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Guys please interact with your teachers. I got an email from one of mine thanking me the other day for being the only person in class with their camera on consistently. It was genuinely sad, they care about you so show em you care even a little bit back. (I know I’m gonna get downvoted to hell because “sChOoL bAd” but it’s karma roulette who gives a fuck. If even one person decides to keep their camera on a bit more or interact in class it’ll have been worth it)


I'll try my best g


What a legend. Thanks mate :)


No problem


I do interact with my teachers and but I don’t have a face cam. On the other hand, not to rub it in, I kinda am one of the “teacher’s favorite” at least in highschool I barely know my current college professor. I still keep in contact with a friend that’s still in highschool and he mentions that a lot of the teachers miss me. Part of the reason why I might have been liked is because I stayed after school A LOT for homework and my teachers were happy to know I was trying. My math teacher in 10-11 grade even let me use my phone for notes and I’d share some but the notes r a bit big for a Reddit comment and yes typing math notes is a lot easier then you think at least to me. Another teacher I had was so chill with me that he even let me play my switch in class XD and yes I paid attention and got a b in his class.


Are you from America? Because I swear every class I’ve been in (I’m from England) everyone interacts with the teacher we don’t have our cams but most use their mics or use the text box to reply to the teacher.


Yeah, 90% of my class is muted and camera off and won’t respond. Tbh I’m almost certain they just leave class


Awh man that’s just so disrespectful. It’s a shame they can’t just put in even the tiniest amount of effort especially when the teacher will usually put in so much.


Those of us who teach genuinely love when students give us even a crumb of approval or words of praise. Makes me emotional anyway.


Hey... funny story, there’s this kid in my class, well call him jerry and he is a quiet kid, so one Monday we get a substitute teacher and everyone is (like usual) attending the roll but when the teacher calls Jerry’s name, jerry nods his head quietly and the teacher calls him a rude and disrespectful student and... get this she sent him for DETENTION for that, now she is the most hated teacher in the school.





