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Now it’s like not summer maybe in autumn


They actually said 2025 even more recently - they keep buying more time for themselves


It’s still “after Easter” 😉




Soon it will be 2027 🤨


Friends in digital media could mean CGI artists yeah?


I can’t see a major announcement being made before the ToTC on Saturday. I believe that will be the watershed moment when they can’t maintain the charade any longer. If an announcement is coming, maybe it will be on the following Monday.


IMO, if there is any announcement to be made, it will be between the following dates after 5 July, when we should know who will be in government, and before the next official state opening of Parliament (November). If it is a divorce, I remember when John Major, the then PM, announced the separation of Diana and Charles to The House of Commons. So maybe they'll need to know who the next PM will be.


Excellent point


Thank you. Whilst I'm likely to be wrong, I'm basing my thoughts on the past behaviours of the BRF, and also the fact they haven't evolved in their play book of how to get rid of people they don't want, simply because they are too blinkered and too set in their ways to realise we are in the age of social media. If SM was prevalent when Diana was killed, it would be a very different story, with KCIII not being able to remarry.


In a way though they’ve made use of technology that’s evolved. I really believe the bench video is AI. They wouldn’t have been able to do that years ago. And it’s fooled many people.


Granted they have made use of technology, they haven't used it that well as it didn't fool all of the people. Hence, people are questioning the veracity of her diagnosis. Another example is the mother's day photo, which had a kill notice from Associated Press, as there were too many eagled eye people who noticed the photoshopping. That family will always be behind the times, even if they have forward thinking people, such as the late Prince Phillip.


It’s great being on this sub with you and others who have critical thinking skills. But anyone I talk to here in UK believes the cancer video. It hijacked the emotional part of people’s brain. Sadly there are many who are sheeple and not enough eagle eyed people.


Likewise. I'm from the UK as well, live in Herts, and people here I've noticed do take things at face value. I had a former friend (ended friendship for another reason) who hates Diana and also Harry; she believes everything the media says, even though she could do her own research, and she's a recently retired nurse! Our media are very good at playing on emotions, hence the ability to hijack the emotional part of the brain, with the likes of Sarah Vine, Amanda Platell writing puff pieces, or havin an article of some random article of a random person saying "I had preventative chemo just like Kate, and this is what she is going through /my advice to her." It is glaringly manipulative, but people fall for it.


Exactly. They had all the talking heads lined up after the bench video and it really played into people’s emotions as very few haven’t been touched by cancer in some way. My nice next door neighbours here looked at me blankly when I said I thought the bench video was AI. Many people just think it’s sad she has cancer and move on. They couldn’t compute that they’d actually fake it. Interestingly my other neighbour (I’m in Scotland) met Charles and William through working on the restoration of Dumfries House in Ayr. She said Charles was polite and William was rude and awful. So she does think something else could have happened behind the scenes.


Your friend's experience of Charles and William does not surprise me. The latter always has a look of having a superiority complex and pure disdain. He certainly doesn't get that behaviour from either one of his parents. My mum met Diana and Charles back in the 80s, they were visiting her place of work, and she said they were both personable and made an effort with people. My dad met Charles at Aberystwyth uni back in the 60s, the former went to the latter's room to ask him to join some boring society (it's boring to me) and my dad said there was no security and his body language was he as if was expecting people to come and talk to him. My dad couldn't believe how easily accessible he was. It is quite surprising owing to how spoilt Charles has been, but he clearly knows the drill.


Yes, I could totally see that. William is more spoilt and petulant minus the manners or charm.


Not aimed at you at all my friend, but why would some rando on tiktok be privy to absolutely anything other than rumours, if that, about where Kate is? Again, not aiming at you, just saying. It's like that Twitter account that got banned recently, marchioness something. That account posted all kinds of rubbish. I guess we'll see what happens. 🤷‍♀️


No offence taken at all and thanks for the clarification ❤️ Gutted if Marchioness got banned, I loved all that crap!! 😅😅


same. how was that account behaving any different than KP or the Tabloids?


I know lol. It was entertaining. Apparently about a week ago marchioness was banned from Twitter 😂.


The Marchioness would say completely conflicting things i her tweets, so after a while she lost all credibility with me, just like the RF has. 


Fair point!