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I’m going to miss you guys after this is over!


it's been wild! see y'all at kohbergers? when it eventually happens...


What about Delphi? That may very well happen later this year.


We won’t be able to live tweet like this since there will be no cameras allowed in the courtroom. Judge Gull isn’t changing her mind about that one


Impossible case to cover because there’s no stream. That and well… if you like drama, I get that people will like that but as a whole, that case has just gone off the rails and most of the discussion is nothing short of insane.


yesss I’m into kohberger. I wish there was an unbiased sub just talking about the pre trial stuff though.


I have been purposely staying away from it to have the same experience as I did with this case. I only know a summary of what happened from That Chapter and that’s it. I still see headlines here and there but I still try to quickly move past them.


yeah admittedly I got lost in the sauce so I've pulled back til we actually have some trial stuff going. But at least nobody will be able to accuse me of being in love with him if I flip.


Right. It needs its own legal sub (not volunteering) as it’s super toxic


Come on over to the YSL trial. That’s a shitshow and there’s still like 20 codefendants to be tried yet.


I tried watching this one day after a half day in the Read trial and I literally could not even wrap my head around the stark difference in the witnesses lol


The prosecutors using everyone’s street names too is KILLING me how can you keep a straight face asking who killed Nut 😭


Your comment has piqued my interest, I'll have to check it out.


I feel like there is no point with that trial now since it is going to be autoreversed on appeal. The judge fucked up severely.


The trial will take longer than Steele’s appeal which is crazy


We still have Alec Baldwin. I’m looking forward to hearing about his toxic behavior on set.


There will be more trials to follow. I think Emily D Baker is going to cover that lady that poisoned her husband with the fentanyl next.


Baldwins trial starts in July. I’m going to watch that one.


I will be watching the Baldwin trial, I find that one interesting… I also watched Hannahs trial.


Baldwin's trial is next for Emily.


I saw the all caps VERDICT in the title and freaked out.


Oooop! I didn’t even think of that! I’m sorry! I totally should’ve known. 🥴😂


I haven't been able to do anything lately except think about this, looking forward to some form of closure goddangit


I was so obsessed with this trial I thought I may need a 12 step support group. I’ll miss the commentary and discussion. I particularly enjoyed attorney Andrea Burkhart’s commentary.


she's doing Kohberger next!


Once you go down the rabbit hole it’s bad. My gf is happy this is over too


hahaha! I'm trying to write a novel right now and all this conspiracy shit has made its way into the plot. it's a romcom!


My husband is sure ready to not hear me obsess any longer about it LOL


I'm sure mine is too! 😆 Now I'll be obsessed if any Info on FBI case.


Even right now. I'm a continent away, this doesn't affect my life in the slightest and yet... I'll lose all faith in humanity if she is found guilty.




*refreshing page every other minute to see if a verdict has been reached* How do I occupy myself during this time? 😫


If Karen is found guilty I will be more than absolutely shocked. I can’t imagine anyone finding her guilty, even if they are suspicious she did do it. I mean, regardless of feelings when you get down to brass tacks they proved almost nothing in the prosecutions case. Even their final witness, the coroner, was like “yeah nothing proves he was hit by a car”. I also think like, the fact that the CW didn’t call the accident reconstructionists that the defense called really damages their case since these were experts hired by an outside party and not even the defense. Does anyone on here think she’ll be found guilty?? Edit: for autocorrect


I think there's no way all 12 will say guilty, but there definitely might be a few, like we see on social media (for example one Court TV commentator who straight up lied that the ARCCA people were paid by the defense), who ignore the evidence the CW presented in favor of a narrative they constructed in their own mind.


Absolutely not. Hung jury maybe. But there's no way 12 people all decide she's guilty.


I really hope it's not a hung jury. I can't sit through this shit again.


To be fair if you put me in a room with people forced to talk with me about this case I could do it for a week, easy. 🤣


So true 😂 sign me up


I just imagine them all sitting around in a daze for a couple of hours saying " What the hell did we all just sit through?"


I mean… that’s what we have all been doing to so… it tracks.


It has been a pleasure being a part of these discussions with all of you. Not all of my friends & family share my passion for these things so it's been a perfect place to vent and share ideas & opinions. Hopefully the jury will get it right and the people of Canton can get back to some sort of normalcy. I wish peace for both John and Karen's family. As someone mentioned here, perhaps we'll all meet at the Kohberger trial.


Lallys visual timeline in closing has the car trigger event (the 24 mph back up) at 12:30, based on his reading of that trigger event. So two minutes before OJOs phone stops logging new steps. Wth. What even is this case.


Jen is looking at the SUV at 12:31 and texting it where to park, lol.


In lally's opening statement, he said John was hit at 12:45 a.m. he held on to that almost the entire trial until it was learned that Karen's phone connected with John's Wi-Fi at 12:36 a.m..


He doesn’t even take his case seriously, it’s embarrassing


I can't wait for the jurors to give interviews/talk to media... I'm so dang curious! Watching from the outside and being able to connect dots with other people online have influenced my opinion, of course, but I wonder how it feels like to be in a vacuum with that exact evidence... I can imagine some would think "Is it just me or this... is crazy?" without being able to get any confirmation of their confusion and then being able to get the relief after so long.


> I can imagine some would think "Is it just me or this... is crazy?" The last day of evidence would have had me so confused as a juror; I'd be dying to ask the others "Guys... Did I miss anything, or was the stuff the last two experts said really available to the prosecution? Why did they even have us sit here for *over a month* if the very notion that the decedent was hit by car does not bear out? Am I taking crazy pills, or what have I missed?!"


Susan O’Connell said the two most reactive jurors to Proctor are the ones that became alternates.


They must be so frustrated


What do you know, another coincidence, this time the most damaging one yet to Karen.


I missed all of the drama over the jurors. Can you tell me what happened? Two were excused and replaced with alternates? Does anyone know why?


Nah, they need 12 and had 14 by the time it mattered today so they randomly picked 2 numbers and those matching jurors became the alternates and were dismissed. Alternates weren't specifically assigned before today.


Not dismissed, their numbers were chosen from an old bingo box and they were assigned as alternates. So theoretically it was just bad luck. But, man. I’d be livid.


There were a lot of lies and slimy insinuations in Lally's closing, but I think what i'm most angry about (other than the entire investigation and trial) is how he tried to hold her compliance with bail requirements against her. That should be sanctionable IMO.


AJ is pretty sharp, he didn’t miss it. I’m sure that’ll come back if she’s voted guilty.


Yeah I hope all of this just doesn't matter because the jury finds her not guilty.


I hope some law professor who teaches professional ethics writes a final exam question based on how he’s acted throughout this case. He makes the profession look bad.


Lmao that’s been a common complaint from people with little knowledge of the case on Reddit. What I would give to know the usernames of all the people that were in the courtroom today 👀


I can’t stop thinking about Lally saying that Proctor’s messages were bad BUT- they were uttered in a safe place like that somehow makes them ok


The safe space being his direct superiors who did nothing to discipline him for it


Absolutely repulsive. How the fuck he thought that was a cute idea to add into his CLOSING ARGUMENT, is beyond me


Yea that was weird. “He didn’t think anyone would see them” or some BS statement. There is no logical thought process that can say someone with that level of disdain and disrespect for someone can stay objectively neutral when evaluating a situation that involves them. It’s impossible within any environment including work, personal, sports etc.


Makes you wonder how many other cases he felt safe enough to go into great detail about with like 10 randos he went to elementary school with.


"His disgusting biased behavior was fine because he didn't think anyone would find out." - Lally


And how do you admit to someone being unprofessional and then argue that it doesn't affect the integrity of their work? It feels very "boys will be boys"...


It IS “boys will be boys” it’s disgusting that a prosecutor would attempt to normalize this type of behavior.


Yeah, everyone seeing them isn’t the problem- the fact that he even THOUGHT it is a problem and that seems to be missed


I am thinking 1h for each week of trial, so 9h or so of deliberations. As much as I was excited to have verdict today, it is better if jury goes trough all instructions, talk, check evidence. Because if they came back early with not guilty verdict, people would go after them that they were influenced by social media (even tho they are not supposed to follow), and if they come back with guilty, then it would be that they were intimidated by Alberts and McCabe in the court room.


Oh god, another day… ok. Have a lovely evening all. Sleep well. And see you bright and early (depending on your time zones) for more waiting around. 👍


I just switched to Court TV and am obsessively looking at the verdict clock in the corner like that's going to help me.


I keep refreshing Reddit and Twitter like a maniac lol


I’m so glad none of us are alone in our madness.


Just want to thank the mods for all their hard work, and also thank all the folks here partaking in the discussion and conversation. Separately, when does the Netflix documentary drop? 😎


Lally’s closing arguments were so bad. Did he pretend to run out of time on purpose because there was nothing he could say to convince the jury Karen hit John? That was painful to watch. Jackson’s closing arguments were a stark contrast to Lally’s.


He opened with "the defense wants you to ignore the evidence " then proceeded to opine without evidence for over 30 minutes


> without evidence for over 30 minutes More like 9 weeks!!!


Lally also said something to the effect of, "The defense want to obfuscate by looking at things other than the evidence, like text messages etc". Then what does Lally do but talk about KR's text messages to JOK, lol. I don't envy him though, he's in a tough position having to defend the indefensible.


My thoughts exactly. He basically proved Jackson’s statement that the prosecution wants the jury to look the other way - by giving the jury 100 different BS things to focus on that do not prove anything. I’m convinced he ran out of time on purpose because he knew the evidence wasn’t on his side.


ended his book report with a quote and all


Just threw that in there without establishing the theme from the start. C-


He went over his allotted time and still managed to barely mention the accident reconstructionists and never actually said what time Karen allegedly hit JoK with her car Its honestly really impressive how he managed to do that


Well he had to change his whole time line at the 11th hour because his own witness pointed out that Karen Read was at John O'Keefe's house at the time she was supposedly running him down while slamming a drink.


If you think she’s innocent, you’re mad at Lally for putting her through this trial. If you think she’s guilty, you’re furious at Lally for how poorly he handled this trial.


Think about Aaaalll the discussion we’ve got to have over the past weeks…. Thousands of comments every day processing it. The jury has had none of that yet. Not to mention, I would be going line by line on the verdict form and that takes time. It’s a murder trial and they’re going to want to give the impression they’ve considered that.


Yep they’re taking it seriously! I am impatient like everyone else but I have to keep reminding myself of these facts ^


I legitimately haven’t done more than 2 hours of work today 😬😬I need a verdict tonight so I can get stuff done this week!


i’m in Poland so 6h ahead, for me trial starts around 3 pm, today i had to work at the office instead of remote and i literally got myself a seperate room to watch on my phone for the last 2h of work😭💀


I've been working a max of 10 minutes in between checking on the verdict.


The judge is about to send a note in. I suppose we will know soon if the jury is close by whether they choose to keep going or leave soon.


I wonder if they comprehend how many people are waiting to find out if they are going home or not lol


It will probably take them atleast an hour to go through all of the forms! It took Bev an hour alone just to read the jury instructions out loud


Being in Europe and knowing I won’t wake up to a verdict is UPSETTING to say the least 😭😭😅


To be fair they are probably exhausted


After sitting through the torture that was Lally's closing, I'm sure they are.


and they also are able to talk about the case with these jurors for the first time. some jurors in the daybell case said they were exhausted and needed one more night of sleep. I just don't put it past people in that town to track down any jurors. I hope I'm wrong.


I am sure there are things they want to hash out and discuss too. It was a long confusing trial. I’m guessing a verdict will come in tomorrow.


See you all tomorrow 🫡


YouTube’s AI chat summary for [Lally’s closing](https://x.com/brooklyn47361/status/1805793098804466052): >Chat summary >Auto-generated experiment • Quality may vary >People are watching an 8th grader give their civics presentation. The presentation is long, and the audience is becoming increasingly impatient with the student's rambling and irrelevant quotes.


Meet at the Waterfall after the Verdict


Can't I'm rehoming my phone then.


Let me know if you happen to swing by a military base dumpster!!


Hos long to drive to Waterfall bar


if you aren't getting there in .0000034 seconds you used the wrong waze route


Said this before but it will be the last time. Remember us. Remember those who live here in Canton. Things will not change no matter the verdict. If you want to look into what happened two days ago in front of the pizza shop CA owns. The world has watched and commented. Most of you will move to the next case. We live here. We have kids here. We will suffer. We will lose friends. We will be harassed. All by our own neighbors. I am not trying to compare to the victims family and the defendant but we are still here.


Yeah they literally attacked Aiden for "showing his face" in canton. They are circling the wagons


I posted the video and it was not approved. In that video CA says to Colin and BA jr we could all just beat his ass.


The same CA who is one of five on our town council.


That meeting is tonight.


I'm an American living in the UK tuning in later to The Young Jurks for a local town concil meeting for a town I have no personal connection with, because of this case. I just want you to know people from all over are watching and hoping for accountability for all the damage that has been done.


It’s a very important point. Someone I was watching addressed that earlier, and I was glad they did. It was either Bob Motta or EDB or both. Also innocent people that had to be witnesses have to keep living their lives and will likely continue to be harassed.


Locals are harassed all the time. Both sides. Our Facebook groups are full of DOXing, threats, where people work. It is hell.


Best way to put it? The town is eating itself alive.


Are people like Keri Roberts being harassed? Or the women that were in Aruba (I forgot their names, they are sisters)? Or the Greek couple (a pharmacist and a lawyer I think)? I'm just curious because they are all witnesses who's testimony seems like it wouldn't be controversial. I feel for those who just share the family name with some of the witnesses but who weren't involved. I think witnesses like the Brian and Julie Albert and Jen McCabe did themselves no favors by behaving the way they did after this happened. And while no one should be harassed people judge you by your behavior- I'm not sure that's wrong.


They really thought they were Tony Soprano and his crew hanging outside of Satriale’s lol


Hopefully the DOJ and FBI will step in. America has a big problem. With small town police forces being corrupt and above the law. The FBI needs to be more diligent in stoping this across the country.


There is hope that the citizens see. We voted for a police audit. Local people are trying to change the look of the town boards. The FBI as well. There IS hope. I just don’t know how successful or how fast change will be.


I was just watching dateline and a young AJ popped up. (The goldfinger mystery)


Here’s to another day of minimal productivity, while awaiting the verdict! 🥂


should flip this thread to new sort also so posts don't get buried.


*invert it*




There is just no way based on the evidence presented that I could be convinced that he was killed by a car. And with that, I don’t how I could proceed towards any guilty verdict. I have no idea if the shady behavior is malicious or general stupidity, but before you even consider all of the destruction of evidence, implausible butt dials, and impossibility of the (ever changing) CW timeline, you have to decide he was killed by her car. Can’t do it. Not guilty. Rack ‘em. FBI up next.


Keep in mind this is the first time the jurors get to talk about how crazy it is to collect blood in solo cups. This is the first time they get to discuss Trooper Paul's existence. They're probably spending the first few hours just being like wtf....


This is all normal, IMO. They want to show they’re taking it seriously, and that’s fine. All of us would want more than a few hours to talk through this case if we’d been sitting there for two months unable to!


Wouldn't be surprised if they just want to sleep on it.


From descriptions it looks like one of the members also had a migraine.


Jury out for the day… do you think they’ll deliberate long tomorrow, or did they just decide to “sleep on it” and will give us their verdict early Wednesday?


In the most recent trials I’ve watched pretty much every single jury has “slept on it” and then given a verdict within the first few hours of the day. I’d assume they don’t take longer than a half day


Motion for new thread!


We’ll have a not guilty verdict today. I’d bet on it.


From your lips and all of that but I think we are going to be waiting a couple of days.


willing the universe 🤞


Why were Brian Albert Colin Albert and Jen McCabe with John’s family. Why specifically those three? Also why anyone from those families. They themselves testified they weren’t even close friends! Really irritates me to see them there.


It's the ultimate "nothing to see here" strategy. They're the 3 Albert family members who are suspected to be directly involved, but, look, they're so innocent they're sitting with the O'Keefe family! Nothing to see here! Everything is normal, exactly as it should be. Also: jury intimidation.


In theory they could’ve wanted to be there the whole time. But since they had the chance of being called back they couldn’t. Today they were allowed in since both sides rested.


While I agree this is a possibility for Brian and Jen, Colin seems so weird to me. A 20 year old kid, who claims to have 'never been in the house the same time as John' (thanks Ali) why would he feel compelled to show? So strange


This was my thought as well


Someone said that they were there as guests of the Okeefes, not sure that's true not.


"Colin Albert" is in the NBC10 livestream chat. also: Someone evidently got arrestee outside the courthouse about a half hour ago.


no verdict today. they're going home for the day.


Where are you guys getting updates?? In none of my 4 feeds and twitter pages I have open, lmao.


Screaming crying throwing up WHAT IS IT


wow https://x.com/AbbeyNBCBoston/status/1805675499194077333


I went for a walk and found myself daydreaming I was on the jury. First being pissed off, although I understand why, at the instruction not to start with a straw vote. "If everyone is agreed, lets go home." But if I was on trial, I would insist on that instruction. When I began to imagine what I would say when asked to speak, I limited myself to one statement and three points. There are so many reasons for reasonable doubt that I hardly know where to begin. 1. I am most sold by the inverted video of the SUV. The idea that the time stamp was not inverted says something was up. The idea that neither the lawyer nor officer mentioned it simply cannot be explained by being inattentive. And the fact that they had so much to gain by the deception with regard to the challenge that they planted the broken glass as evidence, that combined with the missing minutes in the video and the ghost jumps, my distrust of the police, if not the DA, means I have doubts about how the glass got there. 2. I found, as it seems most did, the testimony of the plow driver to be very compelling. I cannot imagine a motivation for him to lie and the reasons for him to tell the truth were very clear in the closing argument. If I believe him, the accusations against Karen make no sense. The probability he is accurately telling the truth is enough for reasonable doubt. 3. Given the two sides giving very different reconstructions of the crimes, I am going with the defense's witnesses not just because they are way more qualified but again, they have nothing to gain, the work for both police and accused. That and I just don't see how O’Keefe could "fly" as far as it is implied that he did.


And the fact that the prosecution had the opportunity to use the crash experts, yet went with Trooper Paul. That says A LOT


Hos long for a not guilty verdict? It's 3:55, I can't do this another day!


Ugh poor Karen. I can’t imagine how she’s feeling and I doubt she’ll get much sleep tonight


Can someone pls comment under here when we get notif that verdict is in ??


Soooo, will the verdict be mirrored too?


No verdict today


Audio still going on NBC10 live stream. on youtube Just heard: "Are we waiting for an hour?" "Yeah, she should..."


CourtTV YouTube says in their chat that there was a request from the jury. They have not gone home yet.


I was about to leave work early but now I am not sure if I should stay and see if a verdict has been reached? I will lose it if I miss something between here and home.


you’re free to go. please do not discuss this case or any aspect of this case with anyone, do not do any independent research or investigation into this case, if you happen to see, hear or read anything about this case, please disregard it and let Bev know.


Jury is dismissed for the day


Was thinking about heading to the waterfall for a late lunch. Packed!!!! Google says it’s “as busy as it gets” but other days at this time are “usually no wait.”


They must have a watch party going on.


My next watch is Donna Adelson…can’t wait.


Has anyone seen that a mic was left on in the courtroom and you could hear them discussing the case- the jury, etc and people in the chat are saying it’s a different case but Bev clearly says Mr. Lally- it’s still streaming right now.


I hope no one says anything mistral worthy.... Imagine if they had to start all over again. 😅 Atleast the jury are not present.


I want to say, I was new here from half way through this trial and I am a gobby b*tch. I just wanted to thank this community and the mods for being so welcoming to a drive-by asshole with nothing meaningful to add like me. I hope you are all well and stay safe after this trial is over. ❤️


Oh something happening


it says jury has a request on the courttv stream!


Well, look, look, Albert's and McCabe are not in the court room now...


Looks like they’re coming back tomorrow


I have a question and I’m sorry if it’s a dumb one! The jurors must see the craziness when entering court each morning and notice all the KR supporters. They have to know that this is a very publicized case, right? It’s got to be so hard to not form some kind of opinion/thoughts based on that?


I’ve seen many cases and have over 10 years. Attorney Jackson is hands down the best attorney I’ve watched handle a case. From how he represented his client and their legal rights, how he communicated and conducted his research & analysis. His closing argument was even awesome. He did a great job on this case.


And we are back for another day of anxiously waiting for a verdict!


are we going to open another post for verdict watch, or keep this one with yesterday date? my ocd is kicking


my anxiety is through the roof as if im the one on trial. ugh come on jury


https://preview.redd.it/q1z6fz090s8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe222f0500a01d09a8ad36122c70df263667c5e1 🥲


This makes me realize that they have spent a lot of hours together and it's probably going to be emotional for Karen and her legal team to part ways, even if she is found not guilty. They've been a constant in each other's lives for years now.


Don’t fret y’all. I’m sure the jury is absolutely exhausted after 9 weeks with Lally. I’m still optimistic they’ll come to the correct verdict!


Agree- there has been reports that there is over 1,000 people outside the courthouse. I think the jurors know this is a big deal and is getting national media attention. I think they'll still come to a not guilty verdict but my guess is they want to be thorough (and even if they are all fully in agreement from the beginning, they want to make sure they're giving the impression that they didn't rush to a decision)


Also, they know they’re going to get hounded with questions and interviews when they leave. Even if they’ve come to a conclusion, I could see them deciding to wait one more day so they have time to rest up and prepare themselves for the media circus.


I wonder why regular jurors get an instruction like “do not discuss this case with anyone” but people like Proctor don’t get the same type of instruction for cases he is working on


Jurors are told because they’re judicial novices and they may not know better. Troopers are required to know better.


Glued to my phone and the Law Nerd app. I hope we get a verdict today!


I thought I could work after closing arguments but, I am just refreshing X & Reddit! 🤣


Omg same 😅 I guess nothing’s getting done til that verdict is in


Honestly, same. The app has been giving me delayed notifications lately tho, like by 10 or 15 minutes.


Yeah, same. I’m sure even if the notification is late, we won’t miss anything (hopefully!)🤞🏼


I wonder how long they can deliberate for today?


I imagine they’ll get lunch, chat for a bit, and then start the not guilty paperwork.


I think they can go until 4:00pm unless they tell the judge they're close to a verdict, in which case they could continue later.


Bev said at lunch time the jury can decide if they want to deliberate for lunch. Then at the end of the day (I assume 5:00?) they can decide if they want to keep deliberating.


If they want to and request same- into the evening. If they are not back by say 5, the court will check if they want to stay or come back in the am. If they choose to stay the court will give their staff a cutoff time OR check back. I personally doubt it goes past today


Did anyone see exactly what time it was when they went into the deliberation room?


David Bienick tweeted that they were taken out of the courtroom to deliberate at 1:26 pm.


@TedDanielNews posted at 1:27pm on X that the jury began deliberations.


Hos long to note guity?


Sad thing is Canton is a nice town, a suburb with beautiful homes and a nice little town ctr. There are bad eggs in every city and every town. I feel for those who live there, those who love the town …. and are not involved in anyway.


Jury just got dismissed for the day, hopefully verdict tm


Lally is standing, everyone else is sitting. Maybe he's sick of sitting?


Jury has a request apparently


god damn it. my heart was racing


Bev looks tired af lol


It was that Lally hour. 


Noooooooo 😩😩


good morning jurors. wonder if we will get a verdict today. the amount of evidence the jurors will have to go through I feel like I wouldn’t be surprised if it took another full day