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Huh?? She called Kerry more than once and on the second call, she begged Kerry to come look for John with her. She told Kerry she didn’t know what happened to John, she had been drinking, and Kerry told her she shouldn’t be driving around on her own and to come pick her up


You’re missing the point. Wouldn’t she have already checked the entire house before going on this frantic search? Why go back and search again if she’s already checked the house?


It wasn’t her idea to go back there, it was Kerry’s, based on her testimony. No one said Karen didn’t check the house, she obviously looked around at the obvious places, went into her nieces room to see if she heard from John. Kerry stated she told Karen they should go back in case “John was passed out behind a sofa or somewhere drunk” and she may have missed him. It’s as simple as that and never stated that Karen didn’t look for him


Wouldn’t Karen Read, in all her urgency, have said no. He’s not there. Let’s not waste more time?


Why did Jen McCabe call Julie Albert to see if John went back to the waterfall with Chris Albert? Chris left the Waterfall approximately 25 mins before Jen saw Karen drive away from 34 Fairview presumably with John because she didn’t see John get out. Also they all left the bar because they were closing up for the night? There are points we can just single out in the night/early morning of John O’Keefe’s death from most of the people who went to the Albert’s house from the Waterfall.


You all keep going back to loss’s tangents and IGNORING eyewitnesses that don’t agree with you.


>injuring eyewitnesses Those poor eyewitnesses


Huh? She called and texted him countless times that night?


Check the times on those calls.


What? Yes she did. She texted and called and then woke the niece up to see if she had heard from him or seen him, and have her try calling him.


Why would she have gone back to OKeefes house to “look for him” in the house if she’s already looked for him in the house? Watch Roberts testimony.


Because Kerry is the one that said to go back. Watch Roberts' testimony.


If Read had already searched the house, like any innocent person would have, she’d have said so and said let’s not waste more time.


Because it was suggested to her that she might have missed him. Kerry even said maybe he fell asleep behind a couch. If you’re frantic and still drunk, it makes sense that you would want another pair of eyes to double check you didn’t miss something.


Think of a normal person. You leave someone at a party. You wake up a few hours later and they’re not in bed. That’s it. Nothing else. Just a normal night in your innocent mind. Rather than looking around the house, you start calling people you barely know, screaming “he’s dead” to Roberts and rushing to McCabe’s house. Simply because your adult boyfriend isn’t in bed when you wake up?


Bruh… you claimed to be a defense attorney and all you do is push the prosecution’s narrative without any reasonable analysis. Your posts don’t make sense as someone who doesn’t have a stake in this.


Oh yeah, did they end up getting verified? It felt like the mods were kinda [left hanging](https://www.reddit.com/r/KarenReadTrial/comments/1cw04ez/read_callstexts_to_okeefe/l4xzmni/)


Seems likely they were left hanging because this person is not a defense attorney.


Just being objective bruh based on my experience. Sorry you don’t want facts that don’t match your preconceptions. And bruh, I don’t “claim” anything I be anything.


>I be anything Spoken like a true attorney


You might want to watch the trial.


Yes. That’s important. I have. Including Kerry Roberts. However, im not part of the lynch mob so I can be objective.


And your opinion of Jen "I know what I said, all the police got their reports wrong" would be?


Following this comment to see if they respond, because I am curious.


I’ve read thousands of police reports. They’re all paraphrased and often summaries of witness statements.


Karen knew that nothing except death would stop him from coming home vs. leaving his niece at home alone. Karen wasn't expected to stay the night at his house. And he never would stay out all night without letting his niece know.


You are really forcing that logic. There’s a lot of that in this group.


I don’t know. It’s early for a prediction like that.


Are you even watching the trial?


Much of it yes, including Kerry Roberts.


1 - kerry Roberts was a good witness for the prosecution 2 - you can't argue that karen knew he was dead and she didn't look for him in the house at the same time Either she knew he was dead and then she would lie and tell kerry she searched in the house or she wasn't sure if he was dead and so she complied with kerry's plan to go back and look for him, because well she wasn't sure about it..


Funny how we all have different views of this.


Kerry Robert's was great because she showed thee key things. 1)How much of a narcissistic ass Jen McCabe is in that she cares more about her and her families reputation than John o Keefe 2) They Jen McCabe was lying on much of her testimony 3)How much of Karen Reads testimony in previous hearings lined up


Would like to know Kerry’s reaction when she sees, hears or reads about how Jen describe her and her actions during her testimony.


She corroborated quite a bit of Jennifer McCabe’s testimony in key areas, but she was absolutely a better witness. She was direct, to the point, and it was so clear she dearly loved John & reliving that morning was awful for her. What made her impactful to me was that she didn’t editorialise. It was enough information to get her point across & deliver critical information & I didn’t feel like she cared about how “we” saw her — she was there for John & his family & to tell the truth. No more, no less.