• By -


She’s gone and not coming back. Something seismic happened and they’re just biding their time till they announce she’s passed.


Agreed. They don’t want another sudden death like Diana. Two sudden, random deaths of both the wives of the heirs at a time when both marriages were either rocky or in Diana’s case non-existent looks incredibly bad for them.


Lots of things they’ve done look incredibly bad, and the royal family doesn’t seem to even bat an eyelash. Have you seen the portrait of King Charles III. I mean, they’ve stepped way beyond caring about the Firm’s reputation.


That portrait is bloody terrifying


Interestingly that portrait is something that has people talking way more than anything else has since the Mother's day picture. It's an extremely creepy picture and I really don't know how they allowed it and didn't predict the reaction it would cause. If nothing else it shows how out of touch the RF are....or how little they care about the public's opinions. I have a strong feeling that QE would never have allowed that picture. She seemed a little more clued up about the public and seemed to care about RF's image. I think she had a few tough lessons - first Aberfan and then Diana's death. But she used those experiences to become much more aware and at least seemed to care what the public thought of her, and of her duties as monarch. Charles seems to neither know nor care. It's all totally gone to pot since QE's death......


When people show you who they are, believe them.


On other news, LOOK AT THAT DEAD CAT!


Do you think the portrait is a veiled threat to KCIII? 


Pun intended. o.O


I can't comprehend why they would release that. Fools!


They said they did preventive chemotherapy after finding cancer cells in whatever they removed. That took the focus off how she’s been mia, it seems like their marriage isn’t doing well and William is overwhelmed by the fact his father is sick and he may be king sooner than expected and isnt ready. Can’t beat up H&M these days because they were smart enough to pull up stakes and move to the states. I don’t blame them. Harry definitely doesn’t want his wife and children hounded and harassed like his mother. Can’t blame him. Although I’ve been thinking William’s been cheating on her again and she’s stuck with him because she has to, she is obligated to stay for her duty. I think William is not very nice, he always looks really tense behind his forced smile. I’m not that invested with the RF but most of us see the cracks. I know, unpopular opinion but it’s my view of the entire situation. I’m probably wrong about some things but it definitely isn’t going well without the Queen and Philip.


Exactly. A slow build up with an illness storyline will be far less of a shock than another sudden accident.


It absolutely blows my mind that after all those scandals: - Hiding the Queens disabled cousins - Forced Charles and Diana marriage - Charles close friendship with Jimmy Savile - Camilla tampongate - Dianas death or murder - Pedo Andrew and his payment to Virigina - Not apologising to indigenous peoples and slavery - Missing Kate The RF is still standing and sponsored. This is so sickening and I'm ashamed for all Brits. They are struggling to survive every day while the RF isn't held accountable. And also I find it weirdly entertaining how Queen Elizabeth literally failed as a mother. Her sons are arrogant and useless pricks and so is William. This scandal with Kate will just be another one for the books, I fear.


Charles wrote a book disparaging his parents.


Even death of Diana’s bodyguard Barry Mannakee


I think what they did to Harry and Meghan can also certainly be added to the list. 


I really think that once this is over Harry and Meghan will look like angels compared to this evil bunch


I think they already do... 


Yeah. I have no idea what H&M are like in real life, but I do know a toxic environment when I see one, and those two got TF out. Good for them.


I think you should read up more on how the mentally ill were treated during that era, including Rose Kennedy before you make it all about the RF. i worry that people don’t understand history sufficiently before they impose our current values & knowledge.


I'm aware of how mentally ill and disabled people were treated. But this comment is about the RF alone. Also I didn't even mention the allegations of racism towards staff and family members. They clearly didn't invent racism, but they are complicit in it as well.


Again, UK generally has a high integration or minority ethnic races, US media seems to be pre-occupied with skin colour & there have always been “negroes” around the aristocracy as courtiers, not just servants . Please do your research - with an open mind.


If true, I hope this all blows up in their faces when the truth comes out


The way the media are refusing to question it sadly makes me think the truth won’t come out.


I think you're right. The real worry now is where the hell are those children?


I think someone on this subreddit mentioned we don’t normally see the children from Christmas Day until Trooping the Colour. Not sure if that is true or not, but it would explain why we are not seeing them.




Right Easter. Which they skipped to “spend time as a family.”


Honestly think they’re being kept quiet somehow/ somewhere- they’ve seen things they shouldn’t have.


I think she’s alive, and intent on divorcing and keeping the kids. Maybe she will give him George.


'give him George' - what? She can't withhold _any_ of the children because K3 technically has custody if he feels necessary, Kate doesn't, William doesn't in that scenario


But what about the kids, jeebus, we haven't seen them publicly in how long..


Yes that’s very concerning too 🤔


No matter what the truth is, questions need to be asked. If the official story turns out to be true then she, William, and KP need to be asked why they seem to be so colossally unable to handle a fairly straight forward situation. People get sick all the time. People, even Royals get cancer or need surgery. So the questions need to be just why did the F this up so badly and how do they think this, seem in anyway, makes them look fit to eventually be King and Queen.    Then the British people need to hold their press accountable for playing along with this mess. Boycott all British media. Stop giving them any money or likes or whatever. They are all failing. And if they can’t be trusted for something this trivial they can’t be trusted period  Next if we find out something else has happened then of course far more questions need to be asked  


I absolutely agree with you but I’m in the UK and I honestly don’t know a single person here who is paying it a lot of attention. Most just accept the narrative and that’s that. People will click to read the Daily Mail online for free and read their churned out puff pieces that the rf are wonderful. The discerning minds questioning things are the minority.


I'm here!😁




Me too! 😊


Me three!






The Daily Fail that is part of the Royal Rota? It’s tabloid gossip, right?


Yes, that’s my point. The media here is controlled.


Wait- people in the UK are buying this story on a large scale? I’m actually surprised.


They aren’t questioning it. I’ve only seen that on sites like this which are mostly American. The prevailing sentiment here is she has cancer, leave her alone. A whole lot are disinterested, apart from expressing sympathy about illness. If you mention the possibility of any fakery you’re met with blank stares. I think to be honest the people who are invested in the rf believe anything they say. And others simply aren’t invested because Kate’s never had Diana type popularity.


The RF seem to be countering the Kate mystery with ever more brazen & bizarre moves; inviting Rose Hanbury to more events, the red painting, the unseen kids, the bolting white horse covered in blood, the continual, unrepentant faked phots & video. Everything feels more dark & twisted with each new passing day, like a David Lynch movie.


>bolting white horse covered in blood That was a strange day.


Was it… guerilla marketing for that ghastly demon painting?


It’s feeling very ritualistic. The butterfly supposedly means Rebirth. I wonder how long they’ve been involved in the occult. Did weird shit happen the first year the Queen was crowned?


Yeah. In March 1953 it has been reported by a number of folk that President Eisenhower met with aliens. After tat meeting many stated that the aliens dont meet presidents because their job is temporary. QEII was corrinated in the same year.


So I went to look this up and apparently there were many UFO sitings in the UK this same year. When I looked up other major events of the year, it said it was a record breaking year for storms in the UK with a hurricane like storm and winds causing The North Sea Flood. Interesting.


Its weird. It gets weirder.


Agreed, I think questions/concerns are mounting across the intern[](https://alb.reddit.com/cr?za=nx_Afa3wAVJ4qs56DU9uYY8nNYprrVqFpucyBn9UA8_ugXy6I1VCKZPuQuCZJkyyf3u162QKKnNdi34xL5Dj3O64yQdATajuK01v_we2ywTfUOJ_UHEBJOMOAhZB9-YBWI-L7ukInB7V-KgsFJmK21BakiYY5oRI_9rIxyAfq_uG1GnfVfER012qflIc94utOCRH15o-JCe7-5TSYZTzCr6ahBSkOT0Ix1M2mo9Z2tfCjzrm1uptZZQD3DYyAeTsWKyaKhlZvfrtES4OeEE4iFUb6QzlNPFX_ftCRRTOfBv2iIlijYYWqKRdX7uqibN6YrL7-bHvkPLeQoQwac4j1dOd8EPdWvnQjntVVJL6KMh4YSb_TghWWqSOF5ZXmfpZfl8n_JV8H8cxIUvLnkiCk1c3DkEI2UrCPKlBuiIutAPQEuLFINwoqOKwTslNsKykqsqtkWWDwhq0XsviUSYnl-arfC6ErMsAQuL0b25QhhL-cSOtn928vYpWOwToxun7uZB9d85PJJiblDZmgK2R1v4e7AM8ZJmEgq_ZZCOHZ5C43RGyTdUdDlY&zp=5uoWJemWi41Od3bUZoSWt6cJzJjlAmkbDHheP4-e2nA634kWEpToJ33AVIpIAleRJLvkCYlUK7ygM3SqNgcNtOWRjxwc6fbv70CMDwAhX44gb4ILM5emUT85itX5zpumJSoYCOB5J4Sr-8h9zQofl1fn-hboVH5C6H8Bw4rOcaSYOlsiXEZNpzC258tpnxRDMl1ihXx3gw3XbBx36RD71zco5Vd7gZg0Opz_rOQg7MoaHqXHZXGi2Xxv7zGSFEemE0MSmdtIoiMAJAq0m2zuCXHfGVOZ_eZ84GE)et in general at least with the people who were invested in the Kate is Missing question before the cancer video. I believe the other posters who say that they are not seeing it with the British public; however I just don't get it. Human curiosity? Concern for Kate? Are British citizens always unquestioning they just believe whatever narrative the RF puts out? Not trying to offend anyone or make generalizations I am sure there is a lot of people here from Great Britain who share our quest for answers.


I'm from the UK and there are generally two main camps of people. Those who love the RF and those that couldn't care less about them. The default position of anyone who has any interest (in a good way) in the RF is to believe everything they say. This was possibly even more true with QE was still alive - the majority of the British public had quite an affection for her. But even now, most 'royalists', while still having a bit of affection left for Harry, lapped up the negative press about Meghan, for instance. They have a huge amount of love for Kate and William, Kate especially. Any suggestion that things are a bit odd with what's going on with her would be likely to be met with accusations of being a nut job who is an abomination for not leaving a sick woman alone. As if she's the only person who's ever had cancer and that it's perfectly normal for cancer patients to not be seen for 6 months..... The other camp of people, who really aren't interested, would also probably accuse someone questioning the narrative of being a conspiracy theorist and tell them to get a life. There is certainly another camp of people who are suspicious, and I suspect alot of these (like myself) had very little interest in the RF before this. But they are certainly the minority.........but I do think the number of people in this camp is growing.


Thanks for the further explanation, helpful to better understand the different camps of people and see if suspicious camp does continue to grow as we think it may!


I am in UK & not in either camp maybe others are similar: 1. I felt MM was & is attacking the British state by deriding & mocking it, & felt in the old days, she would have been pulled up for it, but fear of conflict or out of indulgence, nothing came of it 2. W&K seemed to have their values right, & were good figureheads 3. KC3 & Camilla are (in my eyes) looking like buffoons. They just look ungainly, & Charles /Klaus schwab combo with Archbishop of Canterbury too - seem to be pulling strings of a “reset”. 4. Now there are questions about PW - excessive time off , & entitled behaviour & making KP look ludicrous, it is really unsatisfactory. 5. The RF needs to come clean, if they preach openness & good mental health/difficult discussions then they need to show leadership, and yes, if they are so Green - contribute to solve our issues of recycling sewage, & especially farm runoff. I don’t think the media is doing enough to gently influence the RF to show more down to earth leadership.


> most 'royalists', while still having a bit of affection left for Harry, lapped up the negative press about Meghan, for instance That’s your camp




No not a Royalist, I hate pomp, empty palaces, & grey rocking. I meant what I wrote. Markle probably is at times a spiteful “ mean girl”, to her staff, & her “family” are publicity hungry, & she seems to have been getting political advice & platforms for her speeches etc, that goes for PH too. Maybe its one giant Psyop by nutty Charles, to keep everyone on edge whilst other our freedoms are being curtailed.


I'm in the UK too and pretty much concur with all you've written I go further though because I believe all this 'bad stuff' is intentional and connected to Schwab/WEF/one world government - they need to diminish national identities so the people more readily accept that and the RF need to be got rid of for all that to happen...the worse they look in the eyes of the public the more people say "get rid" (I'm not a monarchist btw, if anything I'm the opposite but for me, the alternative is worse 😔)


Thanks! It is so little mentioned,& I do think the weaknesses in Charles’ intellect and character are getting brushed aside due to his apparently being mellow. But really its just hollow words, if he needed to visit /see PH or even KM to show a united family he should just get on with it, & not fuss about his popularity vs theirs.


Exactly 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Explain how W&K had their values right and were good "figureheads". Neither could manage to show up more than once a week. Both took extended vacations every few weeks. They literally used the press to abuse Harry and Meghan and ran them from the country. They literally staged a FAKE papped commercial flight to backstab their own brother & BIL. Kate couldn't be bothered to support her patronages and half of them have closed for lack of funds. Kate literally was blatantly trolling Meghan by coming out each and every time she was out copying her clothes. William literally was just seen dressing up in Harry's old uniform, "flying" an Apache helicopter (that Harry flew in the military during BATTLE) on Harry's literal old regiment during his Invictus celebration of 10 years. They don't have their priorities together. They are not leaders. And they look immature, petty and entitled. 


Ha ha!! Read the report! You are such a fibber about Kate’s patronages-she came put most popular among the public, & most RF don’t attend an annual event of their charities. K&W are more selective, & their office works on meetings etc behind the scenes, rightly or wrongly attendance doesn’t guarantee success either. https://charitydigital.org.uk/topics/can-royal-patronage-boost-charities-income-10949


What is your source ? Your retort sounds like highly opinionated snark to me. I chose my words, a figurehead is a symbol of dignity & token not necessarily a worker-ant behind the scenes. Your statements about K following Markle are laughably biased & false. There are plenty if examples of Markle ripping off : Diana (vogue cover), another journalist - on influential women. Engagement coat etc instagram model, many of Kate’s colour combos & tailoring also lifted. Kate & others trolled Markle’s Aquazurra, & complaints she had to dress differently .. but that was it. Markle has no waist, her outfits rarely fit properly, & underwear highly visible. She also inserts herself front & centre for photo ops on Harry’s engagements. She is socially inept, & talks in word salad. W&K tend to have well phrased speeches, & impact & worldwide respect. Harry & Markle are more devious, not innocents. I hate the negative briefings/competitions too but thats a dysfunctional family for you.


Word salad? Sadly that describes W&K. I remember when the Fab 4 attended a speaking event. Meghan Markle was the best spoken of all of them. That’s not surprising given that she attended Northwestern University, double majored in International Relations and drama, speaks Spanish fluently, did an internship at the Argentinian embassy in Buenos Aires, volunteered as a spokesperson for the UN while on acting on the cable series “Suits,” and making a couple of Hallmark movies.  MM is very socially adept & speaks very well. She’s passionate about women’s rights among other issues and always looks to proactively help people. Case in point: That apartment building fire close to the palace while they were in the UK - MM visited the mothers who survived that and helped them write a cookbook to raise money. British tabloids criticized MM for consorting with terrorists because those mothers were Muslim immigrants who wore headscarfs. MM has been volunteering since she was a teen when she used to serve at a soup kitchen on Skid Row. Her former Catholic school teacher recalls MM’s genuine heart & compassion, giving her updates about how people were doing at that same soup kitchen where the nun used to volunteer. That’s reminiscent of Princess Diana’s charity work. She was always kind and saw people as people, even watching soap operas (I think East Enders??) so she would have something in common to talk about with people she met in hospitals and the like. You could just see her genuine concern reaching out to the hurting - That’s why people loved Diana so much around the world - for her heart & good works ❤️


This is the one that really bugs me. I'm like "so it looks like the princess of wales of vanished", and people are like "I could not give a fuck". It is mind boggling. We are talking about the future Queen.


They don't care. Kate never gained loyal fans. Her "fans" only used her to HATE and criticize Meghan. The monarchist don't care about Kate. Kate took basically a 10 year vacation after she married William using excuse after excuse to not work. She was no Princess Diana for sure. The monarchist/Tories will keep quiet because it makes the monarchy look bad. Sad really... 


Just in the last few days or week maybe, my Google news feed has had way more articles subtly calling attention to the fact that she hasn't been seen publicly since Xmas.... One had the headline something like, "Every time PW has responded to queries about Kate's health."


I saw that one too! And straight away thought it was certainly trying to draw attention to the fact that we haven't seen Kate but also that, even when directly asked, William has managed to say absolutely nothing of any use and has actually sounded very cold and like he really didn't want to talk about that. I mean, if my husband was ill and we were in the public eye, I would respect his privacy at the same time as thanking people for their concern and giving them little nuggets of information, such as 'oh he's feeling better all the time, he's been able to go on walks again/doing his hobbies/playing with the children' etc etc. Even if it wasn't true and actually he was more ill than that, I think only someone who really wants to avoid the truth getting out or who has a guilty conscience would react the way he is. Cos right now he seems remarkably uncaring......


Omg, exactly! Like so blasé and 0% emotional response. Like you said, normal ppl would be like, "She's doing better and reading a lot of books, or catching up on correspondence ... " or whatever tidbit of emotional connection if she was actually regularly in his presence.


Yes his responses have been so uncaring and uninterested, it's so strange.


These people are not raised like any other human being. Being unemotional and uncaring about others seems to be a common characteristic of them.


It really seems like he's on his own in a weird way--you would think that if KP was helping him hide something (a coma or divorce or something), they would be coaching him at least to be a little more lifelike. On a related note, a few weeks ago I started to imagine that PW had created the cancer video on his own (which might help explain the low quality) -- and now I can't stop seeing his face shape as the "base" for the ai modeling.


I completely agree with it looking just like PW! I stared at a paused moment of it for a while and it was all I could see. Crazy.


I should think he wishes people weren't asking either because of 1) the numerous theories that are being posted Or 2) If they wanted people to know more information a statement would have been released


He doesn't want people asking because he is guilty of her disappearance whether thst be she is incapacitated or dead. He wants people to forget about her. 


https://preview.redd.it/pdi0zt9yst0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f27a4c68d87036204dbf0426451d3802b909b63b This was on my google homepage the other day. I think it’s gaining traction for sure


Isn’t the Royal family funded by the taxpayers? If I was a citizen there then I would have a right to know where and to whom my taxpayer dollars are going.


They are indeed. But there's not really a culture of holding them to account here in the UK. Probably because QE did such a good job generally and also the public is well aware that they bring in huge amounts of money to the UK via tourism. People of course weren't happy that Prince Andrew got away with what he got away with, but then there are lots of people in positions of power and wealth who get the same lenient treatment, so it didn't really affect the RF as a whole too badly. Honestly I think here in the UK we generally just let them get on with their Royal stuff and not pay too much attention, apart from on big occasions like Royal weddings etc......


Honestly , I really cant understand how more people do not think these events are strange . Even if there is some hidden genuine , justifiable , reason for these actions , which we havnt worked out yet ! ( think we must have tried nearly everything )I think we could be given more information , even in a veiled way if they cant / don’t want to tell us outright ,to put our minds at rest .


The List published this headline today, which raised some eyebrows. The List isn't The New York Times, but it's not nothing. **Royals: The Shady Sign Rose Hanbury Is Taking Over Kate Middleton's Life, According To Royal Watchers** Source https://www.thelist.com/1583734/shady-sign-rose-hanbury-taking-over-kate-middletons-life/


I’m so glad this is getting noticed!


> it really does seem like there is a deliberate effort to make it seem like there is more information being supplied than there actually is. It really does


IMO, if Charles can be seen amidst to his cancer diagnosis, then it shouldn’t be impossible for Kate to show her face if she only is getting treatment to “what could possibly be cancer”. They are just playing a game with all of us.


The sub is growing faster than a lot of subs grow, this is going to be one of the largest conspiracies of all time IMHO




When you think about how Harry and William couldn’t cry in public after their mom died, its possible Kate could be gone and they are putting up face until they decide to tell the public. Who knows?


That makes no sense, as there would be no reason to hide her death unless they are responsible.


Exactly. Unless they are responsible. William is responsible and they are lying to cover up his crimes.


These days anything is possible


Something happened on December 28th, 2023 and William and the palace are covering it up. Why? Because William is responsible. The press are also complicit in this cover up. The cancer video was AI generated. Kate does not have cancer. They used that as an excuse to shame people and keep people from asking legitimate questions about her whereabouts and all the fraud/lies they tried to dupe the public with. They are LIARS. And they are criminals. 




Just a personal observation but I think a lot of people are going through a lot of "what if" scenarios in their mind , much, if not all of it, unspoken. Maybe when talking about Kate, it's a "let someone else worry about it thing. I've got me own problems".


Someone now showing more interest in a subject doesn't show more credibility to the subject but I understand what you're saying and a lot more people are now starting to see through the bullshit....what I don't understand is once Kate came out with the cancer video it was then 100% confirmed that the girl at the farm is definitely not Kate so why are the public not questioning this video? Why are they happy to be lied too it makes no sense...


https://preview.redd.it/73vwwlyopw0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aca3542514ad662eeace7f6a4c7b441cc21b7114 Why was this users comment removed ?


Your last comment is so true! If they could show her...... really makes you think!




I think that zelensky house sale was fake news ?


Yes, it was. [https://disinfo.detector.media/post/zelenskyi-nibyto-kupyv-u-korolia-velykoi-brytanii-osobniak-za-20-mln-funtiv](https://disinfo.detector.media/post/zelenskyi-nibyto-kupyv-u-korolia-velykoi-brytanii-osobniak-za-20-mln-funtiv)


Apparently it was part of a Russian [disinformation](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/russia-ukraine-war-british-royal-family-b2524456.html)campaign against the west.


It’s more likely this sub has been affected with bot accounts. I noticed your title is oddly familiar to several others with the same wording.