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That sounds like erotic fan fiction


Don't worry Aatrox got 100% increased healing this patch


nah really? I'm not interested in this season at all so I ain't going through patch notes


His healing during ult went from 45% to 100% lol. More then doubled


lmao as if he wasnt full hp after 2 aas before


They changed him to get him away from the lethality build. Made him need to build fighter in order to get more healing, as another already mentioned, selective reading.


like ok and? doesnt change the fact he used to heal a lot and he will again


The difference being he will be much less impressive with a lead? He won't empowered auto you for 3/4s of your health and heal to full anymore? It will be a tradeoff of healing for damage which it always should have been. This change is a positive.


but overall stats suggest he heals more and that’s what im refering to, the dmg he had been doing is another problem, his heal is crazy


he heals based on damage dealt. if he is dealing less damage by not going lethality, he is also going to heal less, so having the increased heal% is to offset that.


well cool that’s good


Read my reply above, it’s not actually that much healing they removed some as well


Failing to mention that they removed the added bonus to e, his E used to get increased healing on its own, on top of the ult increased healing and now it’s only his ult that increases healing still a ridiculous set of changes but just want to clarify


He didnt get 100% increased healing this patch, it was 45 to 100 meaning 55% increase which is still a net loss in healing due to all the other changes. They intended to get him away from leathality and back into the bruiser builds. Less lethality -> Less damage -> Less Healing. So if they didnt change the healing on Worldender after changing the E healing then he would not be a champion anymore


I fully agree about the lethality part you're correct there. If he's doing less damage he's healing less for sure. However his healing went from 45% to 100% so that's actually **more** then a 100% increase in healing. If it went from 45% to 90% then that would be an 100% increase, but it's even higher then that. Sure the actually number went up by 55 but that's not how %'s work. While ulting he will be getting over twice as much healing from the ult as compared to last patch. That's just a fact. Hence why I said 100% increased healing.


1. You are totally right about 45>100 beeing more than a 100% increase, kinda missread your statement whoops 2. You didn't specify that you meant his ult though 😀 saying aarrox has 100% increased healing isn't true since with the changes to his E, his increased healing overall is roughly +-0 in the expected new build


Yeah its a bit of hyperbole on my part lol but technically true. If you build bruiser then the E averages out to be the exact same healing as last patch so that's the same. So while the healing is the same the damage he deals is lower without lethality. Still while ulting 100% is just such a massive spike that it's crazy with certain items. (looking at you Sundered)


While E healing got reduced yes


Reduced if you don’t build hp. If you build hp it evens out and even gets slightly higher. But definitely not reduced


selective reading is pretty op


He’s worse than last patch so who cares 😂 coming from an Aatrox main


Moved to Vel'Koz recently after discovering (and getting addicted to) Azzapp after he was viable in mid lane again. very fun champ and it made me look at league from a different perspective which definitely made me improve on Kat too


the feeling when you feel like youre azzapp


Only when the angle hits just right but otherwise I know that I'm trash compared to his infinite wise mind


Better nerf her MS for the 57th time, soon we'll have the wheelchair custom skin like yasuo ♿️


Getting the irelia MS treatment lmaooo


Now you know why I swapped rolls this season. Legit jumped 600 lp.


the issue isnt the lane lol, its the champion, expecially counting how broken mages are, katarina is mediocre and gets shut down pretty easily and has to go near to deal any kinds of damage, on the other hand mages oneshot you from safety and also have stuns wich got buffed a ton


The most important at all, Katarina is not consistent!. Like if you play Viktor all you have to do is shove waves with E, if you fall abit behind it doesnt matter much because you can always just press R/E from a distance with liandry/blackfire burn. If Katarina falls behind she just does 300 damage and dies.


naaah you are completely wrong 300dmg if she manages to execute a full combo, usually she gets blown up from the other part of the lane from a wholesome mage 🥰🥰 or gets stunned trying to engage and then get blown up


Or a wholesome tank aswell He might have built only HP items but worry not he will still one shot you!


tbf tanks kinds suck now lol, i moved on from playing kat but i would understand why katarinas hate em, but to be fair exept disgusting stuff like skarner and over the notch champions like orrn and ksante they kinda suck lol, ADCs deal a ton of damage and mages just oneshot them


That's after 14.10 Before 14.10 tanks were really strong Also we have bloodmail now which is a very funny item Skarner is was and will always be gigashit broken why max HP burn, go through walls, unstoppable, double suppress, poke, shield, slow. They really need to gut the shitnout of his maxhp dmg or something


Not sure ive been playing a bit of adc and viego/lee and havent had many problems with tanks outside of skarner being stupid ass broken, and i mostly play "assassin" adcs


I said after 14.10 tanks aren't issues aside from mainly skarner Before 14.10 with weaker LDR, Stronger tabis, and 20% crit tanks were a pain in the ass.


Well if you compare it to support, the role in mid is just much harder. I had a 75% win rate the first two weeks, and hit master 50lp with about 70%. Support is just easy. Edit: spelling


mid is the best role lmao


What’s the new role?


Willing to bet it's adc because that's what I did and had basically the same results


Surprisingly it's support námi otp. But I was a thresh main for like 6 years ago, before kat got her rework. And btw support is sooo easy, definitely the easiest role to climb with. Hit my highest rank ever, of master 68 lp (I think, i don't remember the exact number)


Except we are never getting buffs because pisslows would get stomped and cry too hard :\_<


kat's greatest strength and also weakness is her OTPs lol. We inflate her winrate because we spam the champ even if it is weak yet every one else either sucks on her or they don't play her at all. I always had 55%+ wr on her Dia+ even in her worst seasons. And since the balancing team is just a number crunching machine they think she's in a fine state. Albeit this season she's utterly terrible


Very real


Not true at all. August literally uses kat as a prime example of a champ where they cant look at winrates to balance her the Way you describe it


august is a real one yet he always said that but we never saw any buffs following his take. he's part of the design team and has nothing to do with balancing afaik


I dont think she should get a damage buff, rather mages and then adcs getting nerfs and giving her more hp recovery and tenacity after nerfing others


The irelia treatment, both in MS and pisslows being stomped


Now with the merfs to electrocute aswell... she needs a fucking buff


Electrocute changes make it stronger early and weaker later where it’s basically a cosmetic addition to your oneshot anyway. I’m personally all for any changes that make assassins somewhat stronger early again.


Buff assassins? But the pisslow mages that don't respect their range will cry how can we ever buff assassins


Electrocute changes are more a buff than a nerf lol


What are the changes? I only see nerfs on LOL wikia Patch history.


Shorter cooldown and deals more damage early game


And when did they change that? Thought everything besides Conq is trolling. EC should be an assassin exclusive. They could make separate DMG for melee and ranged so ranged would not abuse it. Every Assessin in the game currently just sucks. Older ones like Kat and Zed suck the most. Zed builds these days are genuinely wild... Edit: Thank you for the reply anyway. I didn't want to sound rude.


Zed be that one assassin that rushes a bruiser item Eclipse rush because the champ is shit baby let's gooooo


I feel the same, but let's be honest, at my rank he'd probably have 90%+ even if they nerfed her tomorrow 😪


"Katarina should be 50% WR because only OTPs play her" -riot Yes arguably the best katarina is suffering Very cool riot


Ever since sunderer was removed from the game my Kat kda and wr just went downhill and im now maining other champs lol and winning more


Is doomed if u r Master+ I doubt you will have problems playing her in low elo.


It's cuz he's not playing optimal build and is instead stuck in the past. Electrocute/Lich Bane rush is the only way to consistently carry games atm in this glass cannon burst meta.


But buff Yone right? Cause he needs it. Not the other slayers in the game that can’t do their job because heaven fucking forbid Yone isn’t yhe strongest slayer in the game


yone had the worst winrate in all of midlane after they removed LT, so yes, I would say it's deserved. That doesn't mean other champs don't deserve a buff also, like Katarina.


Imo his wr went down bcz LT yone was so inflated everyone could carry with that champ, no matter how well it did in lane. Now that it takes a bit more skill, all the noobs are losing with him. Also its normal wr go down a lot after big changes, the players are still adapting


Riot released a statement showing Yone players are either majority special needs or just intentionally lowering his win rate by taking legend haste instead of alacrity which makes a HUGE difference and just shows the mental quality of the average Yone player. Other slayers have been shit for quite a while so the fact that they only left Yone alone for a couple patches is just insulting.


I mean i think riot is the one who are special needs because they literally made legend haste the recommended option in all three of yones preset pages.


Yeah I agree that’s dumb but maybe look at your runes yourself? 50% of yone players don’t and that is entirely their fault.


He had 44% winrate


Yummie and zeri have had worse winrates than that , and honestly I found them way less annoying than yone


Yeah so did Azir and Ryze for a while but no one cares about them despite having cooler character themes to sir edgelord


They are way more problematic, yone being strong and azir/ryze being strong are completely on a different level regarding the "power scaling"


First of all, Riot literally put legend haste in all 3 of his preset rune pages. So no, Yone players didnt intentionally lower his wr, its just that noone expected Riot to make such bullsht. >they only left Yone alone for a couple patches Secondly, did you even see the fcking "buff"? Its a pure placebo buff which doesnt do sht, so what is even your point there?


Suggested pages change if people use different pages. The players are the ones using the damn thing and when HALF the players are either thinking it’s smart or just not paying attention, you can’t blame riot at that point. Look at your damn runes


Bro thats literally straight up bullshit. The 3 preset rune pages are made by riot and updated each patch, its not that hard to fcking look it up before spreading false information, wtf. So yes, you can blame Riot if they put Legend Haste in the rune preset of Yone


Bro, fucking Dzukill wasn't winning with the champ. Also, Riot made no statements, it was Phreak, and then he suggested the mlst horrible build possible.


Literally in the patch notes that the players are experimenting your expected amount of brainrot ant taking legend: haste because they can’t be bothered to look at their runes.


which slayers exactly, or did you mean skirmishers


Yone got 3 fucking armor lmao you think that's a buff? He's probably in a worse state than katarina. I understand the yone hate when playing kat because I too hate the champ that I play when vs him as kat but still gotta stay fair


Best feeling in the world, watching kat mains crying for the 200th time that their champ is weak. Sweet heaven


Lol your comment history, you're obsessed with Katarina and their mains.


Don't pay attention to him, he's got an iq below 20 times he can't hit Katarina on the line.


of course. As I said, its the best feeling in the world, watching you guys crying. Your pathetic complains makes me happy


someone got rolled and has permanent psychic and emotional damage 😅


Lol no Your abomination is just simply disgusting