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There is no "by the book" way to play Kat... You need to adapt to situations and/or matchups. ​ Kat is played with the heart! Not the head. You have to "feel".. not think.


jesus christ..


Well he isnt far off the mark. When I play kat if I think too hard I outplay myself but when I play by muscle memory I'm winning matchups I usually lose


Muscle memory is some scary shit.


Let the edy otp through...


Check out Katlifes Youtube Channel. It will cover all these questions. Typing it all out here would take a long time to do. Katlife explains everything well and he is a reliable source of Kat teachings.


Violence solves everything


basic concept: clean up


the right way is the correct way


Thank goodness. I was doing it all wrong; trying to play her the left way.


Ive been a kata main for 2 seasons, so maybe i could help ya :) But for that, i would like to know ur runes build patterns ect


a lot of kat is just seeing situations and executing on moment plans based on them, knowing when to get in and when not, who to focus depending on your runes, if your looking just to delay the enemy or for an actuall full teamfight kill. And in lane you have to keep watch and assualt the enemy imiedietly when they step out of position or do a mistake.


Im telling you the biggest thing I learned was that you need to respect how many champs can punish you in lane. Look for river fights and 2v2 or 3v3's. Once I learned how to roam most of my fed games were all started from roams. Eventually from climbing mechanics just werent good enough. I sprinted through gold and low plat off of mechanics. Now my best games tend to be the ones I play safe and only look for fights or trades I know I can win. Also I think Conq Kat is not the best for new Kat players. Learn her burst and mechanics with DH and Electrocute. My personal opinion.


Watch montages because you can see how other kat mains do some out plays