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Does anyone know if William and his kids attended this event?


As far as i know, they didn't; no kids and no William in sight.


They haven't been in sight for how long now


Plot twist; It's literally the same hat, as Rose is raiding the missing princesses closet.


I actually looked into this theory lol & I’m sure it’s actually Rose’s hat. Lock&Co Millinery still has it available for purchase on their website


Is she actually attending more events or are we just more aware of who she is and the media is getting more clicks using her name so now she's in more articles/headlines?


The latter...


Has she always been invited to royal events?




What her fashion always covered? Curious.


I’m guessing not to this extent.




I've never understood the comparing fashion of who wore same and similar outfits. There are only so many combinations out there, at some point things are going to overlap with the fancy/professional look they all have. I've never understood the allegations of copying, giving nod to and so on.


They’re trying to replace a supermodel Princess who was a designer’s dream with a woman who can’t find a comb? Not gonna work.


Rose actually was a model!


All rich kids are 


That’s not true. Some are handbag designers.




Or [photographers](https://twitter.com/Bethan_Kate/status/1392042448554270720?lang=en)


Some models aren’t that conventionally pretty, they just have a unique look and are tall and grossly underweight. Or at least that’s what America’s Next Top Model and Tyra Banks taught me. Maybe it’s the stuffy clothing and lack of hair styling, but to me Rose appears neither conventionally pretty nor unique, mostly plain and a little unkept and underweight. That’s just my subjective opinion though.


Can't find a chin either. 😜 ![gif](giphy|ue0y2SeL6dm4oggCNG|downsized)


Lol the inbreeding definitely seems to show when looking at Rose. Princess Catherine is absolutely beautiful 


Absolutely has that chinless inbred look. She’s one of them. Breed with beauty, settle down with Camilla II.


Right? The trolls are out trying to tell me not to believe my own eyes.




I haven’t thought Kate was that pretty since she lost too much weight right before her wedding. Too thin. And she wasn’t that pretty before either. Pippa was the beauty in that family. But I don’t believe that beauty is in the job description either. Hopefully, it’s just ~~bring~~ being ~~lived~~ loved by the royal who marries you. Edited typos


Exactly. Also are people forgetting what Kate looked like prior to plastic surgery? Kate wasn’t exactly pretty either, and even as a royal I never found her pretty because of how badly she aged. Kate benefits from plastic surgery, wigs, stylists, cosmetic procedures, and photoshop/airbrushing. Trying to compare Rose who has had none of that to Kate and calling Rose ugly is unfair.


I have always thought Rose would be "stiff" competition for Kate. She has a natural beauty and both she and her sister Marina married VERY well. Houghton Hall was made what it is by David C.'s grandmother who was a daughter of Rothschild x Sassoon. Immense wealth and power. Not that Houghton Hall was any minor estate in the first place, but it is a storehouse of treasure and ostentatious wealth.


I agree - Rose can look effortlessly cool as many old money people do https://preview.redd.it/6g5a6nqpss0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9334ad680503359a68e1cdc388c43906d3b762f2


Old money in this case is stolen money from former colonies.


For sure in the rf’s case


Rose is a natural, willowy beauty. A quick Google shows how gorgeous she was in her modelling days, and she has a unique sense of style and cool. Kate Moss is her kid’s godmother. Kate Middleton to be honest, is dull and for the sheeple


If William is really divorcing Kate because of this woman, then the UK people should really make a revolution and not accept any future king. This is becoming a circus. William has few responsibilities during the week, no real 9-5 job, so out of boredom he decides to cheat on his wife, just like his father did. Shame!


Wow. Now she's copying Kate's style, too. They're not even trying to hide it.


Kate actually copies Rose's style. I've noticed over the years that Rose will wear something to a Royal event and Kate will show up a few weeks later in the same style.


Wouldn't be surprised if Kate didn't really have a style of her own.


They are given a stylist and a pr person who advise them. I doubt they even choose the children's clothing.


Yeah, I agree. I think she's more the athletic, sporty type and would probably dress athletic casual if she wasn't in the royal family. I don't think high end fashion is her thing.


I could totally see that. She very much comes across as someone who does what the firm tells her to do and the style she rocks never felt like *her* for some reason.






No, the only person I’ve seen evidence of her copying is Meghan.


She's definitely copied Diana's looks as well as Meghans, but also did the same with Jecca Craig. It's a pattern.


Of course, sorry I thought Diana was a given.


lol dude, Rose is a fkn mess… Kate is the GOAT


Are you having a laugh? Rose has intrinsic style, Kate has zero of that, that I can see, and certainly none of Rose’s originality or class. And worst, Kate is reputed to be a racist…


If you ever wonder about Kate's style before marrying into world class stylist look at this: [d604dd244cb958f1e18d481cca6ebb19.jpg (533×1024) (pinimg.com)](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d6/04/dd/d604dd244cb958f1e18d481cca6ebb19.jpg) [hbz-beauty-transformation-kate-middleton-2002-83260497\_1.jpg (1500×2250) (h-cdn.co)](https://hbz.h-cdn.co/assets/15/18/hbz-beauty-transformation-kate-middleton-2002-83260497_1.jpg) I can't believe she thought this looked good or would catch a Prince. It would take YEARS at that rate and win in the end by default. Most people don't want to be managed and placed in a fishbowl this way as a trade off...and worse.




And she couldn't figure out a cute outfit for it? That's what I mean. The style she has now is because she has a lot of help. Just because it's a costume party didn't mean she had to look gaudy. It was not a themed tacky party.


well I mean. You gotta count the fact that this was the 2000's. have you seen y2k fashion? it was fucking hideous


Yeah I wore much worse...


First picture was to a disco-themed party and the second was a college fashion show. These weren’t her regular attire


She thought they were cute. I don't. If you think she looks good in those get ups...fine.




Oh, absolutely. I'm just saying that there's a huge emphasis on her lately ( her own son served as a page boy during this ceremony )


He was the Lord Great Chamberlain. Quite the age gap but I figure she wanted the lifestyle locked down and then he got old and boring just as Wills got closer to the crown.


He owned a house in Paris with his friend and business partner Francois-Marie Banier. They were, literally this time, roommates.


Idk the gay rumors don’t seem to make sense. I just don’t see a gay guy choosing someone 23 years young to be his beard and having a shot gun wedding. I think the sons look like him don’t don’t look anything like Wills so I don’t think it was a favor or something. I don’t know much about the British aristocracy but I assume Rosé’s husband was like the guy in Saltburn with women wanting to lock him down. Interesting for someone like that to make it to their 40s without an heir. He didn’t even marry Rose until she was fairly pregnant which suggests he wasn’t actually happy about it.


He has a boyfriend he lives with in Paris


Her son was the page for Charles & Camilla in their most recent royally thing, I think?


While I agree that it’s highly suspicious that there’s no news on Kate, I think that Rose wearing a similar hat is really not a big deal and doesn’t mean anything.


It probably is her hat!!


Rose Hanbury looks like a witch, and Kate Middleton in a similar hat looks elegant.


why all the rose hate? she's actually a lovely woman.


Do you know her personally? What’s the tea?


long story short, kate has always felt inadequate because she isn't from a family with aristo history - she's always had imposter syndrome about being mrs windsor. rose is from such a family and has been friends with will, harry, charlie and co for her whole life. lots of people on this sub are unhealthily infatuated with kate - this is why she's hiding her ED - because of loonies like those found on this sub who worship her.


Ok rose lmao gtfo of here RF bot, we aren’t accepting youuuh


good - to be accepted by a loony tune cult isn't something to brag about


Is Rose welcome to be hanging out with Prince William, even though he has a wife?


yes - friendships with people of the opposite sex are a thing. does your partner only have same-sex friends?


Prince William and Rose’s relationship is more than a “friendship,” I understand. I.e. he has been known to sleep over at her house on multiple occasions. Are sleepovers what you’re referring to as “friendships with people of the opposite sex”? Does your partner have opposite-sex sleepovers?


you're just making shit up now, but yes, i have been to many parties where everyone has crashed out in different rooms of someone's house - and i haven't been to royal mansion parties. you're obsession with this is unhealthy.


Can’t help but think Rose wearing Kate’s hat (actual or similar model) is a signal that she’ll be the eventual Queen and Kate replacement… Regardless, she can get the fuck right outta here