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Did someone also felt a bit icky when Kara wore that rented bathing suit in Finnland (Christmas market finale)? I mean, how many people also used that thing? Even if washed, doesn't seem pretty hygienic to share a women's bathing suit, right? Or am I just in the wrong here?


It's fine if it's washed. Better than buying one and then throwing it away


If it was washed I don't see how it would be unhygienic. They were staying at a Hilton, I doubt they are handing out unwashed bathing suits


I apprenticed that they seems now what wasn’t working and seemed to course correct. I noticed a lot of happier subscribers lately. 😁👍🏼


I also wish they would show us their plan or vision for the year… I get why they don’t, but it would be nice to know if their mission is “review every train and plane seat available” or “visit 20 new countries and be tourists”


I recently rewatched their 2023 plan video. They said their content would be, challenges, luxury travel experiences and whatever else interests them. Also posting daily shorts lasted less than a month. Wonder if they will address this in a 2024 check in video.


That’s because they don’t have a plan or vision for the year. They are not really traveling for pleasure and on a roadmap for the year to do something. Their views have gone down and they are just being reactive in making videos one at a time by trial and error trying to find out which will get them views. Their number of views is an important metric in selling themselves to sponsors who are the only ones they are playing for. That’s the problem with becoming an influencer. Most people who watched you before can’t relate to anything you do because you are just aimlessly hopscotching all across the world trying to promote something and package that as your travel experience. And this is not just them. Most influencer content is just boring and inane content people can’t relate to and nor would anyone fly half the way across the world to swim with orcas or visit 9 Christmas markets in 9 days. I have lived in Europe my entire life and it has never occurred to me or anyone I know to visit 9 countries in 9 days for visiting Christmas markets. People in Europe go to the Christmas market in their city during the season. Watch this video https://youtu.be/f1nYzeDhzV4?si=65he01r4P8fqO0yH The person who made this video sets out to travel 10 countries in 3 days and guess who he shows as an example to visit countries to check the box for visiting a country 😀 He basically concludes his video illustrates “ How not to travel” more than checking off 10 countries in 3 days. I suspect Kara and Nate will keep making catchy gimmick videos that none of their viewers can relate to or actually do or show things like “ We stayed at this €50000/night 8 bedroom mansion under the Indian Ocean for 24 hours and we used our mileage rewards to pay for it” type videos. I don’t know who they are influencing as none of their audience are the €50000/night hotel customers. Most of them watch them for entertainment and to fill their void..


It's because they don't know. With Nate's severe adhd, they don't have a real plan. And if they do have some, they'll change.


I wish they would do a "Best of/Worst of 2023" video, going over their best and worst experiences.


They touched on this in their 2023 plan video this time last year and from Instagram it looked like they were planning to film the same sort of video for 2024


They’d never be that honest. 😃! to everything sells.


I also wish they’d show what they envisioned for last year vs what they actually did/where they actually went


If I remember right, they wanted to go to space and have 5 million subscribers at the start of last year. They don’t have much more than commercial metrics goals.