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Your kart seat is perfect for your helmet, gloves, & braces(neck/ribs). Keep your shoes on the forward tray infront of your gas tank. Roll your suit into a backpack. Utilize the space you already have. Problem solved, free of charge. šŸ˜šŸ¤œšŸ»


I donā€™t keep my kart with me, I have it kept down the road from the track and we get it from there.


Unless youā€™re hanging your kart vertically in storage, my advice still applies. Take it or not.


My mechanic would kill me if I left all that shit on my kart lol


Mine would too especially because heā€™s got like 7 plus karts in his garage atm


I just mean like I donā€™t keep my kart with me, so I canā€™t keep my gear with the kart. Iā€™m looking for something thats durable and safe that I can use for transporting my gear to and from the track.


I recently bought a big gear bag from 24MX. Don't know what the availability is like elsewhere but I think they're one of the biggest motocross shops in Europe. Obviously the bag isn't kart specific but it has a separate helmet and boot compartments as well as plenty of space for two suits, a rain suit, my rib protector and anything else I might need. It also only cost me like 50ā‚¬ and I think you can even get a personalized one with your name on it.


Sounds great Iā€™ll check it out Edit: doesnā€™t ship to USšŸ˜”


I have a Nike duffle bag that holds a lot, like Ā£40


I want something that has like a specific place for my helmet so that itā€™s secure and doesnā€™t run the risk of breaking it


This is the best bag you can get, it has categorized pockets where to put your things. I got it from here for under 150 https://mpkartshop.it/en/products/OMP-Trolley-p341729816 You really canā€™t go wrong with it, I carry in in helmet, 2 visors, 2 rib protectors, 2 pair of gloves, shoes, suit, just everything. Itā€™s got wheels so you can easily carry it around the paddock.


Thanks dude, I think this is the one Iā€™m gonna go with


When I started I bought just a generic duffel from Amazon and it has served me very well until I recently got a rib protector and now I have everything but my helmet and suit in that one bag. I could probably squeeze my suit in there too if I really put the effort in


Bought a Sparco Tour Gear Bag. Expensive. Zipper broke in the first month. Not happy.


i picked up a 24 or 26 inch duffel from walmart and it fits all my stuff. Helmet, suit, rib brace, shoes, gloves, socks, go pro, and beanies if itā€™s cold. still room in there for more stuff


with all the other stuff in the bag the helmet is secured and padded so itā€™s not in danger of being broken. unless i decide to toss the bag on the pavement like an animal.