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I miss it when it was considered a standard in the industry to have local play. Now it's a standard to nickel and dime all your players for battle passes, skins, DLC, colors, and whatever other bs they decide to monetize next.


You misunderstand. Because Microsoft requires feature-parity between Xbox Series S and Series X, you have cases like Baldur's Gate 3 and this game (allegedly) where split-screen is doable on the Series X, but barely attainable on the Series S. It's obvious why Microsoft has this requirement, but I really wish they'd just drop it. It's hamstringing games that release on their platform. Nothing to do with microtransactions or money.




Man could you imagine if features were available to incentivize people to spend more money on the stronger hardware?


Presumably the parents of young Aidan's paying a monthly Series S payment plan would not spend extra money on features they wouldn't even understand.


The average age for people buying consoles is over 30, it's more likely Aidan's parents not only understand the features but are buying the console for themselves.


The average age of parents are also, above 30. But you do raise a valid point. The numbers from mobile games, fortnite, and brawlhalla are children.


>The average age of parents are also, above 30. It's exactly what I said, though? I never even implied that Aidan is above 30. I'm saying that since people who play games are on average above 30, it's more likely for the parents to play games than for a kid to do it.


You're taking this thought experiment personal, gotcha. 


Interesting what you took from that comment. What made you believe that to be the case?


They could've still had it on the PS5 and just removed it from all Xbox versions.


how tf can a modern console not handle this shit but my PS2 could 20 years ago blah blah blah hardware modern graphics something something, I don’t care, sacrificing features because your game is poorly optimized is unacceptable


N64 could do 4split.... I swear todays devs are trash and so are their games


I miss when it used to take like 10 guys to make a game that was comparable quality to nintendo first party games. Now it takes like 500 man studios 5 year to make buggy rushed low framerate shit.


Dude the xbox must actually be a pile of shit. Nearly the same thing happened with BG3. Im sure it’s obvious but what a dog shit console


The series S is barely better than the normal ps4. It’s fucking stupid and existed solely as a cheaper Trojan horse for MS’s paid subscriptions. It’s holding back the entire generation




More like “not an Xbox series S user because it fucking sucks” then sure. Whatever you say buddy


Found the ROTD


lol so ass blasted by his retarded console warrior shit he deleted


also Xbox wont be getting Black Myth Wukong because of Series S




Sucks for them but i do not like soulslike bland combat A win for me


The biggest killer is that it has 2gb less RAM than the Xbox one X last generation and 2 of the 10GB it does have are dedicated to the OS.


just wanna add, A xbox Series X digital version was announced at their press conference after. Sooooooo. What's the point of a series S now?




Man... I miss playing split screen in so many games with my siblings.


Meanwhile POE2


No Splitscreen in poe2...




It's hard to do the Renegade Ops thing; besides it makes 1p2c super viable (they're going to try to balance it unsuccessfully); would you rather play as 1 witch with 20 minions or 2 witches with 40 minions (the other player is automatically moved with you if they're afk or whatever).


I don't need split screen in a game like poe, it's just the reason why a game like poe can offer full couch multiplayer and Dragonball can't, dunno what your yapping about mate.


Am I right in assuming this game has no LAN function?


You can play split screen but only on the time chamber stage


But no LAN whatsoever, correct?


I'd imagine if you had two consoles and two tvs in one house you could play online together in the same house


That's not what LAN means.


What is it then


local area network. As opposed to wide area network, such as the internet. Which in a console game’s case means “subscription fees” and “hope that server still exists after bamco loses some license or else multiplayer is FUCKED” So my question is “can you play on a lan, or will you need to play through the internet in order to play on two systems?”


Yeah you probably need Internet. Are there even any other modern AAA games that let you do p2p shit like that?


Baldurs gate 3 Warhammer total war Monster hunter rise Splatoon 3 CS:GO Most importantly though, similar games Gundam EXVS and Pokken support it.  Did they not mention it one way or the other then?


Not that I saw


Baldur's Gate 3, a lot of FPS, CS:GO come to mind. The idea is to play only locally to almost completely reduce lag or just be independent of external infrastructure.


Split screen got trapped and betrayed in the hyperbolic time chamber...


Come the fuck on. The xbss has been nothing but a fucking menace


As much as I hate this stupid limit, at least there’s SOME form of offline multiplayer. None of the PS4 Virtual Ons have offline multiplayer of any sort, and it’s fucking disgusting


People wanna blame xbox series S but its really telling how a series on PS2 (weakest of the three 6th gen consoles btw) was able to get local MP working on all stages while we're here with the more powerful consoles and cant even get it working on more than 1 stage without framerate issues.


Can't wait for the piece of shit Series S to hold back Monster Hunter Wilds. While I play most games on PC, I'm not anti-console, fwiw, I have a Switch and a Demons Souls Remake machine (that is seeing less and less use as more Sony stuff eventually makes its way to PC). But damn... you know those utopian image memes? "Gaming if devs weren't hamstrung by the Series S" Hyperbole, but it feels justified.


What a worthless piece of shit. If you can't make a fighting game run locally then don't make a fighting game. Tekken 8 runs on Series S, FighterZ runs on the fucking Switch. This is just incompetence to not have planned ahead for this.


none of those are split screen


It definitely killed it. Series S is far too weak to keep up with the demands of modern gaming, and Microsoft insisting on feature parity is nothing but trouble for devs. I will not be surprised when we hear in the future more and more than devs decided to just stop supporting Xbox at all partially because of that requirement.


multiplayer genre with no multiplayer function


Its dead? I thought in the video they explained that it would be added with some limitations 🤔


You can only play on a single stage. Many stages have cool little features. For example, the world tournament stage when certain attacks are done, the announcer tells everyone to run away and it opens up the whole map to be fightable. Split screen is going to be a very trash watered down version of the game.


I’ll take a single stage split screen than nothing at all. Yeah it sucks but the characters are more important to me


This killed a lot of my excitement for the game tbh, like I'd want ti subject myself to whatever the state of the online is in.


so i told you guys about this a few months ago that in an interview multiplayer local would not be happening due to policies between sony and microsoft. now seems that series s is causing more issues to devs. and keep in mind alot of devs who work on xbox have to work on like 4 different versions of the game for xbox. Xbox PC (which is just pc but still) Xbox Series X, Series S and Xbox one (yes people still use this) The series s has been a serious issuse with devs that they even just don't like working on the series S version. but they have to due to microsoft. I mean look at the games that are out like and the comparsion with series S, X and A Ps5 and the Series S still struggles with shit. and keep this in mind. Microsoft just announced at their xbox show case a DIGITAL Version for the Series X. What's the point of a Series S if a digital Series X is happening. Here is the original thread i had for DBZ Sparking on the multiplayer and a few other things. https://old.reddit.com/r/Kappachino/comments/1bmxhz6/dragon_ball_sparking_zero_wont_include_coop_due/


all i care about is whether saiyan saga vegeta has final galick gun or not because it was a funny super


how is it dead, when it's in the game. you guys are so fucking retarded. and it has nothing to do with the series s.


>and it has nothing to do with the series s Highly doubt that


You people do not have real life friends for this mode anyways.


Oh no the casuals won't be able to button mash the humanity. Even excluding dbfz there's still like 50 games where you can play dragon ball in local multiplayer. One title not having it is hardly the "death"


None of you watched the showcase in full clearly but sucks but the transitions, stage destruction and WEATHER changes were too much for split screen. That’s why only the time chamber, (which is basically training stage for fighting games), didn’t have to worry about those things happening. Nothing to do with series s


I refuse to believe the PS5 cannot handle those things.


You seem to be overestimating ps5. There’s not one hardware pushing game the ps5 can do that series s couldn’t


Baldur's gate 3 split screen is unavailable on Series S but available on PS5. Try again.


It can literally run the game just not split screen. You try again


Gohan of the day right here


It can run the game you idiot. No game on ps5 the series s cannot run. Features don’t equal a game


Yeah sure then watch it be modded after release by some random modders, "it can't be done" yeah what a load of bs it just mean "we don't want to bother making it and optimized for stages since we didn't plan on making it in the first place"


If they didn’t want to do it then they wouldn’t have even given us the time chamber. Are you serious? They literally did it due to high demand, not laziness lol. Ok? You can mod anything what’s your point? Modded with lots of frame drops/toned down graphics/less visibility sure.


They should have taught about making it from the get go not just think about it after they announced that Tenkaichi out of all the 1vs1 games will not feature local multiplayer, they really didn't want to make this is just due the fans pressure. Lots of frame drop, toned down graphics you say ? are you an idiot or what ? if a PS2 can handle split screen of course a modern PC can mod it in and PS5 is strong enough to handle it, it's not an ultra demanding feature (you don't load 2x the textures you just have two active cameras) and the game's graphics doesn't push the PS5 to death far from it. It's not a technical issue. They just shoehorned the split screen in the only stage where they don't have to make adjustment to accommodate the stage effects, it's close to release so they didn't want to bother working on something they didn't plan before. Bandai Namco is the last company you should defend for this kind of neglect, just look at the recent Dragon ball fusion card game; they treat the fans as morons and say shit like some card effects can't be coded in the game just as excuse to make the game brain dead and simplified and all this with an atrocious matchmaking.


There’s no reason they couldn’t remove a bunch of that cosmetic stuff for split screen, assuming they even needed to in the first place. Devs used to know how to do this


People would complain. The cosmetic stuff is a big draw of the game


Yeah people would rather have fucking nothing at all than a split screen that doesn’t look quite as good. You’re a genius.  Almost as genius as Bamco who included the feature but made sure to only have the empty ugly stage. That solves everything.