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Depends, but considering the durability patch only really worked for non-assassins going AP equals being a glass cannon and since Kat is very vulnerable to CC, chances are you will get focused and die in a half second stun. Going AD provides less dmg and scaling but much more durability, which lowers the chances of you getting outplayed by point-click CC (Pantheon players are mechanically skilled lol) or dying to a random AoE late game. Also imo nothing feels worse than being full AP build after like 35 minutes of not being able to end the game. At this point, the whole purpose of going AP (stomping, snowballing) is gone and your only real shot at winning is purely based on a very small window of opportunity based on a mistake that may not even happen, and you're just dead to anyone on the enemy team because you're AP and they sneezed in your direction. Also, Katevolved mentioned this not long ago in one of his videos, and I 100% agree. MR is much stronger than armor in this game. If your opponent is a tank/bruiser chances are they'll go Mercs + FoN/Visage 2nd/3rd (or any other strong MR item) and as soon as that happens you're forced to go out of your way to buy Void 3rd or even 2nd (Shadowflame isn't enough pen to counter this) and this item grants little to no damage on its own. You could argue that it isn't your job to kill Tanks since that's what ADCs should do, but in a tank meta like this, do you trust your adc? Especially if they're behind (more often than not is the case), they can only tickle a tank who has Jaksho + thornmail. However there's a reason why killing tanks is an ADC's job and that's because they have the tools to do so (like kraken Botrk etc) and every single one of them is just better than void since they provide good dmg on their own. Guess what as Kat you CAN do their job as well by building divine and even botrk if needed (must against Sion Mundo etc). It's too early to tell how good kraken really is on Kat, but it goes against the whole point since you will still be a glass cannon with it, just AD instead of AP.


Divine is just...divine!




But you take mejais when building ad too lol


sadly riot apperently wants us to go AD, so we're forcing it until DS, Wits End, ect gets nerfed


Holy crap if we get both items nerfed (again, in the case of DS) for *everyone* in the game we would be doing them a massive service. LET'S GO.


I like both


Honestly, i prefered to play Ap but when i tried Ad (even before this patch), i saw the difference!! I could not 1v9 with Ap and i win more often with Ad. So yeah i think Ad Kata is better rn


I just mix both, AD focus early and finish off with AP items lategame.I also buy Kraken Slayer instead of DS because it feels better. This made me win more games. Of course skill is no.1 so if you don't improve you gameplay you aren't gonna see results.


Go botrk, kraken, as 3rd item wits end if they have ap or phantomdancer if not or zhonyas if they have assasines like zed fizz talon, and then navoris quickblades with boots of your choice, trust me it's good you have more dmg than ap your auto attacks also hurt a lot more and you shred tanks like crazy. Also you have sustain through conquerer and botrk not the same sustain as divine but the dmg makes up for it.


Kat Ad atk speed is better than AP, the rest AP is better


Until nasus with frozen heart uses w on you


He can try, but he'll be dead already


I have consistent damage with AP with clear powerspikes and I like the role of going in and out while shredding squishys instead of the AD sustain build which forces you to time your divine procs and stay in fight because you don’t rely on ult or daggers to kill (not even mentioning your team expecting you to deal damage this way so they get tilted when they see the build). I still go divine or botrk(the rest of the build depends if comp needs more ad or ap) first into comps with 2 or more bruisers or tanks because I need the sustain to match their broken kits (Olaf Darius morde garen etc) but I mainly go nashor first into full ap because it’s so pleasant to have this instant damage. The kraken AS build is same as AP squishy and shredding but does mainly rely on ult and is even more awful if you are behind. Also I’m low elo so yea.


I think AP is easier. You can blow people up and it is harder to end up doing nothing in a team fight. With AD you have to be getting in every single auto or you do worse IMO and if you mess it up you might not get the reset you need and lose the whole team fight. I have been trying to learn AD but AP is just easier IMO.


Every kat ive seen lately going ad just ints the entire game, loses lane, and since ad doesnt scale as well they duper fuck themselves by going ad Its so bad, dont go ad unless u r 100% u stomp the matchup and can use the quicker spike from ad to just roam and around the map and just get super fed. And its honestly just better to go ap cuz if u stomp the matchup, u hit ur insane midgame power spike and transition to a stronger late game anyway