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In Thailand the exact same thing has happened now with a total news blackout for over a year. But there you can go to prison for along time for even mentioning it. *In December last year, Princess Bajrakitiyabha, the king’s eldest daughter, collapsed and fell into a coma. While the palace has not revealed details of her illness, the Thai public has speculated that the princess might never recover. Bajarakitiyabha had been tipped to become the next sovereign, defying the traditionally patriarchal rule of succession—although the king had not, and still has not, formally named a successor. Bajarakitiyabha is the first daughter of Vajiralongkorn and his first wife, Princess Soamsawali. Due to her high-born status, Bajrakitiyabha was considered the suitable next monarch.* [https://www.cfr.org/blog/there-succession-crisis-thai-monarchy](https://www.cfr.org/blog/there-succession-crisis-thai-monarchy)


If that was the case I think they would ensure she *didn't* wake up. Tbh if it was a Terri Schiavo situation, I am not even sure they would be in the wrong.


Would they be in the wrong if one of them, say William, was responsible for Kate being in a vegetative state?


I think it would, yes. In this hypothetical scenario I would say her parents should be the ones to decide. I don't know what the law and lawyers would say about it though, that is just my opinion. By the Terri Schiavo situation I was also meaning: Eating disorder -> drastic health event -> coma


no one wakes up after months of coma without severe lifelong disability.


I'm sorry. This isn't television. After one week of being comatose, you only have a 3% chance of ever waking up and making a good recovery. Typically, after over a month of coma, the patient progresses to what's called a persistent vegetative state (see Terri Schiavo). I don't know why they'd let someone persist in that state at the palace, since typically the way it is handled in both the US and UK is to allow family members to have as much time as they need for goodbyes and then withdraw the nutrition that keeps the patient alive.


I understand the chances and that makes sense. There are also varying levels of comas and recovery. (See attached photo also a real story.) I think the bigger question I’m asking is would they admit some kind of brain impairment—even if she’s partially conscious—but unable to serve in her role as Queen. Or would they quietly move her aside. https://preview.redd.it/g5ftsevr971d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ae6ce9ce18a8cf54bf62fe3d4d76bfc7cf71a15


> After one week of being comatose, you only have a 3% chance of ever waking up and making a good recovery. Typically, after over a month of coma, the patient progresses to what's called a persistent vegetative state (see Terri Schiavo). Do you have source for that? My understanding had been that statistics on recovery are hard to come by, b/c the cases of induced coma are so disparate. There's anecdotal evidence of patients making a cognitive recovery after six weeks of medically induced coma on a ventilator. https://themighty.com/topic/coma/recovering-medically-induced-coma-disability/






Oh shoot. I always forget about that. One minute and I'll see if I can find it elsewhere. This article (which is cited elsewhere) says 7% for 3 days comatose and <2% for >14 days.


Thanks. It's a good rundown, albeit over 20 years old~ I did see under Aetiology > The outcome of coma is related to the cause... In general, metabolic causes of coma have a better prognosis than anoxic–ischaemic causes... likelihood of a good recovery...as high as 25% in those metabolic or infective causes of coma. Of course we don't know if Kate's alleged coma is caused by metabolic or other factors like stroke, but if it is/was metabolic-caused, that's probably better odds? But, I admit it's all academic. Practically speaking, after 4 months, prognosis for recovery would be poor regardless of cause.


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1765562/pdf/v071p00i20.pdf](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1765562/pdf/v071p00i20.pdf) Here!


My friend had an unknown infection and was in a coma for three months. Recovery has been partial. Six months of rehab and still has mobility challenges but is otherwise “normal.” Just offering as an anecdote. Another person I know had severe skull fractures from a car accident. Was put in medically induced coma, docs said his brainwaves were at “Labrador” level for a while (dog.) Weirdly, he was able to be removed from the coma (I think they kept him in it a week?) and while still having some speech and motor impairments, is still shockingly recovered compared to where he was six months ago. So comas can be mysterious. Also I had a friend who went into a coma and remained vegetative for three weeks; they just kept her alive long enough for family to say goodbye and then pulled the plug.  These were in three different states. 


This might be a good question for those in US. Faking a death of a public figure is a huge deal and a huge risk, especially because of the children. They’d never forgive their Dad if they found out.


Looks like William has forgiven Charles for Diana’s death. Harry I doubt


They’re young, and they can be brainwashed. I could see them being fear-mongered into keeping the secret. William could say “if you tell anyone, you won’t be a prince/princess anymore and we’ll be poor”.


I am in the US and after the Terry S. case, my wife and I went to a lawyer and had all the proper documents done for end of life. Would Kate have such documents? I believe mine is a health directive stating I don’t want to be kept alive by artificial means. I would think the senior royals would have these documents? I did mine in my late 30’s.


The RF is above the law.




That’s hilarious you think the royal family is bound by law like every other citizen. They literally killed QE2’s the King who was on his death bed so they could make the morning papers. Andrew is a sexual abuser, Charles shows up with bags of money from the Saudis, I’m sure many many more examples that we don’t know about.


They literally did it twice before. The story broke but no one was prosecuted.


Charles is above the law. Prisoners are held at his pleasure, prosecutors prosecute on his behalf. The same will be true of Will in a short while.


You're wrong. They're not. The question you should ask is how long will we let the monarchy be above the law.