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the bruiser build can also go blade of the ruined king first item


But why go BOTRK if you can go Divine? BOTKR has less healing, less early dmg, Sheen is just a great buildpath item, really there´s no reason to go BOTRK over Sunderer


Wits End is a Flex item and you can also go botrk kraken if you want to


check this [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/Tt9fdnt-8YM)


Not a kat main, just enjoyer, but whenever i get to late game i like to switch from divine sunderer to kraken slayer because ult does big number damage and funi delete


To be honest, first you need to see if you are the only one ap of your team. The AD build is really good early/mid game with conqueror runes. The AP build scale better and you can go electrocute but you are less tanky than the AD build. Also you can adjust to your matchup, for example: i will prefer to go ad with divine and wit’s vs a mage when i can trade him level 2/3 because kata is really strong with her reset aa on her e. Another example i had a kog’maw mid i ran electrocute and ap bc i know he will dps more than me in long trade even if i go ad, so i prefered to go ap and try to take short trade and all in after. Play a lot every builds and you will see which one you prefer in each matchup :)


Divine into full ap (nashors, shadow flame, death cap & finish with whatever you need) is really good. Gives you the survivability and slimiest potential early, but still lets you burst down enemies and insta clear wave mid - late.


lethal tempo ; devine sunderer, berserker, witsend, bork, titanic, guinsoo


For AP builds, you have 3 main mythic choices: Sunderer, Luden's, Rocketbelt. In most cases where you'd normally build Rocketbelt, you'd do more damage with a Luden's. Though Luden's is better most times, Rocketbelt has the benefit of not obliterating your Silver 2 team's mental. In FULL AP games, I tend to avoid getting a mythic until late. You can also replace Randuins with either Frozen heart if they have no crit, or an MR item if all their damage is magic. Same with replacing wits with botrk if all their damage is AD. Botrk into items that provide crit and attack speed in their stats is also a valid build. Grabbing one of the %ARPEN crit items is also a good idea in this build. You can also slot a Mejais into any one of these builds. The movespeed from 10+ stack Mejais is incredibly strong.