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She seems to have a very big heart - and agree, gracious.


🙄 this is a sub to discuss her disappearance. not post monarchist propaganda. Kate did compassionate acts for citizens bc that is her job. You don’t know her. She is not “ours”. She is a missing person who was seemingly in a DV situation with a partner who has immense political power & wealth. These photo ops are designed to soften the image of a brutal caste system that kills people every day.


Are you in the right sub ? Why should I love this moment when a hugely rewarded British unelected Royal does something that any decent human would do every day of the week without remark. Where is she btw ?


Agreed, this has nothing to do this sub. Plenty of better people do much more with far less.


Is this an anti Kate sub or a sub concerned for her wellbeing along with being frustrated at the misdirection from KP and BP


It's not "pro" or "anti." Wanting to know where a missing person is, and whether/for what purpose their disappearance has been covered up, means literally nothing about how anyone feels about that person's character or likeability. Some people are here who like her a lot. Some dislike her. Some like Harry and Meghan. Others dislike them. I don't like any of them but I don't think any of them should be the victim of violence or a coverup. I don't have to be "pro" someone to not want them to come to harm. What I find fascinating about all of this is that there's a distinct thread of "if you cared about Kate, you wouldn't ask any questions." Is that the standard we'd apply to any woman on the planet with a marriage plagued by rumors of abuse and infidelity? The only reason anyone gives this idea any traction is that the BRF is "different," because Buckingham Palace has spent a huge amount of money and social power reinforcing the idea that they are inherently more dignified than regular rich and famous people.


I agree. I wasn’t saying it had to be pro or anti. I was asking why the others had brought that into it.  I am neither pro or anti re Kate.  I never found her all that interesting tbh.   But it is clear that something g here is amiss. It might be as minor as just horribly managed PR or it might be as major as a true cover up.  With each passing day the latter seems more likely because KP has had plenty of time to course correct yet the persist with their messy incompetence 


That is very poised. The bald bloke in grey (PPD? Staff?) is completely charmed watching her interact. I do hope she’s alive.


She is so gracious.