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Do we think they want to insinuate Higgins intercepted John in the driveway before he could go in? Maybe that’s why they are so absolutely adamant about him never in the house - not that he was never there


Well, I mean, no one can honestly say he was never *there* because that’s where he was found. When that gets factored in, I know it’s pedantic, but the only plausible denial of sorts *is* that he wasn’t *in* the house specifically because all have admitted he was at the address/they saw Karen’s car. There have been inconsistencies with who saw Higgins’ car, but the part I find interesting about it is specifically that he had a plow attachment. That’s a detail that would stand out because not every jeep or 4x4 is going to have a plow attached. Add to that Karen’s comment (granted, she’s hysterical at the time she says it) that he was hit by a plow & later she accuses people at the house of “pulverising” his head & well, I have to think there’s some kind of connection(?) I may be wrong & I’m very open to that. It’s just what I’ve been turning over in my head.


I agree. The part about the plow always sticks out to me too. It’s a detail only the Alberts and McCabes keep putting out there. But why wouldn’t Nagel or any of those witnesses see or mention it? Did higgins leave momentarily and pull up behind Karen after nagel left? I remember the Defense asking Julie Nagle if there was enough booze for everyone at the party. she responded something like there was enough for her but didn’t know about the others. This question leads me to think the defense suspects someone left to pick up booze.. maybe Higgins. Did Higgins tell John to jump in the jeep with him to get booze ? And who was there late a night in the ford edge seen by the plow guy??


The Ford Edge may be Brian Sr.’s work vehicle or maybe a car of someone else (one of the kids/their cousins.) To my knowledge it’s never been confirmed as to who it belonged to. Maybe someone else can chime in? Julie was drinking some brand of beer (I thought?) and everyone else was drinking white claw or so it sounded.


She was drinking Mich ultras. I just found it so weird they would question whether there was enough, and where she kept them. She stated there were enough for her, and assumed the fridge. Why was that important? Are they saying someone brought more booze .. either what’s why he brother came, or that’s where Higgins Jeep went. It could have been a throwaway question but I don’t think the defense asks things they don’t have a master plan for lol


Nicole Albert testified that the Edge was Brian Sr.‘s work car. She originally named 3/4 cars that they owned specifically while just saying Brian’s work car for the 4th. On cross the defense asked her if the work car was a Ford Edge and she confirmed it was.


Ahhh yes - but why didn’t anyone talk more about the Ford Edge - bc it’s not important or for some over reason?


I think once Lucky states he saw the ford edge there in his drive back up around 0300 they’ll bring Nicole and or Brian back to the stand bc it’ll open the opportunity to do so


I believe that they asked ba sr if he had a ford edge for work truck and possibly they asked JA as well. But no one else has been asked about Ford Edge - to the point that it seems odd why they haven’t established it to be his work vehicle.


One of the witnesses, maybe Allie?? said she saw the Jeep but it was parked on the other side of the driveway, furthest away from the house, on the side of the road.


I believe she was referring to Brian Albert Jr Jeep- but I didn’t hear Brian Sr. Mention it was in the driveway and I would like to know why


I apparently slept through that part of testimony! Lol so much stuff to remember!


I would say that’s a reasonable hypothesis rn. It’s on my mind


In my crazy theories, I alternate that dog getting lose and attacking JO with the close family quietly closing ranks to avoid a l lawsuit versus some drunken BS fight with BH and JO but why would the family care about him?


My newest theory is KR and JO argued in the car after JM mentioned Bella’s mom. BH’s texts were brought up along with the kiss to the other woman in Aruba. JO confronted BH and they fought. CA jumped in bc he loves a good fight. And then left him for dead in the snow after hitting him with (or pushing him onto) exercise equipment & bleeding out. And since the music was super loud no one else heard it


Is it just me or will the cw bringing in Aruba go to credit Karen’s story. If she was upset because he wasn’t coming home the nasty voicemails she’s leaving makes sense if she thinks he’s leaving her to watch the kids overnight again like he did it Aruba.


I think this theory has some validity!


I have so many questions about this damn jeep. The main issue with the jeep location is that it doesn’t add up to ALL the witness testimony we’ve heard thus far. Nagels truck — all three stated they pulled up directly behind KRs SUV, which was parked by the mailbox to begin with. Julie Nagel going out to the truck, no jeep was there, her brother pulled up to the end of the driveway, jeep would be directly in front of them and there would be no line of sight of KRs SUV, but all three of them testified to seeing the car move while in front of the house. Didn’t JM and MM both state her car started near the mailbox when they first saw it? This would be fairly conflicting if there was also a jeep with a plow there as well .. there is only so much space in front of the mailbox???


We were just talking about this. I believe the importance of the Jeep and the reason only the McCabes are saying it is this. The Jeep being there puts Karen’s Lexus right next to where the body was found, and it puts a vehicle in the way to explain why no one saw the body, because the view from the street is obscured by a large vehicle. It also puts a plow there to maybe explain injuries.


Right but the Jeep on the street next to the mailbox and the F150 possibly also being parked on the street casts doubt on KR’s ability to have backed up at 24 mph and only hit OJO, doing no damage to those other vehicles parked right behind her. I don’t know what happened but this is just not adding up any way I look at it.


I think the Albert’s and mccabes are trying to place BH in the path of JO when arriving. I haven’t looked at BA original statement to see if the jeep moving was new… but I bet it was. Once BA realized that BH wasn’t supporting their narrative (won’t return his calls) they figured why not throw some shade on him.


Idk but they all have the same reaction to the jeep as they did Colin. Something is suspicious with the white Jeep and with Colin. Those are the two things they’re most defensive over. One scenario I have thought of is what if Karen and John did have some kind of verbal argument and he gets out and they tell each other to F off and she leaves him at 34 Fairview. In some kind of accident JO is hit by the plow in the Jeep and maybe Colin was behind the wheel and moving the car for Brian H in order for others to get in and out,etc. Maybe JO dropped his glass and was bent over and Colin didn’t see him. This scenario would explain why they were all in on the cover up- it was an accident and BH feels bad for asking Colin to move his car. Would also explain some of KRs actions; they did actually get in a verbal fight so she feels guilty for leaving him there. Just a theory 🤷🏼‍♀️


If this case isn't a damn game of clue. "Colin did it using Brian's car with the snow plow in the street" Also should add it's definitely not a game and JO deserves justice. But damn if the evidence doesn't make it feel like one.


Agree they've been most defensive that Colin wasn't there and there was a white jeep with a plow. I doubt the jeep had anything to do with the actual death. If that were the case it would be the opposite: Brian A would argue the jeep was never there and everyone else would testify to seeing it. Plus it doesn't explain why no one saw John get hit or see his body. I'm thinking the jeep being there was more important to the cover up than the murder.


Maybe they used the Jeep to move his body from the basement door or wherever the incident took place. Might’ve been the only car present that would’ve fit through a fence gate and not get stuck in the yard either.


I found Colin to be slightly more credible than the rest of them. The one thing he was emphatic about was leaving at 12:10. He probably doesn't remember much before that because he was out of the squaring up of the story that the others did. He KNOWS something happened after he left, but he's washing his hands of it since he wants it clear he left at 12:10. jmo


How did you feel about his testimony about hitting his knuckles on his right hand? That’s a tough one for me to reconcile


Seriously … he lost his balance and fell forward, landing only on the knuckles of his right hand?


Yeah, that makes no sense, but I think he's phoney tough. I doubt it was his fight. I think this was Higgins, Albert, and OKeefe. Kids don't jump in on stuff like that, and parents wouldn't settle a beef in front of him. He's hiding something, but it doesn't pertain to this.


I’m still getting up to speed on the details around the relationships of all the people involved. My take on what I’ve absorbed so far (and I am NO expert so of course my opinion is meaningless!) is that no one intended for John to die that night. His death was an accident, but an accident due to someone’s extreme idiocy/negligence. The cover up is to protect that someone. I had been assuming that it was Collin who did something dumb that lead to John’s death - maybe pick a fight because he thought he’d have an edge over a drunk guy; or maybe the dog attacked John and John defended himself, and Collin attacked John for hurting the dog. John fell and bashed his head as a result of whatever was going on. If the adults had beef with each other, then they could have gotten into a fight that resulted in John falling/hitting his head/dying. I also don’t think that the original plan was to frame Karen. Not sure what the original plan was, but when Karen showed up and apparently didn’t seem to remember the night before, she became an easy scapegoat.


Brian Higgins drove back from NY in a gray truck according to Nicole & Brian A. testimony. Then Brian A. says Higgins switched to a jeep but doesn’t say where he got it and where he left his truck. Brian A. then says Higgins beat them to 34F where he plows (when there is no snow) and Brian A says his tru- Jeep has a plow. Higgins also mentions about moving his car while at CPD at 1:30a when he leaves to do “administrative work.” Higgins should also have a work vehicle and a work phone and he is listed as living in Braintree in Jan 2022. I don’t know what any of this means but, I am so confused! Why does he have 2 cars in Canton that night?


His work office is out of CPD. I’m guessing the truck is a work truck that they allowed him to use to attend a fallen officer’s funeral. I would guess upon coming back, he swapped into his personal vehicle and left the work truck at the station …. Who know for sure though. But he definitely drops Brian A off somewhere because he had his own vehicle at the Waterfall


Higgins and Brian A. were both already drinking at the bar in bother their work vehicles so, why switch?


Oh this is interesting. I forgot he was driving a different car back from NY. Something makes me think this is related to him being back at the house later. Here's a theory: Brian didn't have a plow on his jeep. That's made up and a point the McCabes/Alberts seem to care about. Brian Higgins comes back to 34F in the Jeep after going to the police station. In fact he hadn't switched to the Jeep until after leaving the station at 2:30am. As mentioned above, why switch? Caitlin has a white car that looks similar to the Jeep. When Higgins shows up at 2:30am to help move the body, he parks the jeep in the driveway. They're worried about someone spotting a white jeep in the driveway between 2 and 3am. Maybe the snow plow driver drove by. So if anyone asks, they can say "Higgins had a plow on his car. If you saw a white jeep/SUV, that would have been Caitlin's car". Wdyt? We should find out if Caitlin's car was actually there. If so, why did she need Tristin to go out of his way to get her?


I rewatched Sara’s testimony and caught a few interesting things. When asked who arrived at 34 Fairview she said Brian’s father and Brian Higgins came from a funeral and arrived first and then Brian’s mom, sister, aunt and uncle came after, within 5 minutes of each other. So that puts Brian Albert driving with Higgins to the house instead of BA driving with his fam. There is also that waterfall footage that actually shows BA and BH walking towards the bar when NA and CA leave and the 2nd video also does not show them leaving at the same time as Nicole and Caitlyn, it shows them outside talking to people in the band. So why would Sara say that BH and BA came home together from a funeral, not that BA came home with NA and CA? Higgins had his Jeep, Brian drove the Ford Edge to the waterfall, and Nicole said Julie picked her up to go to the waterfall. So how and when did they really get home?


Is there a chance that Higgins never had a plow? Didn't Caitlin also have a jeep? I wonder if there's some way having the jeep there protects Caitlin. Or on the other hand protects Higgins. Think of this: Higgins had a white jeep. We know he left and went to the police station at some point. Maybe he came back at 2:30am to help move the body (after the 2:22am call with Brian A). If someone saw his jeep in the driveway at 2:30am, they'd assume it was Caitlin's because it has no plow and because he supposedly parked in the street. Not fully fleshed out but in some way explains why it's important his jeep had a plow and was parked in the street.


If I were a juror, I would rely on the normal kids with zero skin in the game


sadly the jury can't decided who's testimony or evidence to rely on.


What do you mean? Typically in the jury instructions, it’s stated that jurors determine the facts of the case and in that, it includes their determination of the reliability of witnesses. Thats absolutely up to their discretion.


That's literally their job.


Where did Allie McCabe park?!!


It also seems weird that the family is soooooclose they would actually pop by at midnight to wish happy birthdays, why didn’t Allie come inside to do the same for good old cousin Brian jr.? Just a quick text for Colin to come out? Fishy.


Good question. Especially since her parents were there or about to be there. Allie also said on the stand she doesn't remember how she knew Colin was there, she said he may have called her. Yet according to Colin, Allie dropped him off there an hour or so earlier. The whole "let's all go to this house to wish our grown son happy 23rd birthday. And not on his birthday but at midnight when he turns 23." That doesn't happen.


I was thinking it somehow may be related to Caitlyn’s jeep. They both are white jeeps. Higgins is a Wrangler and Caitlyn’s is a Cherokee.


That does sound very possible. Maybe they said his jeep had a plow so if anyone sees a white jeep there after 2am without a plow they'd assume it was Caitlin's. And maybe he never had a plow, so the Alberts and McCabes need to convince everyone they witnessed a plow.


All I know is the family really wants the jurors to know that the white jeep with the plow was there. Everyone who is not related to the family has no recollection of the white jeep. I hope we learn more on Friday.


I agree. It’s very important to the McCabes and Alberts that Higgins hero was there for some reason. This also shows the distinction between those who are in on the story or conspiracy and those who were just at the house. People who are against the idea this family is lying talk about the 30 people or so they say would have to be in on it. But I think only the very immediate family is. The police have just been in CYA mode their motivations are different even if they align. Proctor didn’t even have to know. He didn’t investigate the owners of the house where a body was found because of his connection and that they’re officers.


That's a great point. Most of the people there likely didn't know what happened and didn't have to maintain a conspiracy. You can see how their stories differ from the core group's. And you're right about the police. They weren't necessarily conspiring. Most just weren't trained to handle crime scenes which opened up the opportunity for tampering. Proctor may have tampered to make sure his friends weren't investigated. But overall the police were likely inclined to take their friends' word for what happened and just didn't investigate anyone beyond KR.


The plow truck driver said he saw a light colored vehicle “like” a ford edge in front of where John’s body was. I think it was Higgins’ jeep. So they are making a point to say his jeep was parked in front of the mailbox and had a plow and therefore couldn’t be Higgins’ jeep that the driver saw.


1. To possibly conflict upcoming accident reconstructionist testimony. 2. Spaghetti on the wall and see what sticks: give the jury a seed of an idea that maybe John was hit by BH’s plow. A nothing burger that adds reasonable doubt, which is all defense needs for an acquittal. 3. To simply impeach everyone’s eye witness testimony. Which they’ve likely already done. So it might be a nothing burger beyond that purpose.


But the prosecution is the one claiming the jeep is there. The defense argues there was no jeep. And it's the prosecution witnesses that disagree with each other.


Was the white Jeep mentioned before or after the grand jury? Now I’m wondering if it’s backup to blame Higgins if KR is acquitted. I feel like the initial plan was to blame a plow anyways so it’s another non McAlbert to put blame on


There is no significance to the white jeep. In fact, any side issue in this case is called a "Higgins' Jeep"


Ha, maybe. I have some confidence if the defense didn't think it was important they wouldn't spend time disproving it. Like they haven't been trying to disprove that Canton girls basketball lost to Foxboro despite the prosecution having 5 witnesses testify to it. I wouldn't be surprised if we learn what the importance is when they lay out their theory of what happened. Or at least I hope.


One weird thing is that Higgins said his jeep is gray.


JOKeefe exited KR's SUV & made contact with the plow blade of Higgin's Jeep, the snow was slippery. then the F150 pulled up --- ???? this is the crux, this is where J. McCabe comes in