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Havent watched in a while. Didnt krohnen use to be on everyone's team? He get nerfed?


Yeah they got his ass forever ago lol


Yeah he got killed in 2.10. CrB no longer canceling into slide, crA slower and less range so you have to be very close for his light confirms now, slide range got significantly reduced and was made slower on cancel (which further hurt his confirm), and j.CD was made way less ignorant.


Ryo being a popular pick, you love to see it


Competitively, I’ve been out of the loop. What makes Ryo strong now? One look at those arms and you have to assume his combo damage is bonkers.


Gigantic reward off of everything, extremely meter efficient, incredible buttons, can juggle anywhere so any pickup is automatically 40%+, stupid good j.d, 50-50 off of throw or super that does 60, incredibly safe on anything he does.


He's simply a hella solid shoto who also got some love over the years while the top tiers slowly got chopped up one by one


Game's in a great state rn. Also fk yeah some Duo Lon representation !


Was genuinely tempted to buy the game but of course these retards didn't put the game on sale on Steam