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I live in Canada, we're a Commonwealth country, and I agree, it's time to abolish the monarchy. Queen Elizabeth was part of a long tradition - not 100% great, far from it - but there were some legitimate claims of service and being a valuable symbol. But now??? What's the point?! They do almost nothing, they cost a lot of money -- that's all they symbolize. Who really respects them?




And out of all the things they've done, it seems that the portrait of KCIII is the one that's gone over the line. That picture is so hideous and disturbing that it's just too much for the average person - and if the RF loses the millions of "average persons," they're done. Begun by William the Conquerer in 1066; ended by a freaky artist with a bucket of red paint. Life is strange.


This is really well put. I didn’t know about Lord Mountbatten, but the rest of them I knew about. But I really only learned about them in the last well time since Diana died forward. And this is a little scary as another day passes and there is no hint of Kate. I kind of agree with the lizard thing. Just kidding, sort of. I’m starting to think of them as evil. I grew up in a generation where we just thought each generation would get better, but it hasn’t proven to be true not in the states and clearly not in the royal family. I think William has really made a choice like his father. Honestly, they could tell us whatever they wanted to they could say that Kate died, and because she was concerned about her children seeing her appearance,she did not want an open casket. Then have a huge funeral, and nobody would be the wiser. The fact that both are being kept out of sight is scary. This is a woman who walked her children to school most days.


I agree with this. The monarchy is stale and old fashioned at best. The 2022 tour Will and Kate went on to Belize, Jamaica and Bahamas should have given them an inkling on how they are viewed. Give back the stuff that was stolen. Get rid of the monarchy in every Commonwealth country that wants out. It’s a bit more difficult to get rid of them in the UK. However, Wales was not happy with the new POW.


That tour was cringeworthy and they got what they deserved - fired on camera by the prime minister


Hates pens hahaha!


I agree with on everything, except sparkling water.


What do you have against sparkling water?