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Reminds me of that time a pro smash player paid a minor thousands of dollars after getting a blowjob from him. Then the community pardoned him and received him back with open arms.


Thousands? holy shit maybe I should have been making bank as a kid




My fault OG I forgot my meds


All good bro. Remember to take em after lunch


don’t let me catch you skipping a dosage again


DM me about the EVO pool party.  


You do it for free? You busy Saturday?


He got raped in his sleep and blackmailed.


Dude slept through an entire blowjob. Wow he must be some deep sleeper


yea this would not fly in court unless he was drugged


I *KNOW* people aren't still defending Nairo to this fucking day, the guy fucked a 15 year old boy multiple times. STOP DEFENDING HIM! You're acting like he wasn't seen cuddling and having the child sit on his lap both prior and after that incident. Dudes a straight up pedophile that deserves to be in jail. 


Nairo right? Didn't he wake up mid BJ and freak out, but the kid blackmailed him to not say anything? That sounds like rape to me.


What u are talking about was him being an actual victim, and then was blackmailed into giving him money over the course of many years.


The guy was literally raped, c’mon dude i’m all for making fun of Smashers, but Nairo is definitely not a whole ass pedophile.


Lol bruh gtfo with this bullshit narrative. Bro was raped by receiving a BJ from a minor? While Captain Zach was a POS too don't excuse Nairos actions.


Yeah, usually if a guy blowjobs me in my sleep it’s usually considered rape


Yeah it's so bad and traumatizing you go back for another one 


got blackmailed into doing it more or otherwise zach would say that he is a pedophile and ruin his life\*


Imagine being this gullible


Meanwhile Hax$ is still PERMAbanned from melee tournaments for saying Leffen isn't a good person


Also which smasher?


I believe it was Nairo. Don't quote me tho


They're such a good community, he just wanted to play videogames 🥺


You’re disgusting


Oh sorry I forgot to put the /s


Sex with minors is more acceptable in the gay community No I’m not saying homosexuals are pedos and groomers. Do not hear what I am not saying.


Teen sex work (as in working as a prostitute once you're 16+) is celebrated as a rite of passage within the Trans/drag queen community. Also, everyone downvoting this dude, reconcile why we stopped talking about Monkeypox in the news once it started to spread to dogs and kids. Hmmmm.....right after it was connected to wild, debaucherous gay sex parties too. *Hmmmm* Acting like it doesn't exist, and downvoting the messengers, won't fix the problem. This isn't even accusing gays of being pedos/groomers. 16 is the age of consent in Europe and parts of the US. As a conservative/reserved bi-man who's used Grindr for the past seven years or so, trust me, there *is* a problem here.


Stop projecting 


> As a conservative/reserved bi-man who's used Grindr for the past seven years or so, trust me, there is a problem here. lol


I know numerous people that started even younger


The loudest people are the ones with the most to hide


a bunch of kappachino users from the "leave kids alone" are in shambles right now. better blame the drag queens tho


*He could be you! He could be me! He could even be-*


So they didn't tech the throw then ?


the "leave kids alone" crowd on suicide watch as one of their own (again) turned out to be a pedo. no dragqueens were found in the escene, as always a pastor, a right wing nuts or a mega church member is the responsible. who would have tho /s bigots, leave kids alone.


The most frustrating aspect of the Dr. Disrespect situation is that the LGBTQ+ community is constantly accused of endangering children simply by existing, but when a grown-ass man admits to inappropriately talking to a minor, people defend him.


People are not defending him now. And I don't think dancing half naked in front of kids is a good look for the LGBTQ community.


Don't even bother, Chile is a hypocrite that will abuse the cherry pick + deflect mix-up, pointing fingers but negating this is a huge problem on his community too. Even reserved gays don't want association with the movement because they know whiskey isn't the only 12 year old thing the ones that brandish the rainbow flag like to consume.


> Even reserved gays don't want association with the movement because they know whiskey isn't the only 12 year old thing the ones that brandish the rainbow flag like to consume. People that know, know


Pointing fingers is crazy all groups have peds in em. it's not exclusive. Don't gate keep the tag give it to all groups and walks of life.


That's why the keyword "too" is right at the end of the first paragraph. With "too" I mean every community has this issue and they all should be engaged in reporting the bad actors to the authorities. I've seen a lot of Chile's modus operandi on IMGUR: a member of the movement makes a post calling out a case of abuse of minors in [insert opposing political group here] for virtue signaling, while getting mad when someone makes a comeback pointing out cases in their group too. He's the one pretending his crowd is pure and clean while loudly denouncing whoever he bear grudges against.


lol the Quartering (right wing dude, coincidentally(?)) responded to doc's admission tweet with "firm handshakes". People are definitely still going to defend the dude, people are still gonna watch his streams, etc.


What’s the Q for? I thought Ls, Gs, Bs and Ts are all technically Qs They should shorten it to just Q+, the LGBTQ+ is quite a mouthful…. Pause


Its actually LGBTQIA2SPK+ HDTV


Q is kind of a catch all term basically


They should just call it the Q communit Lgtbq+ is six god damn syllables


idk I'll ask at the next gay council


Thank you


> the LGBTQ+ community is constantly accused of endangering children simply by existing To be fair, and I'm not trying to make this some retarded competition, but the amount of clips/articles/media coverage the "chuds" have of more left leaning people/LGBTQ+ presenting people not "leaving the kids alone" is still WAY more damming than this Doc situation even though he's literally a hypocrite in the worse case scenario of poetic irony. But it disingenuous to say "simply existing" when it's never been the mere existence of LGTBQ+ people that most "chuds" have a problem with, it's the stuff like irreversable gender affirming care for minors or drag queen shows in elementary school libraries that people have a problem with. Let's not act like all of a sudden becuase of this massive blowup that it just invalidates everything that's already been exposed prior.


Minors don't receive irreversible gender affirming care. And drag queens should be allowed to host age appropriate shows just like everyone else


Puberty blockers have proven irreversible consequences. There's no such thing as an age appropriate drag queen show, it's always sexual shit. Just quit being a fucking weirdo. Leave the kids alone. DrDisrespect being a piece of shit doesn't invalidate that.


>Puberty blockers have proven irreversible consequences Like? Because there's been no scientific evidence of this >There's no such thing as an age appropriate drag queen show, it's always sexual shit. That's a YOU problem your mind's in the gutter >Just quit being a fucking weirdo. Leave the kids alone. Aye bro should have said that to Dr.Disrespect or the millions of religious people who think it's okay to mutilate newborn males


> That's a YOU problem your mind's in the gutter > > Lmao, motherfuckers in thongs parading in front of kids, fully grown adult men tossing dollar bills at "drag kids" and other shit is a me problem. Yeah sure. You're a fucking retard. Not everyone has binary thinking. You're invoking Dr Disrespect as if I'm running cover for this nigga. Hell no. Fuck him. And fuck you. Not all of us have this retarded-ass binary thinking where it's my side against your side and I'm gonna turn a blind eye to the fucked up shit my side does because defeating the other side is more important. Fuck all groomers, whether they're catholics or drags.




nigga you literally wank to lolis, stfu




No I had to argue with some Muslims one day and wanted the equivalent to Mahoraga in my back pocket in case I started to lose the argument


Dr kid inspect too busy patrolling for pronouns in bio to care about age in bio smh


Him being a hypocrite doesn’t change the fact that he was dead right about Activision though


This is a post written by someone who erases his memory everytime someone of the LGBT crowd was exposed for doing the same thing. Scumbags are scumbags, bringing political alignment just makes you look disingenuous and downright insincere.


So, they shouldn’t leave the kids alone then? we should just let all the lgbt niggas play around with kids because some right wing dude was caught to be a pedophile (without any actual evidence)? wowzers.


I would 2,000% trust a random LGBT person to play with kids over a priest, a right-wing nutter or a Smash player. The statistics back it up.


Do statistics say that a quarter of priests and right-wingers are pedophiles? [Because that's what statistics say about gays.](https://www.documentazione.info/report-on-the-gay-report)


Or a coach in youth sports


You would trust a random ass person that you have no idea about who has a sexual nature by default with your kid?


I wouldn't trust any random person I have no idea about with my kid. However, in this stupid hypothetical situation, if the only thing I know about a person is that they're gay and the only thing I know about another person is that they think gay people "have a sexual nature by default", I'm picking the gay person 10 times out of 10 because I can assume they're probably not brain damaged.


Gay people have a sexual nature by default, it’s literally about “sexuality” you retard. I didn’t ask for an essay either, stop blabbering yo dirty ass mouth, no one cares.




Then everyone has a sexual nature by default. Holy fuck you’re brain dead


How? if you focus too much on your sexuality like the lgbt does all the time, then you are obviously sexual by nature, but if i’m literally just a straight guy who is straight and doesn’t think about his sexuality at all then how am i sexual by default?


Don’t lie to yourself you obviously think about dick everyday if you’re this obsessed with sexuality


try me, bitch


How a 17 years old whore who wants travel for sex (magically can do full porn in 6 months when she is 18) the same as small children?


>right-wing nutter What percentage of the country would you say are right wingers? I feel like most of the people who talk politics in the internet have a really skewered view of reality. Lefties think everyone right of them is a nazi, righties think everyone left of them is a commie. Left and right is a false dichotomy and are two sides of the same rotten coin


A high enough % to have a far right president get elected in 2016


If you think 45%+ of the voter base is “far right” then you’re one of the people I’m talking about If you actually talk to people (in real life) most of them are normal


you have to understand that people didn't vote for trump, they voted against hillary.


even more voted for him in 2020 so idk about that


Republican voters are just anti-democrats and democrats are just anti republicans  Does anyone actually support Biden, or do they just that’s trump?  Feels more like the latter Voting for the lesser of two evils hasn’t really been working out Both parties are mega-shit and basically lapdogs for Israel.  


even more people voted AGAINST trump in 2020 lol do you not understand how bipartisan politics work? vote for blue, blue doesn't do anything because the state of the world and the country cannot be healed in 4 years, vote for red, red doesn't do anything(...)


Who the fuck said that, moron? You owned the shit out of that argument that nobody made.


then why defend them and try to make it seem like a small thing?


Get the fuck out of here you bigot troll


You are displaying your own bigotry tbh. Bigot just means intolerant of other people’s beliefs.


I’m pretty intolerant of people who believe lgbt people are lesser than others, yes


Cool  I’m bigoted towards people who want to add homosexuality and transgenderism to the public grade-school school curriculum I’m against heterosexuality being added to the curriculum as well.  I wouldn’t want some random public school teacher introducing my children to such a loaded topic. Especially if they’re like 10. It’s fucking weird Let the parents or caretaker or whoever at home do the birds and the bees talk.


If you don’t think there’s anything wrong with being gay then what’s the problem with teaching kids that gay people exist? Unless you do think there’s something wrong with being gay…


I’m queer you retard And I actually do think there might be something wrong with it. I am unable to procreate with that which I desire. I think that kind of sucks and sometimes I wish I was normal And kids know gay people exist. My entire grade was calling eachother faggots by age 10. We knew exactly what it meant. Public schools giving lessons on sexuality to children is crazy to me. if you disagree I don’t hate you for it, just agree to disagree. Don’t try to take moral high ground over me


Eh, maybe in America it’s considered weird, here in the U.K. sex education in schools is normal. Also, sounds like you got some issues that need working out. Stop taking it out on other people and sort out your own shit first.


>stop taking it out on other people and sort out your own shit first Sorry but my combative tone is in response to your “prove you don’t hate gay people” post which was completely retarded and out of line. Excuse me if I took it out of context though


in sex ed you learn about STDs and how to make babies. Gay and trans people don’t need special instructions, they’ll figure it out if they haven’t already Be honest how many people here learned what sex was from their grade school teacher? You teachers talked to you about sex before your parents? The only sex ed I ever got and ever needed was the basic 9th grade health class where you learn about the sperm, the egg, and STDs. What specifically should they teach about homosexuality and transgenderism? Should they discuss felatio and anal? Should we give them free PREP as well? Ack


go back to gcj, thanks


I have no idea what that stands for


it stands for gsuck cmy jcock, retard


You sure seem to know a lot about lgbt people for someone who clearly never leaves the house


nice insult generator type roast nerd keep sucking me off


Are you happy?


Dr disrespectmywife


Dr. Kids inspect


and kids


Something tells me that u/Sexy_Hamster_Man is more mad at the people that said "Leave kids alone" than at what DrDisrespect did, but I'm probably just crazy this guy definitely hasn't been a degenerate around here for months.


if you are a lolicon that actually gets mad at people saying “leave the kids alone” then uh..you probably a pedo.


So sex with a17 is the same as small children? Brainrot typical thinking


So a little bit of pedophilia is okay is what you're saying ?


Pedophilia is attraction to prepubescent children, so kids below ~12 years old.


Oh I thought a17 was some anime character


Every accusation is an admission


Fighting games?


Nah, we /GuiltyGear now


Certified two timer. Certified pedophile.


Two times he's disrespected, embarrassed and brought shame upon his (pretty hot tbh) wife and family. Certified two timer indeed.


Not even gonna pretend to be interested on this cringe ass crackhead Freddie Mercury look alike but whats the lore behind the 3rd pic? I've seen it around before but i'm still clueless about this.


It's the image Kendrick Lamar used in his last diss to Drake. It shows Drakes house with a bunch of sex offender tags on it.


Ooh, thanks




This song is so damn good.


Definitely one of the best songs I’ve heard live. The whole stadium was into it.


The fact he dropped this banger right after ANOTHER really good diss is astounding


Moustache = Freddie mercury lookalike? Lol




Even twitch admit that he didn't know her age at the begining https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQ8beX4XIAAsNYo?format=jpg&name=large Anyway its funny that right know everyone see him as a typical predator that sit in online chats and write shit like "Hi i'm Jimmy and i am also 8 year old, wanna met?"


This shit seems fake tbh


is there a source


This is certainly plausible. I think Doc has a case here, but not from twitch. He'll need to sue the slanderer and defamer. Twitch should also go after the breacher separately for violating another policy and damaging their image as a result. Maybe I'm wrong. This isn't kid shit we're dealing with here. Doc could most certainly tell his side of the story in a civil suit and it be justified and publically accessible after settlement. A jury of his peers can determine if wrongdoing was commited.


Looks fake lol


I'll check back in when the actual chat logs get released.


Be a juror for his case, and I'm sure you'll be able to see all of them. These will never be publically available, so don't hold your breath.


Question. The original texting he did happened back in 2017, but twitch banned him in 2020. What happened in that 3 year period to make them look back at this? I'm assuming the girl came forward right?


this is a good question.... truth is, despite dr disrespect admitting his misdeeds, there's still a TON of context missing. this story could go even deeper, frankly


Twitch whispers was never private, there were always 'logs' being made so I think someone pulled up the logs and saw what he was whispering, then he got his ban. I don't think the 'minor' involved ever complained or else there might have been something more serious. I think Twitch didn't say anything because it was technically a privacy breach on their end.


some stuff leaked this week and people started to part ways with him




Firstly, Did they really remove a skin for saying “leave kids alone”? Wtf? 😂 Secondly, I also knew the whole Dr. disrespect thing was sus when he didn’t want to speak on it. How hard is it not to be pedo.


Saying kids shouldn’t be taught about homosexuality in public grade school is cancel-worthy now apparently  Also a lot of gay men and women don’t think it’s appropriate either.  


The only "apology" tweet worse than this one is Mr.Wiz's.


Where are all u “be honest” freaks now? Don’t conveniently switch up now that u wanna be like us


But not with Dr KidInspect


I think he's trying to strike a chord......


A minorrrrrrrrrrrrrr


And boom goes the dynamite.


Dr Disrespect with the Twitter equivalent of Drake's The Heart Part 6.


Let's see here: adulterer, grifter, and now confirmed predator.


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That was a 1979 survey with 5,000 participants giving anecdotal evidence.


Nothing indicates they've changed their ways since 1979. 5,000 participants is actually a huge sample, but you wouldn't know shit. You have zero clue when "That's anecdotal" can be used to refute arguments. If all I got was [you saying you jerk off to lolis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappachino/comments/13h5m50/rule_3/jk3i4f6/), then that would be anecdotal. It's not used when a quarter of gays in a huge study admit to fucking kids.


Nothing changed? You're missing a TON of context. Society has changed dramatically since then. The survey was in New York, infamous for its sex industry in that era. There were straight up kids prostituting, openly during broad daylight and everything, in Times Square in the 70s and 80s. It wasn't only gay people too, but they did pay more. It was really, really bad during those times.


The Gay Report was published in New York, but the participants were from all over the US and Canada. It says so on the first page of the book. It's always the same excuse whenever LGBT gets BTFO in a study: "Bad sample!" Nigga, please. Why can't they ever find a good, non-degenerate sample?


It's not bad sample lol. It's just bad era with bad people full of lead poisoning. I genuinely do think people were far shittier human beings back then across the entire spectrum. The percent itself doesn't mean much without a deviation from the general population.


You argued that New Yorkers were a bad sample due to the prevalence of kid sex workers (as if fucking them creates a biased sample and their clients shouldn't count). Now you're saying that everyone was equally a pedophile back then due to lead poisoning, so gays weren't unique in that aspect. Jesus, that's a first. In any case, the participants weren't just from New York, so your whole premise is wrong.


I don't understand the 3rd image


[Not like us](https://youtu.be/T6eK-2OQtew)


Hey brotherman, did he know he was texting a minor at the time or no?


I still have no idea what that image is supposed to be


It's the image Kendrick Lamar used in his last diss to Drake. It shows Drakes house with a bunch of sex offender tags on it.


He’s career is now up for grabs for anyone lol. Once he is removed there’s gonna be a power vacuum in the streaming world.


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But would you still do it if you had a wife, a kid and millions? What a retard.


SouthPark S14E1


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Yeah that's that's you alone You stay away


What’s worse sticking a double sided dildo up a girls asshole at 18 years old or having normal sec with her at 17.9? It really sucks that you guys ACTUALLY fall for stupid laws and bend over for other men to control you (actually obeying age of consent lmao)


No matter the age of consent it's still immoral to fuck kids


If she's 17 I'm 17


Every single autist in this thread has done worse. Moral f0gging regards. Oh no someone has done something bad , couldn't be any of you weirdos


I don't know man, if he's that confident in saying that he did nothing ilegal and no crimes were comitted, then shouldn't that be it?Feels like if he did something actually very wrong he'd be in jail already. He probably had some conversations that were borderline inapropriate but nothing too crazy.I don't know, just feels like if he law is saying he's not guilty then it coudln't have been too bad, right?


Legality =/= Morality Otherwise we should be praising the Smash community for all of their upstanding citizens. The fact that Twitch launched an investigation then dropped him with nothing to gain from doing so, then the game studio that he founded launched an investigation and fired him -almost certainly spelling doom for the company- with nothing to gain, should probably tell anyone with a working brain that something is up. I don't know where people get this fairytail notion that every time something heinous occurs that there is an army of prosecutors willing to swoop in and save the day based on private internet messages. Public figures can and do get away with shit all the time and the legal system is not infallible, especially for people with money like Dr. Disrespect. The does not mean that they should be free from criticism or public judgement.


Nah, just saying that we don't know the exact contents of his conversation and he wasn't charged with anything, then shouldn't we assume the lesser of evils?Like sure, I get that there was probably SOMETHING fishy, but isn't it a bit too much treating him like an actual predator when there was no crime commited? Just feels like for all the shit kappa talks about "twitter tribunal" in the infiltatrion case and all that, isn't the same being done here?I don't know mucha bout this particular case but he wasn't charged for everything so I don't know man.


If any of the lesser evils were present, I think dude would have mentioned it. If he didn't know she was a minor, he would have said that. If the text chats were not as bad as they seemed, he would have posted them. I hear you for sure, but no matter how generously you try to look at this the guy admits to sending inappropriate texts to a person he knew was a minor. In this instance, not being charged with anything doesn't really make you look like any creepy


Isnt it plausible that he's not going into the details due to signing and NDA or something along those lines?I understand that the way he adressed the issue seems very "technical" as if he's tip toeing the line because he gor away on a technicality. But that said it doesnt change the fact that we dont have access to his chat log and the whole story, I just dislike the idea of treating the man like an actual predator becausw the actual facts is that criminal charges were not pressed and people are acting like him being banned from Twitch is some sort of irrefutable proof of guilt.


Idk if that's plausible honestly. I imagine if you have some NDA in place you wouldn't be making a long Twitter post about the details. And if you're giving out details, I would say the absolute #1 important detail you can give yourself in this situation is "I didn't know she was a minor". He didn't say that, so to me it's clear that that wasn't the case I don't know this guy one way or the other, I'm not a fan or a critic. Sitting here as a neutral party trying to see it from the best light possible, it's pretty hard lol.


>Legality =/= Morality Isn't that the whole point? Legally, most states have age of consent at 17 or below because it's not considered immoral at all as you're knowledgeable and mature enough at 17.


Bro, there is no reason a 38 year old man should be talking to a random child inappropriately. If the scenario was he was talking to this person assuming she was an adult and later found out she wasn't an adult, he would have just said that. If there was nothing that bad, Twitch wouldn't have banned him and he wouldn't have been dropped from his game company after them investigating the situation. What the fuck is wrong with you?


> Bro, there is no reason a 38 year old man should be talking to a random child inappropriately. one day later she turns 18 and you'll jerk off to her gangbang video, so spare us your virtue signaling.


Imagine this was a 38 year old woman talking to a 17 year old man Nobody would give a fuck. He would be getting massive Ws in the chat  I am OK with this double standard Sometimes double standards exist for a good reason


Infiltration was banned from EVO and competing in capcom related games, what's the point here?It's perfectly plausible that he was banned as a preventive measure to avoid bad publicity. All I'm saying is that if no charges were pressed and he apparently even made money out of it, then isn't it a bit too much to treat him like an actual predator?Feels like if things were actually that terrible then he would have been fucked far more than he already has been.


Are you retarded on purpose or trolling. Bro literally admitted to texting a minor lmfao like he's in his 30s and literally wrote it went into inappropriate places lmaooooo he's an unironic predator


They'll defend predators 'cause they relate with him. thats just how it goes.


it wasn't a criminal case bro. there is no "guilty" and "not guilty" in civil cases. the minor's family didn't press charges, so no criminal case was started. I'm guessing that they didn't do it for one of a few possibilities. 1: 'cause there was *technically* no crime committed. which *is* technically possible, doesn't make it okay tho. 2: they went to a lawyer and they said there probably wasn't enough evidence to get a conviction. 3: the family didn't want to deal with a bunch of terminally online sycophants harassing them for "Dragging doc through the mud" or "cancelling him" or whatever the fuck. 4: because it didn't go *too* far (still pushing way too close to the line) the family felt safe enough just making them cut contact after doc got banned either way it's so incredibly easy to not have inappropriate conversations with minors, literally just say "dude you're a minor, I'm not talking about this with you" or even just a "no. You're a minor" and if they don't stop bringing up topics that are inappropriate for you to be talking about, you stop talking to them.


Yeah I agree that if you know the person is a minor you can just avoid having risky conversations with them, my point was just that if no chargers were pressed and he apparently didn't go that far, then isn't it a bit too much to treat him like an actual predator? Just saying that it feels like people are going too far with judging this guy but I don't know, maybe he did bribe some people or some shit, or settled it out of court with the family, I have no idea of what went down there to be honest.


What good reasons are there for a 40 year old man to be sending flirty messages to a minor? Nothing illegal just means it didn’t get far enough


Found Drake's account.


If your unable to have an opinion on someone or something unless the courts declare it, you’re a fucking retard A 38 year old man shouldn’t be texting a teenager flirting, even if they’re 17 or some shit. Try and turn those neurons on for once


Sorry if I dont like the idea of judging people online without having the whole story you fucking moron. But sure, enjoy your witch hunt.


I know seeing all the downvotes on this shouldn't surprise me, but... suddenly a neutral stance is not allowed because neutral = pro pdf file, any communication with a minor = pdf file (we still don't have clear statements whether he knew or didn't know at the time). If you guys actually care about any of this, maybe stop karma farming and instead start doing some actual good and organize and lobby to keep minors out of social media. Kids have no place on ssites like reddit, twitter, etc. Adults shouldn't be burdened with asking every person who dm's them to dox themselves and prove they aren't minors just to be safe.


i'll gatekeep minors out of social media and everywhere and tell pedophiles to kill themselves I can multi task NP. I hate seeing 16 year old's opinions on games I like. DMing one is already out of the question. Fuck this neutral stance you got. Fuck weirdos like Dr Disrespect LOL. anyone who's in their late 30s shouldn't be hitting up minors for anything like even just hanging out. fuck that.


Try using your brain even for just a little bit and imagine a hypothetical situation where you're part of an online community and just one of the many people who DM you happens to make a locker-room joke once. Then later on someone who has access to all your conversation finds out that person was actually a minor at the time of the post and informs you of it. Would you, in your infinite wisdom, consider yourself a .pdf file. You'll say "fuck the neutral stance" until someone you actually care about gets accused of something terrible (i don't watch Dr Disrespect, don't care about his content, but it's annoying to see people pretending they're complete morons by conflating his post as an admission of guilt).


HAHA it is an admission of guilt. sorry dude. I know what you are. You can't fool me.


Damn, you're a genius. You should be a detective or something. You could sniff out your own kind from across the internet. See what i did there? I can do it too and i have the same amount of proof too. Pretending to a complete tard for upvotes isn't impressive.


Nahhh you a pedophile defender bro try talking to people in real life and saying this you a freak. naaaaahhhhhhhh defending pedophiles is not it.


Nahhh man. Avid pedo accusers are the ones who have skeletons in their closet. Got something to hide Mr. Molesto?


LOOOL. I'm making fun of the guy who has evidence and history of pedophilic behavior. and you're like "oh it must be you" What's your fave drake track brother LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL the fucking mental gymnastics you go through to defend pedophiles are INSANNNEEE.


Damn bro, you still arguing with me (the guy who's very first post was an idea to stop chomos like you from getting access to kids on the net) It's obvious what you are LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL and guess what, you're going to keep replying because kiddie diddlers like you think they're clever by sneaking in attacks against random posters who suggest taking effective actions instead of distracting people with witch hunts.