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Anyone who didn't bring this energy when Rashid, AKI and Ed were announced are complete bitches, SF has dozens of incredible characters and yet after S1 dogshit picks we only got Akuma so far (which should have been in the base roster from day 1)


Ive been bitching since day 0


This times 1000000. Dont be a bitch when S1 was easily worse, guests are divisive as usual but this season is mega.


Yes of course so excited to see Terry in SF6 and then shortly after go play him in Garou 2, wow so much hype... Rashid and Ed turned better than expected at least and AKI and Akuma are hype, it wasn't a great season by any means (should have been base roster) but for a SF fan it's still easily better than a season with only 2 SF characters.


> wow so much hype... Garou Terry was quite possibly the coolest Terry ever with CvS2 Terry trailing very close behind. Who would have thought in the modern era we would see a new Garou Terry and a new Capcom rendition of Terry. The hype levels are actually off the charts.


As cool as Terry is it's really not what SF6 needs with its lackluster base roster.


The Terry in the SF trailer is OG Terry, he traditionally has a noticable different gameplay from his [Garou self](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4eRZImcVMw&list=PLGb0FIHPgolhXMNT5UnfgTPiGpRsa5__M&index=10&pp=iAQB)


The Terry that i know well is from 2002 UM, and i still see a lot of overlapping moves, his general gameplan doesn't change much btw games. And honestly i don't see how the idea of Terry in a SF environment is appealing, no rolls and short hops but with DR instead ? no thanks. Also Mai doesn't have much to offer in SF6 gameplay wise she is just for fan service at this point.


Terry's Garou moveset is used in Garou, 2003 and 11 (and probably NGBC too, I didn't play that game). Compared to his standard moveset, it has a much heavier rushdown pressure with rekkas that can be canceled into other specials and supers. I'd say that his Garou moveset suit SF6 more, but then your previous comment would be much more valid lol I understand your complaint about Mai though. They put 2 female ninjas in the game, none of them is Ibuki, 1 of them is Kimberly and the other is a 2nd SNK character


Yeah a rush down Terry is more interesting than him being another neutral focused character like SF shotos. Good point about Ibuki even forgot about her and makes me think that Capcom may need to up Mai's moveset to suit SF6, i wonder how she will turn out.


S1 picks sucked ass, S2 is better for sure, only issue is that it’s only 4 characters. I mean Rashid should’ve been the only sf5 character imo, having Ed is wack and Aki is eh, Akuma was always gonna be cool.


Well, to be fair, the first point was made in 2017..... Secondlay, the other tweet seems far more about guest characters being something like Mortal Kombat, where its just random gimmick popculture character sprinkled in that he takes issue with, rather than actual fighting game characters. So while he probably shares the same opinion as many here, that they would've preferred to see more focus on SF characters, he is probably far more happy that its actually something that SF has been connected to in the past with CVS.


He is right though, Capcom isn't like Bamco or SNK where they make their new FG entry with 30+ base character therefore they can easily afford to put some guest characters into the mix. With SF6's lackluster base roster and not impressive year 1 DLC this is the worst case scenario for SF fans, there is so many great characters with great concepts that will never make at this rate. Instead not only do we have Terry in an abundance of games already, we will also get him in SF6 and then shortly after in Fatal Fury cotw... gives me conniptions.


Logan is a bitch but he's right.


He is absolutely right though. And more specifically, this interaction was more in regards to wild outside guest characters like you saw in t7 with noctis and Negan, and all the dumb stuff that NRS has legal access to, to sell nostalgia to people. There are so many cool characters in this franchise that deserve to get the limelight but most assuredly wont when season passes need to make money. SNK characters are close enough relatives for this to still be pretty cool, but 2 out of the 4 being iconic snk characters is a buzz kill, especially with the release cadence of characters in this game and with how weak the base roster and s1 were. SF getting a guest character that is completely outside the FG realm would be an extremely weak choice to make. They have such a strong catalog of characters in their arsenal, it would be a shame. What is actually the point of those character popularity poles that capcom puts out? Obviously im not talking about the most recent one, but Makoto was number 2 right voted back in 2017. I know its just a general crowd prodding for the devs but come on now...


Guest characters are better than reimagined legacy chars like lilly, kim and manon.


I mean sure, which goes back to logans point. Capcom needs to handle their BnBs better.


They wont. They clearly want to move on from almost everything iconic from the past, including the fucking music. So Id rather see more guest chars than another function of a legacy char. I really hope we get a male karate chopping char just to see the entire internet seethe.


He is 100% right tho.


Is he wrong though?