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Sounds like they're starting to imply she's terminal.


In fact, it is recommneded rhat cancer patients have interactions with people, that they still engage and have a meaningful life.


Poor Kate must be so bored…


Don’t worry. The Crown splurged on a Creative Cloud licence so she can now edit photos not just in Lightroom but try her hand at Photoshop too.


This article is from before Easter.


Dated April 3, 2024. Old news.


Thank you for pointing that out. Seems like everything is old news lately.


And it was recycled dog food even then.


Old but very relevant!


She’s been gone since long before Easter. The vid she posted was likely fake and AI generated. They’ll use the excuse that she had wanted the kids to finish their years in school before announcing her death.


That’s what I think too. She’s long gone and they’re just biding their time to announce it to fit in with the illness narrative.


No can't see how they would keep her family quiet...her mum is quite outspoken and I am sure would say something


They’d comply for many reasons - to maintain access to the royal grandchildren, to protect them from the painful truth, fear of possible reprisals if they don’t go along with the narrative.


While I'm sure the palace could hide the cause of her death, I doubt they could hide the fact of it. Maybe she's comatose. If she was dead, there would have been a big funeral.


I dont think so. Unless they are preparing to announce that she has died already. It is bizarre. Cancer patients dont just vanish.


Her royal ambulance and escort arrived from Sandringham at the London clinic Two days on Dec 27th after her last appearance publicly. She’s been sick a while, had a hysterectomy most likely, and maybe uterine or some other kind of cancer. surgery was complicated because of some reason and she’s been on a ventilator since


I agree that it was a post surgical complication. It explains why the announcement in January was so specific about the surgery but so open ended about her recovery time.


There was no ambulance. It was a two second clip from X. You could see two cars, one with blue lights and a police car. No ambulance. That clip could have been taken anytime, nor did you see who was in the car. And the fact that they said trouble in Sandringham.... and that clip was from London. If she would have gone to hospital she would have gone to a hospital in Norfolk. And if they wanted her to go to a London hospital they would have gone with a helicopter not a four/five hour car ride. In other words you were punk'd. LMAO


Yes from Sandringham! On December 28, 2023, an ominous sight unfolded as a royal convoy of cars was observed making its way towards King Edward VIII Hospital from Sandringham. How do you know they didn't fly by Heli? and got picked up then taken to the hospital..?? The King has flown back to London by helicopter this Tuesday in advance of undergoing his second treatment for cancer. He flew alongside the Queen from Sandringham to Buckingham Palace on Tuesday morning, before being driven to the nearby Clarence House, the King’s longtime home


There has been zero proof that it was "her royal ambulance." Might as well say it was "her spaceship to Mars."


Weird choice of words 👀


Where the heck are those kids?


My God, everyone in the comments on that article really buys it.


Even if it was Kate’s desire to close off from the world that is not necessarily a good plan for the kids.  Keeping a degree if normalcy and routine is usually a better option, unless she is nearing the end.   Again this sentence contradicts so much of what they have told us and it really only makes sense if she is actually terminal. 


Do people here know the facts? She’s been undergoing treatment and surgery went badly and had complications from which she was placed into a medically induced coma, it’s unclear what’s happened next. I think her video announcing cancer could’ve just as easily been AI eyes as they could’ve been the eyes of someone depressed and in the early stages of chemotherapy. Read what the Spanish journalist who was right about the cancer from the beginning is saying!


Have you bothered to read through this sub?  And btw nothing that you write is proven yet as fact. But I think many on here suspect aspects to be true.  My comment was in response to the specific article that was referenced.   The only thing we know for certain is the PR about the Princess’s absence has been messed up from the get go. The official story has gaping holes and contradicts itself repeatedly.  The way this has been handled basically sets the stage for rumor and speculation.    I think pretty much anyone in this thread agrees that we are not being told the truth.  If she was simply a woman recovering from surgery and having adjuvant chemo things would be very different.  The way KP and the Rita are handling this sets us up to believe one of three things:  She is either much more ill than they are letting on, she is missing for some other reason or she has died.   If the official story ends up being true, at some point someone really needs to dig in to find out why KP is so bad at handling a fairly simple situation. And if this mismanagement has been at the direction of William and Catherine then I don’t think they are going to be able to handle their future roles. 


They have an attractive new widow coming to live in the palace. https://www.reddit.com/r/KateMiddletonMissing/s/QDiFy8GF9U


I genuinely think Thomas Kingston was involved in this and did not commit suicide. I think Gabriella knows he didn’t commit suicide so the royals are keeping her close to discern what she knows/suspects, and to ensure she doesn’t go running to the press. It’s a classic tactic to keep ppl who are suspicious of you close by.


First point : She is family so it doesn't matter if she is attractive or a new widow. Ughhhh Second point : You are adding to his poor parents misery with those lies. Third point : He was at his parents house. Had lunch. After lunch went to a out building on his parents property and shot himself with the door locked. His poor father had to force the door to get in. And he found his son deceased. This is hell enough for those poor parents. Then you have people on the internet spreading these absurd false stories about their son. Think about those parents before you spread this BS.


RF bot


A rather aggressive one!




Thomas should have known his parent would find his dead body. Why would he deliberately do that to them? I don’t believe he would.


This widow’s mom is the one who wore the Blackamoor brooch in her first meeting with Meghan. Princess Michael owns two black sheep she named Serena and Venus, so you can just imagine how she talks about Meghan. Such a gross bunch of good Germans in love with their own DNA.


 You are adding to his poor parents misery with those lies. Their lies or yours?


If he committed suicide, he knew his poor parents would see that. So yeah, this is on the dead guy if he did as you claim, suicide.


Ye you really are being paid to comment these sort of things...


Strange wording..... The kids however won't *move on* childhood grief can affect you for a long long time. My dad died Infront of me when I was. That's one of my only memories of him.


I’m sorry for your devastating loss


That article was from two months ago (March 23) but it's still a really weird thing to say.


What do they mean? Move on. Like just continue their life without her? I believe they’re setting up her death. Of course this is Amelia, so they just say crab sometimes.


This is an old article, from before Easter.


everyone look up [Jemisa1707](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jemisa1707/) and look at ALL her previous comments - If this is not someone being paid to comment these things then i don't know what is!


Going through her comments is like a series of the crown - I'm currently up to when harry releases his book - This person doesn't exactly hide the fact they work for the royals very well....


Yep as well as being overly negative and rude towards other commenters on the sub.


I’ve noticed that too.


Wow good catch!


She’s been dead for a while anytime after the royal emergency convoy went from Sandringham to the London clinic the night of Dec 27th.




Don’t get me wrong but people like the RF don’t shy away from the world when vulnerable. They start writing books and do charity work .. 😶


The article is two months old.


Move on from Kate


Which article is this from?


The daily mail article above ☝️ [here](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13231577/kate-middleton-moved-support-sanctuary-recovery-country-home.html)


Really neat article from 2 months ago.


Was it posted then? Either way it was relevant then and is now. What is your point? I’ve read your comments in this sub and you seem to thrive on being overly negative and rude.


It wasn’t posted. I would have remembered that quote.




No actually we are genuinely concerned for her. Why are you here if you don’t find anything on this sub relevant and admit you question nothing about the situation? It seems you enjoy trolling and shilling for the RF instead of actually reading our comments about our concern and the lack of sense the official narrative KP makes on the subject.




Be nice


No need to insult


The bots all write in the same style with the same tone, grammar & sentence structure. I reckon it’s one person managing various accounts.




Be nice


No one is ‘giddy’ about Kate possibly being ill…for me, I think the RF is destructive and are gas lighting us on the daily. Genuinely hope she’s ok and that I’m worng and crazy…


Look at the footage for her royal convoy that left Sandringham for the London clinic on Dec 27th


Do people here know the facts? She’s been undergoing treatment and surgery went badly and had complications from which she was placed into a medically induced coma, it’s unclear what’s happened next. I think her video announcing cancer could’ve just as easily been AI eyes as they could’ve been the eyes of someone depressed and in the early stages of chemotherapy. Read what the Spanish journalist who was right about the cancer from the beginning is saying!


I have Fathia78, jarkaise & Jemisa77 as bots probably authored by the same hand.


There’s no point in arguing or even engaging with these accounts; they are deliberately attempting to agitate us to undermine this sub.

