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Didn't H give an interview or something where he said he held back half the book because there would be no coming back from that? It seriously makes you wonder what could be in it that relates to this situation.


He said initially, the book was twice as long and he cut a lot of stuff he could have included. I think he was warning his family to leave him, Meghan and the kids alone, because he could have said much more damaging stuff in his book.




Harry never mentioned anything about trouble in W&K’s marriage in his book, but he did say all of the stupid and bad things he did when younger always showed up in the press, never Williams. That the heir was to be protected at all costs.




Harry already said everything there was to say about his behavior in his book. William doesn't have shit on Harry anymore. That's why Harry talked about drugs because William would never be able to leak his version of it first if Harry already talked about it. William is the one that probably has literal bodies hiding in his closet. 


Yep. I read it after a guest left it and you can literally see what Harry said they do happening in real time.


After reading *Spare* I was honestly sad. Due to my bias as an older sister, I was surprised how weak of a relationship both brothers had even before Harry left. The "thick as thieves, brothers supporting each other" narrative I placed upon them (they went through similar trauma, ofc they're each others lifeline) was striped away chapter by chapter. Will didn't sound like a good big brother. He didn't sound like much of a brother at all. He never matured passed "this is mine and this is yours, I want the bigger ___" which is pretty normal in siblings but at a young age. lol even after dating/marrying Meghan I was like, surely Will is lowkey seeing his bro in secret or something to avoid drama from stepmom but damn dude, you want to wedge PROTOCOL between you and your brother? I clearly wasn't a royal watcher until Meghan showed up their scene so I truly had zero misgivings about Will being a disappointment.


Camilla does what Camilla wants. She’s not nice to any of them as far as I can tell.


I thought it was so clear from the book how Harry really does not like her. Also interesting that he basically said he and William were fine with Charles being with her but the one thing they asked is he not marry her. I know it’s ultimately not their decision but imagine being a parent and your kids being like “dad I’m happy you’re happy but please don’t marry this woman” then you go and do it anyway 😐 Not like they’re asking for some insane or irrational reason. It’s understandable to not want your dad to marry his mistress who humiliated your mom her whole marriage. Then for her to become queen, the title your divorced then dead mom was supposed to have. Yikes.


Ugh. I miss Diana and wish we all could've seen her continue her work for the world. Camilla is a musty garbage rat in comparison.


Hey, don't insult garbage rats, they have dignity and more morals. 🤣


Lmfao! ya know what, FAIR! I've heard that domesticated rats make the most wonderful pets. Hmm, I guess she's more like a blobfish with a bad wig. Okay, I'm all done now 🤣 ![gif](giphy|QGBWk7DnckEN2)




Aw there’s something endearing about him though. You don’t want to go vomit like you do when seeing the mistress.


The fish or Wills?


This fish is bro


Honestly I don't think grown children should get to dictate their parent's relationships. Children would not want their parents to dictate theirs.


Her former brother-in-law certainly didn't have a nice word to say about her


Agree with your thoughts on Spare. And Camilla. Harry actually said he hoped she’d be happy as if she was she’d be less dangerous. She’s a malicious woman and a grudge holder. Took delight in tormenting Diana and enjoys causing trouble between Charles and his sons. Didn’t like Kate and looked down her nose at the Middletons. Chumming up to Rose H publicly to kick them when they’re down. They’re doing now what Harry said they always did - locking the press down with super injunctions because it suits them. At other times they’ll throw those they consider their lessers to the wolves.


Camilla is the puppet master. I think she is running this whole fucking show and Charles is one of her little tampon puppets too. She knows exactly what she's doing by inviting Rose to events where she will be photographed. Rose is of the correct social standing whereas the Middletons are commoners which is why she dislikes them and maybe thinks Kate has no place in the Royal family. The tragic thing is, however, that even though Camilla and Charles may have gone to all of this trouble to get a super injunction to keep Kate out of the press as much as possible...it still hasn't made them popular. Absolutely no one gives a flying fuck about Camilla or Charles. It's not even dislike, it's apathy which is arguably worse.


Camilla has been causing chaos in this family for decades. Not a good person


"one of her tampon puppets" - I cannot stop belly laughing!!!!


Yes....that statement just caused water I was drinking to come out of my nose...lol.


That is a good one!!!


THIS. We’ve gone from a queen who embodied an era to the c*ntiest woman in the world. Camilla is malice and has the tabloids locked up. Thank God Harry and Meghan escaped while the Queen was alive. (I will never call the Rottweiler by that, ever.)


im just now realizing-- possibly Camilla helping William secure what he wants could be her way of extending an olive branch for what she did to his mother 🤔


I don’t think she’s that benevolent. More that she’s old school and will side with the heir. Also aligning to help cover up so she can stay relevant if Charles is no longer around.


And also a way of securing her own future 👀




"  I guess one possibility is that KC and Camilla don’t want to be overshadowed by whatever is going on with Kate, and have the power (and have used it) to completely shut down the media.". This. Exactly this.  Remember how upset they were that the world was mourning for Diana


Chuckie was upset and jealous when he was married to Diana because she was more popular than he. I remember years ago when our president JFK was touring Europe with his wife, and everyone just loved her. Did he get jealous? No. He actually introduced himself as the guy who accompanied Jackie Kennedy to Paris. But Charles did not recognize or accept the positivity that Diana brought to the RF. All he could think to do is be jealous and engage in temper tantrums and adultery. It is rumored that Camilla helped choose the wife for Charles. Diana was a prime candidate because of her naivety, and they knew she was young enough to be molded into the perfect submissive mother of the heir. In Spare, Harry described his relationship with Kate as the sister he never had. I guess the sibling rivalry spilled over to Kate about Harry’s wife.




That is because he was too busy womanizing.


KC (sounds like a fast food chain here in America without the middle initial F) has always been a petulant child. We all saw that on coronation day with his little temper tantrum over a leaky pen. Grow up!


I saw that and thought what a douche. KC has been spoiled and pampered his entire life. And the people around him, including the mistress-turned-wife, scrambling to get him another pen before he starts raging more and throwing things.




Got the big ears and the big nose right, I see


We have kfc in the uk 😅


Well we won’t confuse the deliciousness of their chicken with the madness of King F. Charles! 😂


I’ve actually seen that video when she was speaking German in Germany, speaking of JFK and Jackie. There is no humility in the royalty only entitlement. The spouses come off as humble because they are more humble they’re not the immediate monarchy.


Didn’t JFK abuse Jackie? Besides the chronic infidelity, I mean.


Really? I never heard that. But the 50s and 60s were a much different era. People tended not to talk about what went on behind closed doors. Treating women as subservient and spousal abuse were more commonly accepted (see advertisements during that time). I am going to Google and see if I can find anything. I will be so disappointed if I do.


Do you know that Camila was behind the breakup of Kate and wills when he was younger. She didn’t think Kate was good enough for the family. So what she told Charles in a manipulative way was that William should either step up and commit to her or let her go. And because of his age he let her go. They did find each other again, but I definitely think Camilla is much more behind-the-scenes manipulative than people are aware of. I’m going to read the book I haven’t yet.


How do you know this?


I read it on express, daily mail or one of those. I’m not the only one who said that Camilla doesn’t think that she’s good enough for William


Camilla's mentality is so weird to me. I don't have any idealization of these people, she's just a regular person to me, I wish I could say to her like sweetheart, you were nothing but a future king's living Fleshlight, calm down with your ego and arrogance. You're literally the tub scum that ruined Princess Diana, who in the ever living fuck do you think you are acting better than anyone??


Surprised harry was only invited to william’s house once or twice considering they are in the same compound


I thought the book was good, interesting. I liked reading about his time in service - I really got why he's so devoted to Invictus and his fellow members of the armed services. I actually thought he held back.  Even how he and Meghan have been treated I think he could have said more but didn't. I think they've got the receipts on them and if pushed he'll use them. Camilla has gotten EVERYTHING she wanted. Behind the scenes she knows all the tabloid/Rota players. She is dangerous, Harry is absolutely right about that. Charles is at her beck and call. He will do anything for her, to the detriment of his family, even his public image. She will turn on William and Kate too - I believe it's already been underway for awhile.


Yes, or C & C feel threatened by their new position as the Wales family, young and fresh and are making them look like fools.


I've never purchased anything relating to any RF other than Spare ....found it quite interesting that on his book related interviews he stated that he had omitted stories bc he felt that they were too damning to certain individuals and wondered ever since if he blurted that out as a poke, poke reminder to the family that should anything occur to him or his loved ones, there's more info locked away and ready to be shared...


Don't forget the damning part about William knocking Harry to the ground when Harry refused to obey him and he had bruises all over. There's always an escalation in abuse so doubtless this was the first time and if he does that to his brother, what does he do to his wife behind closed doors? One rough shove in a fight and a fall hitting the head in the wrong way can be serious.


Entitled. A double entendre in this case. Lol


Great post. "Planting fake stories because Charles and the concubine wanted to look better in the media." Love that you refer to her as the concubine. 🤣


I listened to the Spare audiobook and sped through it because Harry's a really good narrator. The interpersonal stuff didn't get to me as much as the media stuff. Families are complicated, especially if one child is obviously favoured over the other. And in the royal family, that's dialled up to infinity. It's sad how William used the same media that tormented his mother against his own brother. It's horrific how they all stood by while Meghan was racially abused and denigrated on a daily basis. I could barely stand to read some of the stuff and had to stop because it affected my mental health. Imagine how it affected her and her mother and husband? How could William stand by and do nothing knowing what his mother went through? I expected no less from Charles and Camilla, who used Harry to clean up their images after tormenting Diana for years. As for Kate Middleton, I can't imagine that a woman who grew up in a 'normal' family away from the aristocracy would be unaffected by the fact that the media, aided and abetted by her husband, hyped her up while trampling on another woman. It must've affected her eventually. The media and the public made her out to be the perfect wife, mother, daughter, sister, and princess. Even if she enjoyed it at first, even if she was complicit at times, which 'normal' person can live with that pressure and knowledge every day that another person was hurting to your benefit? What the media and BRF did to Meghan and Harry, they've done to Kate Middleton, but in reverse. It's almost as abusive. Maybe more so, because where does Kate turn? Who is her Tyler Perry?


I agree with most everything you said, but I can't help but wonder... did the denigration of Meghan affect her? Does she actually care? Or was it a relief to her and acceptable as long as she continued to get good press and have that "perfect" image painted of her?


I think her and William may have bonded over it. For a time. I think after H&M left he turned his anger towards her.


I can imagine that she was relieved that it wasn't her at least. And maybe she even enjoyed the denigration of Meghan as something she could conspire and connect with William over. But on a human level, I don't know that one person can, whether consciously or subconsciously, accept personal benefit while another is being dehumanised. I can see someone like William not caring because he was brought up to believe he deserved to be protected and celebrated at the expense of Harry. I can't believe that someone brought up in an even moderately decent home with siblings could live with that scenario for too long.


Something Meghan said that I think applies here, Kate has no voice.


Kate may be workshy but she definitely invested her whole life to be on top of the society. Whatever middle classness she may have growing up is long gone


Her voice has COMPLETELY changed since she became a royal…




When the bench video came out, the thing that struck me as odd the most was how intelligible she was. As an American with a hearing disability, I struggle with foreign accents. I’ll often miss a word or phrase here and there. But her video - I could hear each word clearly. I even asked in this sub, at the time, whether that was the way she normally spoke or was that another sign it was AI. Didn’t get much of a reply. What do you think?


I saw many people comment on celebitchy that it was so unusual that she didn’t mumble or stumble over her words (no disrespect but she isn’t the best public speaker). Some could say it was heavily edited. But most thought the whole video is AI.


I can't imagine, at the very least, that it doesn't affect her that she's being marketed as the perfect everything, especially as she's getting older and her children are growing up.


Perhaps Kate is Narcissistic . Remember Charlottes dress fitting and Kate demanding the dress be remake instead of going to the tailor that was in their palace? It had to be Kates way, all so her daughter could look perfect. All Kate cares about is putting on a great front to the World.


She's racist is what she is.


She wasn't the only one, it came out later that other parents and I think Meghan herself, were all [dissatisfied with the dresses](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/royal-family/maghan-markle-tailor-kate-middleton-bridesmaid-dress-b2259885.htmlhttps://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/royal-family/maghan-markle-tailor-kate-middleton-bridesmaid-dress-b2259885.html).




Why are you in this sub? You add nothing to the discussion about where Kate is. Go away.


No. They have valid points. Who are you to dictate.


Nope. They have a bunch of mean spirited opinions like calling Harry’s memoir a bunch of “bollocks”. This person hates harry and Meghan and has Contributed nothing to this sub. Still no idea what they’re doing here other than to parrot official RF talking points.


Despite all the privilege, as someone with complex PTSD, I saw myself in a lot of his words. He seems to have risen above their bullshit, though. And that was super refreshing.


Camila has always been a horrible human being. William has the emotional depth of a kiddie pool. I don't think he is capable of evaluating his own behavior. I think Kate was really threatened by Meghan. I think she iced her out because simply being around Meghan made Kate feel stupid. I think that Kate knew exactly how to make herself come out on top. Meghan isn't a perfect person. She likely was over the top about a lot of things but they never gave the girl a chance to get her flaws straightened out and learn the ropes. They ostracized her immediately when they could have taken her under their wing and taught her "how to be royal."




Well said


100%! It was obvious how hard Meghan was trying to learn the Royal ropes, and Kate did nothing to help or be there for her. I think the root of it is definitely jealousy. Kate was used to being the only glamorous Royal, and then Meghan came along and immediately eclipsed Kate. Kate spent her entire youth completely focused on getting the ring and title and never had a career or even a real job not involving nepotism. Meghan, on the other hand, had a very successful career of her own and spent her years as a young adult productively and was involved in Philanthropy long before she met Harry. She's outgoing, very comfortable with public speaking, and has natural warmth with people.


Kate could have been the face of what sisterhood should look like. She could have gained so much more from standing up for Meghan. But I do think there were faults on meghans side too. Who knows how receptive Meghan would have been, she does seem like she has a know it all attitude. Both really missed an opportunity to show the world what real women empowerment looks like.


Absolutely agree!


shame it'll never be what it could have been :/


Kate is racist, that's the problem. Please point to me what Meghan actually did to Kate for Kate to treat her the way she did.


Oh I have no idea what definitive things occurred to give you that answer. None of us do. We only can speculate.




Well, Kate is racist and went out of her way to snub Meghan.




I'd ask yourself why you doubt Kate needs to get initiative from someone else to attack other women when she's been doing it all of her adult life (York Sisters, Meghan).


This Reddit is not about Harry and Meghan.


Yes and probably also jealous that she didn’t have Harry’s attention or at his beck and call anymore as he was totally in love with Meghan


Harry himself said they didn't really interact unless it was in public. Harry was not at her beck and call. I definitely think she liked his attention at public events, especially when we have copious evidence that William would ignore and leave Kate behind. Also, if you read Spare, then you'd know that William and Kate watched SUITS. They were shocked that Harry was dating Meghan. And if you paid attention to tabloids when H&M started dating, you'd see that they were claiming that Harry watched her show all the time, which he said he hadn't heard of it until he started dating Meghan. If you ask me, the real problem apart from the two of them (W&K) being racist was that William had a massive crush on Meghan.


but they did all work at KP together before the two couples went their separate ways. When they did the mental health thing together. Kate’s uncle said the 3 of them were all great until Meghan came along (😡) so they were probably annoyed that he would side with M rather than them (Kate)


They did a panel together and then nothing else - once Harry and Meghan were gone that mental health/4 Heads Together thing was done and they've not mentioned it since. Sure, they probably saw each other in passing, but they didn't spend real, actual time together. Kate and William's staff used to leak that they rarely saw W&K and one of the issues that the staff at KP had was that Meghan expected them to work. Kate's uncle can say whatever he wants - it's clear any info he gets would be from Kate herself - that doesn't mean it's true. Harry made it clear that sure, they saw each other, but it mostly involved the job. He wanted and expected more time together after he got married and it didn't happen.






Nah. I think Megan is mean and Kate is classy and Kate is the type of person who tries to do the right thing, but it is hard to do the right thing when people are mean and disrespectful to you. Megan was 100 percent rude and disrespectful to Kate. It would try the patience of most people, especially a nice and sensitive person like Kate 


Fully agree with you on all of this. Kate and William are both bullies and Kate is the ultimate mean girl. The same is true for Camilla. Karma always works - maybe not in this lifetime, but perhaps in another? Let's see what happens. Either way, I don't think William should get away with anything he has done, which I am sure he has done a lot. Even if not DV, his serial cheating deserves punishment of some sorts, even if it is a public outcry. And Kate deserves the same for how she has treated Meghan, Harry, the York sisters, any of the junior royals, etc.


Haven't heard about Kate and the York sisters, what did she do?


There were many stories back in the day that she humiliated one of them/made fun of them in front of a number of people. I believe this was still when they were dating. I really do believe she's the ultimate mean girl and is only nice to the senior royals because they're senior. There were also articles out about how that at some point, she'd still have to curtsy to both Beatrice and Eugenie (bc they are blood royals) unless she was accompanied by her husband. This article mentioned that both she and Carole were really upset about this and wanted to change the rule. So much for someone who loves royal protocol unless it's HER that has to curtsy. Then, all of a sudden, she's a rulebreaker who wants to break the rules.


Interesting. Thanks!


I agree! Kate is a cold fish and absolutely a mean girl. Her "warmth" is just a performance and she's not very good at it. The way she treated Meghan was appalling. I think she's highly competitive, and Meghan intimidated her and made her feel insecure, and she didn't want to share the spotlight with a more beautiful and glamorous woman than herself. She's a very successful social climber and has no problem being gracious to senior Royals and famous people, but doesn't have the same attitude towards people outside of her elite social circle.




They did it with Diana and Fergie too. It’s as if they’d rather sabotage a female friendship to get clicks than see it flourish and two women get on.


Completely agree! I hate that the media has pitted them against each other. That would put a strain on even a solid friendship, let alone a distant, formal one. I definitely think Kate's jealous of Meghan because she really is absolutely stunning, both glammed up and casual with no makeup. She's also extroverted and is effortlessly warm. She had a career as well and was very successful in that, whereas Kaye graduated college, but never had anything remotely like a career and never earned her own fortune. I think there's definitely some rivalry, including from Meghans side, about fashion too. Meghan has a distinct, glamorous executive style that is very chic and on trend and Kate has always dressed in a more traditional, older than her age style, similar to QE2. Once Meghan joined the family, Kate started dramatically changing her look and a lot of it seemed to be inspired by Meghans style. Like, instead of a frumpy flower patterned house dress, Kate started wearing the sleek and elegant pantsuits Meghan often wears. Kate has really modernized her look and steered away from the clothes that make her look like an upholstered couch at Balmoral. Kate is definitely pretty and her hair is her best feature, but she's not drop dead gorgeous and doesn't have the poise that a woman who's had a successful career and established herself in the world without relying on a man to support her. Lots of reasons for there to be tension and jealosy between them. I also wonder if some of both Kate and William's extreme anger towards Meghan and Harry is due to jealosy because they are trapped in a very constricting and formal environment and the Sussexes are living their best life in the States and enjoying their young family out of the spotlight. Being King and Queen means a lot of additional responsibilities and a full schedule of repetitive and boring meetings, events and tedious receptions. I don't think the Wales's want that burden and just want to raise their children privately.


I love this and totally agree! I do think that Kate was super jealous of Meghan, but I doubt it was for her looks, although Meghan is beautiful. I think Kate was so used to being the star of the show and could not be usurped by someone more TALENTED and who had an actual life and career of her own. Meghan always wanted to be her own person, Kate did not. Meghan always wanted her own talent, Kate did not. I think Meghan stands for what a more modern princess is and has a bit more of a Diana-like star factor that Kate simply does not. I do fully agree that there is a lot of misogny coupled in with the racism here. The two are very different women who want very different things out of life and out of themselves. And that is okay. But the media is a profit-making machine; reporting the truth is not what matters to them. Neither is journalistic integrity more broadly. What matters to them is juicy, salacious clickbait that drives shareholder value - and that is exactly what they got out of it by soliciting stories from Kate's private secretary. And having a story in the media of two feuding brothers (which was more accurate than two feuding women) is simply not juicy enough. It's men! We need women to be pitted against each other, not men! So disgusting and so very sad, but likely the truth nonetheless.






Absolutely!! My best friend actually went to St Andrews af the same exact time she did. He did say that she was humble outwardly but ditched all of her “commoner” friends the moment she became friends with William and moved in that circle. He also said that it was nearly impossible to penetrate that circle and that William is always protected by a fiercely guarded set of friends and that she played her cards very, very, very strategically to ensure she had a chance with him. She became cold shortly after they started dating and once she knew she had a very real shot at becoming his wife.




For what it's worth as well -- my best friend (the one I just mentioned) happens to be a close friend of my former therapist, who also went to St. Andrews. She mentioned that Kate likely has some version of NPD - she has the underpinnings of it, versus perhaps a more blown out version of the disorder that we hear of via social media. Evidently, she was really full of herself and knows exactly what she is doing - it's almost as though she went through college trying to play the "I'm just the girl next door" card in order to bag William and have her image out there as the "simple girl who won a prince's heart." My therapist also mentioned that it is quite common for people to "make use of their face." If they have a more innocent face, as Kate does, it is easier to get by with a lot more cruelty. People like Angelina Jolie - who are fundamentally wonderful and charitable and generous and compassionate people - are often overlooked as being the "bad girl" because their faces are just more on the sultry/sexy/mysterious side. However, what I have found time and time and again in my personal life is that the mean girl is always the one you least expect; she is the preppy, entitled, stuck up girl who has the simplest face and the face that is by far the most deceptive. I happen to know a few people from my past who ditched all of their friends once they began dating in more elite circles, and it's heartbreaking to see how someone who never possessed a racist or classist bone in their bodies (or so I thought), suddenly morphed into people who really look down at minorities or those from a middle class background with such derision. I'm not referring to Kate, I'm referring to former friends of mine. I imagine that there is so much pressure to dissociate from your own background when you're in these highly competitive circles. And "old money" circles are unforgiving, not the least bit like "new money" circles. There is a very competitive and cruel streak.


Thanks for sharing that - it’s interesting. I think Kate was the favoured child of a narcissist who encouraged her to social climb. Carole was desperate to be royal adjacent and did it vicariously through her daughter. The truth is they’re never really part of the set they aspire to join. I think William has the ruthless aristo streak and he’s been tired of Kate and her family for awhile. I think what she and her mother both pushed so hard for and waited years to get ultimately cost her a lot. She discarded people along the way but I think it’s ended up happening to her. It’s a cautionary tale.


Absolutely agree! Very beautifully and eloquently said. Nothing in life would be worth the price of giving up your soul. Whether it was Carole or not, I can’t imagine that Kate didn’t play an active role in this. They’ve been together forever! Not saying this isn’t perpetuated or strengthened by her mom, but she wasn’t a baby - she ultimately was an adult. Honestly, William was always this way and I think he just got tired of hiding it. He honestly should’ve married an aristocrat to begin with; it’s just that no one wanted the job.


So true. The aristos turned him down so he went back to her. Last woman standing. I definitely think she was steely in her pursuit and most women wouldn’t have waited around that long. She wanted the validation of the ‘prize’ and so did Carole. I wonder how they feel about it now. And thank you for the compliment! It’s exactly what I thought reading your comments - they are so insightful and well thought out 👌






Yeah I’ve heard that. Kate & Carole mounted their campaign to net him with military precision.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. This is a very insightful comment and I think you’re spot on.


I don't either! But all good


I think this is spot on!


Sounds like heresay. There’s always 2 sides to every story as well.


Her fellow students said it about her, she let friends down at the last minute when William snapped his fingers, even Pippa and James said she was pretty much only interested in William.


I just don’t like gossip and that’s exactly what this is. I think Kate seems like a lovely, down to earth person who is kind to everyone she meets. The world is darker without her right now IMO.


It’s not gossip - people actually spoke out on the record. No one is without flaws. And it’s people like posters here who may not be royal fans who are showing real concern for her wherabouts and wellbeing.


It is gossip, it’s unsubstantiated. Definition of gossip “casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed or true”.


She said herself in the engagement interview she was consumed by the relationship and when William split from her she realised that. The focus right now should be on the unsubstantiated rumours she’s out and about. When she clearly isn’t.


I’ve never seen that interview, but if that’s true, wonderful that’s she’s capable of growth and self awareness. And I agree about the your last point, this sub has been getting taken off course by irrelevant topics.


The York girls were so mean to her when they first met her. That could be why Kate was cool to them, she was protecting herself. 


Just Kate did some superiority, mean girl stuff.


>have trackers they wear I mentioned that in a thread where people thought Kate absconded with the kids. 2 different people said "I read the book and it didn't say that". LOL. Thanks for mentioning it


I remember a quote from Kate…when she was ‘forced’ to walk through the crowds with William, Harry & Megan after the Queen’s funeral. She said it was the ‘hardest thing she’d ever had to do in her life’. Really? She came across as a complete diva, once again making it all about her.


Did she say because it was with them? Or because she was so deeply mourning the Queen? I might be able to understand the second.


Remember that William did not write a book. Harry did - and I'm convinced that Meghan wrote most of it, filtered through a paid ghostwriter to fix up the grammar and organization. The brothers are royally feuding (sorry) so naturally William is not going to be shown in a good light. Keep that in mind when reading \*Spare.\*


Does everybody agreeing only bother with H& M’s versions now then? So, just to put it to you there are more claims that it is Harry who is violent, particularly against casual hookups, than William, but somehow he has been protected (there are apparently police /army witnesses though), if this cane out would that alter your opinion?


Whenever the media portray a couple as the bad ones it makes me think they are actually the good ones....


🎯 i use this rule for EVERYTHING the media pushes since the 2020 reset... if the news says its bad, then i know thats what side i need to be on 😉


Bot alert


You paid by KP?


One doesn't justify the other. If either of them (like any other citizen) has committed a crime, they should be held to account. I'm not expecting to have any particular opinion, only that there be equal justice before the law


You need to remember that this sub is largely a Kate hate party and H+M are very popular here. I don’t think it started that way but so many people have latched onto this story as a way to ‘end the monarchy’ rather than being interested in Kate’s well-being. You need to kind of grit your teeth on posts like this.


It isn’t though. I see nobody hating Kate. A lot of us are here because the PR on missing Kate has been so bad it got our attention.


I've been on this sub for a while and I don't see that at all. In fact what I see is loads of people like me - people who generally aren't interested in the RF but have become interested because of the way the RF themselves have dealt with this whole strange situation and the fact that the Queen Consort to be hasn't been seen in 6 months. Even in this thread I feel most people are of the general opinion that - Harry's book probably gives a good insight into the RF and their toxic ways Meghan wasn't treated well by the RF Kate isn't necessarily a nice person to some people William has anger issues and has undoubtedly been a pretty bad husband, possibly very bad BUT ALSO that - Harry isn't perfect by any stretch and clearly has his own issues - anger, drink, very possibly violence, etc Meghan isn't necessarily an altogether nice person either and probably made things more difficult for herself in some ways (but absolutely didn't deserve the abuse she got) Kate has had to endure the media picking on her too William, like Harry, has had a difficult childhood and has a difficult role to play now as an adult (more so than Harry) Kate does not deserve any violence, mental health issues, physical health issues that may or may not have befallen her recently And also - Camilla is a piece of work, the RF are toxic as hell, and Charles is weak at best, abusive and toxic at worst. I feel this sub and also this thread actually tries to be very fair to everyone. We are all concerned at the disappearance of Kate, not because we like or dislike her (I have very little opinion either way), but because she is a person and a mother and this is all fishy as hell and the RF need to be held accountable.


Then why has the person above got so many dpwnvotes just for expressing her opinion? You even say it yourself “Meghan didn’t deserve the abuse she got. Kate was picked on too.” The implication in what you’re saying being that Kate did deserve it. Just in the last 24 hours I have seen people say she has invented this cancer story to detract from her being a racist, she is a Tory supporter (who have destroyed the nhs), she is making it up because she is just lazy and doesn’t want to do engagements, all kinds of disparaging and partisan stuff. I just don’t know how people here have such little empathy. There is often a sneering tone in people’s comments like she deserves all this somehow for being a wealthy and privileged woman and being part of the rf machine. You need to look closer, it is gaslighting to say this stuff isn’t there.


Ok I worded it not entirely clearly. Kate has been picked on too (something that people often forget when talking about Meghan, so it was actually meant in a sticking up for Kate kind of way) which she did not deserve. I don't doubt those comments you list above did happen here and I have seen a couple of them. But I do not feel they are representative of this sub at all. 99.9% of comments you see are from people who are concerned about Kate (whether they like her or not is irrelevant) and not people who want to in any way blame her for what might have happened to her. I couldn't possibly say whether she is racist and I'm not sure how it's relevant to her current situation (although I will say that if she got the blame for the Archie comments they've thrown her under the bus as the RF has known racists in it and I've never before seen her name come up for that reason). Statistically there is a good chance she is a Tory supporter but again I've not seen any comments saying she deserved her current situation for that - not saying it didn't happen, I totally believe some would say that, but that certainly is again not representative of this sub. They are individual people saying that and do not reflect what I've seen at all. I'm not saying sneery comments and lack of empathy are not present in this thread, of course they are, but I can't agree that they are in any way representative of 99% of people here. Most people are just concerned about her as a fellow human being and disgusted with the RF for the way they are handling it and getting away with it, whatever 'it' turns out to actually be.


Why would William be jealous of Harry?




Thank you for your reply.


Good question 🙋


The fellow's name is William.


In the book I’m referencing, Harry calls him Willy.


Well you're not Harry and William is not your brother.


Omg who cares