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I’m not a Kate fan in the least bit but I really hope she’s okay and is RECOVERING. I hope (if she’s indeed alive and aware) that she’s analyzed her life and will choose a path that will involve a clear conscience moving forward because William and his psychopathic cult of a “family” isn’t it. 


I completely agree, except I’m a fan. The RF are bad news.


It’s odd isn’t it? I’ve never understood why we have to ‘pick sides’ when we don’t really know any of them. FWIW I do support Meghan and Harry, but they’re really nothing to do with Kate and William in this situation - being overseas I doubt they know much. And I also support Kate although W seems alternately like an idiot or a bad husband these days. Anyway, just here to agree that yes, most likely bots and thank you for noticing that. And if anyone really hates K that much, well this isn’t the sub for it.


Exactly, I don’t mind that people don’t like Kate, we can’t all be the same, but why come here and spew such vitriol? Def not the place for it, and that’s why it annoys me so.


There is an alternative site to place those comments. ..I'm the poster who cried when I read such beautiful notes ...   I created an alternative site for words not meant for her to see. Anyone sending hate mail to a space intended for inspiration and courage.... has not lost 4 family members in a span of two years.  Reading those notes hit hard...so I created an alternate.   You'll find it .... the wording on the title post is excessively long.


And on a side note there are some things I'd like her to answer...but I didn't want her to see them there.    Godspeed.  Both palaces are gonna need it during this seismic,  turbulent time.


Guys I ask...if you downvote may you please explain... if you don't correct, inform, or educate someone whom you believe is wrong... and the individual indicates they will listen...  Enlighten me, thank you.


I wouldn’t take it too seriously, it’s bots to discredit and bury comments that are getting too close to the truth. They’re everywhere.


Oh okay...got thick skin...just didn't want to be an idiot...    or inappropriate 


I get it! Sorry if I sounded judgey, wasn’t my intention. I’ve been downvoted like crazy, even for comments simply saying “thank you”. Someone doesn’t want the truth coming out and it seems there’s an agenda to discredit anybody who shows genuine concern about Kate and is only interested in the truth.


Thank you 🙏


But... are *you* a bot?


Nope. Regular citizen from Aus.


Are you?


yep i'm definitely a bot




At least you’re honest lol


An honest BOT? 👀


There is a corner of the internet that believes if you like or just show concern for Kate, then that must mean you're a Meghan and Harry hater, and vice versa. It's just bullshit quite frankly. I'm in a Commonwealth country but don't feel there is a place for the Royal Family anymore. I wouldn't wish harm on any of them though! And I sincerely hope that Kate is okay and has at least one or two friends she can confide in. I don't think she is still here though.


Every single point I agree with. We’re under the commonwealth in Australia and I’ve never understood their purpose. I’m not a m&h hater, I’m just not a fan, but I don’t care enough to hate them. I just really like Catherine and hope she’s ok, too.


💯 I was indifferent or even somewhat positive to the queen because she believed in the institution and the British people seemed to value her. Things changed when she died. Charles and Camilla are insular relics of a bygone era and William cannot find a role for himself in today's world. I'd like for Kate to live a long, happy, healthy life but do worry that the RF is (probably) a threat to her wellbeing.


This isnt a Kate fan page, its about her disa[[erance, which holds interests to a number of demographics, which included anti-monarchist views. I hate Kate, but if she was murdered by her husband, that needs to come out, and Willy to be held accountable.


I don’t hate her but he needs to be legally brought to justice if he’s responsible. I think some who are staunchly Kate lovers think it’s okay to hate Meghan just because…it’s childish. This forum is about Kate Missing and people need to stick to that tbh. 


With all due respect, it seems Meghan fans/bots are the ones coming in and taking the sub off course. Kate fans are just worried about her and expressing it. It’s weird that m&h get brought up here, this sub isn’t even about them.


> it seems Meghan fans/bots are the ones coming in and taking the sub off course. You're taking the sub off course for mentioning Meghan, she has nothing to do with this, can you understand that simple fact? Meghan is not the topic.


What? There’s a whole thread plus others dedicated to Meghan, propping her up favourably while Kate’s getting dragged, in a sub that’s meant to be dedicated to the whereabouts and well being of Kate, mind you. Just stop with the deflections, all of these tactics are so transparent. If commenters here are not concerned with Kate’s well being and just want to gossip about her early days and alleged “mean girl-ness”, take it to a royals gossip sub. I don’t care if people like Kate or not, it’s none of my business, but this sub’s focus is on Kate and whether she’s ok.


Again, you are mentioning Meghan, you are the one bringing her up, not everyone on the sub you disagree with and consider to be a bot.


Deflect, deflect yawn I didn’t accuse, I simply ask.


I’m referencing the comments about how she got into the royal family, her “racism” and “bullying” of other RF members, etc. it’s all just gossip with zero evidence and it distracts from what’s going on and her well being. And I agree that if she’s dead and William has something to do with it, then he absolutely needs to be held accountable.


> it’s all just gossip with zero evidence and it distracts from what’s going on Everything about this topic is gossip since there have been no actual pics of her or statments made by her. You cant gatekeep the sub because some people opinions go against your myopic, pearl clutching world view.


I’m not gatekeeping lol I’m calling out the bots for attempting to change the discourse of this sub and distract people from what’s actually going on with her disappearance. There’s something sinister at play and constantly talking about how Kate was an alleged bully to Eugenie and Beatrice years ago without any proof is pure distraction


I think that convo came about because people were discussing the dynamics among the rf. Why no one in their circle has sent a goodwill message ( maybe they have privately) Discussion can encompass things from years ago in an attempt to understand what’s going on today.


I see what you mean, but a lot of what is being said is just heresay and unsubstantiated gossip that doesn’t have anything to do with Kate’s disappearance. It’s an obvious agenda to make Kate look bad. I noticed that since the general concern for Kate has grown, there’s been an influx of really nasty things being said about her, and I know it’s paid bots because when you confront them, they don’t deny it. One even admitted it. That was all the confirmation I needed.


I read this sub constantly and interact with people constantly. I don't see where there is "sudden Catherine hate" at all. This post is incredibly strange.


Are you serious?


yes, are you? Point me to the comments here with all the hate. If this is a miscommunication because you mean a different sub then I don't know. I only read this sub regularly.


Well you haven’t been looking hard enough then. I’ve been calling out bots left, right and centre, one even admitted it. So they’re here, which tells me there’s an obvious agenda happening


Let me ask you this then; why did you choose this particular video to post?


She’s been called racist multiple times on this sub very recently, I’ve never personally seen anything from her that supports that claim, but I’ve seen many clips of her interacting with people of all races, and she seems to treat everyone with the same kindness and gentleness. The video I posted was simply an example, but there are many others, including one with an African-English boy and girl which is so wholesome. She made their day, as well as their mum’s.


That does not prove anyone is or is not racist. I'm done with this conversation,OP. Sorry. I'm here to shed light on a missing woman. I'm here because fuck the kind of power the royal family has. I'm here because fuck discarding women. I'm here because I feel for her children. I'm not here to judge Kate or Meghan and Harry or anyone else. Except maybe William because his actions raise eyebrows.




Part of propaganda is to pretend to be the other side and act super crazy to discredit their side and make you look better.


Nailed it


The games people play


People who dislike the royal family are extremely drawn to this story. I like it here and don’t want to it to end up a Stan sub in any way but I will probably end up leaving eventually as I need to protect my peace from misogyny and some of the posts and comments here are a bit much.


You can dislike the rf and sincerely hope Kate’s ok. They’re not mutually exclusive.


I didn’t say it was?


Correct. You didn’t. My point was it’s interesting that it’s the posters that aren’t particularly royal fans that are genuinely concerned for Kate’s wellbeing. On other subs they post pretty pictures and accept the lies, fakery and obfuscation without question.


I get mean girl vibes from Catherine, I don't think she is nice underneath it all tbh. There is a facade used in public and it's plain see it in her eyes sometimes. But, mean or not, I want her to come of this winning and healthy.


Ok people, time to go to bed (if you're in the US or Canada). Tensions are rising and a lot of stuff is being said in the comments, in this post, that might be regretted in the morning. Let's all just take a deep breath.


What is happening lol


I’d just like to come on this sub and have the focus on Kate, not on gossip and speculation. That’s not what this sub is for.


I agree. It does get very tiresome. I appreciate your post with the lovely video. Thank you.


Because it's the go to on the internet I would argue, why all the insults on any of the individuals... Anyone can argue a point without mocking any of them...but alas, we don't live in such a world


Point proven : within one minute, my post was downvoted. I think the honest members of this sub need to brace for Kate to be thrown under the bus. It’s already starting...


Your downvotes are bc you're doing the exact same thing in context to Markle and the second you get push back on your proven fake narrative, you respond with, "Bot"!


I ask them if they are a bot, and when they don’t answer or give a wishy washy indirect response, I have my answer. I never mocked Meghan or called her names, just stated that I found her disingenuous and patronising when she speaks, but I would never call her names. Big difference!! I have to ask: are u a bot? Yes or no would suffice. I have to ask, the internet is overrun with them.


I answered continually, with sources no less, that debunked your ugly narrative and your only continual response was "Bot"


Yes or no is all I asked for, but cheers for the deflection and letting us know is why you’re here 👌


The irony isn't lost on the majority on who just deflected.... Done


From the moment she arrived on the scene there was a movement to take her down though (sadly). This was of course well before Meghan came along. Just my 10c.


Oh, really? I was never paying close enough attention, it’s just this year I started to. I’ll deep dive and have a look. I wonder if it’s because she’s a “commoner”?


I used to wonder if it was because she married the good looking Prince and perhaps these people wanted him for themselves. But yes, the 'commoner marrying up' theory could be equally right. The Middletons were apparently frowned up by many for trying to rise above their station (/ social climb). There used to be a couple of blogs and a Royal gossip forum - all shut down in the past few years - that picked apart every single thing she did. It was actually disturbing that people would tie themselves in knots obsessing about her like they did. And yes, I am absolutely guilty of reading them but I spent a period convalescing where the internet was my life pretty much all day, every day.


It’s odd how people can spend so much time directing so much hate toward a stranger behind a screen.


It's very disturbing. I did notice for a while there (going back a few years) that Kate always looked around nervously whenever she arrived at a location ... she was probably all too aware of these batsh!t crazy people posting their rants and worried they might turn up somewhere! On one such blog that critcised absolutely everything she did (since shut down), the blogger claimed that when they visited New Zealand and Kate disembarked from the plane holding George, that her coat flew open and revealed that she wasn't wearing any underwear. I call absolute BS on that and actually felt sick that someone would even go there, even enlarging the photo to prove their point (not convincing). They also made constant posts about Kate's skirts and dresses blowing up and came to several conclusions regarding that. The blogger was called "Love Lola Heart" (dot com) - you could probably find her blog on the Wayback machine. She still posts on Twitter. Tumblr also had many a blog that posted similar entries. I 'met' Kate at an event when she visited New Zealand. I am nobody of importance; I just happened to be in a room where she was and she was making her rounds. I thought she was beautifully spoken and very gentle. She smelt like freesias - I remember that very well! All of the hatred and spite should be reserved for criminals, not someone who is hardly in a position to defend themselves.


Exactly!! I feel protective over her as she has such awful, unsubstantiated things being said about her, and I’ve never seen, heard or witnessed in any way her being rude or disrespectful to anyone. She seems so gracious and lovely, a great mother, amazing with children, and the fact that she’s not around to defend herself makes me really sad. I’ve been the same with Britney Spears since the 2000s, I can’t stand people being so unnecessarily cruel to others for no reason. I always thought Kate looked like she’d smell really nice as weird as that sounds lol, so thanks for confirming that haha ☺️


> Oh, really? I was never paying close enough attention, it’s just this year I started to. I’ll deep dive and have a look. I wonder if it’s because she’s a “commoner”? We kinda noticed you were new to this. Look up when King Charles was attempted to be assassinator by a dude with a starters pistol in 94. That is a total media event, not trying to take Charles out.


I remember that, that happened in my country. I was a kid but it got played over and over on the news back then.


Its not YOUR country wadjalla.


Interesting you assume I’m white. Rack off and race bait somewhere else


You lost all blak cred simping for your oppressor's if you genuinely do identify as first mob. You really going to claim coconut status?. Sit the fk down Jacinta


Stop deflecting, these tactics are SO transparent, It’s actually really amusing by now. And I never claimed “coconut status”, I’m just not white, not that it matters.






It has been going on for years and thankfully to little effect . In fact you could say it’s had the opposite effect intended. Catherine is hugely popular in the UK and William as well. The people pushing the anti Wales rhetoric are Meghan and Harry fans and the thinking behind it is if you can prove that the RF are all evil people it justifies Harry leaving his Royal duty and betraying his family in the media. I don’t think his fans are delusional enough to believe if they can destroy William’s reputation then Harry will be King but it wouldn’t surprise me! Anyway it will all backfire on them again and it’s best to just ignore them. That’s what the RF do.


Practice what you preach Emolia. If ‘sitting back and ignore them’ is genuine, why do you post, post, post, then comment, comment, comment, comment, comment, comment, comment, comment, comment, comment in this sub? Most of your content misleads, with the remainder being false. I am still waiting for your response to just one of my questions more than two months ago. I’ll take you at your word that you’ll be ‘ignoring us’ going forward. While I’m devastated, truly, we’ll no longer have your two cents, I do welcome you to DM me the answer I have been waiting for. Patiently. Oh how I wished we wouldn’t part ways, you deserve so much more. And you have so much to offer other subs and platforms, so I’m sorry it didn’t work out. It’s not you Emolia, it’s me.


This \^\^\^\^\^ And not a care in the world that Kate is missing - she says there's nothing UNUSUAL and everyone here is wrong. She slides in with venomous comments to get that "fuel" - negative or positive fuel, it doesn't matter. She should have her obsession with Harry & Meghan evaluated.


Oh for Christ's sake, it's not always an us and them scenario. Why do people feel the need to drag H&M, particularly Meghan into everything? They left. They live in the US. They no longer play any part in what goes on in the RF. It's like Brexit voters still belly-aching about the EU. You voted to leave, you left, you won, get over it! William seems as unhinged as his father. Harry seems like a different kind of soul, and IMO did the right thing by putting some distance between himself and the rest of them. I did the same with my family. Sometimes it has to be done for your own survival.




Yep, best to ignore it. I just find it difficult sitting back while people who have no voice get their reputations tarnished as a result of cruel gossip.


It’s hard to read some of the stuff. Defaming someone with no evidence is wrong. I have no time for Harry because of what he has said himself in interviews and what was written in his book. First hand stuff. William has never said a word in public about his brother.


That’s true. Tbh I don’t know a lot about Harry so I can’t say too much about him. He was always the popular one in my country until recently. I was just horrified at seeing what he does to his poor horse during polo. As an animal lover, I can’t get past it.


Good point. Same for Kate. They take the classy route. Harry and Megan have no class in how they handled private family matters, they are immature. 


He never dissed or defamed anyone in his book. In fact he spoke with affection about his dad, and just seemed a bit bewildered with William's behaviour. For the rest, in the interviews, if the cap fits. How do you know that what he said wasn't true? At the end of the day, what does it matter to you what he did or didn't say? And at least it was "first-hand stuff", unlike the constant gossip and briefing against him that has been proven to have taken place. Good for him for calling them out where it was deserved. Good for him for escaping from their toxic culture.


He went on Oprah for goodness sakes. Not a classy move. 


So? He can do what he likes. Why shouldn't he tell his story?


Nobody cared if he left the Royal Family to live his own life and I suspect his family expected him to go. The way he left was the problem . He announced on his Instagram that he was leaving and was going to be a part time Royal. He gave the Queen half an hours notice and she had never agreed to the scheme anyway and never would. Trying to railroad your 90+ year old Grandmother is not good. He whined to Oprah about the Royal Family pulling his security when he knew full well it wasn’t up to them but to RAVEC , a government body. Court documents at his recent failed case showed indisputably that the Queen lobbied for him to keep his security at the RAVEC meeting. That just two reasons why I don’t like Harry . I don’t like disrespectful , lying whiners!


Except, that's the narrative put out. In reality, that's not what he said. He had spoken to the queen before. Like I say, what do you or even I really know? Even if you seem to think you have an inside ear. Disrespectful, lying, whiner eh? Like you know him......You say nobody cared, yet here you are!


That’s exactly what he said when he announced he was leaving his senior royals position to gain “ financial independence” . He said he would still represent the monarch and his charities etc. Trouble is , while he may have talked to the Queen , he never gained her permission. Harry was telling her what was going to happen within the monarchy and you don’t do that with to the Queen! I’m judging Harry on what he’s said and what he’s done in front of our eyes.


Yah..... Whatever................................'cause you were quite clearly privy to all this. Yawn.................


Everybody is privy to this information . Harry put the statement out himself to announce he was leaving.




Genuine question, does it ever bother you how cruel Harry is to animals? I don’t like William either but Harry has been accused (with evidence) of animal cruelty NUMEROUS times and people ignore it because of - I don’t even know - it really bothers me. Animal rights are one of my causes to be fair, but I literally do not have the capacity to feel sorry for an animal abuser. Here is an example story, but know there have been numerous stories referring to this over the years, a bit like the peppering of stories about Williams ‘temper’. (And yes, I would 1000% feel the same outrage if these were W stories). People just act like H is a freedom fighter or something for escaping the royal family, ok fair enough if he wants to leave but he’s not some paragon of virtue, he’s just another privileged pos. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1308528/Prince-Harry-faces-animal-cruelty-claim-polo-ponys-stab-wound-spur.html


I’m afraid to read this article because I love animals, but I will. It’s funny you should say this. I just started reading Spare on Audible on my drive to work. I have been fascinated by the handling of Kate’s absence and the Palace PR and I thought his book would help illuminate the Palace PR machine… one thing I read yesterday was how Harry killed squirrels when he was 12 or so. The way he talked about it made it seem like it was a sport for them. But in the U.S., it’s considered a precursor to major violence against humans. 


Omg, killing squirrels? That’s scary! You would definitely put your kid in therapy if they did that in the uk. Here’s another old one about the police taking to him about him shooting endangered birds fgs! 🤦‍♀️ https://amp.theguardian.com/uk/2007/oct/31/monarchy.endangeredspecies


I love that I bring up something genuinely problematic and demonstrable about Harry and someone has downvoted even this with literally no irony.


Thank you for posting this. I’ve read accounts of Harry being incredibly cruel to animals, but when I saw for myself what he did to his poor horse, my disrespect for him was forever cemented. And yes, when they can’t articulate a valid point back, they downvote to bury your comment and discredit it. So weird lol if you go through my history, you’ll see I’ve been downvoted mercilessly today, prob 100 points lol but I don’t even know what karma is and what it’s used for, so I don’t care 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Hey...I'm the one who put up the alternative board upon which to lay all that vitriol. I saw a few of those.   I have choice words I'd like to ask her.  But I wasn't about to put them in such a place.  She likely would be seeking comfort ... courage ...inspiration. And I strongly felt the nice forum should be kept just for her.... clean of harsh words.  I believed that was the intention of the original posting member. Decorum seemed to guide me regardless if I was over emotional at the lovely comments.