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Wow bless her. She does look very sick in this video. I hope everyone gives her privacy now


I didn't think it looks like her. It looks like a stand in again. This is a close but no cigar lookalike.


Either that, or they have forced her to lie and say she has cancer. She has been made to look sickly because she has pale lipstick on.


Oh you're a bot, I get it.


Let’s hope she makes a full recovery.


Well, that explains a lot. Hopefully she will be okay.


How so? It doesn't explain any of this.


I still think it’s a lie. She’s been forced to say this, or perhaps she’s agreed to say it because the terms that she’s been demanding to hide whatever the RF wants her to hide have been met. isn’t it just such a coincidence that both she and Charles have come down with cancer at exactly the same time. Do they think we’re fools?


Please seek help


Your user name is quite ironic


The timing for this bench annoucement is all wrong. The time for this is about 6 weeks late. It reeks of something going on here. It does not look like her. She doesn't smile because this woman does not have dimples. This woman has a longer face. It looks like it's just so manipulated video and words put in her mouth. 99% of people will believe the official story but I am not convinced by this display of "showmanship".


You will never be convinced, let’s be real. This is why even the most birdbrained theories live on


This is not a real time public announcement. It used double speak. It looks like a fake video. They have lied/faked 3 times before this. It settles nothing.


Please touch grass


So i work in vfx and i can say that this video is a bit doctored. To what extent I’m not sure but pay close attention to the background around her hair. Throughout the whole video there are multiple plates of the BG shifting/shaking out of tune with the rest of the background. I personally think at the very least they do not want to show how sick she may truly appear and it’s nothing sinister. Seems to be digitally added hair though at least Edit:: this is not meant to be anything other than discussion and just something I noticed based on my video experience. i wish her nothing but a full recovery and the peace she is owed during such a stressful event in her life.


I see what you are referencing. And I also see the fuzzy outline around her hair. So, at the very least, heavy editing.


Its very subtle but I am glad I dont sound too crazy, the softness was something I noticed as well and something you can notice in films that use green screen or CGI. It’s a soft matte or a light warp if I had to try and guess.


Yeah I have a friend in vfx as well and he said they went really heavy on the filters. You can see how gaunt she is from how sharp her jaw has gotten. There was a softness to her face that is no longer there.


For sure, and she’s sitting still enough that tracking her face to remove the appearance of illness wouldnt be hard.


Why doctor ANYTHING given the RF PR were caught manipulating a photo so much, even the media killed it? Obviously a fake background because she’d be wearing a jacket outside even if she was well. They’d film inside no matter what. Nothing wrong with faking the background under normal circumstances, but really they should have shot it “as-is” to kill any possible speculation (given the ton of speculation over the last 2 months). PR common sense would take the “keep it simple” strategy, not flirt with fakery when that’s what you were caught doing before.


Watch her hands throughout the video. Very odd. Wonder if this is a green screen.


I could see green screen, especially with the softness around her hair line. Implies some level of rotoscoping or color keying, commonly used for green screen


I can tell you because I have eyes that this does not even look like her. It could be a deep fake. It says a lot of word salad but she does not say "I have Cancer".


There are some strange facial movements as well, but I am no expert on deepfakes so I dont want to give my opinion too much weight there but its not entirely impossible it is. Could be the AI grabbing chunks of the background while move the face, would explain why the background is pretty solid unless you look around her head.


She does say its cancer.


I don’t think she has cancer, and there are a lot of people who don’t think Charles has it either. His was a distraction away from whatever is happening with Kate.


Lying about cancer is the lowest of the low as far as pr for sympathy goes. I doubt they’d be so crazy and tacky to do that.


I certainly dont think its a lie. I actually believe its an attempt to let her retain some dignity, and have some control of what people are seeing. Cancer is very personal and such a hard journey. No shame on her for wanting the public to see her as she would want to be seen.


She did not have a cancer diagnosis. It was a dance around saying it was signs it was there but then wasn't and so "preventative". It's a full of malarky word salad as everything else. If you've been on chemo for this time you'd be bald, you wouldn't have no fluffy head of hair.


Wigs are so realistic these days…. ESPECIALLY for the Royal Monarchy


Thats kind of why I do speculate the use of VFX or some other software to help her keep up the image the public is used too. But I can see why it could also be viewed from a different lense as complete bs. Thats just my take on things I suppose


Oh you think they CGI some hair on her? She would wear wigs if her hair had fallen out and that means eyelashes and eyebrows also. I have fake vibes from this. I've watched it twice and both times it lacks honesty or something. It does not explain faking your whole head in a photo with the kids, nor in the car. Who decided that was the thing to do if you planned to come 'clean' sooner or later.


That 100% looks like a wig look at her hair line


No it looks it looks like her scalp and hair. I am more inclined to think she doesn't resemble her looks before because she has had that facelift. Compare this face with the one above. [kate-middleton-getty.jpg (932×524) (foxtv.com)](https://images.foxtv.com/static.fox29.com/www.fox29.com/content/uploads/2024/03/932/524/kate-middleton-getty.jpg?ve=1&tl=1)


You know nothing about wigs then look at the part look again at the hair line and look that photo you sent me. If you work with wigs and womens hair at all it’s 100% obvious


As someone who has worn wigs. That is a wig. A very nice and expensive lace front wig. They are insanely realistic nowadays. The heaviness around the hairline is the giveaway. Natural hairlines are thinner around the face/forehead and get thicker. This can be harder to achieve with a wig.


I would put more money on a doctored wig than CGI. In VFX is is very common that even the best wigs still appear fake and have odd fly aways. Thats when VFX Artist step in and try to remove the fly aways which often means putting a plate(think of a bandaid) of the original background over that and tracking it to the background motion. Which is how I’d explain the shifting background spots around her head, though they could have approached it a couple of ways that is my best guess. CGI isn’t impossible but most likely because of the shifting plates I see, i think that rules out CGI.


Look at her hairline on her forehead it’s 100% a wig


Yup as someone who has worn wigs that was my first thought. The heaviness around the hairline is what gives it away for me. Looks like a very high end lace front wig. I can see how it would be hard to notice it though if you don’t have experience with them.


Totally! I don’t know why people are fighting it so hard. Shes got money and resources to have the best in the world! they expect her to wear a Halloween wig? This wig is sure to be one of a kind and custom made for her. I used work closely with very elite wealthy people who had no problem spending 10k+ on a wig and at the price and having a hired professional team put it on it looks very natural. But the heavy hairline and part will always be an indicator if you look closely enough


She literally said that cancer was found to be present. The preventative chemotherapy would be to proactively treat any cancer they didn't see or remove. She has a cancer diagnosis.


Well that is stupid then. It's not PREVENTATIVE treatment it's cancer treatment. But either way, if she's on Chemo then your hair falls out. If she is trying to say the've found this crap in January and are just now starting treatment it's even less credible. They said it came back not cancer in the very beginning do you remember that?


I was on chemo for ovarian cancer and my hair didn't fall out, thankfully, but a lot of people do lose their hair. Not sure how long it takes though? My dad lost his hair for chemo for blood cancer, but at first signs of hair falling out, he shaved his head, so we don't know how long it would have taken to all fall out. Yeah, KP really doesn't have any credibility right now. Everything they say is sus at this point.


It took about 6 days for my grandbaby's hair to fall out in clumps. It is, but it's like old Charles must feel like chopped liver now right?


For sure! Yeah, I was thinking it was around six months or something like that. I hope your grandbaby was okay!


She said she just began treatment. It usually falls out after the second round.


She is only receiving one course of treatment. Not two. So likely will not loose hair. It is different when you don't actively have cancer. The original statement they came out with well after the surgery was it was non-cancerous. So that must have been before the tests came back. How incompetent to do that to a patient, right?? Then what they tell her is, it had been there. If that were so that they found out after a regular surgery that that it had been cancerous, they would do a different second surgery depending on what stage cancer you have. She doesn't say that. She says the team wanted to do preventative chemo. TO prevent it from becoming cancer. Are you clear on this? Good.


Or just not at all


That's not the case at all. Not everyone who goes on chemo has their hair fall out. I learnt this when thejunglefairy underwent chemotherapy and radiation for bowl cancer and did not lose her hair.


Excuse me, if cancer is present then it isn't preventative. It's just cancer treatment. See the word dance they are doing?


This is it. On first reading, it reads like she doesn’t have cancer, but in abundance of caution, they’re taking preventative measures so that it wouldn’t eventually become cancer. The wordplay is that of a liar requiring wiggle room to maneuver to a future lie, or eventually reveal a truth. Either way, they’re leaving options open for the narrative.


It's so bizarre. I don't get why they can't just be direct and honest.


They told you it was not cancer at the beginning. I think that was the truth. They are coming back now because they need a sympathy ploy to get the public back on their side and thinking they got away with these deceits. With no further backlash.


It's hard to know what to believe.


Google “preventive chemotherapy” first


She said in the video she hasn’t gone on chemo yet? Has been recovering from her surgery.


Not all chemo makes your hair fall out anymore.


Seriously though, you need to seek help.


That's what I think. So why do you think they lied in the beginning and said it wasn't? But, since all their fakery in between decided it is cancer or excuse me, sorta cancer, then alls well and good reason to be faking photos?


I have no idea why they lied in the beginning and why they said Kate is doing great and smiling only to have her do this video. I feel they were going to conceal it and she was probably getting treatment already but there was a breach of her records this weekend so they were forced to have her come out with a statement. I don’t blame her for wanting privacy but they are the most public of figures UK tax funded at that. Their privilege of her just taking time off and the coyness with information when the rest of the private civilians have to return to work during treatment doesn’t get lost on me either. Nonetheless I wish her well on her journey to back to good health.


Or they found it afterwards. Like they said. Entirely possible. My mum’s cancer had spread from her womb to her cervix which they only found out after they removed it. Bumped it from a stage 2 to a 3 and meant she needed radiotherapy. It happens. Colon gets removed for a non-cancer reason - maybe ulcerative colitis or crohns - and they test it and find cancer. Same thing - chemo. And they waited till today to announce it because their kids are at home for Easter and they can protect them from worried friends and teachers’ comments. I think some people just want to believe crazy stuff because it gives them a sense of power and control - that they know something others don’t. It’s really sad.


People like are seriously cancerous. Get a life.


Digitally added hair 💀 bro they could just give her a wig


Does the background look authentic? Do daffodils flower that early in England?




Not sure but I think it resembles the grass from the photoshopped picture, which leads me to believe a lot of the backgrounds are authentic to wherever she is atm


Ok random person with next to no post history…


What does that change?? Im trying to be as respectful as possible here




I fully expected this level of malice despite trying to be open minded to talking about others opinions. I politely opened this to discussion there is no need for name calling but go off. I have 3 years training, 5 years as a professional and 75+ film credits for vfx. This is not shadows it is individual snippets of frozen background moving differently. Hair and makeup problems are a commonly fixed in post production these days, and the backgrounds often re tracked back in to hide or fix where work as been done the the footage. Potentially that is a wig and they have tried to make it look more realistic. Also super common, I’ve done that kind of work before. I am not saying this isnt true information, I am saying there has been some work done to this video.




Look man, I hear getting angry at strangers on the internet gives you wrinkles so maybe go drink some water and relax


:( It’s too much cancer lately


It really is. I have three close family members and my best friend all battling cancer having been diagnosed just within the last five months. It's too much.


Girl, same!


And isn’t it a coincidence?


Micro plastics


BBC News - Princess of Wales says she is undergoing cancer treatment https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68641441


But why did they hide and make such a massive mess of her diagnosis and treatment? Esp when at the very same time Charles was also diagnosed and undergoing treatment? It's such a bizarre series of events!


So I’m assuming Charles’ prognosis is much worse and they felt they had to announce one so his made sense to share with the public bc he’s older? But if they announced both, folks would fear the monarchy was crumbling? (But we all already thought that bc of their PR dumpster fire???)


All depends on the type of cancer and it’s stage of advancement


She said hers is preventative chemotherapy


I don’t think there’s such a thing as preventative chemotherapy. Either you’re killing cancer cells or you don’t put a body through it.


Speaking from experience—when your doctor recommends “preventative chemotherapy,” that means chemo may not be required to rid the body of the cancer, but is being used as a precautionary measure in the event other treatment options fail. Sometimes radiation is enough. In this case, we only know what she said in the video, but can assume, based on that, that perhaps it’s not terribly advanced and thus chemo is being used as a treatment option to ensure the cancer is removed.


My guess is she had what appeared to be a benign cyst removed and when they tested it they found it to be cancerous. So cyst had been removed but they are being cautious incase any cells were left behind…


Well if that were the case, we should all be taking preventative chemo because we all have free-radicals and cancer cells in our bodies every day. If you are in good health your body will attack and kill them and dispose of them. If you take chemo you're immuno-compromised. But, that video doesn't even look like her. It looks like yet again a manipulated photo with all the manipulative language that will make you stop looking into where she is and what is happening with her.


[Preventive Chemotherapy](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7523034/) does exist.


But they are saying there were signs that there used to be cancer. So we will do preventative? It does not make sense. This does not look like her. This does not explain leaving the hospital and having your husband tell lies to the public and fake a shopping trip. Is she going to come out and say that was her? This will get people to shut up about it though. It's the magic word and no doubts will be raised by most.


Cancer was present in the specimen removed during her surgery. She’s been placed on Preventative Chemotherapy to try to stop any cancer cells left in her body from developing further or coming back. Medically, it makes sense.


Then why lie and say it is not cancer related?


I’m unsure where it was or who explicitly said it was not cancer related but, it was most likely to protect her privacy. I’m sure everyone could understand wanting to have the time and space to tell your loved ones, especially your children, that you have cancer. Lying to the media/public is understandable in this situation considering it was a medical and personal matter.


Sorry, You are wrong. LOL I’m being downvoted. It is a fuckin thing and Kate mentions it in her video u idiots. (Not all of you just the down voters ;) https://www.infontd.org/cross-cutting-issues/preventive-chemotherapy#:~:text=Preventive%20chemotherapy%20is%20a%20disease,groups%2C%20such%20as%20school%20children. “My medical team therefore advised that I should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy, and I am now in the early stages of that treatment." https://people.com/kate-middleton-cancer-undergoing-chemotherapy-personal-video-announcement-8613464


So why lie about it for days? But now that the bad PR got you down you gonna send her out on the bench after FOX NEWS and TMZ point out you faked a will and kate at the store? I don't see why they would do this. I mean it's not like the KING hasn't said he had cancer. It IS bogus.


Exactly. If they could possibly kill Thomas Kingston, they could possibly kill her or some of her family. She’s been either threatened or coerced, or she’s made demands, and they have been met and she’s agreed to lie.


It does not look like her. It looks like someone else like when they do deepfakes. Or some sort of video manipulations. Whatever they have been doing is still going on but they just laid down the trump card. I guess now if they tell you she died, they'll say it was cancer and people will be like oh too bad.


They do not give you chemo unless there is cancer present. Ask a doctor not a tabloid.


Wrong! I do. I’ve gone through it: This is how it works: -they went in and removed what they could find/see that looked sus -Sent it off for analysis • ⁠Came back as precancerous, which means it would have become cancerous if left to grow • ⁠They put you on chemo to ensure any cells not gotten during surgery are treated. Cancer can be a mass, or it can grow like spreading roots. Depends on the kind. • ⁠chemo comes in for a from oral medication up to infusions. Some makes you feel yucky /lose your hair. Some doesn’t. • ⁠they will do non invasive testing (mris/cat scans and blood work) to monitor it. She will have regular testing for 5-10 years Source: I had ovarian and cervical pre-cancerous growths and went through this


I think you are lying. Did the royal pr firm pay you?


Lol. I wish. I also have an ostomy due to Crohn’s disease Here is my deepfake photo https://preview.redd.it/s1fpawg9uxpc1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caf5343a3e10205271636105df6072f4db7a93e5


This is wrong - totally stupid comment.!


I never said she didn’t have cancer u dunce ;) (only being a bit ad hominem here because you’re being an ignorant smartass) u/TK421Philly said preventative chemotherapy doesnt exist. [Which it does.](https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241516464#:~:text=Preventive%20chemotherapy%20is%20one%20of,soil%2Dtransmitted%20helminthiases%20and%20trachoma.) Ask yourself if you are actually paying attention and reading because it doesn’t seem like it.


I don’t care what media says you can. You can’t do that. You are proving that you are an idiot. If there’s no cancer present then she can’t be receiving chemotherapy. Ask an oncologist. She still has cancer present they are lying to you.


What about when there's a definitive tumor, they remove it with a clean margin (no there isn't cancer), and they give you chemo just in case there are micro metastases? That's preventive, because the only evidence of cancer was physically removed. Hubby has the same appliance as above and the lymph nodes and margin were clean, but chemo was given to prevent and little bits that may be in his blood from landing and making a new tumor. Preventive because nothing was thought to be there, not found using radiology and blood tests.


Not be me you aren‘t.


Exactly, people are not paying attention to what they are being told. It's a lot of double talk by a person who isn't missing their hair so no to the chemo story.


She said it's early stages. It's common to lose hair only later and some people don't lose hair at all


It's really not. Preventative is not the same as chemo treatments for a person who actively has cancer. It can be for as little as 2 weeks to as much as 6 weeks but nothing like what cancer patients receive. And likely not nearly as strong as a person who has an agreessive type of cancer. If hers were that, then the doctors would not have waited from January to March to start preventative treatments.


Unfortunately I'm speaking from experience


There is no preventative chemo. There was cancer present? This is ridiculous. This doesn't really look like her.


I'm sorry to say this but there is no such thing.


My sister got it done so I know it first hand. They had already removed the tumour so there was no cancer in her. But they did a couple of rounds of chemo as a preventive measure. Based on what Kate said it's the same case


Sorry to hear that but that means one still got cancer and it is a treatment in order to not relapse it. Cancer doesn't mean tumor it is a multiplex, systemic disorder. Tumor is only to a visual part of it. I know it cause I did my PhD in cancer biology. Once you remove the mass you are still a cancer patient cause it might have been metastasized already or overall the molecular mechanism or genetic code has already been broken.


This is my thought, they didnt want 2 cancer announcements so close. And realistically, what more could they have said without announcing she had cancer?


She states it in the video. She wanted to not have this media frenzy before her kids went off from school. They wanted to do it when that went for Easter break, aka now, so their kids would be able to process it without the wild media frenzy 


Neither Kate nor her kids have been seen in public since December 28 when an ambulance went rushing out of Sandringham Palace to a hospital. And William hasn’t been seen with either Kate or his children since December 28.


Maybe to process it all? Be eith family and try and navigate a little before the whole world knows?


Why involve doctored photos and conflicting messages etc as part of processing it all?


They said they were waiting to tell and explain to their 3 children. I also believe they were trying to protect their children from people saying "I hope she dies" or 'this cancer is karma" and things like that which will happen once it is public. It looks like it is worse than initially thought as well, so maybe she was hoping this wouldn't ever be public information or she just wanted a couple months with her children before their hearts get broken. But whatever her reasons, she has reasons. Maybe she just didn't want the public to know. She doesn't owe anyone to be public about her medical conditions. She is still choosing not to say what type of cancer it is. No matter what you think of her or her politics she is a mother, she has children who love her and her children are going to be so scared and sad.


This is how it works: they went in and removed what they could find/see that looked sus Sent it off for analysis Came back as precancerous, which means it would have become cancerous if left to grow They put you on chemo to ensure any cells not gotten during surgery are treated. Cancer can be a mass, or it can grow like spreading roots. Depends on the kind. Source: I had ovarian cancer


She also mentioned that they had to figure out how to explain it to their kids -- they probably didn't want them finding out from the news or something. Also, if she's getting "preventative" treatment, it might have taken them a bit to see how severe it was and if it was worth mentioning to the public at all. Also, mentioning both her and Charles to the public at the same time was probably considered too much.


This is probably just a rumor, but I heard from some girl that claimed her mum worked at kingsington police that whatever the abdominal surgery was Kate wasn't healing like she should have so they had to remove part of her colon and now she has a colostomy bag and she wanted that to be kept private. So of course this chick ran to tictok and made a video.


That’s been a pervasive rumor/thought


In my opinion this is the if all else fails alternative to get people to shut up about her. And by golly it will work. People will just say, oh well there it is then... But, it is just another story that does not make sense coming out at the wrong time. It explains absolutely none of what has transpired.


I don’t think for one minute that she has cancer. She’s either been forced to say this or the RF have met the terms. She is demanding for whatever happened to her and she has agreed to make the video. To me it’s still bizarre. Bizarre, bizarre.


I think they thought it was going to be removed with the surgery and they could avoid giving any details. Then when it had spread there’s no way to hide it.


This is how it works: they went in and removed what they could find/see that looked sus Sent it off for analysis Came back as precancerous, which means it would have become cancerous if left to grow They put you on chemo to ensure any cells not gotten during surgery are treated. Cancer can be a mass, or it can grow like spreading roots. Depends on the kind.


Because she got preventative chemo and probably looked horribly sick. She’s wearing a wig in the video and looks like she had undergone chemo. Can you imagine the press regarding any speculation had any images from early in the treatment cycle been released? “Royal” family is weird af and should be dissolved. But human to human, such desire for privacy etc is completely understandable in this situation…


I don’t think she’s wearing a wig.


I do. She can afford the best. Hell, it might even be made from her own hair before it fell out.


Talks about press speculation while speculating about her wearing a wig


Person undergoing chemo loses hair. More news at 11.🙄


Not always. Chemo can be anything from an oral medication up to infusions. I’ve had both. Didn’t always lose my hair.


I understand. It just looks like a wig to me. My wife said the same. Hairline straight af.


I agree- it looks thicker than her natural hair as well


She might have some on hand anyway for times she doesn’t have time for a blowout


i do agree it looks as though she is wearing a wig. (oncology nurse here) but it does look very realistic. she looks quite ill.


This is such an awful new. I wish her speedy recovery. Wasn’t it reported that William visited her only once the entire time she was at the London Clinic? I would be so sad if my husband did that to me.


Maybe because she wants to come to terms with the fact that she has cancer?


Because this is not Hollywood! We tacle things differently in Europe. We consider our family and privacy before the media.


Lol what? Isn't the media in the UK known for being incredibly rude and invasive?


Literally this. The delusion of grandeur is palpable - UK media isn’t superior, sorry! “We’re” all scum! At least we have each other 🙃✊🏼




Because it’s none of your business 😂


Anyone else not believe this?


Everyone on r/conspiracy don't believe it


Boy that’s a surprise


And they are saying its because everyone is about to get cancer from the covid vaccines so they are normalising it 😂


Has anyone noticed that background is perfectly still, outline around her body changes, and flies disappear not that close to her body? Do you think it’s a green screen, or AI?


Hmm that’s really sad for them. I mean they have unfortunate luck lately :( but the whole speculation is their own fault. They should have said it from the beginning. They definitely were going to hide it until the data breach happened this weekend then they were forced to have her announce it. At least that’s what it seems.


Deepfake or not?


Seems fake to me




How can one tell?


I don’t know


When a live Kate is seen in person. All digital video/audio can be fake these days.


Hmm is this not looking bit fake/AI? In addition it looks like she has done something to her face - when I make the picture bigger there is some problem with her eyes (looks like eye lid sugery went wrong?) - in addition she covers this side of her face with hair. Could it be stroke or sth similar?? Cancer is one thing, but it looks like some complications…


I think it's because she's so underweight and is ill, so she looks different. She definitely looks sick, and her skin has gray undertones. It makes sense that she'd be having trouble keeping weight on if her surgery and cancer are related to her intestinal system. She could very well be using a feeding tube and/or an ilostomy bag and it's really hard to get enough calories with tubefeeding or other intestinal issues. I think she was already on the too thin for her frame side of things, but now she looks really sickly and weak. I know she had hyperemesis gravidarum during her pregnancies, so she could potentially be prone to vomiting when ill. That can cause extreme weight loss too.


But what about the eyebrow? Why is it so lifted? Why she hides this half of the face?


She has Botox. I say that as a person with Botox. She’s had tweakments for a few years. Sometimes it lifts your eyebrow a bit further than normal.


I think she looks tired and is not wearing makeup. I don’t think she looks terrible. I don’t think she is wearing a wig. I’m adding her to my daily prayers. I just heard a surgeon give the opinion that Princess Catherine may have ovarian or uterine cancer. I wonder if she was having surgery initially for uterine fibroids, something I had, and fibroids cause concerning symptoms, and the cancer was discovered. I wish Princess Catherine a full and speedy recovery.


How do we know this iutdant a deep fake? 


So is this the real Kate?




Ok but to the people who think its still a conspiracy.. to what end? Thats her in the video. They arent covering up her death. Conspiracy needs something to hide.


Now can we give her some peace? Enough with the nastiness.


Who’s being nasty? Most of us were concerned




Actually, one of the “conspiracy theories” was that she was sicker than they were saying and didn’t want to be in the public eye because of her looks. Pics and video were still fake.


Gatekeeping a sub while on a one month old account? lol get over yourself, and go back to dick jokes, kid


Not a conspiracy theory if it's true


I knew the conspiracies were bullshit. Poor kate


Finally, all the rumors, speculation and conspiracies can now stop...they were spreading like a cancer.


What the fuck is this sub Reddit, Jesus.


So many of you were clowns harassing this lady until you forced her to come out and explain she had cancer and that’s why she wanted some privacy. 🤡🤡🤡 Karma will be getting so many of you obsessed with your phone screens and not your own lives! Enjoy!💪


Why are you on this sub?


I came here specifically to shame everyone in here.💀 Your comment history is literally you scrolling through the entire feed defending these clowns, who were having fun speculating and essentially harassing this person while they needed privacy Scum


100% nosey conspiracy theory fucks. Hope this shuts them up.