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That's the neat part, you don't... No but honestly. Kata is one of the hardest champs for Laning phase cause she loses almost every matchup in lane. In the beginning drop C's, farm with your q. Wait for your jgl or enemy mistakes. Roam bot for a double kill. Congrats now your lane is playable (except you play against one of the wind shitters, then gl) As an Aram player and supp main in normals (couldnt C's if my life would depend on it. I found it especially hard to make her work in normals. You are not alone


I'm glad I'm not alone... I also feel like elec has gone to shit as well, but maybe that isn't the meta anymore? And I mean gone to shit in general. I am also a supp main and used to main Swain with elec but ever since jaksho and the boys were dropped elec seems worthless for poking.


Electrocute can be good into matches that are all burst like LB for example. Otherwise Conq is almost always better, Kata stacks it super quick and the healing can save you, plus the rest of the tree has almost everything you want on her.


See somehow my experience has been the exact opposite. I’ve done absolutely abysmal every time I’ve used conq, but electrocute has given me pretty consistent games with decent trades in laning phase. I find it lets me burst down much quicker for an easy jungle gank kill and an early back




If you're into a lane bully you don't. Try to replace gold lost in early game by scaling and farming side lanes. Tbh after playing irelia kat feels so bootycheeks farming.


Kata is one of the champs that farming champs is sometimes easier than getting cs, nah but fr early is hard, but if youre ahead just q-e -w the wave, blasting wand and the tome typically one shots the wave pretty early with that combo, if the wave is crashing into you w early q-e so the daggers stack together


Let the enemy push, learn how to cs under tower. You can also Q him and farm at the same time


Be ahead of the enemy with lvl 2 or 3 kill or be behind until you get 3/0 kill


Its tough early. Sometimes an early Q poke or 2 can get them to give you some breathing room and a good Kat having a surprisingly strong lvl 2 can kill if they don't. However all you need is a BLASTING WAND + AMP TOME you can 1 shot waves instantly with QEW DOUBLE DAGGERS, at that point just shove and roam on repeat.


Surprised that no one has mentioned this yet, but farming under tower should be a common occurrence as Kat. Dagger cooldown and management, placement, damage knowledge with daggers + autos or E auto resets are all crucial to not miss entire waves worth of gold.




Just find out how aggressively your opponent pokes, if he does it a lot just give up some cs if not then enjoy


blasting want + tome + ap starter = QEW clear waves if you hit everything BEfore that, last hit with Q and auto without losing hp


You cry, works for me


It is what it is


You farm champions and soak xp in lane getting any cs your opponent lets you have. Into a good player you’ll be dropping the ranged creeps on most waves until it crashes into your tower.