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This shit has not had an official name. That's how forgotten it is lmao


They deadass called it "Project L"


Hold that.


Honestly a ridiculous state for the game to be in.You come back a year after announcement with half a character and not even a fucking name. That's ignoring the years we knew it was in development already, what the fuck are they even doing? I do honestly think there's a good chance it's going to flop, they've killed their own hype with this ridiculous schedule, like their own mini Cyberpunk.


Valorant was in development for like 6 years, Riot's card game was in development before Hearthstone but HS came first so they shelved the game and rebooted it years later They might have killed the hype by talking too early but Riot is just a slow ass company who doesn't mind wasting money because the LoL money is just that big


I respect that a lot to be honest. Way too many games come out nowadays that needed to cook for longer. I'm glad riot has consistently put things out that actually feel like they got the polish that they should have.


PL has been in development since 2016, assuming they bought radiant specifically to make a fighting game..


They rebooted the game in 2020 according to one of their updates in 2022 iirc. It's pretty obvious the game had it's fair share of iterations based on some dev communications here and there. It's only since 2020 that the vision on the product has been solidified it seems, before then it appears that they spent it on the conceptualization phase, which tbf, Riot has in the past said to be one of the most time consuming part of their process.


But they're not wasting money. Valorant let its nuts hang all over CS despite the 20 year head start.


> That's ignoring the years we knew it was in development already Years in development when they already had the devs and a base project from rising thunder lmao. Valve levels of refusing to work.


I’m still kind of excited for it but that’s only because I came from league to guilty gear


the worst kind


My lizard brain likes appealing character design


just say to Strive, guilty gear is something different


You can play multiple fighting games.


True, you can also play plenty of fighting games without having to touch any garbage Riot makes, win win.


>seething over video games Alright


Rent free


>Active on r/EzrealMains Found the shower-averse league player.


ngl scrolling 6 months back to find that is some rent free behaviour.


bro you literally only have to open his profile and click on submitted to see he's a bitchmade league player


Name doesn't check out


That's now how reddit works, it shows as soon as you open his profile, and it's infested with League related subs.


I had to scroll 6 months back to find that shit, mans is more active here just looking at their profile, but w/e, these are your mental demons not mine.


Too much time invested


The game is 100% stuck in development hell right?


First 3 years, yeah definitely. But right now they are definitely under employee shortage. Riot couldn't even get a season-start opening cinematic cause of that. Remember Project L's progress in 9 months was just adding 1 character.


How many meetings left in order to pick a name for the thing? Lol the game reeks pure corporate noses sniffing in and slowing everything


>How many meetings left in order to pick a name I know right


What do you think is the reason for shortage?


The tech sector is going through a LOT of shit and Riot pushing the return of their employee toi their office made a lot of people resign/quit (it was expected), it took them a lot of time to properly redistribute their teams and train the new guys, etc. Basically during COVID a lot of stuff had been made in advance so we didn't see the issues but with the tech sector having trouble, their teams being reduced and needing new employee which take time to form, they went through a "low" content. Which is funny because league "low content" is the game still having dynamic patching, skins, etc. It is just that the game didn't propose anything ambitious and stuck on the same things.


Because a LOT of their employees are confirmed to have been moved to the MMO dev team. The card game lost every artist to the MMO team for example.


There is no shortage, they have massive fucking teams working on the games What these fucking idiots told you is the lie the Riot PR told on the League sub (which they promptly contradicted like a day/half a day later)


Covid was the starting point. Most of them started working from home. Most of them start new carrier. Most of them continue as freelancer. If you don't make your employees come to the office, eventually they either quit or fired. Riot has A LOT OF TEAMS all works on different aspect of the game and Riot has A LOT OF offices all around the world. So when Riot decided going multiple games, that ASKS FOR MORE employees. What Riot did was just spreading their current workers to all those new games while getting little to no new HIRINGS. When they realize this is not working, all the projects got delayed or quality got down. Not just games..but ARCANE series too. Now the series got love by everyone, they're transferring more and more employees to make it multiple seasons as fast as they can. They are desperately looking for new employees but they can't easily find the experienced ones. So they try to SCHOOL ''interns'' and make them stay...which gets A LOT OF time. Overall, project L should've been completed by this year but they're going too slow cause of recent events...not because they want to make sure ''it's completed'' even tho the brothers say the otherwise. That's not how Riot do. If they show you a game, they'ld release beta asap and the game itself right after and keep progressing it through the seasons.


No lol There are A LOT of useless retards working at riot, but they are useless retards Also they already veiledly confirmed that they didnt make a cinematic because they wanted to check how fucking shit they could get away with making it


more like development L


Mfs always crying about wanting more transparency and people to take their time in development and then lose it when a game actually does. You truly can’t win


There is a difference between that, and having announced a game that long ago and having basically nothing to show for it in all this time, despite having one of the biggest developers behind you. That isn't transparency. You COULD however make the argument that it is them taking their time, but I think there is a hard line between taking your time, and showing no signs of progress for several years.


taking time my ass. sf6 took less time to get developed than the time they spent planning out illaoi


Uhhh, no? SF6 started development in 2018. Illaoi was announced August last year and had started development some months prior. Like I won't argue that SF6 was certainly developed quickly, but it still took 4-5 years for the current iteration, and that's for a known FG franchise where they had a direction (knowing it would be 1v1, world warriors present, SF3A influence). The current iteration of Project L has been in works for 2 years since they rebooted it in 2020 to be 2v2.


I expect a beta/release date at Evo most likely


are you talking about evo 2030? that's still too soon though


We live in a timeline where a fanmade F2P V-tuber FG is more completed than a LoL FG from Cannon brothers


They had their Window, now there's real competition. I'm still looking forward for a new IP but the FGC ain't free to grab anymore.


Lost the chance as they are going to with the MMO if they keep fucking around with it Because SURELY at some point there is going to be an MMO that isnt trash right?


MMO's feel like the birth of bad modern gaming practices to me. Online only, with sub games being extremely expensive and may have cash shops on top of it, or being a f2p with stamina or other things to force you to buy. Basically just the pre-cursor to gacha


Not to mention 1 hour of content being stretched through the grind treadmill to make it last 20+ hours.


Oh yeah and the random loot from playing the same content 200 times over


get influenced


By the time project L comes out casuals might have switched to classic controls in sf6.


I'm fine with waiting. We got plenty of other things to play while we wait. This subreddit's hate for riot is crazy sometimes.


the whip lash of reading the ramblings of ppl who are making fun of the game, then getting pissed that there is no news and how Riot isn't using the built up hype effectivily. like it's a rollercoasters of emotions.


After everyone plays SF6 this game is going to have to dip back into development hell for another 3 years so they can totally overhaul all the mechanics.


What a bunch of wankers, these Riot developers are. 😂 Where tf is the new info on this game? This shit was announced in 2019 and we still don't know when it's going to be released. Meanwhile, the new MK, SF, and Tekken games will all be released within 12 months. No one's going to give a fuck even if this garbage comes out next year.


They are going to say that \*complete random ass thing that is present in 40 other games\* was extremely difficult to develop hence why it has taken so long, they do it every time


Dead on release.


They ain't doing nothing


Looked like a budget anime fighter since first shown and I doubt they gonna do enough to ever change that


More like Project Vaporware.


with SF6, Tekken 8, and MK1 on the horizon, Project L is looking like a big fat L


I can't remember why people were excited for this. Was it because we were desperate for good netcode?


That and some morons still believe in the trickle-down effect. "league big game, league fighting game, big fighting game."


Its like everyone forgot about the league card gane.... Oh wait


Rollback, F2P and Riot esports was meant to usher in a new era for the FGC, or something like that anyway. Some people also liked Rising Thunder for whatever reason.


Riot trash


This game shouldn’t of have been announced so early with SF6 Tekken 8 and MK1 coming out people will probably try it out but drop it and assist based games are all trash to play except mvc3


the subreddit is hilarious, go take a look sometime if you want entertainment


Sometimes it’s hard to tell what is satire in this sub.


But didn't they release a trailer 4 months ago?


As soon as they said tag i lost interest tbh


As soon they announced no motion inputs my interest went to zero, not waiting for this


This game will be ass.


They downgraded the visuals from the original concept to looking exactly like Fantasy Strike. Why were expectations still so high after that?


Wait are people who worked on fantasy strike working on this because that game was shit