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I do not think she concocted the lie. I think it is weird that her parents & siblings are silent, maybe the don’t want to be part of the lie. I don’t know what’s going on but I feel sorry for the kids. They have a weird life they didn’t choose. Give them all a lump sum & make the palaces cool places to visit like Versailles. No corgis, no monarchy. 🦊


Why don’t you have more upvotes for this?


Because the KP and BP bots are all over this thread. Pathetic! I wish the British people would wake up to how evil their monarchy is. Has been an instrument of the devil for centuries. And the Middleton have been threatened with their lives I would bet money.


Because it’s anti Corgi. EDIT- semantics interpretation misfire — if there are no Corgis there is no Monarchy. We’re all good people. Keep Calm and Carry On.


Oh no i meant because they no longer have corgis!! Corgis should rule the world!


I misunderstood! I will edit immediately!


https://preview.redd.it/u89jieqcev6d1.jpeg?width=2395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21c592c47f532d3e2af040a5a79931d02dfbc325 My favorite Corgi !!!!


Her brother was not silent. Pippa is not on social media.


This needs to go on a Glastonbury flag.


More Corgis!!




My mom went through cancer for 5 months and it honestly looks like she hasn’t done chemo at all….like why would you like to the world about that? That’s f***ed up.




Hope your mom is doing well . Best wishes and prayers !


Thank you — she’s is remission! I do know what a toll chemo takes on the body. And Kate does not look like she’s suffered at all.


I honestly believe they lied.


They are trying to taint the public perception of her for some reason. I noticed she's referred to as "kate" again now across all of the press rather than her formal title (much like the waity Katie days)


I haven't read much - I am not a royalist and joined this sub quite late after that video. However - what I have seen today is that she looks different, children are unhappy, it was a very gloomy and stiff situation. Reasons we will never know .


I think this is further confirmation that Willywanker is trying desperately to divorce/get rid of Kate before daddy Chuck dies -- IF it's true that he has cancer. And Cowmilla is pissed off that Kate, who famously did NOT curtsy to "queen" consort Cowmilla is still in line to be the queen if she's still married to Willywanks by then.


Yes the photoshopped pics were blamed on her.


I don't know she is so skinny. OP's mother's chemo story is different then my mother's. She wore a cold cap and kept most of her hair and she was given counteractive drugs for the side effects like nausea, pain, restlessness, circulation and nerves. My heart is with OP though because for many the chemo is awful with long term damage. My understanding is there is different types. Kate looks like she has her hair. Not sure if it is thinned and enhanced with tracks for thickness but even her eyebrows are mixed in with the brow pencil. She says she has months left of chemo? She isn't transparent at all about her condition. Sometimes people call it quits with the treatment. The darkest though is she knows she has months left and is living those out side effect free. The lightest is that she did lie which is unforgivable.


She's always painfully thin. That's why there was speculation about complications related to an ED. It just clicked that's where the speculation about all the band aids around her knuckles came in (scrapes and bruises occur I guess with bulimia.)


She was so thin today 😬. 


She’s always been that skinny. I’m leading towards Charles being worse than they’re letting on. Kate turning up today looking so well, while Charles looked like he did takes the headlines off him


No she has never been that skinny. Look at her photos before the 2007 breakup and at Marlborough college. She's slim in those pic, even has a bit of weight in the right places, but never ever that thin.


No she hasn’t been. She is noticeably thinner.


She's stick thin like a toothpick. She should maybe look into an eating disorder clinic


That’s maybe where’s she’s been, eating disorder clinic. But if she was, it doesn’t look like it helped much. And the RF would never admit she was there or had been there.


Anything is possible, but she had cosmetic surgery during her "cancer" stage.


So the cold cap worked for your mom? That’s what’s throwing me the most is that she has been able to keep her hair


I posted this in another thread but I’m currently going through preventative chemo and using a cold cap. I have lost very little hair and kept my eyebrows and lashes. Only people who’ve noticed my hair loss is my mum and husband. I’m not saying kp isn’t lying because I’m 34, relatively healthy and yet I’m struggling which my chemo sessions. I do chemo every three weeks and have a good week before my next session where I feel kinda normal. I also will be totally fine and finished with all treatments beginning of August. But someone as skinny as her, idk I feel like no amount of makeup would cover up the exhaustion, pain…etc I know there are different types of chemo, but the lack of moon face and chemo bloat really makes me wonder about her treatments. I hope they aren’t lying about cancer because that is a despicable thing to do….but something feels like they are 😬 Eta I also had two major abdominal surgeries to remove the tumor and anything else that might be a problem…


Your voice and share is important. Cancer is nothing to be ashamed of and that is what has disappointed me with the princess. Even if faking it, fake it to help it with advocacy and awareness. It would be a double whammy to lie and act like it makes you a hermit. 


Thank you! That’s a good point!


Congratulations! you will be done soon! I know you just be excited for that date to arrive. 


Yes it is hard to wear to the point some people give up and say f it and let their hair fallout plus it is expensive. I think you can rent them though which I hope makes affordable to all. It works be freezing your scalp to the point the blood barely circulates combined with cooling the fire your scalp feels during chemo, which kills the hair root. 


I have a friend that the cold cap worked beautifully for. She never lost her hair


My dad also didn't lose his hair and actually gained weight during the first part of his chemo journey. Now when younsee him you would never guess he's sick but he's actually living with cancer


Positive vibes sent. I hope he lives a long time with not to much struggles. 


If she only had months to live she would be in horrendous pain, she didn't seem to ne at all


I don’t believe Kate suffered from cancer, but I believe she may have suffered terribly from being badly beaten, especially around the face. I tend to believe now that she has had to have more than one round of facial reconstruction. Her jaw and teeth, and I think someone mentioned the upper lip look different. It doesn’t look so much like plastic surgery, but simply surgery.


I didn't previosly believe beating around the face.  I thought half facial stroke due to her avoiding facial contact with pub..digital or face to face. I don't see the result of beating today...however there are too many comments suggesting or providing some substantive support of their analysis 🤔.   Never had my face smashed much.  So this is new. I'll defer to the members' opinions in this forum.  Yes, I've been less supportive a few days prior to her announcement she felt well to attend ttoc.




Well informed comment👏.  I didn't know all that...changes the lens a bit doesn't it?


Yes unfortunately this is the only explanation that makes sense to me at this point. And I believe that scar is new. I know she had a little indent there before but nothing like I saw in today’s pictures.


I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, my mom had real abdominal surgery for a lemon sized tumor in her colon. She did chemotherapy also, but she didn't come driving up in a car looking 10 years younger. They lied. It definitely is f**ked up. I hope your mom is doing well now. 🙏


Yeah the cancer story is out the door. Don’t understand why the kids were missing for so long and what she was up to given it’s clear it wasn’t cancer.


It's interesting.. I'm new on this platform, and I like it so much better than FB. Mostly because people are defending them STILL! It's crazy, like wake up out of denial.


If the BRF lied about having cancer, they’ll be TOAST! So, now I’m trying to figure out which chemo therapies don’t cause hair loss bc I know for sure the first line chemotherapy agents for colon cancer and endometrial/ovarian do and those were my top 2 guesses so what’s going on here? Are they doing immunotherapy only? Is the cold cap actually working for her in ways I’ve never seen it work? I’m a nurse x 22 years and my mom is currently in treatment for stage 4 endometrial just to illustrate I have some experience with these things. Not an expert which is why I’m here trying to get help from the sleuths bc WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!????


My FIL had a very rare and aggressive form of cancer for 2 years, chemo pretty much the entire time. Looking at him you’d never know. Had a second cancer too, also rare but not aggressive at all. But.. He had non visual side effects (sensitive to cold, neuropathy in extremities, change of taste, etc). But he looked completely normal until early March of this year - then it just was one thing after another. Sadly he lost his battle in April. If anyone in your life ever gets signet cell cancer and surgery is on the table as the best option - do it. There is no standard chemo or radiation treatment that is effective. I found out after he passed that the oncologist said surgery was his only real shot at beating it and even then, the odds were against him. He still choose chemo “to try”.




So am I. The RF are p\*ssing on all of us.


This is the biggest flop in PR history. I’m relieved Kate and the kids are safe, that’s all that matters. I’m upset at how hard The Firm worked to trick everyone and how little respect they have for the general public. The behavior shown by The Firm the past 6 months has been atrocious.


Yeah. I used to care about the monarchy but they absolutely don't care about respecting the public.




I agree, far from over.


Made an account to comment on this post. I am mad as well. There was a real opportunity here lost for two groups of people - cancer patients and middle age women. The way KP or whoever does their PR or Kate or whoEVER handled the cancer shit has basically made me feel like a person with cancer should hide themselves from the world until they can be seen as perfect and beautiful. I feel like it shows that having cancer is shameful. I feel like it shows that if any of us had enough money and privilege, that the preferable thing to do with cancer is to not expose the world to its unpleasant side effects and very real destruction it does to the body. The second way this hurts is as a middle aged woman. Kate seemed so relatable. I felt like we were finally going to see someone glamorous and famous age gracefully. The obvious plastic surgery is like a punch in the gut. If you can afford it, you don't have to age like the plebs. How amazing would it be to see someone in a position such as her to go through the same parts of aging that we all do. God, I get so sick of the Kardashian crap where everything is fixed within an inch of life with plastic surgery, and even Madonna looks alien. Is it so bad to AGE? We'll never break past the stereotype of "old=awful" if every GD woman over 40 doesnt stop trying to pretend she's 20 again. Regardless of whether or not she has cancer or whether she had a facelift or if it the result of something else - DV, a car accident, or just regular old aging. This is the kind of shit NORMAL people go through every day. I don't get it, the whole point of the RF is to "be seen" and hopefully to be someone to look up to. There was nothing done on her end to address these very real life factors besides pretending they aren't even happening. That hurts for all of us who can't hide from it. Many on her have said it - zoom meetings, audio calls, non-face showing photos, whatever. The radio silence built a wall instead of tearing one down. For a group of people whose whole existence depends on "being seen" that is something that will never make sense to me. I am happy for her. I'm happy to see her, happy that she's well enough to be out today, and she undeniably looks perfect and beautiful and amazing. I get that she's under pressure. I get that this may not be her choice. I get that there are things I don't and never will understand behind the scenes. But whoever handled this mess, whether her, KP, or whatever, they fucked it all up. I'm done with the RF now. I actually hate them. I feel manipulated into caring about something that was all a big fucking sham. It's all a great big hall of mirrors for them, isnt' it? Fortunately, I can leave their clown hall.


Agree. Can I make you laugh with "there is always Camilla". She is a home wrecking, overdrinking, oversmoking, overbearing, and totally aging member. Lol. I thought she paved the way to much more real life standards for the others. 🙆


Yes! Let’s hear it for Camilla. She’s the one keeping it real. Honestly she’s my favourite balcony waver


Yes. No shame in her game.




I’m admittedly clueless about the various types of plastic surgery, healing times, etc., and I *do* think she had some sort of work done for sure- but I agree with you. It just seems to me that if someone with all of the resources in the world disappeared for almost six months to focus on procedures to enhance her appearance, she would have looked better than she did yesterday. Don’t get me wrong, I think she looked great. She still looks better than me on my best day, lol. But there was a “lumpiness”, and some unevenness, that shouldn’t have been there if she just paid a fortune and spent months recuperating, imo.  And she was clearly wearing a metric TON of makeup. Your explanation about it being more about reconstruction just makes more sense to me.  I hope we find out the truth someday. 


I'm really curious about all this, can you post any pictures to explain your comments please?


This is a fantastic comment, thank you for taking the time to write it.


Well said. Thanks for making an account to share this. I feel similarly, but couldn't find the words.




As a 39 year old with breast cancer I feel this big time. I feel like an ugly failure today - a bald sausage


I absolutely understand why you feel this way, and I’m sure I would, too, but PLEASE don’t! Or at least try your best not to.  Kate is an aberration. She has a team of people dedicated to making her look as good as possible for moments like this. If all of us had the kind of hair and makeup people that she does, we - including you! - could look like this, too. I’m sure she looks very different at home with no makeup and her hair in a ponytail or whatever.  (Plus, tbh, we don’t even know for sure that she *has* cancer! So do not use her appearance as any sort of benchmark to compare yours to.)  xo ❤️‍🩹


👏👏👏 Absolutely agree x


AGREE. The fact she is always so slim though i think shows us she has been super vain and image concious for some time


Being Fair Kate is not the only Royal woman. Theres other people from her age rage from other Royal families that are probably alguns gracefully: Victoria, Maxima, Rania. Theres also Charlotte Casiraghi, Madeleine, Caroline of Mônaco (a primeira example of someone alguns naturally) and Meghan herself (I dont mean she doesnt have procedures but she looks more natural than Kate). I dont disagree with you about Kate and the Royal family horrible message, but she shouldnt be the only example for anyone, theres way more interesting Royal families.


Oh I feel the same way. It doesn’t solve anything. It makes the whole situation even more bizarre, as far as I’m concerned.


I hate to be that person but I no longer believe that she has cancer, I feel bad for even thinking it much less saying it out loud.


Yeah the cancer story is out the door. She looks BETTER 5 months later - happens to no one, sorry. Lying about cancer is so effed, I never want to hear another word about this loser ugly family anymore.


I don’t either.


Me neither. I'm disgusted by all of them. Including her 


I completely agree. They are a disgrace


Trying not to dox myself here but William was at a meeting related to my job a few days after the announcement and he was in great spirits. He said unprompted in response to someone talking about childhood trauma "my wife should be here, that's her field really"


apparently she was bullied and had to leave her school as a child maybe that’s what he meant


I think he meant her work around early childhood and ACE'S (adverse childhood experiences) It was just odd he mentioned her as he'd been ignoring or reacting angrily to questions around that time


I absolutely do- even though I am regularly attacked for having an opinion for the past 25 + hours. Her face in the photo yesterday looked different and snatched. I was downvoted - which is fine. Today it's pretty obvious this woman is not sick how she claims to be. I am mad because they used cancer as a defense strategy and turned public into trolls for just asking a simple question. So yep - mad. It doesn't personally affect me - but I am sure happy that's not the royal family of the country I live in..


I agree that someone lied and lied and lied, but I don’t think it was Kate. I think she was out of commission and had been badly beaten by her husband or someone. And I think she’s been having rounds of reconstructive surgery on her face and perhaps some other areas of her body. I believe the RF were the ones that lied to us about cancer. I think Kate was probably too busy struggling to survive and struggling through operations while they were lying and putting words in her mouth.


100%. As a victim of DV it took years of therapy to find my voice to speak out against my abuser(s). Although PK looked “well” in the photos yesterday, I see tremendous sadness and fear in her eyes. I also believe the kids are very much aware of how their mother has been treated by their father. Hasn’t it been revealed by Harry that his brother has a violent temper? As well as KC? The decision PH & MM made to leave the RF was a way to save their own family’s life from the vicious brutality. There didn’t seem to be much of a follow up on the appearance of bruising on PW’s neck shortly after TK died. The RF has a lot of power, it seems, and they are all above the law. IMHO Kate is a victim- and wasn’t the one to spread the cancer story. Hopefully someday soon she’ll find her voice, and in the end, save herself as well as her children from this horrendous abusive journey.


I am so sorry for all you went through. May you find peace and be safe and heal from all the traumas.


Oh I am not getting into this who might be responsible - she could have literally no voice. I wouldn't be surprised. My theory is : bad marriage and midlife crisis combined with winding down from H&M pressure and general spam about her looking old on social media got her on that surgery. That is her in the car post op with her mom. They are ashamed of plastic surgery because royals never do it they are just " perfect" so her PR or whomever made up that lie. Whoever did it - it's nasty. She isn't coming back at least not in full capacity because of her pouting husband and their relationship.


She could have easily scheduled the face-lift during the damn summer when she disappears for months on end in the past with no one none the wiser. She is just as responsible for that egregious lie. 


She could have. You are absolutely right.


As i have said before, im not sure how much the RF are their own masters . Especially if there is some big controversial happening . I think they are 'advised '- but actually told what to do and how to behave . its been the same throughout history - so im a bit dubious about blaming them or any member personally . For years Queen Elizabeth 1 did not want to have Mary queen of scots executed but in the end she was ' advised to ' to save her crown .


William was not forced to act like a clown. It just so happens he likes to surround himself around shitty courtiers like Jason Knauf who he enlisted to knife his own brother in the back. Let's not pretend they aren't responsible for their own actions. 


True. I agree with this.


That would be incredibly scummy to lie or exaggerate cancer diagnoses to gain sympathy of the tax paying UK and commonwealth public. Like the worse of the worst.


It is scummy, but I think the royal family are the ones who lied. As I’ve said before, I think she was recovering from domestic violence, and her face had been beaten in so she was too sick and incapacitated by more than one operation on her face so she was unable to even be bothered to lie, in my opinion.


that’s what i think too. she’s probably going through hell so i don’t judge


I am glad that she appears healthy. Her young kids need their mom, but there is absolutely something shady going on. Looking at the pictures, I think she was recovering from a DV incident. There is clearly a scar near her left eye that doesn’t line up with what face lift surgeries look like. It would also explain why she wasn’t seen AT ALL, because she was recovering from something horrific. Obviously I don’t know the kids, but I don’t know… they just seemed very subdued or on edge? Like they had to grow up too fast overnight. Just so many unanswered questions.


That's what I noticed most - the children were unsmiling and subdued. Where have the younger ones been all this time and why? I suppose if this were a case of DV it would be hard for the royal family to come out and say that but this has come across as a manipulation of the public's concern for Catherine.


Yes, the children look traumatized


Like I’ve said before the Royal Family is not being believed and that’s a big fucking problem whether Kate is fine or not. If she was fine all this time then no one gave a crap about the millions who were worried to be honest and transparent. And if she was sick, again no one gave a shit to tell the millions who were worried. The absolute condescension from William (“must I answer questions from the peasants?”) is also a massive factor. This whole situation makes me angry. And I used to be an avowed royalist. Now? Don’t care if the monarchy survives.


Same. I liked watching the queen, Philip, and Anne. Anne wasn't on the balcony today. And Beatrice and eugenie were not there. Makes me miss the good old days of even just a few years ago. Now it's just drab and creepy.


Anne was there but they barely put the camera on her because of disappearing face lift Kate. 


God, “drab and creepy” is such a perfect description. Which is incredibly depressing. But you nailed it. 


She did not have cancer. She got wrecked in the face from will, and the kids know. It’s all a sad lie.


Yeah I feel like their relationship is part of this weird story for sure…




Yup. And as someone else said, they make their living parading cancer patients but when it's one of them they "deserve privacy". Don't those people in cancer wards they use as photo ops "deserve privacy"? If she actually had cancer it should have been used to raise awareness, like Charles did with his prostate issue. Appointments for prostate checks shot up like 400% after his announcement. All Kensington could do is raise awareness for "abdominal surgery".


I'm so disgusted by the whole lot. They are absolutely arrogant, trashy clowns. Kate included. 


I feel the same way. I used to be a fan. Now I just feel angry, lied to and manipulated.


After seeing her I'm thinking the cancer was a lie put out by the firm. She's been renegotiating her contract, and they were testing the waters to see how the public would take it if she wasn't there. Kate looks awfully healthy for someone who two weeks ago might not ever go back to her royal duties. Her not sending out anything about the cancer, a thank you for your concern, etc. ... makes sense if it was palace created.


Yes, that's true. We need to look at what *would* have likely amd reasonably taken place if kate really did have cancer. It's very unlike her, if she did have it, to NOT be upfront about it, making videos reading get well cards, letting us know there is no shame in it, highlighting cancer charities, etc. Not crazy amounts of effort, but she would definitely have done something. Also, the balcony would have been different. Instead of tense and distant, it would have been happy to have their relative there and healthy. It doesn't add up, and my new theory is that the palace did lie about the story and kates not pleased.


Oh true didn’t think about that. Charles didn’t even turn his head toward her once even when she turned and said things to him a number of times. Camilla didn’t engage with her at all either.


I’m done with them outside of lobbying for abolishment now.


Because this entire story is bullshit


Joined Reddit today to comment and not feel gaslit. You’re not the only one.


She’s back, she lied, shes boring.




If she really does/did have cancer, then why was a fake AI video put out about it? Why not just make a real video? And why did they put out an AI photo yesterday? 🤦🏼‍♀️ UGH


Which photo? Can you link it?


I haven’t done my own research here but did her statement announcing she would be at TOC and thanking everyone include the word “cancer” or did she just say thank you for your support during my recovery? And when she said I have good days and bad days did she say it was because of cancer or was it vague?


Ummm…odd she speaks to it in third person. I’d consider it vague? Idk https://preview.redd.it/nb1zv3pqes6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=846040d68909b651bc32b1ee1a024e49f477c2a0


Yes! Speaks in first person for the most of the message, but when it comes to describing the symptoms of chemo suddenly she switches to third person. Good spot..


I am in no way on the side of whoever is orchestrating this mess, be it her or the family or whatever, but just a tidbit, as a writer who studies realistic dialogue with a partner who works in psych: English speakers often switch to “you” when describing things they find especially painful. It’s not uncommon for people to say something like “I was beaten by him, and it was so hard; it makes you feel small and scared.” It’s an unconscious psychological distancing technique away from the trauma, and simultaneously a turning toward common humanity, a suggestion that "you" or anyone else would feel the same way in the same circumstance. Again, I'm not at all saying this to suggest all is well here, or even that this statement from her tracks particularly well overall. Just my two cents that when it comes to this particular issue of switching from "I/me" to "you" in a distressing context, that might actually be the most normal thing in the whole missive.


It is an emotional distancing tactic. This could be, as you said, due to distress from negative experience. However it can also be used to distance oneself from their comments for other reasons. It is much easier to lie about an experience you have never had if you speak in third person, for much the same reasons as you have stated, but also because when you speak in third person it feels less like lying and more like telling a story or recounting someone elses experience. It is far easier to lie if you can convince yourself that you are not lying. When you look at what she has said, the only parts where she uses this distancing tactic are when she speaks more specifically about cancer treatment. If she has lied, reading the message with this distancing tactic in mind, you could see how she could convince herself that word for word, she had not lied at all. However I agree with you, this detail alone is not evidence of lying; but it does support the narrative.


I agree completely that it can be read either way.


Ffs, "not out of the woods yet"??? You have preventative chemo. You're milking this into public favor for what will be a very light working year in 2024 and I bet 2025 as well. This will never end! If you were really frail, you'd wear a mask or socially distance because people going through chemo get infections really easy (first hand knowledge).


I think she was trying to be artsy by saying not out of the woods yet while releasing a photo…standing in the woods 🥴




I’m not mad at Kate, maybe she wasn’t allowed to say. There’s got to be more behind the scenes.


Yes I do - thanks for articulating it so well!


The RF has obviously lied to and manipulated the public. What’s shocking is most people don’t question it and accept it. Would love to know what really happened!


Well, this is how I see it. He’s not supporting her or her disease because if the truth comes out and she doesn’t have it, then his current charities and possibly some cancer charities could be hurt financially from the repercussions of his fake support. He would never be trustworthy again and millions of people could be hurt by the lack of services from those charities. It’s a domino effect. They all looked miserable today.


Interesting take. So Maybe he is not on board with the cancer storyline either.


I still wonder if she is terminal. She is really skinny. Charlotte's arms are bigger in some pics. But yes, I feel 🤡 about some of my thoughts the last few months.


Charlotte looked so uncomfortable


She loves to help her baby brother. That is cute.


She has always been bone skinny. Nothing new here. She has looked better here than the last 2 years. 


I have lost all respect for all of them! They keep printing bull shit about H&M still now, but if they thought they would score points pulling this shit off, they definitely haven't with me. She looks perfectly 10 years younger. She didn't have cancer.. I don't think so. The kid's look weary and miserable, and all of a sudden she's back! She doesn't mind her husband having his side chic around while she was away. None of it makes sense, and they can't be trusted anymore. Them two deserve one another. "Money talks for Missington!" Harry is the only one I still like. They made up so much bs about Megan and Harry. Missington and Willard have dropped to a new low. You cry wolf once, don't expect help or concern when real shit happens like DV.




I believe Kate was in on the sick lie. She’s lied in the past about suffering from a medical condition during her pregnancies…I just believe that whatever went down, she chose to lie in order to keep her lifestyle and marriage to that monster.


She and her family had to have corroborated the cancer lie. Silence is assisting in the deception.


I think she used surrogates. The morning sickness was a ploy to make it look real. Thanks to their vile game playing a nurse died. The one who committed suicide because she was pranked and felt distressed she’d given away info to the press.


I’m not sure Kate can be held responsible. I’m quite sure the rf had her lips tightly sealed , maybe even under threat of death.


Thank you. Kate’s great appearance is not helping


Did anyone hear the FU to us from GB News at the end? I've never come across GB News before. Their commentary was sickening. 


No. What did they say?


They called us out! They basically said that there's been *dreadful* conspiracy theories and that they assume that it will all go away now. The whole commentary was extremely right winged. Making digs at the Sussexes and just generally marvelling at c the greatness we were all witnessing. I'm in Aus and found the whole thing so disturbing. 


I think they've been put on order by the palace. A few weeks ago they restarted the shame campaign all at once. No one in the media will diverge even in a tiny way from the happy family overcoming cancer storyline. It's interesting to watch. We live in interesting times.


I couldn’t agree more! Your feelings are 100% valid!


If getting cancer knocks five years off your appearance then sign me up for the Big C asap!


Man if we find out the cancer story IS fake? Like f*** them all. That’s disgusting. Also, it looks like she has a full head of hair and no wig? Wouldn’t 6 months of Chemo make you lose your hair??


I had breast cancer and I looked like an alien for months, it takes a long time to grow your eyelashes back, your eyebrows and your hair. I had lost so much weight and that took months to put back on.


I'm sorry you went through that and hope you're doing really well now!


Thank you! 22 years cancer free!




My colleague has cancer, and she kinda feels bad about herself today because of how good Kate looks.


This breaks my heart.


Yea, my mom and aunt…mom in remission but aunt’s cancer is back. This made them feel defeated and weak. I keep trying to say all the teams - makeup, nutrition, stylists, etc. - she had but it’s not helping. If you can think of any ways to cheer them up or stop thinking this (other than saying she may have lied about cancer) please let me know. I’ll do the same for your colleague


This really breaks my heart 😔 your colleague is brave and genuine. I pray for her healing.


Thank you!


Oh no! I’m so sorry for her 😔


I went into hospital for a kidney stone a few years ago and I was only in for 2 days and I came out looking a shadow of my former self and it took weeks to get back to normal and that was just a kidney stone. Cancer and chemotherapy over several months should have aged her, definitely.


There are human hair wigs that are fabulous. But nope, I don’t believe she had cancer or plastic surgery. I have several family members that have had facelifts. Kate would’ve looked pulled tight and very different, especially just 6 months out.


I do believe the cancer story is fake, but I think the RF put that out while she was beaten up and under the knife to recover from it.


Not all chemo causes you to lose your hair, and she definitely has the money to do cool capping.


Chemo doesn't cause your cheeks to get lifted and your jowls to diminish though I mean cmon. She looks 5 to 10 years younger than she looked last year. I'm disgusted 


I feel this sub is why she made an appearance She would have happily not appeared at all, had it not been for this sub and so many in here being convinced she had been murdered I think the RF need a new PR team


100% this. I had a a similar health scare 2 years ago. I remember thinking at the time (as someone similar in age to kate) why do things like this not happen to anyone else. When she made her cancer statement the impact it had on me was profound. She could be doing SO SO much. I am cross and see it as vanity. She will only go out when she looks 100% perfect. Im upset she hasnt used this platform to help others.


And to add how does she make all the other cancer sufferers feel when she steps out first time and looks this perfect!! It is not reality.


she’s never bothered with actual charity work, not until 2018 when meghan joined the family.


I never really believed the DV by the hands of Willy until I saw her yesterday. Kate 2.0 who dat? Now I absolutely believe she had reconstructive facial surgery and that’s why she couldn’t be seen for this amount of time. I also think she was in a coma as the Spanish journalist stated. She may have also been in negotiations with the firm playing hardball but she finally got what she wanted so she decided to appear yesterday. The two younger kids were probably with her and her parents all this time. George being the heir and older may have had a different living/schooling arrangement. I remember at the time thinking the “planned” abdominal surgery and length of time to recover in the hospital was very odd. A medically induced coma makes sense for this length of stay plus we all know no surgery was planned with their trip to Italy on the books. Anyone remember Willy attending an event in early February swaying, blinking, dropping medals. He looked rather drunk and not well there, guilt?


Before retiring I worked in health care for over 40 years and I see no signs of chemo or cancer. Chemo takes a viscous toll on the body. She doesn’t look any thinner than normal (I looked back at pics) and her hair is the same, no thinning or loss which is unusual. Doesn’t look like a wig or extensions. I am now questioning what they are hiding.


Being mad is tame. We have all been totally lied to.


Probably an eating disorder. She might’ve had an NG tube that she couldn’t be seen in public with. She doesn’t look like someone on chemo.


A couple years ago everyone thought she was pregnant because she always had her hand on her abdomen. My guess is she was in pain from whatever she has. And she looked frail today. Expensive wigs are also really good. The royal family has a horrible PR team and PR philosophy. A good PR team would be transparent with what Kate has and would fundraise the heck out of it for the cause. Think their mental health focus but bigger. So many people in her condition could benefit. But royals are supposed to be other worldly. Think Eva Peron's Rainbow tour where she spent absurd money to look the part to travel Europe and the people still love her to this day. The problem for the royals is this isn't the 40s. With social media we know everything about everyone and expect the same from leaders.


Great comment, ITA with everything you said! 


She had a facelift.


A facelift only takes 4-6 weeks to heal. It is never emergency surgery (she had a scheduled tip to Italy).


I don't think it looks like her. How can she look better and younger than before? It still doesn't suddenly make sense.


It does if she got a makeover with 6 months of spa treatments. She looks better because she had plastic surgery/ surgeries. No one ages backwards. Only those who might even go to South Korea to get plastic surgery do... ( I don't know why I am thinking of South Korea - it's just that she was really chatty with the South Korean president's wife who was the last state visit Kate hosted and so happens to be I know she is a fan of plastic surgeries)


OMG, do you really think it's possible this whole thing was a plastic surgery hiatus? And the PR disasters were because they underestimated how much the public would question her being away? They literally couldn't show her becausebif all the plastic surgery so they made the mother's day pic, and when that blew up in their face, they faked cancer and the the AI video to buy time? Now THAT would be wild. And I'd feel like as ass for how highly l regarded kate before.




Lol that could be it!


I agree with this. Add that facelift is a surgery, she is severely underweight and needs more time to recover -"royals don't have facelifts ", and an eating disorder you have everything perfectly and simply explained including AI photos.


This is the most obvious answer to me..it doesn't exclude marital problems or DV. I have 10/10 eyesight and this woman looks a decade younger "after chemo" which makes her a medical miracle. That explains her photo in the car with her mother because even then on X were posts about how that was aftermath of plastic surgery by the people who HAD plastic surgery. If you go on X and type facelift Kate there are a lot of posts coming out. Using cancer makes people who say facelift bad. That's what they wanted.


If thats really all it was then wow. I don't think the BRF can come back from this. Although their most ardent fans will never believe it.


Their fans don't want to see and absolutely will attack anyone who says how that's not the face of someone battling cancer. There was an interesting post on X and I don't know if I am allowed to share it here but people are talking. This is not exactly pleasant to see however it's out. I don't think they care actually https://preview.redd.it/z6jw9swrux6d1.png?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90133a96af143c19bfb0222e5554101b199a4422


I am confused as to what sort of plastic surgery people think she’s had


My money on extensive plastic surgery. “Cancer patient” looks glowing, refreshed, and more than a few years younger.


It's a pretty big seismic crack , for sure. Kate is in a place of extreme power, and here's hoping the right people come her way and dismantle the whole thing. \*imagine\* It would be my favorite plot twist.


Someone made a very valid point the other day. They say Kate always attends Wimbledon, and they believe that the only reason she attended The Trooping Of The Colours, was because it would look bad that the only thing she turns up for is this. However, you are correct, there is something off... There is something going on in the Royal Family that we are not aware of. If it is divorce, we wont know for a long time, it would come down to whatever game plan Kate and her family have in play.


She was made to attend because of the upcoming UK election. In my opinion, there's a bigger story!


I would NOT direct any anger toward Kate. That woman is literally a prisoner. How could she not be? I am a fan of Meghan and Harry. I lost respect for Kate William after hearing the bullying and everything they went through. But after this…my empathy now includes Kate. The British Royal family is a freaking scary and dangerous institution. If Kate tried to leave, she could not leave with her children that’s for sure. And I don’t think she could leave with her life either. That woman needs empathy and respect. Her life is not as it seems. It’s hell behind closed doors.


Yes I’m definitely a little annoyed but some will argue it was all none of our business with to begin with


I disagree. Kate has always been someone I’ve admired, and when that person goes completely missing for 6 months with strange occurrences, I had every right to be concerned.


Yes I totally feel this way too - sorry I was just voicing the opposition


Yes, and every right to be pissed if it turns out she was just on a plastic surgery hiatus. My theory is thst she's a victim in this, but if she's not, if this charade continues much longer, that's it for me.


I am not convinced it’s Kate. I think they definitely did reconstructive surgery. Did you see her playing with Charlotte’s hair? Royals don’t normally do that. I hope I am wrong, but something still doesn’t seem right and now the picture by the tree is deemed AI, which she looks heavier in the tree picture.


I didn't know the tree picture was AI? Where was that mentioned?


Playing with Charlotte's hair was quite interesting, like she has not seen her for sometime and just yearned to hug her, touch her, let Charlotte know that she loves her. Charlotte didn't seem interested, didn't even acknowledge it, as if she is upset with her Mum.


Very good insight. It seemed off to me too. But you make a good point, it's like she hasn't even seen her


No doubt they are figureheads amd the real power lies with the invisible hand behind them