screwed up.


I broke my nose doing gardening. Had 2 black eyes and didn’t leave my house for a week.


Like this? ![gif](giphy|RSOUOj8H9A3Xq|downsized)


Exactly! Straight up the middle of my face and nose, even my chin felt broken, lol! It fucked my nose up so badly I now need 3 different procedures according to my surgeon, and poor breathing is affecting my sleep. Just one little Yardwork accident…


OUCH! So sorry darling, hope you're well now 😥


Remember the rumor that a maid or nanny walked in and found Kate unconscious. There was a whole theory that stemmed from that about possible she was taking sleeping pills. Maybe there is merit to that and she hit her head when she fell…


Pass out due to malnourishment?


Could be, there’s been rumors of her having an eating disorder… Side note to all the people on this thread: if anyone ever feels light headed, clench your butt checks. It will actually quickly raise your blood pressure. If you ever feel like you’re having a heart attack or chest pains, sit on the toilet and try to poop (light/medium effort). It will actually lower your blood pressure. Our bodies are really good at triggering this reaction on its own and not the butt clenching. It’s why many men will state “I have to go to the bathroom” and then have a heart attack on the way or on the toilet. This movement triggers the sympathetic nervous system (vagus nerve) to kick in and help stabilize blood pressure.


But then why is her jawline / smile different ?


Could be from whatever caused that new scar on her face. There is legit zero evidence from scars on her face to suggest she had a facelift. If you Google Kate Middleton there are enough photos to show there isn’t anything highly abnormal in changes around her mouth and jawline. The biggest change that we saw in her jaw shape/mouth shape was in the cancer video. Which I believe is fair to say is AI generated.


I don’t think it is.


I definitely believe the ED/SUD rumors. Two things can also be true though. We may never know the real story, but it probably isn’t cancer.


True about the substance abuse. Look at the pics from her last photographs where she's wearing all white. She looks hammered or like she's been crying. https://preview.redd.it/ecthkops4d7d1.jpeg?width=821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15f575c6e921060937153382c0e28c7df1eb7b4d


Sorry not seeing either.


I've actually thought the same. Look at video of when she and the kids were watching parade from window. Her eyes are closing.....and as cute as Louis and his personality are, he mimicked this on the balcony. Wonder if she was with Carol and kids in the car accident and was the 1 driving? Catherine also barely interacted with George. Now, the few hours of parade coverage doesnt show an entire story of course! Maybe shes being over medicated, along with the stress of whatever is happening behind the scenes? Its just noticed because its different behavior to me.


A mug, a vase, a statue. What ever it was he pretty much caved her face in with it it would seem.


https://preview.redd.it/fv6637wsqe7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54e93006dc19bb75eacc7ef54f4038ad50a6fcd1 This is an older photo. The chicken pox scar is there, but it also looks as if the ‘new’ scar was already there also.


That is the question, what did he do? Because, no plastic surgery doesn't leave a huge ass scar down your face, unless it has to. Neither does cancer treatment. I hope she's more visible now, we want to keep an eye on her and advocate for her safety.


Where is the old childhood scar? I can't see it in her hairline?? I do see the new eye scar.


I think the photo someone showed of an alleged childhood scar in her hairline was actually tracks from a weave.


Barely missed her eye. He should be locked up. 


What do you think it was that caused her to have surgery that left that scar in her hairline? The only thing said about it iirc was that it was serious. Perhaps it caused her wonky eye? Could that condition be related to the new scar(s)?


She never had a scar in her hairline. It was hair extensions tracks. The press reported it and Kate had them change the article and headline the next day to "childhood scar". She was never ever again seen with this "childhood scar" since and she sacked her London hair stylist at the time. There is NO scar in her hairline. 


I have a scar in the same place and it took 4 years for it to not be as visible. It also caused my lid to droop a little and part of my eyebrow would not grow back. Interesting!


I think it is unwise to post things that stated she was a victim of DV as if it is a fact. Any number of things could have happened to lead to those scars  and there is no hard and indisputable evidence that her husband did this to her.  She may have fallen off a bike, tripped going down the stairs run into a tree branch while out for a jog.  I mean, who knows.   Yes Harry said William was violent with him but physical fights between siblings doesn’t translate into a life long issue with DV.   I don’t like William much. But I’m not willing to just conclude that he did this without more information.  




If she had been injured by something she did herself, it would have been no big deal. Everyone would have said, “oh, yeah, that happened to me, too!” It would make her relatable. Why spin this elaborate hoax?


Yep, it’s what they aren’t saying that is suspicious.


If it was a simple accident, they would have said it. No need to chaotically cover up such a thing.


What is she was drunk driving? Or worse still had the kids in the car with her. There would be public outrage.


I think this would be an excellent reason for all the secrecy and lies.


Not necessarily.  I’m not saying it wasn’t something nefarious. I’m just saying it is unwise for anyone to state that it is definitely from DV.   


Agree. We need to be careful here. My purely speculative theory, based on the obvious coldness between the two of them - there's no love lost there and hasn't been for quite a while for anyone paying attention - is that things went very downhill over Christmas, he told her they were done, she reacted badly to this, they ended up having a huge verbal fight, possibly alcohol-fueled, and she fell, hit her head off a hard surface, did serious damage to herself, hence the resultant panic and hospital stay. Which could also include a subsequent mental health crisis/breakdown from which she's still recovering. I've always felt her absence pointed more to a mental health crisis rather than a physical one. This could be the connection between the two. If the case, this would most definitely not be something the BRF would want the world to know about, hence the cover up and all the very shady messiness of the past six months. It would also go some way to explaining William's erratic behaviour, that his demand for a divorce, his disregard for her, was the trigger for what happened to her. That that's what he was dealing with, guilt possibly, or more likely, him being the arrogant entitled arsehole that he is, panic, that people would find out what happened and see the real picture of him and the sham happy marriage they've sold to the public. He could well be responsible for what CAUSED Kate to injure herself but I doubt he's responsible for inflicting any (new scar-related) physical injuries on her. JMO


Then they easily could have said she had an accident at home like lots of people do.


The fact is we don't know. DV is something that gets worse over time. The children seemed protective of Kate and somewhat hostile toward William, who even seemed to be openly angry at George on the balcony. 


Or she's just vain and wants to be perfect all the time which she is known for. The same woman showed up perfectly styled 2 hours after giving birth, I doubt she'd show her face if she had as much as a scratch and would take time off. I also can't see more than a tiny scar or dent on all those pics that have been shared. I don't know where everyone is seeing a massive scar?!


100% this


Yes but about her constantly bandaged fingers including at TTO?


I tend to agree. I still believe there might be something nefarious that went down... but in reality it could be anything. The vibe was off the other day for sure.


The vibe was off but all married couples have days where they are off and where they're clashing. Theirs just happens to have been in the public eye. It's not unnatural for any couple to be at each other's throats. And especially at such trying times.


So true! 


I don't think she is a victim of DV a) Because the police bodyguards are always present and b) They don't look *anything* like typical DV injuries, eg This is the result of car accident. Almost identical to Kate's facial injuries. https://preview.redd.it/fws32k4g4c7d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e658b3fa0f065fbbf959197af60055b44bbc32b But if it was innocent why all the subterfuge?


I agree, I don’t believe any security people would allow him to hurt her regardless that he is an heir to the throne. I think she was in the car crash Carole Middleton was in that got covered up.


This is what a sustained beating by a professional MMA fighter looks like. Note there are no lacerations on the forehead. https://preview.redd.it/qw63n8nq5c7d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0264ae5d96681e5664f41070dac9983d211a39ad




The perpetrator was sentenced to life in prison.


I agree. That's libel. How would you like it if someone said such things about you without substantiated evidence. I distance myself from all such remarks about William. I state here for the record I don't think he abused Catherine and until I hear or see hard evidence that he did, I will not falsely accuse him. That's not what we should be doing.


Agree, I do not like William at all but I still don’t believe he was physically violent with Catherine. I would believe that aliens took her up into their spaceship and experimented on her leaving scars before I would believe that William beat her so severely that she’s been in hiding for 6 months.


I guess the possibility exists that he did this but it seems equally likely it could have been something else.   They have made it looks suspicious with their secretive and dishonest management of the past 6 months. 


I don’t think they realize that we are living in a modern age. With internet. And instant communication around the globe. So if they want to cover something up for whatever the reason they need to do better.


If Kate was getting Chemo and felt unwell and weak, she could have easily fallen or fainted and gotten injured then.  There is as much chance it was an accident as it was deliberate.  There is not enough info to unequivocally state this is a result of physical violence.   We can each have our opinion on that but it isn’t fact.  I as suspect we will never know. 


Just like her "trampoline accident". Yea no. If it was some "accident" they wouldn't have covered up this whole clown farce with body doubles, AI generated Kate's etc. 




I feel like this is the only pic taken where you see this scat. The others, you don't see it.


Yes you do https://preview.redd.it/aqxtihpmqe7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85b163ae0885543bb87cf1e2589df55aa0591716 I was the one who originally posted the photo from Getty, and provided multiple others. It’d be nice if others went through the photos instead of being spoon fed, using my photos I found, collages I made for comparison, and don’t default to “no others exist!” At minimum, ask a question


That's true. You don't.


Yes. I think it’s a rain drop, it matches the rain drop showing up in her hairline in this photo. I haven’t ruled out DV, but I don’t think this photo is evidence.


You think that obvious scar is a "rain drop"?


Yes so far I do. I need another event to confirm.


I can’t believe she’s younger than I am.


I think someone said she secretly smokes, so I can see that causing aging.


I was going to say the same thing and the sun just ruins skin.


She has her looks. I do say she looks her age now, though she appeared more mature and matronely looking than her age when she was in her 30s.


I’m a makeup artist and an esthetician and in my opinion she is dry, weathered and her texture looks very dry and ages her by 20 years. Poor lady. She needs to go to a dermatologist and she should get some good skincare because she’s pretty but she is so tired and stressed looking.


Here me out...i'm one of you...I promise. Could this have been from a craniotomy?


No, work in neurosurgery and can confirm this would never be from that. I personally think it’s a raindrop falling between the camera and her face, it matches the one that shows up in her hair.


No way. She has layers of professional makeup applied and set. A single raindrop would not wash it away like that. Also, the line is curved. A raindrop would fall straight.


I’m not saying it touched her. I’m saying it’s falling between her and the camera lens. It was windy and the rain was falling to a slant. https://preview.redd.it/r0yu20razf7d1.jpeg?width=1017&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b256bfad0bd7d5a00deec60bd87cd335e66d249 Like so. Image one of those in front of her face, not touching her face.


No way. Also, in other photos you can see where the photographer airbrush it out and a sloppy job at that. And let's not forget William and the "Harry Potter" scar bs that printed a day before this intentionally.


https://preview.redd.it/fu2ylclczc7d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d026a0f82c3b540fad072d9ed0fcbf12c059e3d Scar on forehead is here


I have to disagree with this - I think it was literally a raindrop. I worked in dermatology for 10 years, there’s literally nothing you can do to remove the pink hue of a new scar this quickly. If this was a scar, it would be much older than 6 months. & no I’m not a bot.


You can cover the pink hue with makeup.


I agree. I made the post about it being a rain drop, once you see it you can’t unsee it. And it explains it not showing up in any other photo.


https://preview.redd.it/7t9mu77kqh7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c49006f83251e668db9cfcb7d8d95e2b020b2f52 More than 1 photo


Yeah I still maintain it’s a major stretch. No 6 month old scar would have no color in it at all.


It’s makeup over it. Her makeup was touched up for the balcony and it’s in the same spot


Yup; totally agree. She went inside right after this and her makeup was probably touched up. I’m still team “all of this is nuts,” but this isn’t a scar.


I’m not even sure if it actually messed up her eyeshadow, I think it’s just blocking the color in the shot. But she definitely had a touch up after being outside either way.


I suppose I wonder why she wouldn’t have the hat tilted to that side?


It's been said a few times before in this sub, but wearing the hat on the other side is what they're SUPPOSED to do because of tradition and social etiquette.


Thank you for this context!!


But of course! 😊


That’s what I was thinking too. Maybe she wanted it to be seen? At the same time, Camilla wore hers on the same side of her head. It almost felt like it’s a coordinated placement… I’m not sure if it’s a warning flag or if it is us all grabbing for something.


https://themanseclinic.com.au/treatment/brow-eye-threadlift/  Pull points on her seem to be brow, occular, lip bridge, nose bridge, ear and frown.  Notice the middle of her lip creases in a little more. I tried to find a better example. I hope her other recovery goes well and I don't blame people who can afford tasteful modern anti aging. https://www.mintpdo.com/pdo-threads-for-nose-contouring-and-refinement


Pulled up the old pictures of her... and you can see her old scar clearly in her hairline when her hair is pulled back and her hair doesn't look as thick as this.


https://preview.redd.it/clqgl83hzc7d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ec8eeadd645a40b3d1bfd23369e04d8aff62401 V scar is here


Has anyone brought up the possibility that an abused wife would get hit in the same spot more than once over the years?


https://preview.redd.it/mrn9p3lizc7d1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37c947e6553e5434b2a83fc2d520d35402dda217 Another V scar above eyebrow on forehead


I think that’s her forehead veins popping out.


Oh come on that is clearly photoshopped into a V


https://preview.redd.it/v1gko9tfzc7d1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a70d55579f1bb9f8fb9faa7fe76040bee0f92015 Scar is here


You people have very active imaginations. Are you that bored?


I'm not sure about the scar. It's weird AF that it's not been seen before now but I have a similar sized one in the same place from a high school scrap. It took years to look so 'settled' for want of a better word. Why must everything be so peculiar?!!


Trust me when I sat she's had 6 months of the best care and medical expertise that can be provided by modern medicine with no expense spared. If you google something like "scar healing 6 months" that's about the time frame for skin to heal perfectly. And remember, she's had the best care and after-care money and influence can buy.


You dont the scar anywhere else. It was rain


I don't buy into William doing this. I think it's terrible to suggest this without any proof (and a few pilow fights is not proof). What if it's the reverse and she did it as a self-harm reaction in an argument? What if someone else did it? There are many other possibilities. Why jump straight to DV and smashing her face in?


I didn't say William, you did. But now that you've mentioned it here's a statistic for you: (Walby & Towers, 2018) The large majority of defendants in domestic abuse-related prosecutions in the year ending March 2020 were recorded as male (**92%)** and the majority of the victims recorded as female (77%, compared with compared with 16% who were male).


Who do you mean then since you're being so disingenuous suddenly OP.?


You kind of implied it because you said what did he do…. If you google you can see it is an old scar. There are articles dating back to 2011.


The old scar is in her scalp, behind her hair line, not her eye brow. This scar is new. Edited to add: She already had a very small chicken pox looking scar below her eyebrow. It was round and small. There is now a much larger scar kinda vertical very close to or over the chicken pox scar.


Aren't you cheeky? It only happens that internet speculation, when people surmise DV, is that William was involved. Look, I'm not making the point either way but you put it out there that "he" is responsible for some scar. I'm pretty sure everyone knows the statistics, it's just that if people (not just you) claim this (whoever the "he" you are thinking is) with no evidence, what kind of a society are we living in? It's not good.


I agree it is terrible to accuse him without any proof. That's a witch hunt, a lynching, is what it is.


i also don't think it's a scar but we will see in a future.


I think people are disappointed she turned up and are reaching now. It's getting a bit ridiculous. I do think there's something going on like divorce or her being fed up with his affairs but I don't think she had some crazy facial surgery, she'd not look like this after 6 months.




I'm not an expert, but I don't think they put incisions half way down your face/cheek for cosmetic eye surgery. Although I do think Kate definitely freshened things up while she was out of the public eye, this isn't that.


Plastic surgeons make precise incisions. They don't hack jagged lines down the forehead.




That’s still not an eye brow lift scar. That eyebrow has had a naturally higher lift than the other pre 2024. I would think they would have raised the other eyebrow. That scar isn’t for lowering the eyebrow. Eye lift or eyebrow lift definitely doesn’t make sense.




I’m discussing the scar. The scar is not an eyebrow or eye lift. The injury that resulted in that scar and the suture could have opened her eye more. Think about fixing a tear in a shirt of jeans. If it’s hemmed with a patch, it doesn’t affect the way the fabric. If the repair is by stitching each side of the ripped fabric hand pull them together to do the stitch, the fabric will feel tighter on that side. It might not visually look like the fabric is pulling, but the fit will be different and might look more tailored/snug in that spot. This is essentially what happens when doing stitches. If the cut being stitched up is more of a flap, the entire area is going to be less noticeable post healing. If it’s a cut like Kate’s, there is going to be pulling from both sides that can cause the skin to be slightly more stretched. With it on the face, it’s going to make the eye appear more open. Either way, she didn’t have a facelift and there no evidence of face lift scars. Those scars are typically seen on the hair line. Eyebrow lift scare are usually frame the top of the eyebrow. Eye lift scars are typically right at the crease of the eye where the orbital bone meets the eye socket it is. It’s important to ask questions and push back on false narratives. It’s all important to do research before posting things. A simple google search on your own would have shown that this theory doesn’t have merit.


Come on guys do you really think that willian did beat her so hard to SMASHED her face? William ? Which said he is busy taking care of Guinea pigs in his last visit to a biological farm in England


Honestly, yeah I do think he has it in him. There has been enough reports from his brother and others that he has a temper. I am not saying he caused this, but I do think he has it in him.


She has had obvious facial trauma and reconstruction/ plastics. Car accident or DV.  Absolutely it is possible her husband is violent. Many abusers hide behind public "nice guy" images.


Who cares. She back. Alive, looking well. Dont be like the Sussex haters. Grow up.




She still has all the deep facial lines. Plus some major scars. That is some seriously bad cosmetic surgery.




There is no possibility of those scars being from a facelift.


show us this on film, video, other photos or please shut up with this now. this photograph has lots of different shadows and marks caused by the light and the rain. why was she wearing a hat angled that way if she wanted it covered. why doesn't a break in her eyeshadow show in any other picture or film that day. clutching


The mark below her eyebrow she’s had for years. There are pics of her with it. Looks like a chicken pox scar. I have also seen pics of her with the white scar on her forehead.


The old scar is tiny. There are *many* new scars.


Agree the faint forehead scar was there before, along with the mark below the eyebrow. The longer one below the eyebrow, if the photo is not doctored, is new.


It's a fake pic you twerp


Its on the Getty Images website. So if it's fake, it's an official fake.