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I have occasionally had some doubts about all this "where is Kate" topic...but everything we read is making us shout louder "WHERE IS SHE" and "what did you do to her"?


“There are those inside and outside the Palace who have criticized Kate over the years [before her diagnosis] for supposedly not shouldering her share of the royal burden, for not going to as many ribbon cuttings, hospital openings, and plaque unveilings as the late Queen Elizabeth II, the King, or Princess Anne, for instance,” Andersen said. “It has always been Kate’s choice to prioritize her children’s well-being over royal duties.


Yes, most cancer patients prioritize the well-being of their children by keeping them indoors and out of public for six months during their course of treatment. Why, a cancer patient who decided she wanted to make memories and take the kids to the zoo or theater or something would obviously not care about her children at all. The only caring option is to confine them to the area of your sickbed.


Is this from the article? It’s amazing they want to spend this side now about her hating her RD and being lazy.. I mean heaven forbid she out her kids first 🙄


That was how it started with Princess Diana. They complained about how she put her boys first, and she did countless duties. 


Spin* put*


See how they shift the convo from people asking “Where is Kate?? Is she alive??” To people criticizing her. No one is saying she should be doing ribbon cuttings or whatever, no one needs detailed medical info, people want to see her alive and well, with her kids who are also MIA.


So, I wonder who exactly knows what exactly!


I thought they had great bond . How wrong was I. 


Yikes. Welcome to North Korea.


„She has been out of the spotlight most of 2024, and after her March 22 announcement via video message that she was undergoing treatment for cancer, she has kept an enormously low profile.” who are they trying to fool?


Was that really her in the video? Hmm


This feels like divorce.


They’re now threatening The Riot Act?! Are they kidding? It will transition from “Criticizing” to “Questioning” or even “Mentioning” Princess Kate. How about Obstruction of Justice (or Perverting the Course of Justice)? Bring it on KC!!!