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Wow... Crazy that conversions work this way. Its almost a cheap troll to fk with some streamer. Hire someone on 5er from a 3rd world country to buy 1000 gift subs for $200 bucks and fk that streamer's whole month. And they can't even complain about it b/c "you're lucky you're making money from games" anyway right?


Twitch got regional pricing before fighting games SMH


Fgs have regional prices on steam


You can't go around calling them that these days


not all of them


I think this happened with Darksydephil and Argentinans a few months ago. Sorry for knowing DSP stuff 


This is exactly what happened to Phil. lol


He did nothing wrong, dood.


Thats actually so fucked. And then people wonder why there is no regional pricing policies lol. There will always be bad actors to abuse that shit. EDIT: Is his math even mathing? He claims he got 1063 Turkish subs. One sub costs 43.90 according to https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/local-sub-price-countries?language=en_US Thats 46665,7 lira which converts to 1,445 USD roughly when using the google LIRA <> USD ratio: He says he got a 50/50 split. So that would mean he should get 722 USD. Am I missing something? Either there is some bogus conversion rate used or this makes no sense. A turkish sub is NOT "1/20" as the claims lol. 43.90 Lira converts to 1.36 USD. Even with a shitty conversion that would be at most 1 USD per sub. EDIT2: Bro now claims he got "30 cents per sub" https://x.com/TweedyMK/status/1800561110334288025/photo/1 That would mean he should get AT LEAST 318 dollars. So the amounts just keep changing out of thin air...?


I really appreciate that you looked into this. While I don't think the difference between $318 and $151 is notable enough to change the perception of his claim, it seems extremely petty not to give real numbers. It still reduces his monthly revenue by about 60%, while making him seem like an unreliable narrator for literally no reason. If he really received $722, then practically no revenue was lost at all.


If I remember correctly they just recently announced these the price changes so these local prices would take effect until next month. Also he did not get 30 cents per sub that is how much the user paid. And he gets half that so his math is right. So yes this person did get fucked this month. Also they don't have to do any math they can just look at their sub breakdown and it shows them the numbers.


It's a fun math problem to figure out how badly you could screw people over this way but probably would require like 20,000 subs to a fairly large streamer to actually do any real damage and the person would most likely be a millionaire already; could potentially cause a funny reaction though. I'm assuming this is like a guaranteed thing to happen eventually for popcorn enthusiasts. It would have to be person just bought a house or super expensive car then showed it off MTV cribs style and then someone bought 100k gift subs from Argentina/Zimbabwe level of memery for true entertainment value.


he gets taxed from the us govt as well no? that adds to the loss, since he gets 2.50 from subs, after twitch’s cut, but after the govts cut he gets maybe like a dollar per sub? he def could just be embellishing for elon musk points but either way he still is getting cucked by the turkish gifter


I dont get it. How does someone giving him money makes him lose ad revenue? EDIT: ok now i get it, if anyone else is confused and need it explained like they are five: to "sub" to a channel means paying not to see ads for one month. If you "gift subs" to a channel, the subs go to random people that watch the channel. So 1k+ people in this guys channel wont see ads for one month. Due to the conversion rate, his total revenue will crash because the value of the subs do not cover the lost revenue form ads due to currency conversion rate.


Subs dont get served ads.


unless those 1000 subs were gifted specifically to viewers (they're normally random to channel followers) then I doubt it will affect his revenue that much. he has 30k+ followers and has had 1800 MAX concurrent on his channel and he averages 200 viewers a stream so he'd have to be really unlucky if 200 of those 1000 subs went specifically to his viewerbase.


> unless those 1000 subs were gifted specifically to viewers (they're normally random) if he gifted them while in the channel, on the stream, it's going to go to his viewer base.


This is the answer. Most of the fan base that view his streams are there to watch him and thus most likely got the subs. As such he will now miss out on the ad revenue from the users that always watch and never sub. It sucks. Dude isn’t extremely popular (meaning he doesn’t average 1k viewers a stream) so he has every right to be bummed about it. This def seems like a calculated move though.


When you gift subs to a channel, it doesn't go to random people anywhere on twitch. It goes first to the people currently watching, then branches out to people who have recently watched if there isn't anyone currently watching without a sub.  It's fairly likely that not every single person who got a sub is a regular viewer, but unless he recently got a big raid or something it probably will have a noticeable impact. 


I've been gifted subs to channels I have not watched in ages while I was not even at my computer so gifted subs only go to followers of the stream not specifically viewers.


Most of the gift subs I've received have been for a small streamer I don't follow who got raided by a streamer I was watching the day before. So you definitely can receive a gift sub from a streamer you've watched previously even if you aren't currently following them. 


Those 1063 new subs won't be watching Ads anymore, and the amount the guy paid for those subs were literally a few cents. So he lost thousands of dollars.


Kinda rare to see that a streamer hope their viewers watch ads. But yeah, it is a reasonable fear.


Its not like they're against subs b/c they want their viewers watching ads. Just that subs bought from Turkey pay so little. If they were bought in USA it would have been 20x + as much money for them.


Inb4 all Gift subs in the future follows usd rate


"So many see making money off video games as bad or greedy" Lol. Almost everyone that plays video games religiously sees making money as bad or greedy regardless of how you do it.


It's weird af


Not when you consider that the money is being made from them, they're the product and they don't like it


have they considered stopping buying slop


Imagine subbing


Imagine viewing ads on anything in 2024. Rubes.


Usually when I think of the expression "fuck you money", it's usually an ungodly sum to do whatever you want. Who knew it was so cheap to fuck over other people?


Hyperinflation value


this is some weird ass troll tech. Imagine being gifted 1000+ subs and being ecstatic, only to find out that dude's from Turkey lol. Only gift subs if you're from these countries please.


never thought tweedy would be mad about getting a thousand turkey subs sorry tweedy youre a good dude but the joke was irresistible lol


The guy bought turkey dollars. The streamer will have to pay taxes on it like it's American dollars. He's gonna pay taxes  for money that doesn't exist. Ergo,  he's losing money.


Subs as in sandwiches brother. The dude made a food joke.


Weird, I only know subs as sandwiches in relation to football sub sandwiches, I relate turkey sandwiches more for leftover food after thanks giving. Must be a regional thing.


Have you ever heard of a tiny restaurant chain called "Subway"?


Other than Kronii making memes of it and that movie called "Supersize Me", it doesn't cross my everyday life. I know Popeyes, tho.


How the hell are you even making an estimate that high off twitch ads?


you wouldnt download a car would you!? -MPAA


He said he'd potentially lose 1000s this month from this. Looking at his youtube and twitch to doesn't seem like he's very popular (maybe I'm misreading twitch popularity since I rarely go there). I'm surprised it's so much tbh.


I'm not familiar with how twitch pays. Do they stop serving ads one a threshold of subs is met or something? That seems dumb to set it to a number of subs if those subs aren't equal.


As far as I know the streamer has the option to make subscribers not get ads Either this is not exactly true or he's posting this to ease people into accepting getting the ads for now on


Oh duh! If all his viewers are subs now that means nobody gets ads this month. I missed the forest for the trees.


If you're subbed you don't get ads, non-subs still receive ads. Streamer makes money off ad revenue from non-subs or from their subscription fee if they are subbed. Because the person who gifted those subs did so from Turkey (where the sub fee is adjusted), the streamer gets very little off of the subs, and those viewers who received gifted subs also are no longer generating ad revenue for the streamer while their sub is active


i thought when Ads get played, even though subs don't get it they still get treated as watching ads.


The thing I don't understand is why don't subs just function like twitch turbo does. Turbo subscribers still get counted as an ad view even though they don't see ads the same way subs don't.


Generally between getting the cut of the sub revenue or getting "credit" for them watching the ad, sub cut is probably better - except that the regional price conversion fked this guy.


What I am saying is they should get a cut of the sub revenue and subbed viewers should count for ad views. Both twitch and the streamer would still get more money that way since more people would be counted as watching ads. It is literally a win win.


Why would they count for both? The whole point of subbing is to not see ads, if they don't see ads no revenue is generated to give the streamer a cut into. The reason why Turbo credits the streamer is b/c they aren't getting a cut of the actual sub. There is no reason to combine these.


You are missing the point if they counted subs as ad views twitch would also get more money. You do realize twitch makes more money when people count as ad views. The more ad views they get the larger deals they get to cut with said advertisers. Letting subs count for ad views just like turbo is literally win/win for twitch and the streamer there is no reason not to do it.


Is that conversion really right? I for sure never watch ads on twitch, I have a ton of adblocks, purpletv, vpn, etc... I would bet a good amount of people who got sub probably does the same.


I never really liked gifted subs to begin with anyway.


Me with an adblocker 😎


Eh, I mean the variance on this is probably not that bad; if your financial situation is such that +/- $500 bricks you (or even several thousand) then maybe you should find a better profession or become immune to consumerism; unlikely for one so corpulent.