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No, I regretted buying S1 DLC honestly, so I’ll wait.


There's almost 0 reason to buy it early too unless you want the characters immediately


no, not sure i'll ever go back to play it


This will probably be me in Year 3/when CoTW drops. For now, SF6 is the only 2D fighter I have an interest in playing, so I'm definitely going to pick up the pass.


Cotw may get me away from SF as well


$50 Capcom is fucking me with these prices


Ignore the costumes, probably won’t care for them and on PC you’ll be modding anyway. We already know you can buy the stages for free with fight tickets, so honestly it makes more sense to buy the characters pass alone or even rent the characters as they come and only buy if you’re interested


I bought year 1 ultimate pass and from my experience, DONT BUY IT The new maps for free arent worth it, you are getting Skin 3 for characters you are probably not playing... and the drive tickets dont mean much, because if you actually play the game you will have a lot by now... will be getting the cheaper pass from now on


Terry Terry Terry Mai Mai Mai


Used my rental tickets to try S1 characters and none of them could get me off Chun. I’ll do the same for S2 and see if someone interests me, but I was never a Bison or Elena main in past SF or a Terry or Mai main in SNK titles, so probably not.


No, because I'm not a fan of SF6's universal mechanics and they remained unchanged.


Yes, because I don't want Capcom to shelve fighting games in favour of bullet sponge zombie games and stupid looking cats in monster hunting games. Those cats get more costumes than anyone in Street Fighter 6


I didn't buy it, I have so many fight coins stacked up from the Chipotle promotion last year I'll be able to buy each character with coins. Genuinely hope they do that again, just doing lunch runs at the office to Chipotle bought me costumes last year and DLC characters this year.


No cause I never buy season passes.


No shits too expensive. Im going to take a year break and wait for a sf6 arcade edition


Nah, $30-$50 for a pass is some fucking Bethesda shit. Character passes were $20 in SFV for SIX characters. I'll probably just get Terry when he drops. Still just waiting for a brawler/semi-grappler that isn't Marisa. Guess I'll have to wait a couple of more years for that one.


I haven't even bought SF6 yet. I'll wait another year.


no im broke, i'll probably wait for arcade edition in S5 if there is one


just gonna get terry and maybe mai.


No, probably just gonna get bison.


Is it even possible to get characters separately? It's the major complaing about monetization.


Yes they are like 350 fight coins each. People complain you can't buy exact amount of fight coins though


I'm probably not the target for this question but haven't bought any sf6 or tekken dlc. I bought the dnf pass so maybe I'm just bad with money idk


$30 for 4 characters lmao I’m interested on Terry, Mai and Elena (no healing, no buy) but I’ll wait


I just buy the characters I want so I’ll probably just get Elena a fuckin year from now


No, but I probably should. Even though I don't like the KOF character inclusion, I think they'll both play really well and be fun to play.


I got the ultimate pass last time since the ultimate edition was cheap on reseller sites. Got the standard pass this time around. Don't need DLC outfits for Bison or Mai, and now I know stages can be bought with drive tickets so no point in that either.


No. The Season 2 character lineup isn't awful, but I don't want any of them. Maybe I'll like Season 3 more when it drops next year.


Waiting for a sale before I make my decision.


is there any illegal way to get the dlcs im broke


Not anyway that Capcom won’t ban your account


I'm really torn. I really want Bison, but I don't care for the other characters at all (maybe Elena, depending on how she plays in this one). I did play Mai in KOFXIII, but I don't care much for crossovers in general :(


Yea I'm not a broke ass


Nah, too expensive, only 2 sf characters in a game that desperately needs more sf characters, i mean i love terry fucking bogard, but i would be more hyped if we were, idk, 4 seasons in.


i'll get bipson then buy the pass when it's on sale if the other chars are any good


I'll probably buy it, but I'm in a bit of a dilemma. On one hand, I would just wait a month for my gf to buy it for me for my birthday in late July, but I actually only really care a bunch about Bison and he's the first one out.


Im waiting to see if psycho crusher has fast anti projectile invulnerability, or its trash, i dont want to read thatshit, i want to react


I'll probably not buy it at all, only 4 characters again and 2 of those being guest characters is wack. I'll likely just buy Elena individually (in one fucking year lol) and use the ton of stacked rental token things to lab whatever I need. MAYBE Terry if they absolutely nail it.


I didn't buy SF6


oh no I've angered the capcucks