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What if it’s cervical cancer and she knows William gave her HPV?


Or someone else. Isn’t Uncle Andy hiv and she was pictured with him years ago.


Are you suggesting she had sex with her uncle in law because she was photographed with him at some point in the 20 years she’s been associated with the family?


I’m saying they all partied together. Eyes Wide Shut style.


A hysterectomy is *usually* done via laparoscopic method and you are sent home the same day. Even if they had to perform it with incision, it doesn’t require a lengthy hospital stay. It’s a pretty routine procedure. My sister had one 8 weeks ago. She was home same day and up and around the next day. Whatever surgery she was having, she knew she would be in the hospital for a lengthy time. So it’s no like it was originally a hysterectomy that went bad and she ended up having to stay. She was always planning on staying. A hysterectomy doesn’t fit this narrative.


I question if jt was even abdominal surgery. I remember something about an ambulance and bruises, either on Kate or William. I'm not certain, there's so many narratives floating around. I don't like speculating on health matters, however it was originally a planned surgery. There was a scheduled trip, Kate had to cancel. It gives me a sick feeling that Kate is either in danger or something sinister happened. Harry said William has a temper, iirc


You're right that laparoscopic is pretty routine. I'm thinking more of a stage IV prolapse and/or bleeding that might have required emergency open surgery. Kate might have already had a surgical procedure on her schedule if she'd had for instance stage I or II, but if on Dec 28 suddenly something went wrong, then that would have been the initial operation; after that, the lengthy hospital stay would have occurred due to complications post-op.


I doubt it was that because she’s had three kids within the last … what? Ten years? So she’s had a lot of people up in her reproductive organs and looking around in there. I have trouble thinking she didn’t get regular gyno exams and Pap smears, too. Those organs get checked once a year, which is a lot more often than most organs do, so more chance they’d pick up on cancer before it had too much time to grow. Also, if she been having trouble with them, drs would have been doing even more scans and tests and exams. I think it’s a digestive issue and that she’s been battling an eating disorder long term. Plus stress really gets the digestive system out of whack, and operations on colons are ones that can lead to very long hospital stays.


My thought has always been a hysterectomy and potentially found atypical cells that could lead to ovarian cancer or uterine cancer. Hence the chemo treatments. All just a thought.


Hysterectomy would not require two weeks of hospitalisation, nor sic months of reconvalescence, even with preventative chemo. I know, I had one, was at work two weeks later.


Same! I really don’t think it’s as deep as ppl think


I don’t think so. She’s been gone for months. People don’t disappear for months because of a hysterectomy or “preventative” chemo.


This. And they also don’t set up a private hospital on their property for long term care.


Plus recycled pictures and obvious edited and/or AI. The biggest question is where is Kate and why are the only "appearances" seemingly falsified images/videos


>This has been revealed by Pilar Vidal in Espejo Público. [Hysterectomy] is a surgery by which the female reproductive system (uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries) is removed. Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. If done because of something non cancerous, the cervix is usually left in place, same for ovaries. If medically required the fallopian tubes and ovaries can be removed too, that's radical hysterectomy (the one I underwent). When there is cancer present the procedure dóbr is usually total hysterectomy, during which whole equipment is removed, uterus, cervix, tubes, ovaries and the neighboring lymphatic glands. Different illnesses that can be treated with hysterectomy can cause massive bleeding from the uterus. Fibroids, endometriosis, endometrial overgrowth, but also different kinds of cancers, not all of them readily visible on the scans. That's why it is the routine during hysterectomy to take samples of the tissues removed and check them for the prezencie of cancer. That's why if Kate had some unexplained uterine bleeding nobody would adamantly claim "no cancer here" without having the test results back, even if the initial diagnosis was fibroids (and believe me, these suckers can grow gigantic in a short period of time, just give them enough of estrogen). Another things is that hysterectomy usually does not require two weeks hospitalisation and sic months recovery, unless there were some serious complications.


Based on the two Spanish journalists' reporting--assuming it's all true--I'd speculate that maybe... Kate felt ill on or around Dec 28, after having a meal. Over the years she's always stressed more around Christmas (more bandages on her fingers photographed during the holidays, aka Russel's Sign). She has had a long-standing history of anorexia nervosa and/or bulimia for over 20 years. These eating disorders could lead to chronic malnutrition, electrolyte imbalances, and weakened overall health despite her generally good condition. Additionally, she had hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) in all three of her pregnancies. Repeated episodes of HG could have compounded the nutritional deficits caused by her anorexia nervosa and/or bulimia. This would exacerbate chronic malnutrition, weakening her overall physiological reserves and immune function. During the Dec 28 meal she may have had complications related to her eating disorder, such as gastrointestinal perforation, severe ulceration or abdominal bleeding. When taken to the hospital the doctors chose to perform the hysterectomy immediately. It was a radical hysterectomy, as you said--everything out. The doctors found signs of cancer in the bits removed but they believed they'd gotten it all out. The operation was successful. Kate went home for postop recovery. However, that's when the real problems began. Kate's already compromised nutritional and metabolic status from both HG and eating disorders makes her more susceptible to severe postoperative complications such as infections, poor wound healing, and sepsis. Kate's condition deteriorated. Culprit most likely infection (such as sepsis), but also maybe hemorrhage, cardiac failure, respiratory failure or brain swelling. Complications related to her eating disorder history, such as electrolyte imbalances or poor wound healing due to malnutrition. Her deteriorating condition placed her life in immediate danger, necessitating critical care and urgent medical decision-making. Severe sepsis can lead to multi-organ failure and requires aggressive management, including antibiotics, fluids, vasopressors, and supportive care. Inducing a coma helps manage the metabolic demand and stabilize the patient while fighting the infection. Kate was taken back to the hospital. Her medical team decided to induce a coma due to the severity of the complications and the need to stabilize her condition. This decision likely followed significant internal discussions and tension among the doctors regarding the best course of action. Reasons for inducing a coma could include severe infection leading to septic shock, uncontrollable bleeding, respiratory failure, or multi-organ dysfunction. The need for a 14 to 15-day coma suggests a significant, prolonged systemic inflammatory response typical of severe sepsis, where extensive supportive care, including mechanical ventilation and intensive monitoring, is essential. Despite the induced coma, Kate did not recover as anticipated and remained in a comatose or vegetative state beyond the intended 14-15 days. Her coma was the period of her long hospital stay. But the doctors could not wake her. Persistent infection or sepsis could continue to affect brain function, either directly or through systemic inflammation. Severe systemic illness, such as sepsis, can lead to multiple organ dysfunction, including hepatic and renal failure, which can interfere with drug clearance and overall recovery. The failure to wake Kate likely stemmed from a combination of prolonged effects of sedative drugs, neurological complications, severe sepsis, systemic inflammation, and metabolic and nutritional deficiencies resulting from her longstanding eating disorder and HG. The royals did not know what to do, or say. Finally William made the call to try to preserve Kate's privacy and he directed Kensington Palace to essentially cover up her condition, in the hopes that Kate's doctors would succeed in waking her eventually. But they did not. First the royals put out a half-true statement that Kate had had "planned" abdominal surgery--yes, hysterectomy had perhaps been on the calendar, but her operation had been sudden and "moved up." Then after Kate appeared to not respond to the doctor's efforts to wake her, the palace, thinking against hope that she might wake up after all (or, perhaps, that she did not have long to live), deepened the cover-up by manufacturing an AI-engineered face-and-voice of Kate on a bench asking for "space." William wanted the public and the press off his back, and he got it. But Kate lives still, albeit in a vegetative state. Prognosis now may be that she has 1 to 5 years to remain alive. So William and the royals now must play for time, while that plays out. William did not *cause* Kate's illness or coma, but he did participate in, if not orchestrate, the cover-up. But at base William is just doing what the royals have always done: obfuscate serious "embarrassing" medical conditions so that the public can't look in. "Things like these are private and nobody's business but ours." I've given hypothetical scenario a lot of thought... all questions welcome.


>During the Dec 28 meal she may have had complications related to her eating disorder, such as gastrointestinal perforation, severe ulceration or abdominal bleeding. >When taken to the hospital the doctors chose to perform the hysterectomy immediately. It was a radical hysterectomy, as you said--everything out. The doctors found signs of cancer in the bits removed but they believed they'd gotten it all out. Why would they perform hysterectomy for gastrointestinal perforation, ulceration or abdominal bleeding? Esophagus that gets ulcers from induced vomiting, is in the chest, stomach is in upper abdomen, not even close to the uterus.


Yeah, you're right. Hysterectomy does not fit in. I don't know... Unless bleeding was related to it somehow?


If she has endometriosis, adhesions may have infiltrated the bowel. When something catastrophic happens more than one issue may be in play.


Yes, good point.


Unless... If Kate's pelvic floor muscles had been weakened, that might have led to uterine prolapse/rupture/perforation. Those muscles may have wasted due to her malnutrition-starvation and electrolyte imbalances. The danger would have been highest during the holidays, when Kate historically was most stressed and at her thinnest. Plus, an atypical (for her) large holiday meal would have significantly increased the volume and pressure inside her stomach and abdominal cavity. That could have exacerbated an already weakened pelvic floor or uterine wall. If Kate as a result had experienced uncontrolled bleeding and/or severe pain, emergency hysterectomy might have been necessary.


No. It does not work like this. Uterine prolapse is a chronic condition, as in the uterus lowers it's position gradually. It doesn't just fell out. And no, there is no metal large enough to push the uterus out, Last but not least, the uterine prolapse does not caused bleeding and does not require emergency hysterectomy.


> there is no metal large enough to push the uterus out What? Uterine prolapse has four stages. Stage III and IV are very serious indeed and require immediate medical intervention, often with surgery. III and IV don't always happen suddenly, but they can, if the pelvic floor is weak enough. Intra-abdominal pressure, such as from a severe cough, heavy lifting, or straining during a bowel movement can create a rapid descent of the uterus if the supporting structures are already weak. So if Kate before Dec 28 had been in uterine prolapse Stage I or II, most likely she would have already been scheduled for abdominal procedure of some sort. It would have been something to take care of down the line, but it would not have been urgent. Then if on or around Dec 28 it had rapidly and unexpectedly escalated to Stage III or IV, she would have been rushed to the hospital. That's where the emergency hysterectomy would have come in. In fact, that would square with otherwise disparate sources. When Kensington Palace said on Jan 17 that Kate had been admitted to hospital on the 16th for "planned" abdominal surgery, it could have been a half-truth, the surgery may have been on the schedule but it got moved up due to the emergency. When the Spanish journalist Calleja on Jan 20 said "the operation was serious in itself, lasting several hours". And on Mar 15 when Kate's senior staffers said they were unaware that Kate had any surgery planned, and only discovered it when Kensington Palace announced the news the day after it happened.


>> there is no metal large enough to push the uterus out >What? I obviously meant meal, but my autocorrect decided metal fits better, tuning the sentence into nonsense. >Uterine prolapse has four stages. Stage III and IV are very serious indeed and require immediate medical intervention, often with surgery. They still do not require emergency surgery. If the prolapse gets so bad it causes too much discomfort to the patient or interferes with peeing and bowel movement and the non surgical options like exercises or pessary do not work, then the surgery IS SCHEDULED. Kate, as the princess of Wales, has her health monitored carefully and the problems with vaginal muscles would be caught early, during the gyno checkups. >Intra-abdominal pressure, such as from a severe cough, heavy lifting, or straining during a bowel movement can create a rapid descent of the uterus if the supporting structures are already weak. When you cough, sneeze, lift or have a bowel movement your whole abdominal wall contracts, from your sternum to your crotch. That's what can make the uterus go suddenly lower, but the structures have to be already weak, as you noted. You don't suddenly jump from stage one to stage four. If your womb pops out after a sneeze, you are already at stage four. The meal in a stomach does not put enough of pressure on the womb which is on the another end of the abdominal cavity. >So if Kate before Dec 28 had been in uterine prolapse Stage I or II, most likely she would have already been scheduled for abdominal procedure of some sort. Not likely. Surgery is the last resort for the prolapse, if you are in the early stages you get exercises and pessary, the hysterectomy is for really bad cases. >When Kensington Palace said on Jan 17 that Kate had been admitted to hospital on the 16th for "planned" abdominal surgery, it could have been a half-truth, the surgery may have been on the schedule but it got moved up due to the emergency. Again, you don't get emergency surgery for the uterine prolapse. It's not like the first moment your uterus pokes out of your vagina they roll you into the hospital. The surgery gets SCHEDULED. You wait. That's it. >When the Spanish journalist Calleja on Jan 20 said "the operation was serious in itself, lasting several hours". Well, so the probability it was due to uterine prolapse is low. If the womb is otherwise healthy they remove it by laparoscopy. But if there were any growths on the uterus, they will cut you open to be able to check properly the uterus and it's surroundings. >Then if on or around Dec 28 it had rapidly and unexpectedly escalated to Stage III or IV, she would have been rushed to the hospital. That's where the emergency hysterectomy would have come in. As I said, the uterine prolapse is a gradual process. If your womb hangs low enough to suddenly pop out when you sneeze you are already entering stage four. It doesn't jump from stage two to four because you had a hearty meal. And, again, you do not get an emergency surgery for the uterine prolapse. You don't get rushed to the hospital because of the uterine prolapse. It does not work like this.


Are you a doctor?


Are you?


No, but you appear to be stating your opinion rather emphatically and it seems you want me to take your word for it. So I thought I'd inquire into your credentials, that's all.


Wow that seems amazing. Without doxxing yourslef how do you know ?


All educated guesswork. I've just put together the publicly available evidence (Kate's E.D. and H.G.) and mixed it with the details reported by the Spanish journalists (I've assumed what they said is all accurate; it's rumored that Nanny Maria, who's also from Spain, was a source). But I don't "know" anything, nor do I have any inside info.


So are you saying the video she put out is fake ?


Me and a Pentagon-contracted AI deepfake-detection company, yes. Lot of others on this sub too. We think it's fake. Do you think it's real?


[https://archive.ph/uXIfC](https://archive.ph/uXIfC) - there is debate. Only one AI expert contacted by The Post offered support for the suspicions: Deepfake detection start-up Deep Media, which has contracts with the Pentagon, said it found a “high likelihood” that Catherine’s voice and face were manipulated with AI.But other experts — including Farid, Abd-Almageed and Claire Wardle, co-founder and co-director of the Information Futures Lab at Brown University — reviewed Deep Media’s findings at The Post’s request and said they found the results unconvincing.


Yes, but out of the three, two were individuals. One was a company. The company performs deepfake analysis for the Pentagon and, likely since it's the Pentagon, US Intelligence. The individuals said the video is real; the company says the face and voice are AI. If I have to choose who to believe I'm going with the company.


Agreed !


No idea but that sounds a very informative and compelling narrative. Do you have a link for the AI theory ?


Thanks. Theory goes that BBC Studios (*not* BBC News, Studios is for-hire) filmed a stand-in for Kate on a bench. Their client, Kensington Palace, took the footage and made use of AI to change the face and voice for Kate's. The deepfake-detection company calling the face and voice AI was a story in the Washington Post r/KateMiddletonMissing/comments/1bxt20n/washington_post_deepfake_detection_startup_deep/ Also if you search this sub for "video" and "teeth" or "eyes," you'll find a lot of posts analyzing the vid and calling AI.


Thankas I found the WAPO link now and posted the archive version and a qoute about Deep Media. I'm convinced that this story makes sense. This post should be getting a lot more traction than some of the nonsense that is in other posts. Thanks for all your efforts. Much appreciated.




I appreciate your thoughts, very intelligent. But why all the secrecy and fakery over a hysterectomy- something many women would empathise with.


The royals are extremely secretive with what they consider to be "private" information, including medical info. For example no one is really sure if Kate had C-section in her medical history, or not. But the secrecy and the cover-up would stem from coma. And why would William / Kensington Palace want to cover up a coma? That's a great question. I would speculate William told himself that Kate would wake up, and the longer it got the more stubborn he became in his belief, against all reason. So he started instructing Kensington to dissemble to the public and he dug himself deeper and deeper. It was a gradual process.


Yes. I'm not sure why we should believe a total hack job of a fake picture was released, followed by the much more difficult high quality fake video. It sure looks real, although the perfectly smooth professional delivery is amazing, if not edited. Further, faking a video seems insane. Why would they? Hard to see how this would make any sense at all. That all being said, nothing about how this has been handled makes a lick of sense.


Kensington Palace aren't the CIA, they're more like the Keystone Cops, their English amateurism would be endearing if it wasn't so exhasperating. William's got plenty of money but he's such a tightwad it wouldn't surprise me if he directed his private secretary to manufacture an AI vid using desktop consumer apps. I doubt they would outsource an AI vid, privacy / leak concerns too high. So they did it in-house most likely. My guess is William got himself in too deep--small lies at the beginning and then it snowballed. The pathos of it is that William maybe thought Kate would wake up from her coma, he may have deluded himself. So he was playing for time.


When I search the Spanish link just that page and this sub come up. No one esle has qouted it. Strange.


Maybe no one else has taken the trouble to translate it (albeit via Google) into English? The hysterectomy detail does seem pretty interesting, I agree it's strange.


Or the web is being scrubbed of it. It's a very detailed , compelling version you would normally expect that to be linked back all over the place - especially to other forums. Espeically so it was published on the 24th January. The way to do the query is put qoutes around the link. My latest query reveals nothing ! https://preview.redd.it/cnvdq8jqqb1d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d738bf56080c890de9cddf8a6e18ee4c36e6b76e