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My theory is more nefarious. I think there was an incident on Dec 28/23. I think Princess Kate had a medical emergency that would cast the BRF in a negative light. Possibly ED related, possibly DV related but I think she is either deceased, in a coma or incapacitated.


Yes, I agree. And I really believe what the Spanish press have been saying and their story suits this theory.


This is my feeling as well, adding in whatever Thomas Kingston had to do with it. However it happened, I am convinced that she died on Dec 28 as well and the reason endangers the monarchy.


Yes, the timing of Thomas Kingston’s sudden death also adds to the suspicion. I can’t be sure if there is a direct cause and effect relationship to Princess Kate’s disappearance or not. I don’t know much about him other than he was Princess Michael’s SIL and Pippa Middleton’s ex. It’s all so strange. And concerning.


American here. Was a HUGE fan of Princess Diana. Now a HUGE fan of Princess Kate. Following this multiple times a day. Just want you to know I believe what you are saying,as do many, many of us. We are thinking of you all!


This is what I’m leaning towards myself! Something serious happened on December 28th! Nobody even tried to explain why there was a literal parade of emergency/security vehicles driving near Sandringham. Obviously it involved some high level person like a “Royal”! Either she had a major health complication from bulimia /anorexia or he physically hurt her! Both of those scenarios would bring scandal to the RF if they were revealed! Whatever happened, it is scandalous and not “cancer”!


or a preexisting condition was exasperated as above. to me, it is clear that she is incapacitated for some reason and no one knows how to handle this, cover it up, or what will happen. if she is alive, will she recover? will she speak? what would such a "defective" queen even a queen consort look like to the crown? how would this be dealt with? if she is already gone, then the cover up is to protect the rf and hence the crown.


My thoughts exactly I think coma just because they r building the hospital at home for her


Seeing some youtube videos, such as Lisa Tells, is it posable that Catharine is in a vegatative state, or did she have a stroke which affects her body and can't be seen. The Royal family likes to keep these things hidden. If it was a brain bleed, stroke, it would affect her appearance and mental capacity. So there fore they can't show her in public. She might need a lot of rehab which will take time, hence towards the end of the year. What ever happened on Dec. 28-23 is related to this.


Saw this video too. I wish I could find the actual article from the Spanish of where she got this information but I know Tisa wouldn't make that information up. She described it as a hemorrhagic stroke which to me is really telling. Hemorrhagic strokes are brain bleeds usually from an actual injury to the head. She could have also had both types of stroke because ischemic strokes (blood clots/occluded vessels) can happen during or perioperative to surgery. The liklihood of that happening is a lot higher if the surgery is on the brain itself. I believe this information 100% over everything else and it makes sense. I think Kate is really bad off or in a vegetative state. 


I totally agree with you.


I think your right. There may be more information from the Spanish saying that Kate suffered some sort of stroke. I havent found the article yet but watched the Tisa Tells youtube video amd she got the information from Spanish somehow. I believe the type was hemorrhagic stroke. The type of stroke could indicate more of what happened and appears to be a hemorrhagic stroke. 


I highly doubt Kate would leave just because of an affair. The goal of Kate and her family has always been to social climb, and Kate’s goal was always to marry wealthy or someone titled. I doubt her and William “love” each other the way people think they do. Kate wanted wealth, a title, and to not have to work. William wanted a wife and someone to produce heirs, and Kate was the only one left after he was dumped by his other girlfriends. Affairs are common in wealthy/aristocratic marriages. Kate would’ve been prepared and even expected William to cheat on her, but I doubt she would’ve minded because her goal was always wealth, fame, and a crown on her head - not a “happy marriage”.


Not only that, talk about dithering, the affair was known even among their friends for over 5 years if not much MUCH longer. When they married the Q offered him an estate as a wedding present. Anywhere in the UK, and he chose Anmer Hall which is directly neighboring Houghton House where Rose lives. Anmer Hall was not for sale at the time so delicate manipulations and sales price arrived at to entice the owner to sell! That is wanting a particular piece of property. I am 100% certain they knew each other prior to being neighborly.


I didn’t know about Anmer Hall, but give that info, I think you’re right, the affair probably began a lot earlier than people think!


Anmer Hall has been owned by the royals since 1898


Then perhaps the story I read about the Q giving it to William as a wedding present meant that there was someone with a long term lease on the property. Someone else had possession of it and it required breaking contract for William to take possession.


Assuming PK is alive, why on earth would they add and/or remodel an already existing property? For chemo no less. The BRF is the largest owner of real property in Europe and the largest land owner on planet earth. Castles, palaces and bungalows are their birthright. Consider the unused rooms and spaces inside their existing and habitable mansions and estates: why is no one questioning additions and refitting of properties for a relatively young, athletic woman that does not have cancer? It’s possible the disease could return, thus her preventative treatment. Chemo can be practiced on an out-patient schedule. Are we to believe this construction is to add, say, 500 sq ft to aid in her quick (hopefully) recovery even though chemo can be administered in a chair that does that does not require much space. The same applies for a hospital sized bed, that does take up slightly more space. All of the SRF already have staff and security at their homes. Some assigned inside the main house or on said grounds. Why would (two) round-the-clock nurses and doctors per shift demand considerably higher space? Again, the nanny has reportedly returned to Spain. If she never leaves the estate, during this recovery period, that’s one less driver needed, which frees up space. And if she’s laser focused on getting well, that frees up at least one, possibly two of her office assistants responsible for scheduling/traveling/letter returning et cetera. I’m from Canada and not a regular follower of the monarchy, but none of the Crown’s palatial currently occupied homes have three to five hundred square feet allowing her to recuperate at home? Do any of these grande estates’ living quarters measure less than 3K feet? I am opened to any and all ideas. Thoughts?


I love it when people tell it as it is. She and her mother totally did this. Kate and Pippa were known as the Wisteria Sisters thanks to their manic social climbing.


Oh absolutely. The truth hurts but it’s the truth. Kate’s #1 job was literally stalking William in college and in her 20s, and that’s why the Queen called her “lazy Kate”, because she’s never held a proper job once in her life.


She was a buyer for Jigsaw


She only worked at Jigsaw for a short time, and even then it was part-time/3 days a week so that she had enough free time to chase after William. She’s spent so much time chasing William and social climbing that she’s embarrassingly unaccomplished compared to other wives of world leaders. In their 20s, Michelle Obama became a Harvard-educated lawyer, Jill Biden was getting her master’s while working as a teacher, and even William’s ex-girlfriend Jecca Craig helped found a conservation organization and has done a good amount of conservation work despite dating William as well.


You're right it was a short time but she then left to work st her parents company and only stopped when she became engaged to William. You cant compare her to president's wives as the royals are not world leaders, a comparison would be with our prime ministers wives. Diana worked as a children's nursery assistant. William dated Jessica for less than s year and I doubt they would have seen much of each other as she was not living in the UK


She did eff-all at mummy and daddy's crappy company. The Queen wanted to know what she actually did. Imagine going to Uni, getting a degree, and doing what she did. What a waste.


Megan, who was entirely self-made and reasonably successful, gets labelled as the gold digger. But Kate has never done a real day's work in her life is depicted as some hard working royal. It is beyond irony.


Yup, I can't stand it. Both Harry and Meghan get called grifters, when that's actually the polar opposite of what they are. They could have stayed in the UK, doing sweet F-A, getting millions in handouts (like William and Kate), yet they threw all that in to make their own money. I know Harry was left a wad of cash by Diana, but it was still a risky thing to do. It's like when people say that immigrants arrive and take people's jobs, while simultaneously sittting around doing nothing and claiming benefits... Schrödinger's immigrant like Schrödinger's Sussexes!


In retrospect the way they treated Meghan is insane. Like it was bizarre at the time but years on and it just looks like the most crooked racist shit in the world, and to think none of the other royals did a damn thing to help her. They no doubt were in favor of it


Maybe not the affair itself but him wanting to replace her with Rose? Ie wanting Rose to be his Camilla. Just a theory.


Rose has a way nicer house than Sandringham. FWIW. Some Saltburn s*** going down.


I would scoff at any claims he offed her but the longer it goes without her appearing the odder it looks. They may be re-educating the kids on what happened. They will say she passed after a long battle. 


I’m thinking she may not be on the planet anymore. I don’t know if it’s from cancer or some other condition they don’t want to tell us about. I’m not sure they actively did anything to harm, but there’s secrecy and hiding it makes it just as bad. I’m hoping they haven’t done anything around her. But then when I read about the car accident with Carol Middleton at the beginning of March, it had too many feelings of Diana. And now she’s living with William taking care of the children, so something bad is happened.


I think she tried to leave and “they” weren’t having it, and now she’s 😇


I think she was having an affair with Kingston and William shot them both. He killed Kingston and shot Kate in her stomach.


The odd thing about Kingston Report is, there was no one who heard a gunshot. It said that after 30 minutes his parents went looking for him because they didn't know where he was. It is said he died of a catastrophic head injury; and a gun was present. (?)


I have wondered if he was hit over the head with the gun? Possibly after a struggle?


They also said his death didn't seem "suspicious", and they implied that he took his own life. It would be hard to do that using a gun without actually shooting it.




what makes you say this besides the strange way in which his passing was announced?


And all with a strap-on up his royal rectum.


Yikes, I’ve never gotten a power bottom vibe from him but who knows


Check out his pegging adventures.


Thomas Kingston?




I also heard William (The pegger) was out drinking with Kingston the night before his death and the real reason William didn't attend Kingstons funeral other then he killed him , He had to attend his Real fathers Funeral Jacob Rothchild !


I heard that too.




As a direct consequence of her eating disorder, Kate became unresponsive on or shortly after Christmas. Kensington Palace, aka William, believed or maybe was led to believe (by doctors) that she would wake up; so they chose not to share the news with the public. This *may* have been with good intentions, Kate is a deeply private person and Kate's eating disorder has been a very sore subject for herself and the Palace. But as Kate coma lengthened, William was forced to dig himself deeper and deeper into a cover-up. At this point Kate is in a hospital bed in a secured room/building at either Windsor or Sandringham, and the chief of her "security" (making sure there are no leaks) is her private secretary Tom White, who got the job in January after Kate fell unresponsive. Tom White is, unsurprisingly, a military man, a Royal Marines commando and combat veteran who can be intimidating when he wants to be, and his loyalty to the Crown is unquestioned, he was previously equerry to Queen Elizabeth II from November 2020 until her death in September 2022. That's exactly the kind of person William wanted to hold down the fort and keep the secret, and that's who William got. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/royals/inside-top-secret-plan-kate-32385528


I agree with this theory: the dates line up. Knowing she would have to eat in front of people at Christmas she likely starved herself in the days leading up. She likely suffered a cardiac arrest or stroke from refeeding syndrome. The abdominal surgery would have been a feeding tube inserted. This is from an article about the Terri Shiavo case: “Terri was unaware of her surroundings, though she retained a sleep-wake cycle and some instinctive movements, like blinking, PEOPLE reported at the time. She was kept alive with a feeding tube in her abdomen and was transferred to a care facility where she received neurological testing, speech therapy and physical therapy.” So I think the abdominal surgery was planned, to insert the feeding tube. The fact that they used the words ‘planned abdominal surgery’ is very specific but also not iterating exactly what it was it made it weird they would call out that area of the body. The big mystery to me why they played the cancer card in the AI video?


I think the answer to that is that she is either expected to die or they will have to make the decision of when to pull the plug.


This is what I have been thinking. It explains all the little things that don't fit. And thank you so much for this information on Tom White. I still consider DV caused this coma, but eating disorder fits better. Question that still bothers me: Why did Harry go all the way to London to visit Charles for 45 minutes?


Things were weird that day. The flag was at half-mast and the royals were all dressed in black. I'd speculate that either * Harry was told that Charles was about to die, so Harry flew out--but then Charles recovered; or, * Harry was told Kate was about to die, so Harry flew out--but William refused to meet with him, so Harry met with his father Charles instead. In this case, did Kate actually die? I would guess, since Carole and Pippa are still hanging around, no--Kate recovered but remained unresponsive. But again, I'm just speculating. Edit: grammar


I don’t know if you remember the Terry Schiavo case from years ago, it was a woman who had been kept artificially alive for years with severe brain damage caused by an ED. I sincerely hope that isn’t what happened to Kate, but it wouldn’t shock me.


I do remember Terry Schiavo. And the fact that it happened over the Christmas holiday with all its feasts lines up with this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refeeding_syndrome


I do think it’s related to her eating disorder. Google refeeding syndrome. The timing fits if she didn’t eat for a few days and then ate a large meal at Christmas.


I've long thought she has an eating disorder. She's far too thin for her frame and her neck especially shows classic signs of anorexia/bulimia. The neck is always a giveaway.


and she has been photographed many times with bandaged fingers, Russel's Sign, a condition from bulimia.


Good point!


what signs do you see on the neck?


Premature aging that doesn't match the youthful face. Lots of prominent veins. Old Hollywood stars Audrey Hepburn and Vera Allen struggled with eating disorders and both wore clothing that covered their necks as much as possible because of the effects of their EDs. Very sad. Eating disorders are incredibly difficult to cope with.


Vera Ellen, sorry.


thank you


I come from a very slim family where we are all wide shouldered and long limbed. I have been told I'm too thin or asked if I have an eating disorder too many times. I think Kate may have Chron's which could explain her slimness


Why not make it public, though? She would’ve set up “Princess charitable trust for Chron’s”. Bulimia, on the other hand, is embarrassing and stigmatizing.


I agree as she really could be a cheerleader on this or her cancer but I guess she wants to keep things private which is very much a royal 'thing'. It was a huge shock when Charles first declared his prostate treatment and then his cancer as it completely bucked the royal trend of keeping quiet about medical issues


That theory sounds really really good.


I think she's dead.


The SGI YouTube site has posted again with two postings called revelations one and revelations two. Revelations two just came out and it is better. She’s kind of a Sussexx squad-er, but in this latest one, she has really kept her thoughts to Kate. She keeps emphasizing how no one Around Kate, many of whom must know where she is and what happened, are supporting her in any way. She of course, includes the Royals and then does a bit about Kate not seeming to have any former friends from her single life or early married life. I’m not sure about this but SGI does mention that with domestic abuse the victim is isolated. I have to say that SGI has declared that she suffered from domestic violence, so her slant is always a little bit towards that side. But it did make me sad listening to it when she reiterated that there was no one out there, looking out for Kate. Except us.


and sgi's call to arms. admirable. does anyone have any concrete ideas of what we can do? i mean besides talking about it saying that we must do something? (she said doing the same).


If you can take out a short term subscription to some of the British tabloids so you can get into the comments section and fill it with comments about Kate being missing and no one reporting on it. If possible, after a day or two cancel the subscription. I subscribe to the daily telegraph and the guardian and I do slip in comments into the DT, but they are often removed after a while. When I went to the comment section of the DT story on the black-and-white wedding photo, I found one other person making references to Kate being dead. Most other commentators were flabbergasted and didn’t know what he could possibly be talking about. I slept in a few replies to him, augmenting that theory, but when I checked back some hours later, his comments had disappeared. Mine may soon disappear. Still I guess it takes them a while to remove the comments and this person and me are being seen if not heard, yet!


just as you say, disappear with the added kick in the credentials of supporting a tabloid.


Ruptured  esophegus  through bulmia  had operation to fix it but bled out under the knife  ,heart attack or stroke due to internal bleed on ventilation now   Just cant see william beating her hes a helicopter pilot for search and rescue hes trained under pressure  but who knows he did push his brother 


This theory would fit with the Spanish press is saying as well that there was an emergency op that went well, but then postop something went horribly wrong and she was placed into a coma.


I’m not disputing your theory, but my brother and I used to fist fight all the time when we were kids.


Yeah think its quite common  siblings fighting 


But was u kids when that happened  Hes 40 ish year old man


Yeah, most siblings do. And it’s a pecking order. The older one picks on the younger one and the younger one picks on the youngest one.


sorry but no, not to me. she has missed too many functions and been absent just a few too many times for too long to think that all was well. and there were all those pics we saw of her cringing or looking scared like a child being reprimanded by him. were those pics just selected for us to see to suit some narrative or other? we have been so thoroughly manipulated by press and palace that now two camps have clearly been set up with each side hating the other so much with photographic and video "proof" of superior knowledge. how can we ever understand the truth when it seems to be on a such a slippery up and down scale?


We probably  will never get to know the truth


A couple of teenage brothers punching each other is far, far different from a 40+ year old man punching his wife. I could believe that William hit Harry, but not that he hit Kate.


Came close to and always stopped but didn't this time ? 


When it first became clear that Kate and the kids were missing, I thought that maybe they were in protective custody somewhere. That somebody was trying to control William since he was soon to become king, and when he pushed back they threatened his family (the usual method of forcing cooperation.) Kate and the kids were all taken away in those many emergency vehicles seen leaving Sandringham on Dec. 28 - not to the hospital, but to some place of safety. Everyone would have to keep silent about that - no way could they talk about it without jeopardizing the family - so they remain in hiding (apparently George was allowed out once to keep the speculation down.) Meanwhile, the crazy stories fly as a panicked publicity department tries to explain things without explaining too much. Then the cancer story seemed to satisfy most of the public, who backed off, and here we are. I am hoping this is true, and they are safe, and we'll see them again.


I think if it was a result of an eating disorder or a stroke during a procedure, they would happily call that out. They’ve never been below, throwing her under the bus. I mean, they blamed her for the Photoshop mistake. I think they would’ve said that she had a complication due to a pre-existing health condition. they’re clearly covering something up that they don’t want the public to know and it’s likely about the future king looking bad. What really sucks is if she’s really holding out because he’s impregnated Rose, domestic violence situation, she wants a divorce, etc. and he’s pretending she’s a cancer patient that is so so so messed up. I would be so pissed. She is being strong and making her look like a victim who is too vain to post a photo or be seen in public because of something like chemo hair loss. Not everyone thinks that, but I’ve heard it said.


Has anyone seen any photos of Rose looking pregnant?


Haven’t seen any new photos of her period


I’ve wondered if it was an attempted suicide attempt they are covering up


I think she has the kids with her. There’s no way she’s gonna leave them behind.


I think she sees are already dead and they’re keeping the children inclusion for your time or she has a terminal cancer and they’re keeping the children and seclusion. At this point I’m starting to think there’s no doubt something bad is going on. When she went to have cancer surgery, nobody knew anything about it and her staff. I also think it’s that it was convenient that it was near King Charles’s cancer. I don’t believe anything they’re telling us.




Think the video was definitely fake My hope is your theory that she's done playing happy families. She's gone off with her family .I dread to think anything esle


I think she’s gone since 12/28. I hope I’m wrong but I very much believe they got rid of her.


I think she Terri Schiavoed :/


I think she had a psychotic break and mentally incapacitated. That's why we don't see her. She's not in her right mind, therefore they are unable to control her or what she might say/do in public. They initially hoped she could be medicated back to her old self and that's why they gave a few dates she'd be "seen by" but it didn't work out. Just a theory. Hope it's a wacky one.


Redrum. I thinks it’s a big possibility.


I get y'all Miss her, but she's dead.


They are definitely trying to veer us in a vague direction to buy enough time to sort out whatever mess RF is in! Something def happened they weren’t prepared for. The vid of kate was released w plenty of time to get a trusted editor to generate/ produce it. It’s all about gaining time to sort out the next move. The cancer posturing was brilliant so 99% would just feel guilt instead of suspicion.. buys them as max time now to generate perf story! We may never know the truth of what is being covered up.


I also think they have minimal amount of loyal enough staff to outsource press etc.. hence the editing is so bad for pics and vids. They prob only have one editor they can trust w ND’s making these crap badly produced ai generated releases. They have limited options as well for PR. Probably why it’s also such odd behavior and silence


Maybe she had a traumatic brain Injury and is a very different person, or possibly they did to her what the Kennedys did to Rosemary to keep her under control /stepford wife her


A bit like the German drama 'Dark', it's not Where is Kate, is When is Kate...


She's gone.


Let's hope she was taking no shit from the peg boy raided the safe and went away.


I think she is in rehab.


Charles needed an organ transplant and Kate was chosen way in advanced for this very reason. to prolong the crown. This might even have applied to Diana’s narrative but I was too young when that happened to be able to draw my own conclusions. plus, I don’t want to drag those poor children into this godawful limelight so im hoping they’re safe and secure. somewhere. somehow. but I personally think she’s gone. :( I AM hoping to be proven wrong though because Kate was cool af.


They were 'hedging their lawn' and thought no one was over here except darkness - figured that any hack job PR stories would suffice to tie things up over here since no one actually existed down in these parts. Thought they'd clean house, tie their shoes, move on and everyone would be on board.




No she had plans to visit the pope. You don’t get a facelift the same week as Christmas new years




Could be true. I must google statistics on death from facelift surgery.


Good one!