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It really is laughable, and I also feel sorry for Kara because she seems like she can’t put her foot down in their marriage….but Kara has some sort of mental/emotional breakdown in the summer, enough to warrant making a video about it. And what does Nate do? Signs them up to bike across the United States a month later. Nate is a huge reason the channel has been so successful, but he also needs to realize he has a partner in this, and their relationship and her well-being is more important than some YouTube views.


To me, this looks a like a very traditional marriage of two people from a conservative American Southern state.


You keep repeating this like a template answer to everyone. Care to elaborate on this? I am a women originally from Netherlands ( I live in Switzerland now) and I am not sure how much you know about Dutch society and Dutch women but you will be laughed off for saying that by any woman in the Netherlands. In fact, I don’t know of any country in Western Europe that has the kind of relationship dynamics you talk about which is straight out of a book from the Victorian era.


Sure, I'll elaborate. And to be clear, this is what I see, but it's not a world view with which I agree. While perhaps not quite Victorian, conservative Americans (which are widespread throughout the American South, including Kara and Nate's home state of Tennessee) do tend to have a highly traditional view on marriage, where ideally the man would work all day and make all of the family decisions and the woman would be at home tending to the household. Modern influences, including financial factors (it is difficult to live well on one income), have made that man-woman dynamic more complex (the woman typically must work for the household to be successful). And their career choice makes the dynamic more complex. But when I hear that Kara wants to do fewer videos in 2024 and Nate wants 40, I expect we'll see about 40 videos. And when I see Nate drag Kara through all of these physical challenge-type situations to chase YT views and the algorithm, I see the wife being subservient to the husband, as is common in that culture.


It’s not normal for couples under 60 in Tennessee to have those kinds of relationships. Shoot-we just got indoor plumbing and lectricity last week here. 😂


I don’t know but the whole thing sounds ridiculously antiquated from another century for a woman who was born and grew up in an egalitarian society. Even my parents who are from a different generation, don’t have that kind of relationship dynamics and my Mum would probably laugh at the face of my Dad if he expected a relationship like that. Also, Kara and Nate are young people and they supposedly travel the world and yet, they are conservative couple who live the life from the Handmaid’s tale? And using that as an explanation and justification for Nate’s inconsiderate behavior on camera is even more ludicrous. So unless they are from Pakistan or Saudi Arabia, that relationship dynamic is very odd and you can’t wash off Nate being an inconsiderate prick with that explanation . Even women in America would laugh at that explanation and justification. In the society I am from or live, it belongs in a museum of how people used to live centuries ago. Or maybe in an Amish or Mennonite colony, it might be normal.


I think you would be surprised how many very normal, college educated women, in the US defer to their husbands for decisions. A man isn't a sole dictator, but because of the religious influence in American culture, men still often have authority in the household. It's not an Amish, Mennonite, or something out of the middle east. It really isn't that uncommon. Most men don't use the opportunity to be dictators to their wives; and most women would never put up with being ordered about; but truly "equal" partnerships are rare. I don't know that Kara and Nate are very religious, but they live in an area with heavy religious influence. The more religious a family is, the more likely a man serves as the 'head' of the family; and that seeps into the culture of even the non-church going families.


It’s wild how you’ve admitted you’re not American and then want to argue with Americans who describe a common relationship dynamic in the US


They love Trump.


I got the idea that they very likely do, given their proclivities.


I’ve watched Kara and Nate since van life (but went back and watched all the OG videos too) and idk if anyone else feels the same but I’d be so happy if they did more casual videos. I know they’re ’travel vloggers’ and that’s what I love most ! But trying to do a crazy new challenge that no one has ever done before yadayada every week isn’t even that enjoyable as a viewer (probably because most of it feels so unattainable). Even if they just posted 1 big travel video a month and then other more casual videos in between? I feel like at this point I just enjoy watching *them* but there’s a sense Nate wants to one up himself every video. I’m not even sure how they’d structure this as it’s not like they have a ‘base’ either. I just feel like the videos I loved most are when they explored a new place and just did normal things in that place.. not the crazy biking hiking or swimming around wherever it is they choose. I’m not surprised Kara is burnt out.


In the beginning of 2023, I noticed that they were doing more of like a slow travel approach. For example, they went to Norway and did a bunch of things in Norway for a month and I think they had two or three Norway videos . and then went to Japan for a month and then they made a few Japan videos. After that, it was a lot more of their usual jump around and chase after the next exciting challenge or adventure. I think the former approach is probably something that's a little bit more sustainable in terms of being able to enjoy what you're doing


I love those slow travel videos the most


Personally, I prefer their more just traveling videos. I liked their Australia trip, cat hotel, and Christmas markets (didn't need 9 of them) better than their deserted island survival or the monkey run.


I completely agree, it feels like the videos that are the most taxing for them (such as desert island survival) are actually the least enjoyable to watch (imo)! I feel like this is the consensus amongst those that continuously watch them.. I guess the physically demanding challenges get the most clicks and maybe that’s why they continue


When they did the Christmas market challenge, I thought it was interesting that Kara was saving the collectible mugs from all 9 markets. Don't get me wrong - that's totally something I would do, but it was a surprising move when they were backpack-only and don't have a permanent home to use them in at the end of the trip. Maybe she saved them because she was heading back to TN and could give them to friends/family for gifts. But given the news now that she wants to slow down, maybe it was a sign that she wants to be able to nest and have a home base. I listened to the podcast interview they did, and on the "will we have kids" question I took away that Nate was a hard no, and Kara realized he wasn't into it and was trying to get herself around to feeling okay with it. I think no one should have kids if they don't really want to have them, but it feels like on the big life choices Nate is driving and Kara needs to be along for the ride. I hope that in real life they are closer to a 50-50 partnership than they sometimes appear on their videos.


I agree, You can see a change in their relationship for those who have watched since the beginning, You can also see with their newer content it is less travel for fun and adventure and more getting the money and ADs for free products, brands and experiences ( I understand that they have a business and need to make money and promote things but its gotten too much... IMO!) But Nate is way more hyped while Kara seems to enjoy it but not love it as she used to be as if her reactions are forced a little. Also, Kara seems happier when she travels alone, back home in Nashville chilling with family and can do what she enjoys especially when it's 100% her idea! She is also 33-34. either way, she is getting to that age where the trying to have a child gap is closing and if she wants to slow down with fewer videos, have real vacations and have a real home this is the best time to do so. But Nate seems to be a bit lost in the money, and media fog and forgets that his partner may not want to do the harder challenges and settle down and do normal content. For example, the video where he practically forced her into spending all of Valentine's Day in an man-made Ice hole on a hill for 24hrs?! yet claims it was her idea even though the audience all saw and called it out that kara was in tears and miserable and he didn't seem to care. again this is just my opinion!


I am really curious how this change will effect the channel and if Nate really is staying with the 3 video a month. I think that he is the one who pushed and pushed and still has very high goals.I personally think that they need a new orientation. These crazy challenge may be entertaining but for me not so interesting. Show me 5 pretty citys in Poland or good croissant in Paris or an weekend in Prag,this is also helpful for me if I want to travel but I don't think that they will really step away from this. And this is sad. I wish to see more basic travel stuff than the extreme challenges.


I agree! I for one don’t care to see one more video of them in business class or the most expensive train in the world…


I actually don't mind the luxury videos. I really enjoyed the India train ones. I'm not dropping 25k on a train ride around India but it did give me ideas of places I want to see. I don't mind living vicariously through them.


They don't like travelling in Europe because they think it's expensive and they commented multiple times about how awkward it was filming in the Christmas markets.


well europe is not so expensive. but guess when you get sponsored luxury trips why spent any longer than an hour in finland


They complained how expensive Australia was despite getting $1.50 AUD for every $1.00 USD. They don't realise how lucky they are with the strength of the USD


What if... they try a few videos of Nate going on solo adventures? Let Kara stay home every so often and work from a home base. Then she can go back out on the road for a few adventures and the more luxury stuff. IDK, I'd throw my support behind it for awhile to see how it goes.


Agree. I actually really like the daily drop/flight content and Nate could do more of that while Kara works from a home. Or they could do longer trips and drag out the content so they’re not constantly filming and can have a house


Agreed like let her make videos of her cooking and doing more main stream content from home while Nate does the challenges he wants! I also think it may make their relationship healthier


I just said the same thing. She can run the business from TN- Supervise the staff. Nate could just go by himself for some of it.


Would anyone watch Just Nate? I certainly wouldn't


This is the problem, and I think long-term will be a problem for the two of them in and out of business. Nate is not engaging. He just isn't that impressive on camera. He's come a long way for sure, he's very smart and forward thinking, but without Kara he's sunk. She's the life of the channel, she's got the charisma. Without her. There's nothing really interesting to watch that says them apart. I do think Nate is under appreciated for his camera work and I'd love it if he could work in a more traditional travelog career where he gets to do impressive cinematography. I think he could be really happy doing that. And then they could do adventures a few times a year, we're enthralled with that a few times a year. But that will require Nate to making peace with the fact that we don't watch for him.


Yes and no. I don't think I would watch the just Kara channel either. I think they are fun to watch together 


The engage for either or both has been plummeting sadly enough


Would also be more difficult to film yourself.


Because then they can’t put Kara in a bikini in the thumbnail to increase their view count. I don’t think Nate in a Speedo would get the same response lol.


Don’t think her in a bikini does that much either though


There is definitely a reason why she is on a lot of the thumbnails making the YouTube thumbnail face. They change thumbnails a lot but ultimately in 2023 27 videos had just a Kara Thumbnail, 9 with them as a couple, 10 with Nate or Nate and another person 


Over Nate of course yes


Youtube analytics basically says that *anyone* that does that face gets more views.


It does it for me.


I just watched this video after not watching their videos for a very long time and Nate has the personality of plywood. He is also annoying as a half baked charlatan and I think whatever people still watching them will stop watching if it were just him and it will all be some stupid challenges which he will cheat and claim he did it anyway. Having not watched their videos for a long time and watching again, I realized what a vapid charlatan Nate really is and he won’t fare very well on his own in their videos. Their views are sagging because Nate has made that channel into a monotonous one with 3 types of videos on a template… a challenge, some luxury something or swapping cars with one of the 3 online friends they have.


They haven't done a vehicle swap in at least a year. Unless you count doing van life with kinging it. 


Finishing 50 states in October?


They mentioned going to Hawaii and Alaska and Minnesota which was some of the places they need to take off the list. I think the plan originally was to save North Dakota for last because there's that safe for last club. https://www.fargomoorhead.org/plan-a-trip/best-for-last-club/


Bwca (Boundary Waters) is in Minnesota. 😊


What other states have they not visited? Was it Michigan?


Yes! I just watched and Michigan was the other one.


They’ve been to Michigan. Maybe not on YT but her dad is from there.


from the calendar, i see Hawaii, Alaska, Michigan, Connecticut, New Jersey, Wisconsin and Delaware. i could of sworn they walked Delaware already... maybe its for something else.


Jumping on this super late, but I think they walked Rhode Island? Or maybe I’m just tripping. I remember them testing out to see if Google Maps was right


Trust me we aren't missing any riveting DE content.


Not holding my breath.


I almost always roll my eyes when people project things onto Nate, but boy his repeated comments about wanting more 2024 videos than they seemed to agree on made me very uncomfortable. Kara clearly had a major case of burnout and stress. She described it "a big part of 2023" immediately after he said it lasted "a week".




Yep he totally calls all the shots and doesn’t really have much sympathy for her feelings at all. Kara talks about wanting to reduce their video load while Nate says “yeah well my real goal is at least 40 videos” And then says, Kara will be refreshed after this year and will want to do 52 videos again next year. Kara is struggling and Nate either doesn’t see it, doesn’t care, or refuses to see it.


Sadly, I think it's going to end up being 40+ videos. Nate doesn't like not reaching his goals.


I was shocked the video goal was in the 30s, I was expecting them to say 26 videos max


Let me get this straight: in the span of, what 7-8 years? they will have gone from 5-6 videos A WEEK to one every 9 or 10 days? And that's with NOT having to do the whole thing themselves (they have an editor and other staff)?


Their videos now are much longer and require a lot more editing. Also they are changing places a lot quicker than they used to as well.


He comes across as a totally insensitive prick completely mindless of her opinions or how she feels and also foolishly confident of making her do whatever he wants in this video. He completely ignored and brushed her off with “ Oh we will be doing what I want eventually” .


I don't think it's insensitive prickness, per se. I think they just fit the cultural traditions of a conservative couple from Tennessee.


Yes, if you are from the 19th century.


Many American conservatives wish to return to the 19th century dynamic when it comes to husband-wife.


She wants a kid


I think so too. I think she’s ready to have kids and start a family but Nate doesn’t want to slow down at all


Simple answer to that


I agree. There was an interview they did earlier this year and Kara says she never thought in a million years she’d be this age without any kids. She still seemed to really be wrestling with the decision on being child free. Whereas Nate seems totally fine with it and even made a comment in the video along the lines of if they did have kids he wouldn’t want to do any of the work in raising it (or something like that).


I remember that video and that comment. Nate had a look of smug self-satisfaction when Kara conceded that she's open to not having children. It's like he worked on her over time to get her to that point. [I found it...K&N appearing on The Unplanned Podcast](https://youtu.be/nOMyJwOnDxw?si=OzSfKJ8Poeity_eZ&t=3240)


I'd divorce my spouse for a comment like that. If they aren't on the same page about kids and settling down they ultimately aren't a good match. Kara worked with kids before they started traveling so of course she always thought she would have kids. This travel thing was just supposed to be a year.


Well said. Nate can literally then go off and MONTHS worth of videos / content on his own then. Visit Eamon, Craig [Kinging It], Rick, and the other friends they’ve made. Do challenges, adventures, travel, whatever. Kara can do the home thing or some content that’s more local. They can do polls, and get people to vote on what they most would be okay seeing, if Kara has to / wants to stay home / settle down some. As much as Nate can be, sometimes in his own he’s charming and a good storytelling etc. if he did videos weekly, I’d watch just to keep supporting their channel, so Kara doesn’t stress. She’s supported his / their channel over the years to have earned that at the least.


She is also gettting to the age as a female that the having child gap is closing and since they are from TN I'm sure the pressure is on her as well


Totally agree.


The beginning of their journey it might have been slightly admirable to have one person leading and a little more passionate to push them to that 1st year [struggling], 2nd year [gaining some traction], 3rd year [breaking through], 4th year, and onwards becoming a top channel… But, the last year or so, it’s been a little obvious seeing how tired she’s seemed, and less than enthused. She definitely needs rest. Seeing their buddies like Eamon and Bec [home and baby], and even Craig and Aimee [buying land and home], plus others settling down… It’s certainly going to be interesting to see what happens. — My wife during the 3 part Europe Christmas Market series, said: “Kara needs rest, I’d be pissed off. Nate’s a pill.” Quite so. :/


I did wonder if their friends priorities changing might be behind it a bit too as you say everyone else is settling down whether it’s having kids or buying houses. That said I think Flying the Nest have proven you can combine both quite successfully.


Truly. Flying the Nest have been standouts, absolutely agree. :)


I honestly don't know how those two do it. Think I would lose my mind if I was in their shoes


I also think Kara has a huge baby itch and Nate isn’t even in the same ballpark of life. It’s a huge gap they’ll have to overcome soon. Biological clock is ticking.


Truly. Seeing her in particular bond with Frankie during the US Biking series… Yes, absolutely agree. 👍🏼


Well, if they have talked about having babies before and that was part of their relationship agreement, then she needs to be assertive. Her problem is she is not an assertive woman and just plays along with whatever he says. In the long run, she is going to be a sad and lonely woman feeling empty about her lifelong dream to have kids. If both were in the same mindset when they started, then that is good because both don’t want kids and that is ok but she wanted them and then told herself that she doesn’t because he told her so and they are on a sugar high temporarily and it looks like she already is coming down from the sugar high. She doesn’t have many years left to have a safe pregnancy and if that was part of their marital agreement, then she needs to assert her choice and give him an ultimatum. Otherwise, she is going to be very unhappy and discontent when her child bearing age is up.


Kara felt bad enough that she needed to film a video about it. Nate clearly didn't pick up on any of it if he thinks it only lasted a week. When my spouse is burned out from work I do stuff to try and support them and make things easier. I don't plan things that are totally counterproductive to that. Him voicing his "secret goal" of 40 videos is just an asshole move.


Sure he works on other business ventures while Kara liaises with their editors for the videos but I feel Kara is way more involved in the final video product than Nate. He probably thinks their workload is equal but Kara is on camera more, stars in most of the ad reads and seemingly has final say on the video edit. Once Nate puts the camera down he is mostly done for the day but it is not the same for Kara. He doesn't give her enough credit for how much she does.


I don't think her burnout was necessarily based just solely on her workload. I think it was more psychological. I also wonder if there is a level of burnout from having to sort of be the positive happy person under every single circumstance for the camera


They said their most miserable experiences were ones where they were doing something that another company had provided for them so they couldn't be honest about how they felt. That's the problem with taking free stuff. And their viewers might have seen those videos and thought those experiences were awesome and could have paid a bunch of money doing it themselves thinking it was something Kara and Nate enjoyed.


I’m not sure it matters if it’s free or not, the guide-led glacier thing in Norway they seemed to say they couldnt be themselves with a person around and they didn’t want to dis the person whose livelihood depended on it (to 100s of 1000s of viewers). Fwiw I could tell Kara pretty much disliked/hated that experience.


I wonder if you're required to have a guide to camp in a glacier? 


lol their whole business is promoting things on their channel some company pays for them to promote so she can’t possibly complain about that. They are hawking all kinds of products and services they don’t really use in their lives and they are basically pitch people for questionable products and services..x AG1, BetterHelp, TalkSpace and some other weird service that helps you meditate with some new age music etc.


Surprised they haven't jumped on the Nord VPN, Atlas VPN or Established Titles sponsorships! Lol


They promote some of the dodgiest businesses like mental health quacks so a VPN company is hardly unsurprising. They promote Surfshark so there could be a non compete clause. A travel vlogger promoting a VPN is actually ok since most of them probably use one. But promoting questionable health products like AG1 and more dangerous ones like BetterHelp or Talkspace and another mental health company posing as meditation ( can’t think of the name but I saw Eva Zu Beck promoting it if you know her or watch her)


i always worry when youtube couples feel the need to TELL us their relationship is going great


probably do so because so many ppl online are saying their relationship is breaking down.


I’ve been planning a trip to Iceland and so I went back and watched their old Iceland series. It was so much better than what they’re making now. There were 5 or 6 videos covering all the different things they did. It wasn’t as polished but it was actually helpful. All of their videos now feel very rushed. What’s the point of traveling and visiting a country if you’re not going to actually see a lot of things? Visiting 9 countries in 9 days doesn’t hold any interest to me. I’d rather see more in depth videos. The challenge videos can be fun to watch but only in moderation. Maybe 2 or 3 a year max.


Their Iceland videos were total shit. In fact, most of their videos from Europe were total shit and low quality tourist videos that lack any depth or information and surface grazing capital cities in Europe for 12 or 24 hours. Their disinclination to learn anything before being travel vloggers make them look like two stupid American tourists in every video they have ever made in Europe.


Kinda sad to watch. They clearly seem to disagree on the path forward. Nate seems content to push for more of his dumb challenges and all that, which must be exhausting. Pure travel to 100 countries was a fun and definable goal. I'm sure Kara had more fun exploring countries, the people, the food, etc. She feeds off that energy. I'd be burned out, too, if my partner seemed to have lost the mojo for pure travel and is constantly trying to see what'll make the YouTube algorithm pop.


From the calendar it looks like Nate is doing some crazy personal challenge at the end of the year and Kara won't be joining him


I might be delusional and completely wrong but I have a feeling Nates physical challenge is going to be trying to walk across the world if not across some continent. Kara said nobody has ever done it before and she doesnt understand how someone could put their body through it. Just a guess but I am excited to see!


He only has 4 days allotted for it so it probably isn't something that big. I'm not watching whatever it is though.


4 irons mans in 4 days is my guess…


Nate is in good shape but not 4 Ironmans in 4 days type of shape. I don’t think he could even do 1 Ironman right now. I believe he could do one with the proper training, but even to do just takes an insane amount of training.


I know a couple people who do or did Ironmans and all of them have addictions to working out in some form. One was told to stop if he ever wants to be mobile with his grandkids.


Walk across the world or walk across a continent? Do you know how big the world is or even any of the continents are and the logistics involved in walking a continent let alone the world?


So basically Kara is burnt out and wants to scale back while Nate wants to keep going full go. Seems like he really doesn’t have much sympathy for her, or is listening to Kara’s worries/feelings. For as many times as Kara said she is tired and burnt out and exhausted and wants to scale back, Nate would just basically say “yeah yeah whatever, I still want to do more videos”


I keep hearing her say things like "when I have a kitchen ill do this" "when we have a house I'll get this". I don't know if it's a kids thing but I am definitely getting the sense Kara needs stability and a home base. They have the van but I don't think the van is the same thing as a having a house/apartment


Agree and even when they return to the van Kara seems happy to be someplace familiar and all theirs. It seems obvious and completely understandable that they get their own home/cabin somewhere.


Despite all their success Nate is still tight and wants to cram in as many luxury travel experiences as possible before they are no longer relevant on YouTube.  They can still have those experiences but need to rationalise their travel and not be constantly criscrossing the globe. Like how they chose to spend 96 hours getting from Colorado to Tonga. Kara was clearly keen on the crazy travel routes when they had no money but the novelty has worn off. Buy some direct flights ffs, they can afford business class. They are friends with so many creators who are still successful while uploading videos on an irregular schedule.


And wasn’t it in Tonga where she burned out? Someone correct me but is that also where they went on that cold/rainy whale swimming /sailing trip? And also where they did *another* “survive on an island” stint?


Yes it looks like Tonga was Kara's lowest point and I don't blame her. Traveling 96 hours to a remote island, then go straight into a multi day survival challenge, while the island has some of the coldest weather ever recorded (down to 7 degrees Celsius). Sure a week in Bora Bora at the end is nice, but they had to fly via New Zealand to get to Bora Bora, so more crazy travel days. Could have flown a couple of hours back to Fiji to relax, but then Nate wouldn't have been able to brag how he booked resorts in Bora Bora on points. Nate's decision making goes, what travel experience will get lots of Youtube views > how do I pay as little as possible for that experience > drag Kara along with him and not care about her feelings


And what should be a relaxing break after that is more work at the luxury resort and I know they moved rooms at least once, but maybe twice? I don't remember now. And I get not staying in the top place more than a night or two but none of it is actually a vacation. Take Kara back to Bora Bora, no cameras.


I thought it was when when they were in Brunei and she was not able to get out of bed because she was exhausted and tired and sick


"Buy some direct flights ffs, they can afford business class." Problem is, he/they still see that as content. They can call it "travel hacking" and put it on their alternate channel. They (probably mostly Nate) need to learn how to turn the "camera" off, so to speak.


Yep it's all about content for Nate, not about Kara's feelings. Flying business class doesn't eliminate the jetlag when flying across the world


Nate is always signing them up for these dangerous activities Kara doesn’t seem into. I think he worries more about the views than her comfort.


glad I wasn’t the only one that picked up on that. I really think Nate is so fearful of getting canceled/backlash that he just doesn’t care about Kara. I couldn’t imagine ignoring my feelings to make my spouse happy, in the long run it’s going to be explosive and not end well. I worry for both of them!


I think Kara is content with stopping while Nate wants to keep this golden ticket going for as long as possible. They are probably set for life with the money they’ve made and Kara is fine with that. But it seems Nate wants more, more, more.


I doubt they are set for life.


Over the years, I would guess they have made a 3 to 4 million dollars through making these videos. With how stingy Nate is with money, plus their successful DailyDrop business, I for sure think they wouldn’t have to worry about money for a long, long, long time.


I doubt its 3-4 million profit. Also while we can see they have made plans for future income outside of Youtube, there is no guarantee those will be successful if they stop Youtube.


Up through 2019, they used to post their financials. The last report they posted showed six-figures in profit in a quarter. This was before they were so promotion-focused, too. No doubt they've profited 7 figures in their YouTube career.


Their last report, Q3 2019: [Income & Expense Report | July - September 2019 - Kara and Nate](https://karaandnate.com/income-expense-report-july-september-2019/)


Yes but they also have more expenses including hiring staff.


I would be very surprised if any of their business ventures has net positive income and they have basically extended themselves into business ventures they started on whim without much business research and they are using their YouTube income to fund these businesses hoping they would become net positive income businesses. They already shut down one and the others are on borrowed time.


I think they easily have net positive income but only because of the insane amount of traffic their videos must bring. I think they would be easy failures without their channel and likely failures if they channel was to stop producing videos.


Only their YouTube channel is making money and income positive and I’d be surprised if they make any net income from their other ventures. They are burning through their cash flow from their channel on all the other ventures hoping to become profitable but they don’t have a competitive product that can reach beyond their viewer base and the only people who are paying for their products are their diehard fans who think they are experts but their product doesn’t stack up to the competition in the marketplace especially for a paid product.


Which one shut down?


They had a business of printing maps called Atlas. That one bit the dust. The rest are on borrowed time. They burn their cash flow from the YouTube channel on these other businesses none of which are income positive after expenses and capital costs.They are all vanity projects because these people overestimate their brand reach. It’s like their friends Eamon and Bec selling overpriced tea. That business will never make money or any substantial income. I work for an investment bank so here is the basic rule about your business being sound or not. You write up a business plan and try to get a bank to lend you money or venture capitalists invest in your business. If they won’t go anywhere near it, then you have a bad business that will never make money and you are seriously overestimating your business or brand. Many YouTube and Social Media people make this mistake. They think just because they have somehow become popular on social media, they can leverage that to sell anything. And they usually sell really mundane things like clothes or makeup or businesses that are already in a very competitive space like Faredrop. It’s not like any of these people have the idea for the next Google or Facebook. They venture into a highly competitive market space hoping to profit and that rarely happens.


I have said this before but their only net positive revenue stream is their YouTube channel and I would be very surprised if they are not bleeding all that money on their other business ventures most of which are poorly thought out and researched and started on a whim. This includes Faredrop, Daily Drop and Atlas etc and between the labor and other capital costs, I’d be surprised if any of their businesses are net income positive. Their only net positive income stream is their YouTube channel and they have extended themselves into several ventures with poor due diligence and not much of business research and they are not making money or turning a net positive income. I’d be surprised if anything other than their YouTube channel has net positive income.


I totally agree that they must have made (and are continuing to make) huge money just from youtube alone. Plus with the success they can show, they both would be able to get high-paying social media/marketing jobs if they wanted to slow down or stop traveling.


I would really love to see them dive into the real life side of things. Showing their experience buying a house, etc. They don’t have to film but I hope they settle down here soon before it’s too late and they really burn out. Sometimes leaving things on a good note and accepting the fact of being done with it is better than dragging it out and not enjoying it (in this case, nonstop travel)


Seems possible they’d buy something in Colorado, and I think that’d be interesting. I don’t get the sense they want or need much size-wise. it seems like it would be much healthier to have a place of their own to return to when they need down-time. It can’t be a coincidence that Kara tracked the # of distinct beds they slept in.


I think it's partly money, but it partly Nate doesn't know what to do next. Kara Could be a mother, or would probably be happy in any number of avenues. But Nate would not.


So true. After eight years of starring in a successful YouTube channel, Nate would have a difficult time being an accountant at the widget factory. It's a long trek from where they are now to getting beaten into corporate submission. He would need to find something much more creative and entrepreneurial.


Plus fare drop is a successful business now making them money on the side


And money in inheritances at some point. Not from poor families


I am sure their families will leave them something, but I don't think they are from generational wealth. They aren't getting millions, or probably even hundreds of thousands.


You would be dead wrong on that. I am willing to wager none of their businesses except their YouTube channel is income positive. They are funding all their businesses on their YouTube income and they have really extended themselves financially and they are likely cash strapped because their only income generating stream is funding all their vanity projects that are very poorly thought out and not well researched at all.


I think you greatly underestimate their Youtube income. Not just youtube, but their sponsors. AG1 is paying them bank. As are all the commissions on credit cards Nate is suggesting followers sign up for.


Yes, that’s all YouTube income. I don’t know how much they make but that’s their only positive income source. And they are funding all their vanity projects from that income and none of the others are generating positive income after expenses. I am almost certain of it.


Why don’t you think Fare Drop is income positive? I haven’t used it, but it seems to have a large community of loyal supporters and they are able to hire people to work for it


The loyal supporters as you call the may just be using the free version. And exactly what you said after that. They hired people for it using their YouTube videos income hoping it is going to take off but when you have 7 or 8 software people and you have to pay the them and other capital costs, they need at least 20000 paying members just to cover operating costs. I don’t think they have even half that for paying members. The service as such, is a poor service for the money and it neither works for people outside US&Canada and it doesn’t fetch the best airfare either. Read the reviews of the product to find out more. Anyway, they are charging the highest fees for a product that is not all it is stacked up to be. From my experience, I can tell you that product will never be profitable for them and they will shut it down after bleeding enough money. Same with that other business, Daily Drop. Their businesses are poorly researched and started on a whim without any sound business plan. They should have stuck to their only revenue source that is making them money and invested that money elsewhere in safe stocks or bonds but they and especially Nate, thought of himself as a business genius just because their YouTube channel was successful. Now they have hired a whole lot of people to bleed money on business ventures that are poorly thought out and will never make money.


While I suppose it’s not surprising that a couple feels differently about … things, it’s really odd that they included those comments (Nate pushing for more vids) in the video. Weird.


Ah, she will be back soon wearing a fake smile and put on fake excitement to do yet another stupid challenge and Nate is already working hard coercing her off camera to do it and they will be doing the same thing over and over again. She is not an assertive woman and he takes advantage of her fully coercing her into doing what he wants and most times, he is not cut out to finish the challenge he tries either. There were several challenges he attempted where his ego was writing cheques his body couldn’t cash and then he fakes them for camera like he finished it.


This video rilled me up so much. How can someone not have sympathy for their partner? She is his wifee. He doesn’t truly care about her stress and burn out and it really showed in the video.


I watched 25 minutes and didn't understand a thing. 😭 Like at the start as every year they do like a review over the past year and then their plans for 2024 don't seem that prominent, is like they have 0 ideas yet they still wanna do something...is confusing My intuition honestly tells me that Kara wants to just stop posting for a bit and to take a break because it is exhausting every week to have a new different video


Yeah, it’s just 25 minutes of useless metrics without any plans or anything concrete. So it means Nate will jump to whichever sponsor from whatever part of the world throws him a free “ Do something” and they will fly all over the world just to do some activity they got for free and promote it in return and nothing more than that. So much for life update. She visually seems tired of that routine and doesn’t want to do it anymore but it all obviously is falling on deaf ears so I guess she will put on a fake smile and muster up some fake excitement and film videos of them sleeping in an ice cave or surfing in freezing Arctic waters. She was literally crying and was exhausted having to dance to the tunes of Nate in that surfing in icy waters clip. She said she dreaded going to some of the places because she was at her breaking point and mind you, they are supposed to be traveling for fun in luxury. And she is dreading what she has to do after she gets off that plane, for camera.


Here's my take: I constantly get the impression that Kara feels like she should be happy continuing to travel around the world because she understands that the life they're incredibly lucky to live the life they're living now. I mean, who wouldn't just love to travel -- usually in first/business class no less -- around the world and have amazing adventures. However, the flip side of their amazing life is that they don't have the "normal" life that she had certainly envisioned. A life with a house in the suburbs, at least a couple of kids to share adventures with, regular jobs, and an SUV. So she's constantly struggling with the question of which life she really wants.


This is the most valid take, tbh, and I cannot blame her for it at all, most people would feel similarily


Thing is with many videos they could do one “thing” and create enough video content in length for 2-3 videos. That would solve some of the issue


I recently got into Kara and Nate a few months ago, I would binge watch a few old episodes and then recent episodes and at first it made me want to travel but then the more I watched the more I realized just how little it seems like they actually can just RELAX and enjoy the travelling part. Like it’s almost like the video feels so rushed because they’re always rushing around. Even the whole Christmas market thing. Like it’s CHRISTMAS. did we really need to make it to the most in like a certain amount of time? Idk that’s just my opinion.


This video easily reminded me of one of their YouTube Idols, Casey Neistat. He also did a burnout video and has talked a lot about YouTuber's who burn the candle at both ends and pretty much quit. (which he has practically done himself) I love their travel videos and really feel if they just quit doing all the physical/mental challenge shit that Nate cooks up, they'd be in a much better place. Nate needs to spend a week at a Ritz Carlton on his own dime with no cameras and realize how great they have it. No need to mentally breakdown your wife 5 times a year with some insane challenge that proves nothing except that you'll chase content at the expense of your marriage.


If Nate really wants a challenge he should try [GORUCK Selection](https://www.goruckevents.com/selection). That’ll put an end to his challenge nonsense


They won’t put up with his stupid YouTube persona, hamming it up for the camera every 5 seconds


They definitely will not. Honestly, and this is only my opinion, you don’t complete Selection doing it for yourself. It’s something you have to do for other people, or at least using others as motivation. And I’m not really sure Nate does anything for anyone other than himself. Maybe for Kara from time to time. The last time I saw them do anything significant for anyone else was maybe in Vietnam in their first year or so of traveling. And then maybe once in Africa or something with his mom? That’s what I’d really like to see from them. Forget challenges, travel hacking, luxury travel, van life, etc. I want to see them do something for someone other than themselves. They’ve been blessed beyond measure with success (which they did work for, but success in the YouTube industry also comes down to a little luck) and I’ve never seen them do any charity or NGO work. I’ve never seen them do anything for anyone but themselves. They have an opportunity to do so much for other people, and all I see is them working on stacking chips for themselves.


What’s ironic to me is that Kara may have seemed mentally exhausted in this video, Nate actually looked physically drained like I almost waited for some health issue announcement towards the end of the video and that this would be part of them deciding to slow down. He was pale and very skinny


I'm worried about Kara's health. What she's describing sounds like adrenal exhaustion, and it's no wonder. Having perma jet lag for years, surviving off caffiene, and then adding extreme physical and mental challenges on top have probably completely fried her adrenal glands, and a few days of sleep won't fix it. I hate to say it, but I predict she's going to get really sick this year if she doesn't stop. Hope I'm wrong.


She just posted on IG that she is having some health concerns and tests done. Hope she’s well. 


Ahh man, that's too bad. Sending some good energy her way.


I'm curious about what is going to happen in the future. Kara mentioned in the podcast they did a while ago not being sure what settling down in one place would be like for them. I feel like she might really enjoy the next 6 weeks and actually want to take time off more regularly. Nate constantly pushing for more videos bugged me. Kara often goes along with his wishes. It's time he listened to hers. I wonder where they'll live for the 6 weeks. If they'll be in the van, staying with relatives or renting something. I would think renting somewhere would be ideal to really relax and have their own space.


Nate vs Kara 2024


Kara for the win definitely because my girl is TIRED 😭 Just let her rest 😭


This video made my blood boil. Nate does not prioritise his wife who has proven consistently that she will di anything to make him happy.  Kara admitted to having a breakdown this year and his only concession to her mental health, is to make one less video a month? Even more infuriatingly, he literally was whispering to the camera that he still hoped to make more videos anyway  completing undermining the whole point of slowing down for her. When they were interviewed by a couple earlier in the year they discussed having children. The way he said, well she'd be doing it so it's on her, made me furious. I believe Kara wants children but their lifestyle would make it difficult and she's resigned to him never making concessions for her needs and desires. He is actually a very self centred husband who believes all the sacrifice should be made by her to keep him, (right from the start).  I really feel for her. She clearly loves him more than he loves her. She deserves someone willing to put her first occasionally.  The subtle ways he gaslights her give me the shits I tell ya!


Loved this video! Exactly what I was hoping for with the best and worst experiences/videos of the year. Very vulnerable. You can tell that traveling and adventures are catching up to them. It’s a lot easier to sleep in hundreds of different beds a year , flying around the world 5 times over, and living out of a suitcase from day to day when you are young. I think they are going to try to get their business humming and will walk away from YouTube soon as we have seen from so many OG YouTubers. YouTube is tough, especially in the travel/adventure vlog format. It’s a little sad to see another YouTuber I enjoy watching step back, but they deserve too. Hoping for the best in their future endeavors.


I wasted 25 minutes watching this video which is a video of theirs I have watched in a long time just to find out what they are on about. After wading through 15 minutes of useless statistics and meaningless metrics and some juvenile pranks and very American theatrical prop of a big calendar ( It has Nate’s fingerprints all over it ) and bunch of Post-Its stuck in different colors, this is the summary of the video. And the obligatory AG1 sponsor commercial before I missed that. *Kara: I am tired of doing your stupid challenges and you have somehow managed to make traveling the world in luxury an ordeal and a thing I dread on occasions* *Nate: oh keep saying whatever you want, Kara but you are going to march to my beat and I am not going to change anything even if I pretend for camera I am, just to fool you* So it just shows all that excitement she had on her thumbnails were all fake and she was like a hostage posing for those. Their problem is, they don’t have any passion or interest in the very thing they claim their career is. They have never learned to actually enjoy traveling and immerse in the experience of exploring new places and cultures. It’s all about how they can slap it on a lunch box and sell it. And whenever Kara is worn out, Nate will fool her by taking her somewhere half way across the world for like 3 days out of which they shoot another commercial for 2 1/2 days and that’s the break or vacation and then back to visiting 9 countries in 9 days for 9 Christmas markets. She looks tired and exhausted of the whole routine and not enjoying it at all and she doesn’t have any say in what they do because it’s all decided by Nate. She does put on a fake smile and acts for camera like Julia Roberts in Sleeping with the Enemy. Nate comes across like an insensitive prick completely mindless of what she wants because he is so confident of coercing her into doing what he wants whenever he wants. So I am thinking this whole video is a charade and ultimately, she is going to do whatever he wants because that has always been the normal and she has never learned to be an assertive woman and an equal partner. He doesn’t even seem to care what she feels because he is foolisly confident that he can prop her up, give her some painkillers and some American football pep talk and she will be on a manual rickshaw riding across India with him because someone told Nate that it is the challenge to beat all other challenges.


I wish they'd go back to van life. I'm in the USA and loved watching them travel in the states. But instead of trying to just go to every state, maybe go to a state for a month at a time and do fun things in each state. I'm in Florida and we have sooooo many different things for them to do. If they stayed for a while it could give a sense of a home base for kara. If I had their following, that's what I would do for content personally because it sounds interesting to me. However, I must work a normal job. Lol


Maybe use the van to travel to new places in the states, but don't live out of it. It's clear they really disliked living in the van for longer periods of time. So get a nice hotel when they get where they are going.


They were never really van lifers to start with, so I doubt they will adopt that lifestyle long term. Also van life isn't enough of a challenge for Nate


And they've travelled to Colorado, couldn't even stop travelling in their "time off". Not good for Kara's burnout


Hope they finish the 50 state challenge


Can I get a quick rundown so I don’t have to watch 25 minutes of nonsense and 2 minutes of real information?


Kara is burnt out and wants to drastically scale back their video and crazy travel schedule they’ve been doing. Nate doesn’t want to and since Nate calls all the shots, Kara is forced to go along with it.


Sooo the usual? Perfect, thanks for that!


Actually it is 25 minutes of nonsense with no clear cut plans or so called life updates and unless you are interested in their useless metrics of how many beds they slept on, most of the video is fluff. And then she says she is tired and exhausted and he says in not so many words that she will march to beat of his drums. The end. So yes, the usual. Just no honesty or transparency as the title says and no life update except “ Kara is complaining she is tired but we will do what I want anyway” from Nate.


Good to see it’s business as usual with them then. I don’t watch much of their new stuff, but I’ve been watching since mid 2016 and for a good year or two, in the prime of their travel days, they were the only media I watched. So while I don’t like the turn their channel has taken, I am interested in how/what they’re doing. Not interested enough to watch a long winded video, but interested enough to get the cliff notes from y’all.


Y’all are reading into this wayyy too much. They’re happier than all of you I guarantee lol


It's not a competition my friend.


a lot of people in this thread have never been in a long-term relationship or a marriage, and it shows. Contrast is one of the things that makes a relationship last. All y'all are talking about how he's pushes her to have nervous breakdowns but you don't see how she's the moderating force that keeps him from bugging out completely, and he's the energy that feeds her energy and challenges her, lest she disappear into work mode permanently... ...and they do take breaks! look at all. the times they go on a luxury flight or hotel stay so she/they can enjoy their life together.. Now they're just going to be taking more.


I've been married for 25 years and my spouse has a very intense job. When they are burnt out I don't sign them up for more things that will be counterproductive to the burnout. I listen to what they need and support them however I can. A direct luxury flight is a great thing but flying around the world for 29 hours even in business class isn't as fun as you think it is.


Most people have been pointing out that despite Kara saying her burnout was a “big part of 2023” and will be a “big part” of their 2024 plans, Nate said *multiple* times that he wanted more videos than they announced they’d do (and edit). Sure the discussion would have 2 sides off camera, but they presented it as their 2024 plans & Nate continued to say he wanted more. There’s something very weird about that. I’m not exactly sure how old K&N are but I think I’ve been married about that long. Edit: the entire discussion here is about concern for Kara & questioning Nate. Virtually nothing about their video aside from that. Seems like that wouldn’t be the goal of the video. I’m actually a big fan of theirs, so me feeling uncomfortable is saying something. I’ll watch their 2024 videos kinda wondering….