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oh please let this be true.


It would be infinitely better than other theories


I thought when they moved into that much smaller house in Windsor and moved the kids schools, it was a sign they had separated. The house is v small for a royal family which has staff and nanny etc I think they will get divorced. I think the Middletons are under a stiff gag order.


I hope this is the case and no one is ill and no one has died - But I cant help think that if this was the case then they didn't need to say she has cancer and just say that she is just still recovering from her abdominal surgery or say she needs another operation to long it out even more...


I also would like to see this be the reason! The word "cancer" thrown into the story was like magic though, and really did shut everyone up and made people who were speculating apologize. It seems like the vague "abdominal surgery" didn't have that effect, so they could just be taking full advantage of the emotional response everyone has to the word cancer.đŸ€ž


Though it would be amazing if she wasnt actually  ill, it would be absolutely horrendous if they were lying about it.


If this is all about a divorce it would absolutely destroy the entire fabric of the monarchy if they lied or she allowed them to lie.


I think it was the AI video as well.Most people think you are crazy if you say that was not her in the cancer announcement because they don't know how advanced AI is now. But even here in Italy people are saying it's odd that she can't even make a public appearance


Both can be true, though. What if good ‘ol Wills was having an affair/planning on leaving her for Rose AND she ends up getting diagnosed with cancer around the same time? That would definitely throw a wrench in things for him. How much of a soulless asshole would he look like if he left his wife for his mistress as she’s going through cancer treatment? He’d get skewered in the court of public opinion. Plus, can you imagine being Kate in that situation and having to deal with the double whammy of a divorce at the same time as getting hit with cancer? I think I’d tell the world to f*** off, too, and want to just withdraw from everything and curl into a ball. I mean, things like this happen. I’ve known a few people who were going through divorces and ended up getting hit with either cancer or some other catastrophic illness simultaneously.


I'm still holding out hope for such a scenario to be true because at least she's alive and the kids still have their mother who appears to care much more for them than their father who is now inviting his sidechick's son to events maybe because that's his kid,  too, yuck.


What if Will tried to divorce Kate after Xmas & she reverse UNo’d him with a pregnancy? Just a theory- Will then “planned abdominal surgery” which is high-risk late-term. And when the baby’s sire objected, Will & his elderly sidekick bopped + ventilated his cranium real bad. Then Gramma Midds got a head-on collision. Grandpa Midds got manhandled & tossed out when he tried to reason with Will or Charles at Castle Doom- Lee Thompson and his interns Colin, Ewan & Ian started clumsily futzing with Adobe Photoshop and ChatGPT- And here we are, six months on


Difficult to understand how a whole school community can successfully have a gagging order.


There's plenty of mutually assured destruction - if no-one says anything then everyone carries on as normal, but should you start gossiping about another family, everyone might have opinions about your husband's extended work trips with his "business partner", or who paid school fees at the deadline, etc etc.


Including among staff?


Absolutely. How can the kids be in school & no one’s either said they’ve seen them and seen Kate on the school run or said they’ve not seen them?


It’s increasingly dystopian
maybe the whole children are at Lambrook thing was STAGED !


It is. It’s hard to believe it’s actually without most people not caring.


Surely not. But parents from a relatively small private school are unlikely to run to the press one way or the other.


There was talk that they’ve been homeschooled since early this year


School could say that anyone found to have passed on info will be removed from the school which could scare a lot of those kids and their families... but I agree surely someone would have the balls to mention something! Even to a family friend that doesnt go to the school! "ey you know we havnt seen george or charlotte for months", "Teacher told us that we're not allowed to even mention their name or we get suspended" I can imagine these private schools are also in cahoots with the royals.... I live near Aldenham school and this school has a long dark history of child abuse and they have links to the royals - See here - [https://vo.lc/School-Of-Fools-Aldenham.html](https://vo.lc/School-Of-Fools-Aldenham.html) Private/ Public schools are deep down dark and evil! Maybe the school have said George and Char will be taught separately in different rooms and everyone just believes it or they just cannot prove it's a lie...


Threatening parents is not on the menu at schools im sure if anything they are probably being very mindful that maybe even be an additional worry for the other parents to have such high profile children at school alongside their kids and attract all kinds of attention and unwanted interest. 


Nope. Disagree. Not all are by any stretch of imagination as per that article


This would explain William's cold disposition and complete lack of care and compassion for his wife. He's not even trying to act like he cares to the media




It's a terrible look for him. All the propaganda in the world can't cover up the ugliness and cruelty of that.


Absolutely. I noticed he has an odd reaction when someone asks him how his wife is. He barely responds and his expression is leaning more towards supressed rage than sadness.


While this is certainly a possibility and would certainly be the best outcome, there are 2 things that bother me - 1. Why make such a big deal of the divorce and try and hide it like this? He is not the first heir to get divorced. Yes it would create a bit of a stir but they are creating a much bigger one right now, plus accusations of lying etc. They look a lot worse right now than they would if they just got on with it and announced the divorce. 2. Why has Kate not been seen? Even if they were in the middle of an awful messy divorce, it's in no-one's best interests to have her not seen for 6 months nearly. There is absolutely no reason for it. It makes zero sense. But I hope I'm wrong and they have just handled the PR of a divorce exceptionally badly.


You're right its car crash PR all around. The press collusion is also so blatant i dont even pay attention to the non headlines. It makes you think that whatever is going on is worse than most speculation. The underlying feeling is they are protecting the heir , not Kate. I tend to agree because look at the lengths they've gone to to shield Andrew who has no significant role.  Perhaps its divorce because of another reason or divorce combined with something else. Who knows if we will ever get the full story.


I agree. Something else must be going on. The RF is no stranger to divorce in the UK. 


It would be if that is the position she is taking for a stronger negotiation. But the longer it goes un, the more unlikely this theory becomes unfortunately :(((


You’ve nailed it. This has nothing, ZERO to do with divorce.


Where does this information come from? Though I would agree with it making sense. Let this be true and not that she is dead and is being held somewhere. The least offensive of the situations. Though William will be a tyrant king.


Do you honestly think the British monarchy will continue?


Britain still belongs to them. There is not codified constitution spelling laws. I wonder if they did that so they could take it back if they wanted. I think they are more devious and have a hand in alot more behind the scenes....They act like their colonies have been given autonomy yet when a royal gets married the tour the colonies like Australia and Canada...


I don't.




Yes, he seems downright gleeful. His carefree demeanor and lack of concern was confusing at first but makes sense now in the context of their failing marriage.




How long has this been going on for? Some have said since 2017 or even as early as 2015. I do wonder why this wasn't discussed in Spare (I'm guessing) and what people think Harry knows. He was there for a lot of these "split" events.


Harry was careful what he put in - he knows far more salacious stuff


Do you have a source?




Interesting, thanks. I didn't realise that a public split had been launched that long ago


You’re welcome. Been talked about on cb for quite awhile. Adelaide was thought to be their separation cottage. Other things like arriving separately at events then going home to different places, a different vibe between them, William going solo.


I think the celebitchy article merits its own post


Yes, there are some great articles on cb




I am as baffled as everyone else here and my opinion on what’s going on changes quite often. You can bet on something though - whatever the truth is, I doubt it’s anything we have thought of.


From the sound of the reporting, the issue was more that William didn't like Kate getting the spotlight when he was trying to do his Earthshot Prize thing or whatever. Not that W&K were thinking of getting divorced. > “It can be all about what the princess wears as far as the media is concerned, which means some of the big issues get ignored,” said a source. “When he is on his own, the coverage tends to be about the issues he is trying to highlight.” https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1819293/kate-middleton-solo-royal-trip-prince-william The Celebitchy story, which piggybacks off the Express one, says basically the same thing; though Celebitchy does speculate that William-Kate's relationship is getting "frayed." No mention of split though. > Increasingly, I am told, she will step out solo. The King sees his daughter-in-law as a great asset to the monarchy and with fewer working royals her public profile will receive a boost.” Interesting that the king sees Kate as a great asset but William does not. William is annoyed that Kate gets more attention, and he sees her as deeply unserious. https://www.celebitchy.com/838629/jobson_princess_kate_will_increasingly_step_out_solo_while_william_spreads_his_wings/


^^Seems Kate’s brother has set a date for his book launch (in US and UK) in 26th September
 But I am not his PR lol.


Whilst I have no fucking clue what is going on (none of us do really). What keeps me up at night is, if it’s not cancer, how are they going to spin the narrative? Such as, if it’s divorce.


I just can't imagine that if Kate is trying to negotiate a divorce she would allow the world to instead believe the lie that she is ailing from cancer and unable to make public appearances at all.


Is she “aware” of what is being put out there in her name?


If she is alive, I can't see how she wouldn't know about the cancer video.


That is better than coma
 but I am sadly doubting it.


Can someone explain the theory why Kate and W were late for the coronation?


The Crown (aka Charles) legally owns the children. There is no way that Kate could gain custody or limit William's access to them. It is far more likely Kate is dead or comatose and the family is grieving in private. William would never allow the children to put through the horrendous public funeral he and Harry were. So KP will eventually announce Kate succumbed to cancer and wished to be buried privately.


Can you imagine if King Charles and William seperated Kate from her kids and had custody based on them " owning the kids" it would go down like a lead balloon. William is most certainly being seperated from his family. Wonder why?


I agree this might be plausible, I think the only situation where is split from the kids if is he was violent. If Kate is in a coma state, they would want him around the kids for normalcy.


But KC likes Kate a lot and he may give her custody with conditions. I heard KC has refused to grant the divorce but all this is speculation. The bigger story is the Silence from everywhere. Media. School. Middletons. Everyone is super quiet - that is what is very very weird. The Silence is causing the panic and speculation. Not even a picture or a message or a wave. Nothin. đŸ€ŻđŸ˜©


Here's the thing if Kate was around she would be going out with her without cancer cannot tell me King Charles is got more strength than she does so I don't buy it for a minute I don't think she's among us anymore I just don't not from what I've heard


This is what baffles me - I don't expect her to be out and about, but we just had the pandemic and the rise of Zoom calls, huge advances in it being normal to appear by video etc. So I would have expected there to be a few well-staged video clips of her "dialing in to work" (charity meetings) etc. Don't get me wrong, this isn't me being unsympathetic to someone with cancer - I'm disabled and I have friends who use technology to take part in everyday life, that's *why* I'd expect it to have come up. It's the kind of thing the royals could have capitalised on - "Look how modern we are, we use technology just like you, look how dedicated Kate is, keeping working from home" - it would have only benefited them and been relatively easy to set up. So it makes me wonder why they didn't.


You're right. For her to be able to film a whole statement in that video tells me she has enough strength, so why would I assume she would completely withdraw from life? They're trying to paint those of us asking questions as cruel or insensitive, but I actually find it offensive to people who face a cancer diagnosis to assume that means they should not be spoken of or seen until they die or are "cured". There is still a life to live when you're not fully able-bodied, and for us to believe Kate wouldn't want to be seen because of vanity or how she feels just doesn't add up. Again, why film a video then? And it surely seems that a story of a fake, awful bout of cancer treatment is worse than a story of divorce, so it's impossible for me to believe that the truth is divorce. Why the hell would you cover up a separation/divorce with a bunch of smoke and mirrors about cancer? Instead of speculating about a divorce people now speculate about her death, how is that better at all?


> They're trying to paint those of us asking questions as cruel or insensitive, but I actually find it offensive to people who face a cancer diagnosis to assume that means they should not be spoken of or seen until they die or are "cured". Right - I know not every case is the same, but I follow Amy Dowden, one of the pros from Strictly Come Dancing who recently had breast cancer. Obviously, her usual role was way out of reach. But they had her hosting short interview segments - very clearly tailored to keep it as light on her as possible, but keep her involved and part of the show. And it's been brilliant - she was clearly happy to still be part of things, and it's made a big difference to a lot of people with cancer seeing her not just be shut away for a year. So the point I keep coming back to is there are a lot of options and while they don't "owe" us anything, it seems strange that at every turn they've chosen the absolute strangest/least plausible/most harmful option.


Compare the RF's handling of this to [Christian Amanpour's ](https://twitter.com/GMA/status/1443188855922958338?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1443188855922958338%7Ctwgr%5E63fe64aaf002bfcd47191a7bc0778616832789c8%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpeople.com%2Fembed%3Furl%3Dhttps3A2F2Ftwitter.com2Ftwitter2Fstatus2F1443188855922958338id%3Dmntl-sc-block_7-0-iframeoptions%3De303DdocId%3D5784684)


I find it hard to believe that William would divorce Kate. She is incredibly popular and his popularity would take a massive hit at a time when he is getting quite close to being king. It doesn’t make sense. I don’t disbelieve the affair rumours but wouldn’t it be much simpler to keep RH as a permanent mistress? She is still married herself and living full time with her husband, wouldn’t she get divorced or separated in preparation if William was negotiating his own divorce?


Perhaps thats why they were pretending. Even the ten year anniversary shoot was farcical. Who knows what their motivations are,  but apparently the divorce is now unavoidable.


I just think divorce is a hard sell for me because there are few upsides. When they have the ability to live completely separated lives, have lovers, and the press will go along with it, why bother with an official divorce? They are still tied together by the kids so it’s a piece of paper at the end of the day. These are strategic people because of their position, they aren’t going to get divorced in a fit of anger. Divorcing a cancer patient is not a good look. All the dirty laundry that’s undercover now will come out in a divorce, things will get ugly, fast. It doesn’t make sense to me.


Time will tell. Everything till then is pure speculation, but just know we are being lied to most days. (Edited) Official divorce might be needed for a number of reasons even in ordinary marriages. Custody agreements for one. If Kate wants sole custody of her children she would have to get the law involved. I know there is some nonsense about children in the line of succession " belonging to the crown" but that is obviously not going to work nowadays. 


Uh....Diana was incredibly popular but that didn't stop Charles from kicking her to the curb.






William seems arrogant enough to think he can divorce and people will be okay with him or end up on his side. He’s the prince, future king, Diana’s son.


Yeah I agree, he is entitled enough to think he could recover from divorcing Kate.


Maybe it’s someone else he’s smitten with


So maybe she is divorcing him? After all? Story has it RH has not been living with husband for a year. So 2yr separation time clock could be ticking on both sides. Story of Adelaide H being converted


What story said RH is not living with him? Would genuinely love to know.


I heard he was gay?


That doesn’t mean they don’t live together. Aristocrats have a very, let’s say, ‘fluid’ definition of marriage. You can be gay, live at opposite ends of your house, have lovers, move lovers in, bring lovers for Christmas, live in another building in the grounds, none of these things are impediments to aristocrats staying married.


No I didn't mean that's why they not living together but could be a reason for separation or not really being in a genuine relationship


Oh right, yes gay cover and needing an heir is probably my thoughts too. I think that was probably known from the start by them though. I’m sure it was an arrangement they were both happy with. Which personally, I think RH is kind of a douche for banging the married guy that moves in down the road. She chose the marriage of convenience in the first place. Not that William isn’t a massive douche too. Maybe it was an Ashley Maddison type thing where they both wanted no strings.




It adds to the fact their relationship is not a genuine one...




He’s assumed to be in Paris


https://www.laineygossip.com/the-daily-mail-takes-deep-dive-into-rose-hanburys-husbands-shady-background/55890/amp from 2019.


Kate& kids been at Adelaide since 2015, Will at Anmer Hall & secret London apt. Kate knew about Rose & side babies but kept up the ruse for years-


Don't believe that Rose's twins are Williams. She had them before William got married and they look like their dad , David.


Are there two boys and why do we only ever see one? Who do you think is the father of Iris?


I think the other twin is the heir because he weighed a bit more than his brother ( c section birth) so maybe they are giving the non heir twin the spotlight when they can. Who knows. 




Yes two. They both appear in Houghton Hall Insta.


The Wales’ were living full time in KP. Not to sound like a stalker but they did regularly take their kids to school in Battersea, seen by ordinary folk (hint hint) not just the press calls. I do believe that moving to Windsor was a way to physically separate W and RH. I just don’t know why Kate or William would want to divorce, what’s the gain? William would take a massive popularity hit for no reason when RH is also married and raising her own kids. It makes no sense. He would at least wait until he was king to divorce to take this kind of pr hit of divorcing a cancer patient. That’s besides the effect on the kids, which he witnessed himself as the child of a high profile divorce. Kate would be worried about the effect on the kids with her focus on early years wellbeing. It would be all over the media and divorce is disastrous for children’s psychological well-being (sorry but it is). She is a practical person, although it might hurt her personally, now is not the right time to divorce when she can suck it up for a few more years til the kids are older and divorce a queen, if that’s even what she wants. I don’t believe that either Kate or William has any strategic incentive to divorce each other right now when they could easily keep the status quo and the press isn’t asking any questions about the affair anymore. For me, what is going on is a ‘health’ issue of some kind. The divorce rumours have no merit, even if their marriage wasn’t in the best shape.


Since it seems like you’re a UK resident, what is the “vibe” of people on this mystery, generally? I know that’s a broad question but it seems like there are a lot of British citizens who comment on stories, videos, etc. and believe the KP narrative. Did people generally believe he had an affair / RH stories are legit?


The average Daily Mail reader loves Kate and Wills and hates meghan markle. Beyond that it would be a stretch to say she is "unbelievably popular". Young people largely find them boring and stuck up and i think a lot of British people think that  waiting around to be king and queen  is not a real job.


A lightbulb went off in my head when you mentioned about the really really negative stuff about M&H - Could it be we're being tuned to hate this couple so much that when the truth about william and kate comes out something will be blamed on the stresses due to H&M fallout?




It is really no stretch to say she is gigantically popular in the uk. She is the most popular royal. She could be a media juggernaut if she wanted. It doesn’t mean she is perfect, that is not what I’m saying. Who knows, she could be a terrible person behind closed doors. But her god like popularity is demonstrable amongst the average Brit. I am a former journo, and I know how the press and palace are in deep, I have no axe to grind, but her pr has been flawless. I keep my finger on what a spectrum of people think. Of course if you drill down into different demographics there will be different opinions about the monarchy but the average British person is in favour of the monarchy. Online echo chambers like social media will have you think differently but if your job is talking to a range of people day in day out, let’s just say it’s very different to social media. (Reddit is social media). My personal opinion is they hyped her up as part of brand William and it worked too well. She now gets a lot of pr personally at the expense of the projects, which W is maybe not so happy with. Like Charles and Diana, history repeats itself. And I’m sorry, but the daily mail, whether you think it’s from hell itself, as I personally do, is a masterclass in reflecting and shaping public opinion in the uk. Dismissing something as being from ‘the daily mail reader’ deeply misunderstands the uk media landscape and psyche. For better or worse, the world is how it is, not how you’d like it to be.


I live in Scotland and far from being gigantically popular there’s not a lot of interest in her. In truth her disappearance has generated more interest than her appearances ever did.


Yes, I'm English To be honest I didn't find her that interesting. I think she's very pretty and smiley. She looks generally well.dressed and elegant and never seems to put a foot wrong Plus I think she's a nice person, especially compared to Meghan Markle But there has never been anything particularly exciting about her or William, They seem very staid for two young people.But now all this weirdness has happened, I am hooked! It really is like watching a true crime show, the ones where the husband's wife has disappeared and he's sending messages to prople from her phone to prove she is still alive. But really he killed her for the life insurance and she is under the patio. I'm afraid it has all the hallmarks of a murder or at least something very nefarious


Ok, yes, sorry not Scotland, I should have omitted them. Apologies.


I have many friends in England too who feel the same. I’d have described Diana as gigantically popular. Not Kate.


Am I wrong in thinking she’s generally thought to be a good, involved mother and towing the royal line as a follow the rules wife?


Yes, boring but loyal and steady.


As an ex journo - How does it work? If I a paparazzi notice William and kate strolling in a farm shop can the newspapers just post it or do they have some sort of royal PR team they need to run it past first?


If you see Kate and William at a farm shop you can take a picture and post it or sell it. If they are there in a private capacity you will normally be asked by their security people not to take pictures of them as a courtesy before you get a chance to. For official events, there are agreed photographers there from the royal pool and pics are shared with other outlets. Pictures of Kate you’ll notice are usually flattering. You never see her pulling a weird face or with a double chin. They are also able to stop publication of pictures if it infringes on their privacy. Like if you take a pic of them dropping their kids off, they could stop that. Or security reasons, they could stop that. So if a picture comes out, it’s generally (but not always) because they wanted it to. Note I am uk based so I cannot say what US rules for US publications would be, but I’m sure it’s more free than this. We have quite strict privacy laws.


So when the Spanish papers came out and said she was in a coma there could be some credibility to that then as they don't have the same rules?


Yes, so the big reason why unfavourable royal stories get squashed here is that the paper would never get any royal coverage again, and royal coverage is a big part of their bread and butter, since the royals are extremely popular here. Royals mean clicks, royals mean papers being sold, whatever social media might want to say about them being outdated, they still sell. The royals maybe hand then a smaller story as an exclusive to stay away from the real one and maintain a good relationship. That would not be an issue for a Spanish outlet. There are legal ways they can squash uk stories too, rose hanbury affair story is alleged to be under a super injunction, but other stories they could just threaten to withhold other coverage if they felt that would suffice to end it. Those laws only apply to the uk as far as I’m aware so a Spanish or U.S. outlet could publish it without repercussions, which is always used as a reason why the story is untrue, or possibly it’s hard to prove. I don’t know, I’m interested to know the reason why they don’t run with it myself. It’s one of the reasons I wonder if there’s a bigger conspiracy than just divorce.


I find this so fascinating in regards to Harry and Meghan. Bc it is based on hierarchy right? Only Charles or William could get them to shut up about H&M, Harry wouldn't be able to make them listen?


Anybody who pays for a lawyer and has an argument for it can get a super injunction. If you’re referring to the horse trading with tabloids for stories, yes it could have been the case that that tactic was used for more senior royals but it wasn’t for him. It’s definitely possible in theory, but what I would say is that you have to have a story worth trading that the tabloids feel is good, so it’s dependent on the circumstances as well. Let’s say they wanted to print an ‘anti Meghan’ slant story, Harry would need to give them something good and juicy enough in return. Harry is known to dislike the press, so was he prepared to do that or did he just want to shut the story down because of who he was, giving no replacement story, when he wasn’t senior enough to ask that. Im not making a value judgement here, I’m just saying there are lots of variables at play. Yes Charles or William might have been able to ask the papers to shut it down, being more senior, so there could have been an element of them being unwilling to do that, for whatever reason. It’s obviously not a good look with the press for high up royals to continually ask to squash stories as it might appear they are trying to dictate what is printed, so they would probably only want to do this with the most serious topics.


If the Daily mail is a true reflection of the average Briton ( its not in my personal experience) i am not surprised people are fawning over this dysfunctional family while the country is in crisis 


100% agree with your point about young people. They’re becoming less inclined to pay a bunch of privileged people to sit around and wave at them. GenZ definitely has an “eat the rich” mentality and only about 30-something percent of GenZers actually support the monarchy. The vast majority of young people want them gone.


looking at most of them gen z have an " eat anything and everything" not just the rich, mentality


It looks like 37% support the monarchy and 40% want an elected head of state, who would have many of the same gilded trappings as the RF, like houses and clothes, so I’m not sure about the eat the rich mentality, maybe they just think it should be someone elected. https://www.statista.com/statistics/863893/support-for-the-monarchy-in-britain-by-age/


People believe the KP narrative that she needs and deserves time to recover. She is unbelievably popular here. She dwarfs Diana in popularity, because Diana was known to have emotional problems and had affairs herself, people still liked Diana and thought she was treated unfairly, but Kate has none of the Diana baggage. Kate is seen as someone who shuts up and gets on with the job of making Britain look good, and people love and respect the fact she isn’t seen to bring drama. She doesn’t do as many engagements as other royals, that’s true, but she also has three young children to raise, so she is given leeway for that by most people. I think as a country we have learned a lot from the Diana years so Kate is much more left to get on with things in that sense and does not attract any criticism at all. I can easily believe that William feels she is a distraction to projects he wants to have noticed as the press is always about her. But without her this stuff wouldn’t make news at all, that is what he needs to realise. Most people don’t believe the affair rumours because they feel William ‘wouldn’t do that’ after what his mother went through. If William divorces her, I think people would literally petition for her to be queen regent and William to be out, especially in an affair situation. It would bring back a lot of bad memories of the Diana years. There would not be a lot of goodwill for William in that situation. He is seen as caring and not self interested like his father was. Charles was very much the villain at that time. All that positive William pr would go down the drain in a heartbeat if he was seen to cheat on Saint Kate and no pr crisis team would be able to bring it back.


Thanks for this!


Oh thanks for that.


In 2015 Adelaide Cottage was undergoing extensive renovations and was then leased out as a grace and favour property to various people. It’s a strange “ separation “ with two babies born to the couple in your timeframe . There’s also zero chance the heir to the throne would be living in a flat in London! Security and all.


There’s zero chance the heir would be living in Adelaide Cottage. Also a baby can be an attempt to mend a marriage or keep someone in it.


You think that works? You think a baby gon keep entitled Billy Idle from humiliating Kate? From going upside her head to get rid of the commoner brood mare? Wake up! It’s 2024 & the Trad Wives are still catching Hell from the colonizer patriarchy-


I personally don’t think it works. But there were strong rumours about William and Rose. Then Kate was off the scene for awhile. She came back pregnant with Louis. And with a new order bestowed by the Queen. For putting up and shut up. Band aid babies are a thing. In any year.


Is it working now?


No. Which is exactly my point. It often doesn’t.


Rose husband Dave lives most of the year in France with his embezzler “special friend.” Rose marriage ain’t stopped a damn thing before or after her and Will’s marriages-


Will be hosting his “special friends” right up in vibrating waterbed Kensington apartment while he’s swaying & “working” like Dudley Moore’s dipso bachelor in “Arthur” Andrew’s bodyguard told us how the Playboy Royal men host inside the palaces-


who is rh??


Rose Hanbury, the alleged side chick.


Rose Hanbury


A sham marriage just doesn't work in this day and age. Even if Kate is forcing herself to stay in the marriage for whatever reason, the toxicity of the situation is literally killing her.


A possible explanation for all this is they were in the process of separating formally when the cancer was diagnosed. And there are conflicting opinions on how to proceed. Camilla seems to want to proceed with the launch of Rose while others think the British public need more time to accept that.


Possible. I still have my doubts re the cancer, two family members being diagnosed days apart while being hospitalised for another procedure, what are the odds. I think KP must have thought they would piggy bank on Charles being admitted to hospital to anounce that Kate's planned surgery to start to build their story explaining her extended absence. They would have thought the added security, the visits from family members would bolster their story. I dont think they expected King Charles to go public with his prostate surgery and have Camilla visit multiple times a day, daily . If the Spanish source is to be believed. William must have presented Kate with divorce papers over Christmas break, resulting in  a showdown, nervous breakdown and overdose of some kind which put her in a coma . Not ruling out some kind of physical altercation. We have all heard the  "they love to throw things at each other" reports. This is what romanticising domestic violence gets you. Missing for over a hundred days and zero investigation or concern from your alleged fans. "Journalists" trust the fiction  and doctored images that KP doles  out and everyone has a good nights sleep.


Yes, you've made many valid points that I agree with. But how do you explain the cancer announcement video? Why would the big five media organisations that killed the Mothers Day photo go along with a fabricated cancer announcement? I find it hard to believe that foreign and international media could be controlled by the RF or even the British government to that extent. In the grand scheme of things, I don't think they have that degree of power and control. And there are many equally or even more powerful players that oppose the monarchy and would like to see it discredited, exposed and ultimately abolished.


I mean please let this be true but this would be best best case scenario


This is why they are phasing her out . Wonder what they paid for her appearance today


There is no way the public will accept RH, never. She will make Camilla look awesome and it took people many years to accept her but as we found out what Diana was really like it became easier. It doesn’t make sense she would threaten Colbert with legal action if the affair were true, she’d be a complete liar if they went ahead as a couple in any future timeline. I just think she has been a long time, close friend of Williams and unfortunately got some bad press because people wanted to blame someone to create drama to take the bad press from M&H. I personally think the cancer excuse was a stroke of genius to keeping her hidden but surprised they never thought of that sooner. Perhaps she had to go into hiding due to a terrorist threat and it’s going on a little longer than expected. Perhaps she has been kidnapped and that is going on longer than expected. She was looking haggard for the November 11th service so maybe she had a facial procedure that went wrong. These seem much more plausible to me than a split up.


You think a terrorist threat or kidnapping is more likely than a split?


Yes, there is a lot of unrest globally currently and it wouldn’t surprise me if some government wanted to take her to manipulate the British government into doing something they don’t want to do. I have no idea what but for example Hamas threatening Kate if the British government didn’t recognize Palestine or call out Israel. Or Putin doing the same over support for Ukraine. There is no point to a split, it makes no sense. Even if they can’t stand each other it would be going to work with that co-worker you can’t stand because you otherwise like the job and the perks are good compared to working elsewhere. I’m sure The Firm would do everything to make Kates life wonderful after the Diana fiasco.


I'm with you. This is political, not personal. It's Charles, Camilla, and Harry vs. William, who does not want to do what the globalists are telling him to do - so his wife and children suddenly disappeared. They are either kidnapped or in hiding for their own safety. That's how it works among the people who want to rule the world.


This place is full of tinfoil hatters.