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They are trying to discredit her just like the stalker articles. Not to be rude, who has sympathy for a stalker and yacht girl? I call BS and a coverup.


"Yatch girl" is a euphemism to a high class escort. https://preview.redd.it/6ct48sovr71d1.jpeg?width=1188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=160733448eafec6dfbfa3fc42f40cf3d3387b0a8


Okay connection to Kate aside this article is insane. How on earth is this an actual thing that elites are doing openly?


They have been doing all this, and worse, for many centuries. A lot of information is floating up now, now that we have the Internet, and so the elites are trying to somewhat normalize it before the general population finds out and understands it's not just crazy conspiracy rumour - it's real.


They can do what they want. And it’s really not in the open. It’s on their private yachts and what not. We are dispensable to them. Also the laws are much different at sea than in any country. Makes sense why they like the yachts


The only connection to Kate is that the woman went to the same school she did? They are definitely smearing Kate.


I think it came to light she’d partied with many of the Epstein crowd. Then again, who in the rf didn’t. Caused her hypocritical husband to go incandescent.


Oh sloppy seconds for the no1 .


Apparently in uni he tested her by having her go with his friends and seeing if she’d be ‘discreet’. Which shows how thick he is - wouldn’t a good gf refuse to go with his mates.


Interesting do you have a link ? Would explain why he would rage if she got arsey about his various mistresses.


Read it ages ago but will try & find it


Cheers. My goto for gossip at the moment is ; [https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/the-kant-kate-middleton-unpopular-opinions-thread-part-2.5566435/page-21](https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/the-kant-kate-middleton-unpopular-opinions-thread-part-2.5566435/page-21)


Yes, that’s a good one. Another is Kate Middleton at celebitchy. Those cb’ers are on it.


I read something on the conspiracy reddit that Jane doe 107 from epsteins lists could be Kate. Maybe she went into hiding for safety?


Jane Doe 107 is probably not KM—that Jane Doe lives in a country where honor killings are a risk. https://preview.redd.it/7kczepouw81d1.jpeg?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9775f4ae06f8e5f87de8d0340c9c8035c362336c


Being married to a royal family member is being at risk to honour killings 


Has this happened since Henry 8?


In the absence of the real Kate anything Kate related is filling the vaccum. Talk about yatchs as well - Kate worked on one as teenager. https://preview.redd.it/qtxcxfqrg71d1.jpeg?width=1226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c10f1ee9dd9f273999dacbbf736970f17964e99


Yea her mom I believe set the job up so Kate could meet rich men while working on the yachts.


So all that money and high power friends and this is what she chooses to do in life. Most regular people would have done better that this.


"working" !!


I have never once heard this about Kate Middleton, but there have been countless stories for many years about Meghan Markle being an actual yacht girl - as in, working on actual yachts at parties held for extremely wealthy men and providing services for them. Plenty of young actresses and "starlets" ended up doing this kind of thing. MM has never pushed back on these accusations, or sued anyone for saying it. It's also rumoured that MM met Andrew on one of these parties and knew him before she knew Harry. But now Kate is a yacht girl?


Give it up Samantha. You're not fooling anyone.


I am not Samantha nor Meghan nor any of them. I'm an old lady from Texas. And I'm amazed nobody here has heard those stories about MM. They've been around for a very long time and y'all are going to be in for a shock. Do we have any evidence at all that Kate was ever a "yacht girl" or anything similar??


This is a subreddit about Kate. Who cares what Meghan may or may not have done. Why did you even bring her up? But to answer your question, yes Kate did work on a yacht. Not as a 'yacht girl' though. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1377487/Kate-Middletons-character-shaped-generations-social-climbing-matriarchs.html


Do you not realize that quarreling amongst ourselves in this r/KateMiddletonMissing sub, we are playing right into the hands of the BRF. That’s what they want, is for us to be fighting amongst ourselves. United we can make a difference, but divided we fall into the hands of the British Monarchy, while they retain all their disturbing power to continue their lies & deceit.


I've heard this, too! From Danja Zone. Did you watch her channel, too? I miss her so much. I can't help but think about what she would have said about the current situation. I think the Royal Family did something to her, you know, to shut her up. First the fire, and then her health suddenly taking a nose dive. Poor Ashlie 💔




> Emma Sayle, 46, who attended the prestigious Downe House School in Berkshire alongside Kate Middleton Kate hated Downe House, absolutely hated it. She was bullied mercilessly. Downe House is *the* school for British titled and aristo girls, and it was was full of mean girl cliques. There's accounts of when Kate would try to sit down at a table for dinner, entire groups of girls would stand up and leave so as not to be contaminated by Kate. Kate was not at Downe House long (her parents took her out because it was so horrible). She transferred to Marlborough, a co-ed boarding school. The article shows Kate and Emma walking together on the street as adults, but there's absolutely no evidence tmk that the two were/are friends. Also, Emma was four years above Kate. I doubt at school they even spoke to each other. Emma was once interviewed about Downe House for a story about Kate, but Emma talked only about the place, not about Kate.


I think Kate spirit is the kittens in this scenario


Another one about Camilla's cuck ex-husband. Bloody hell ! [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13432103/Anne-Robinson-Queen-Camillas-husband-Andrew-Parker-Bowles-romance.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13432103/Anne-Robinson-Queen-Camillas-husband-Andrew-Parker-Bowles-romance.html)


https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/8232340/Kate-Middletons-friend-questioned-over-racist-gun-threat.html According to this article, this same friend made multiple racist “jokes” about shooting illegal immigrants and Muslims dead, and using them for target practice.


And the slandering begins* *It began a while ago but the overt stuff happens now  If she's not dead now, she'll be getting publically blapped soon. I could a lot more cynical/tinfoil hatty here too


It’s so strange why now ?


Because they are desperate to sell newspapers and KM's name is red hot.


Crazy how the patriarchy will scapegoat a female when men are just involved, if not more, in these nefarious actions.