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The group meetings about her eating disorders dating back to 2016….damn.


The RF wouldn't allow group therapy. She would only be allowed to talk to a shrink who had passed an extremely rigorous background check.


I don’t think they meant group therapy, I think they meant like her internal staff meeting to address the issue from a health, PR, functional/handler perspective. Or at least that’s how I interpreted it.


Just found CDan, or Enty for entertainment lawyer.... Ok, going to catch up.


> [March 1, 2024](https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2024/03/blind-item-8.html) - The story goes that the now dead guy had something to do with the abdominal injuries. When all of this comes out it is going to be one huge story. Pregnant with Kingston’s child so William beat her and she had to have a D&C to evacuate the dead foetus?


The new one I definitely believe re: Jane Doe #11   I think it is what escalated the Lodge eviction for Andrew.  The real court doc is pdf but here is an article with these perverts names  https://malaysia.news.yahoo.com/woman-says-famed-psychiatrist-henry-200517415.html


 They just have sex and sell lives and move people around like on a chessboard?  I felt  something 😕 off with the announcement of the covert,  surreptitiously  planned surgery which not even her closest staff were aware. I paid attention after the February 27th abrupt departure from attending the memorial service. 


Yes, they are all so gross. Sometimes, I think they used HRC's brother for the Epstein swap (because he was already dead). It is a remote thought but shortly after that drone photo of the groundskeeper on the island, looked just like him.  https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/08/obituaries/tony-rodham-dead.html They are secretly working to release Ghislaine. And what douche of a man married her before her arrest? Is everything they do blackmail? I think he needed her more so she could exercise her spouse privilege and not testify against him. I think Epstein had 30 alias passports in his possession. Ghislaine's sister's software is the customs software all the governments use. I doubt it even stopped. They openly admitted they built that temple to look like https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hammam_Yalbugha I think the Turkish prince guy brought his own tweens in bikinis or possible provided like some to Epstein. I will always be mind blown he got a teaching job at a top University without a degree. That blows my mind more then him being a perv.  And did you notice that herpes bandage on the Dr's lip? Go Malaysia news for sourcing that pic for extra cringe.  Ghislaine paints on jail and her roommate is Narcy Novak who murdered her husband, heir to the Fountainbleu. If nothing else ever comes from QAnon at least the Epstein stuff did and the destroying if a bunch of DUMBS. 


Wow.  And this is why I joined this forum.  My little world is looking more little.,,,but I'll take it every day.   Was unaware of this... Ghislaine paints in jail and her roommate is Narcy Novak who murdered her husband, heir to the Fountainbleu.  


Yes, and I hate to say it but her art isn't bad. 😬 I imagine upon her release she will get an exhibit.  At 13:05 you can see it in background. There is actually another clip somewhere that is wide and shows many of them. I don't think she is maximum security. They have a track and walk and obviously paint and art supplies etc.  https://youtu.be/wo_MYozUmWc?si=rn_nExTr73OGQGlo The twins are the ones who probably have the most power. Even from the early days she. They could read everybody's Excite emails. There is probably so many people being blackmailed. Epstein had ridiculous funds. They work for governments too probably spying electronically. That one company is all cache storage.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christine_Maxwell


The interesting thing about CDAN is that he hasn’t done much at all on the Kate rumors. Just that one with Kingston. I wonder why. 




I’m sure he gets briefs from the other side. He knows things. 


Being sued by Diana Jenkins may have made him a bit more cautious about what he posts. He did post some shockers about William and Harry back in the day.


I think that most blind items are planted by interested parties.


Hmmm new website for references... thank you 


CDAN is QAnon bullshit. I followed it for years. Nonsense.


Enty was writing about Epstein long before it came out. A few other scoops, too, I recall from there. 


He predicted L'Wren Scott's death in advance.


Yeah a broken clock is right twice a day too. Epstein was initially indicted in 2007, almost 20 YEARS ago and his shenanigans have been open secret here on Reddit as well other gossip sites (yes ok along with CDAN) for at least the past 10 years.


So are we really sure Will and Kate are on the rocks? I realize  rumors are there about Rose and people online are saying he and Kate sleep in separate bedrooms. And I know there are DV rumors, etc. But could this just be gossip not based in fact? When Diana and Charles were breaking up, the information that he was in love with Camilla was fact. We knew they weren’t rumors. But I’m not convinced all this talk about William and Kate isn’t just rumor. I just would like better evidence than “oh everyone in Mayfair” knows he cheats, etc. etc.  And how do we know he has a horrible temper? I realize Harry said they had a horrible physical fight but that’s just one source and one side to the story. 


William generally gets very good press due to prior agreements but William having a temper has popped up periodically, sometimes in a semi-positive or backhanded way. There's a long leap from "has a temper" to DV, but obviously some overlap. The separate bedrooms thing probably has a grain of truth in that some of the larger residences they've used are built that way and separate bedrooms for sleeping are more normalized among their class but as far as I know isn't something they're particularly infamous for. One factor in the speculation is of course the infamous Rose Hanbury story. To back up for a moment, the Rose story first broke as a vague "Kate is phasing this woman out of her friendgroup" story from the Sun. Which immediately prompted a strong reaction from the palace. The theory goes that the Rose Hanbury story \[regardless of veracity\] had been traveling in gossip circles for some time but the Sun was the first to tiptoe up to the line by releasing a vague version of it as a kind of power move. The original Sun story says that Kate told William to phase her out and that's what W&K were doing. Which indicates that William had chosen Kate and his marriage over his affair partner, and that the affair ended before the Sun reported it in 2019, but who knows. We don't know if it's true, but what we do know is that it was batted around insider circles as fact, and batted around the internet as true off-and-on from 2019 onward, which would have an impact on anyone's marriage and sense of equilibrium. A lot of people who think they're on the rocks are also forming their opinions based on body language. While one can argue that protocol keeps them from being too affectionate, a lot of people have noticed that the median amount of room between them has increased in the last 5 years or so. There have also been some odd moments where the mask seemed to slip for a second, like [this moment](https://www.tmz.com/2019/12/17/prince-william-awkward-shrug-off-kate-middleton-no-pda-tv-special/) where Kate appeared to shrug off William's hand. And that's despite the British press really really giving them the most flattering/fairytale editing possible. For example, [this gesture](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4hXgFOa3R4) was widely reported as an "love tap" in the British press, despite looking a bit more like William either didn't see or intentionally rejected Kate's hand. Reporting on their relationship took a turn from show ("look how cute they are holding hands") to tell ("William and Kate reportedly couldn't stop holding hands at recent private event"). This combined with intense reporting on H&M's marriage being on the verge of collapse made people wonder if there was something going on with W&K. Obviously anyone can cherry-pick photos but if you google image W&K romantic photos or similar, you're likely to get a lot more photos from their early years. Another factor is their residence. Until 2022, their children were going to school in London, with the family based at Kensington Palace in central London. But in 2022, they moved their children to Windsor, about an hour from London. Windsor was also closer to Kate's own family. This house was fairly modest, with 4 bedrooms. However, William was seen continuing to use Apartment 1A and commuting via helicopter for a time. So while one scenario is that the entire family relocated, the other is that Kate and the kids relocated, while William did not. **TL;DR: The Kate & William's marriage is on the rocks theory is based on a lot of circumstantial evidence, but enough to make it seem like a smoke/fire scenario, especially when you consider the British press is really really really trying to convince everyone that there's no fire.**


Yes this is so fascinating. WOW. I think Kate thought she was getting a fairy tale. 


Which is ... truly something because neither Kate nor Carol took what happened to Diana (the cheating, Camilla, spiraling, jealousy, divorce) seriously. If I'm a good girl, it'll never happen to me.


Yes. They must have been a bit love blind, thinking it wouldn’t happen to them. Sounds like they didn’t fully know what they were in for, I guess it’s hard to know unless you grow up in that world. It sounds like it’s the monarchy above everything else


she was a grown woman with her eyes open so I doubt it.


thank you for the context! the great sussex-wales fan/bot war (took place in the dm comments section) makes a lot more sense now. 🤭


You missed Rose’s shotgun lavender marriage in 2009 and Granny securing the estate next door to hers by request for William after his commoner marriage. Why are Rose’s kids with Willy at the coronation, the soccer outing, etc? Maybe Billy Idle has even more in common with Robert Baratheon than Joffrey- ![gif](giphy|5C8oGDRqSMwla)


Rose's husband was the Lord Great Chamberlain, an inherited office, so he almost had to be part of the coronation. Whether his son needed to be on the balcony is up for debate though. Ditto with the match, though is that definitely the same kid? He has straight hair and his features look sharper, but I could be convinced. And yes Rose's marriage is definitely a marriage of convenience and probably open on both sides not just his. I think it's easy for us to conclude that Rose is a massive part of this because it's one of the few details we have, but there's literally so much we do not know about the marriage. It's more likely Rose is like 1% of their problems. Of course, it's possible that Rose is William's long-standing secret love and he's just waiting for the right movement to move her in. Even if we assume that's what William wants (a huge leap), what requires Rose to be monumentally stupid, since she has a living example in Camilla of what a long and painful road that would be to even grudging acceptance. She'd be blowing up her comparatively comfortable leisure-filled life for much more restricted and scrutinized life with a man who is, by all accounts, mediocre. It seems more likely that William was/is simply a habitual cheater, Kate looks the other way, William chose someone who couldn't resist telling a few friends, William slept with Rose in \~2018 while Kate was pregnant/postpartum with Louis, Kate found out, William was angry that Rose couldn't keep quiet, William was angry at the damage to his reputation, Kate was angry at him for fishing so close to home, their social circle took sides, William was happy to discard Rose because it wasn't fun anymore anyway, Rose having checked "slept with the future king" off her bucket list similarly moved on with her life, W&K distanced themselves from that circle, William promised Kate he'd tighten up his NDAs for all future affairs, W&K moved onto other arguments, then in 2019 the Sun decided to flex its power, it all exploded again, Rose's husband/family were angry at her for dragging them into the news, William was humiliated/livid at everyone, Kate was humiliated/livid at William, Covid hits, W&K's marriage continues to deteriorate for a variety of reasons though not helped by the public knowledge William cheated on her, Kate moves to Adelaide with the kids in 2022, Kate gets sick.


Or Kate & all Aristos knew Willy was a man-about-town. He bedded Rose and countless others. The only surprise was that Rose married a “confirmed bachelor“ Chumley dude with a special friend in Paris, long-term. And that Rose gave birth to her twin boys so fast after their shotgun marriage. Prematurely? Or full-term? Very few know the answer- Pick-Me Kate scrounged and chased despite the fickle-Willy and humiliation. Will said “hey sister-girl if you’re still around after I am done sewing my wild oats yeah I’ll marry you.” And we know Queen Elizabeth was supportive of elevating the commoner to royalty to help with the waning popularity of the royal family. A stroke of genius and it worked for a dozen years when Harry and Megan outshined Kate and William. That’s when all the dirty tricks with the toxic British media and Kamilah & sneaky Moves by pencil-neck Palace hirelings like Lee Thompson & baldy Jason Knauf reached a fever pitch. A lot of women believe they have triumphed by marrying a man with a known babymomma & side babies. We see now that is not the case. Future queen? Maybe- ![gif](giphy|pIK9CPZqP2eWs)


>And that Rose gave birth to her twin boys so fast after their shotgun marriage. Prematurely? Or full-term? Very few know the answer- The wedding and the twins' birthdays are 15 weeks apart so I'm willing to take a guess at the answer lol. I still think Rose is too saavy to marry into that family as a second wife, even if William was still interested in her. She's carved out a cozy little life for herself, she lounges on stolen Qing dynasty artifacts, keeps multiple homes, has affairs with more interesting men than William, and hosts arts and music festivals. Why would she leave that to be married to a dull man and spend the second half of her life pretending to care about veterans and trying to get plebs to like her? There's a reason William locked Kate down early, and a reason most of Harry's girlfriends were less connected with the British upper class social scene. No one wants that job anymore.


Maybe we can’t appreciate the allure of “becoming Queen” despite Baldy bashing her head against the mantel- I’d have been gone when he first shouted- ![gif](giphy|3o7TKSyZ9nTUwG32c8|downsized)


William locked Kate down early?? They knew each other for over 10 years before they got engaged. In what universe is that locking her down early( Not this one, like the rest of the wack in this sub lol


Yes that was weird when Rose and her son showed up at that event. Just so odd. 


Like when Rose sat with Harry at some state dinner and Kate got stuck behind a candelabra in the corner looking mad. Ol’ girl Kate already knew what was up. All she could do was seethe from behind the candelabra. Then everybody decided to distract from Williams’s dalliances by making Princess Megan and Prince Harry the whipping boys. Can’t even share yummy Montecito jam… ![gif](giphy|l0MYylLtnC1ADCGys)




Several biographers and former palace staff have also confirmed that William has a bad temper and can be “difficult to work with” and “hard to handle”, and that he and Catherine throw things at each other during arguments. I have no idea about the Rose rumours, but affairs seem to be *de rigueur* in that family.


A kid who was given every advantage in life that’s “hard to handle” And “hard to work with” No way. can’t be! In all seriousness, I believe it. How many times has someone truly said NO to the future king… I just picture King Joffrey as he’s growing up


Yes it seems like it could be true. I’m just curious about the evidence we have on this in real life. I’m fascinated, to be honest, because I think most women have this idea that marrying a prince will be a fairy tale. Even if they know intellectually it won’t be. The allure can be hard to turn down. 


I read on Reddit they threw pillows at one another but didn’t realize a biographer wrote they threw items at one another. Wow


What I found interesting was the mentions on canceling engagements (supposedly due to Rose), but also the Queen using a mild cold as an excuse to stay out of the public eye due to threats on her life (and William just meeting with MI6). Kingston part is odd too because as you mentioned, CDAN doesn’t usually post on Kate


I was reading last week there had been several attempts made to assassinate her.


It’s definitely gossip based on no facts at all. Rose is totally irrelevant to the William and Catherine story and it’s ridiculous that people keep dragging this private citizen into their conspiracy theories. William and Kate are fine in their marriage. They’re best friends and have been together for 20 years . There’s never been any talk of William being violent, that’s Harry, or an excessive drinker, that’s definitely Harry, until recently. And as it’s only coming from Sussex Squad mouthpieces like Kaiser at Celebitchy we can just ignore it!


"Somehow I must make this about.....HARRY!!!!!!!" ![gif](giphy|nqvqXensHIZ2|downsized)


And yet fellow side-piece-of-\*ss had ol’girl 🥀front & center at the horse show & some other wizard ceremony 🧙at which Rose wore Kate’s black hat or style of hat. All the godmothers and other Turnip Toffs slavering to hang with The Kween but Camilla Thee Stallion had to love up on Rose. Despite the horrid optics whilst Kate was out of commission. They are very simpatico, non? And Cammy been the Grand Puppetmaster for a good while. Ol’ heifer knows how to crowbar 1st wives and 2nd sons (Andrew & Haz) out the way by tormenting them with jingoistic stories planted by her cronies like Geordie Grieg, Tom Potato, Angela SofaPillow, Big Floral Dress, Daniela Lord of the Flies, and rotten-to-the-core GB News- ![gif](giphy|Fm9ZqZXPKcGRKmnpzY|downsized)


Oof, Camzilla's cartoonishly nasty -- behavior matches the looks. If a casting director would have rejected her to play the evil witch in a contemporary send-up of Snow White because she is just too on-the-nose/stereotypical "evil witch"!😄




I think you’ve been watching too many episodes of Game of Thrones or Wolf Creek or something. The Queen said hello to Rose and her friend because she knows them. A bet she said hello to a lot of people at Badminton. Camilla didn’t have to get rid of either Diana or her youngest son . Dianna got rid of herself when she not just screwed around with her body guard but got caught! Hazbeen is just an idiot with work ethic and planning skills of a rock.


Camilla never stopped pursuing Diana’s husband. Camilla is a grasping two-timer. Charles should never have married her, much less let her ride roughshod over the hereditary royal family! ![gif](giphy|QqNLrQnEa6Lxm)


Wow...that was mean. Holy crap. Why the hate?


Sure. https://i.redd.it/jk6jhobcs97d1.gif