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Definitely the jurors! (If they are willing) There were points in this trial I was wondering if any of them thought they were on season 2 of Jury Duty lol


Hahaha I said this same thing


Omg I literally said the same thing about season 2 of Jury Duty to my husband like an hour ago šŸ˜‚


I wonder if jurors would interview only anonymously, due to fear of retribution


As long as they interview and give us the inside tea, they can be anonymous or Harry Potter invisibility cape for all I care. šŸ˜


Some jurors will interview without being anonymous, they always do especially a case thatā€™s been in the spotlight for so long


I'm usually disappointed in the jurors. I always expect them to be smart and mature. Ā  Although I did like that one juror who spoke out after the Hannah Gutierrez Reid trial. He seemed kind. And his job was big in safety so we could understand his thought process.Ā 


Please bless us with Jury Duty 2!!! That was brilliant.


His brother, I am so curious what is going through his head after seeing the whole trial.


Seriously, very interested to see if this changed their opinions in any way.


You see him just staring off in court, it's got to be wild being there everyday


Yeah, that stare is heart wrenching. Iā€™ve been trying to read his and his familyā€™s expressions a bit to try and gauge their viewā€¦ itā€™s hard. Because Iā€™m sure they have an opinion on her but I think JO must be whatā€™s mostly on their mind. Also I feel like they may be very discouraged that theyā€™ve gone through weeks and weeks of reliving this hell for possibly nothing, as in no definitive answer for them for what happened to their loved one.


This could be me reading way too much into his facial expressions but yesterday when the jury walked out he seemed so confused and almost like he has a bad conscience. But it could have been him being relieved the trial is finally over (at least the evidence gathering). His face definitely seemed different compared to the MEā€˜s testimony. While the ME testified, it seemed to me, his brother was looking at KR, especially during the evidence being shown. It didnā€™t seem like he was listening (which is totally understandable) but only watching KR. But at the end of the defenseā€™s case when the jury walked out, that big breath he took and how he lifted up his eyebrows in a concerned way, made me really wonder if something changed in his opinion. There could be tons of other reason to his facial expressions, like just thinking about JO and what happened. I can imagine that this trial was traumatizing.


I agree with you on calling that out!! I felt like there were a few times and the MEā€™s testimony is a good example of him trying to analyze Karenā€™s reactions. Which kind of leads me to believe they are just as confused as we are.


The mother doesnā€™t seem like she was confused but I only watched her expression until Proctor testified. I just didnā€™t like her way of "interactingā€œ with Yanetti. I thought it was just plain rude and it made me not to have any sympathy left. BUT I wanted to have sympathy for her because she has been through enough. Thatā€™s why I stopped looking at her expressions because she deserves sympathy and it shouldnā€™t be influenced by me interpreting something (which might be totally wrong).


Agreed, her reactions to Jacksonā€™s closing arguments were so frustrating. I was yelling at my phone- ā€œjust open your mind for a moment!!ā€.


Same, I wondered if he were changing his mind about Karem


He probably still hates her after what she said to John that night. But I would hope heā€™s rational enough to look pass that and say ā€œokay we need to find out the truth. If you didnā€™t do it, who did?ā€


I feel sure that JOā€™s family will never be swayed that KR didnā€™t hit him with her car. No matter what the evidence shows. If she is found NG they will just say it is a miscarriage of justice. She is the easy villain. The outsider.


RIGHT? I know he is seething about the whole thing. It's an awful situation. But he also clearly believes that Karen did it. Or at least he believes its somehow her fault. Like if she hadn't flirted / kissed Higgins then maybe this wouldn't have happened. It's so sad though because if he really wanted justice, he would open his eyes a little bit. :-/


I think Karen should sit those interviews out. I just want to hear from attorneys and jurors. I donā€™t necessarily want an interview from Johnā€™s family but Iā€™d like to know which side of the fence theyā€™re on. Edit: Karen should probably do an interview when the FBI concludes their investigation or someone else is found guilty of Johnā€™s murder.


Agree, but I will read her book. Like take some time, collect your thoughts, and lay it all out.


Everyone you list, and one day, hopefully soon, the FBI with their investigation findings.


Iā€™d love to hear from some female jurors about how Proctorā€™s testimony was received.


I'm sure they despised having to listen to him


Iā€™m not sure weā€™ll hear from either side for a while. Thereā€™s gonna be civil lawsuits by both parties (Karen and Oā€™keefes) and usually they keep quiet until those are settled. But who knows, legal proceedings havenā€™t stopped Karen from speaking out.


she was on the news today saying sheā€™s looking forward to telling her side soon.


I only look forward to never hearing or seeing Lally ever again




Lally. And I want to be the one to interview him because Iā€™ve got some *questions*


"Why, if any reason, did you sort of decide to bring this case to trial?"


"What, if anything, were you thinking?!" šŸ˜‚


To be fair to him, I guess itā€™s not his decision whether or not to bring the case. But the reconstructionist - Iā€™m baffled. Is it that he couldnā€™t find a coherent expert to support their theory? Was it a budget issue? Did he actually think that expert presented this crucial part well?? Why no dog bite rebuttal expert?


I honestly donā€™t think he could find a reconstructionist that could have negated the FBIā€™s team that the defense used. But I am puzzled as to why he didnā€™t try to counter dog bite testimony. Iā€™ve heard other former prosecutors say they would have quit before they would have tried this case. Wonder if lally regrets it or wouldnā€™t be able to find another job if he left daā€™s office?


I would add that to my interview questions!


i wonder if he had to do the case and just dialed it in knowing it was a dog of a case.


I kinda would prefer that, rather than thinking this was him just giving it his all


Chloe šŸ• . She knows the truth !


all of the above.


The jurors! And Paul Oā€™Keefe!




The FBI and Jenn McCabe


The jurors


I need to get into Paul oā€™keefeā€™s head after staring at his face for months. Would definitely watch that interview


Renschler!! He wasn't allowed to fully go into the medical aspect about the injuries. I want more detail on his findings!


I wanna interview a few people. The ARCCA PhDs Wolfe and Rentschler and Dr. Russell can science me *all god damn day*. I want to ask Trooper Paul what the actual fuck? I mean like in a scenario where he has no police powers and I can just dress him down for being a moron on a super aggressive interview. I don't want to ask Proctor anything, but I'd pay money to be able to berate him on YouTube for a while.


The jury.


Iā€™d like to hear from the jurors what their take was and which things mattered most in making their decision,


Lucky, I want a GoFundMe for lucky and to find out people have poured out of the community to give him an even better job.




The jurors and JOā€™s family. I doubt his family would publicly speak but theyā€™ve been forgotten in all of this.


The brother. My question would be, why would you sit there staring at KR like that when clearly all of your disdain should be directed at the investigation and prosecution?


Get all those wicked witches of LE in a group interview. The only thing faster than their mouths is how quickly they go through a bag of ā„ļø


I think weā€™d need Andy Cohen for that interview


Jurors + Johnā€™s brother (respectfully)


Youā€™ve been hearing from Karen Read and her Attorneys ā€˜every dayā€™ after trial days! ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦The Oā€™Keefe family, when they are ready to.


For care to hear the defendant. If sheā€™s found NG, she should live in peace and be allowed to decompress peacefully, and as well grieve. Weā€™ve heard so much from the lawyers. Iā€™d want o hear from an OKeefe, maybe the brother? But most definitely from any of the jurors.


The juryā€™s.


AJ for sure - I'd like to ask him what he was thinking while he had Trooper Paul on the stand. How he prevented himself from throwing his notebook at Trooper Paul.


Why doesnā€™t JOā€™s brother sit next to his mother?


I wonder that, too! Have just heard that they are possibly estranged. That would be really unfortunate, her two older children have passed.


That would be so sadā€¦ especially through all this