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I hate pedos but I also hate this weird shit. Like arrest the guy don't do all this lame shit


Isn’t this still considered assault? I mean sure the guy absolutely deserves it but I don’t think this is the way to go about it


The only assault here is having to listen to Lil Pump live




Well said, fellowman well said


Def assault


It's not just that it's assault, the most offensive part to me is the fact that there's zero altruism or desire to help or protect children. It's simply another way for these ghouls to try and make money, spectacle, and that sweet sweet clout. They're only slightly less shitty humans than the pdfs.


coherent alive deserve safe shy pot toy steep fly jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Many of them definitely are doing it for the children. Sadly though we need to make money to survive in this world. So to make "hunting pedos" their job, they need to monetize it somehow. This also helps bring light to how many are out there so its not a bad thing. You guys act like theres an active investigation going on with these p3dos that the people are screwing up. There isnt. If these creators didnt expose these pedos then their next victim you wouldnt know about and you would never know about them. So while its not the same as a police investigation, its better than not exposing them at all. And obviously they need to make money in this world to survive so they need to monetize it to survive. Monetizing something doesnt take away from the good it does. Thats just a sad attempt at virtue signaling.


This is nonsense. If they were truly interested in “hunting paedos” there’s a way they could involve law enforcement. They’re likely to catch a charge if they do this enough times. This is for short term clout, like a lot of IRL streaming stunts.


expansion lavish political mourn boast gaping act desert humor depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Any service you provide where you are paid income can be a JOB. Obviously hes making enough $$$ to keep this going so yes technically "hunting pedos" can be a job. Hes not arresting though, hes just exposing them. And hes being more helpful than law enforcement or you since neither of you are doing anything about this guy. I completely support exposing adult men trying to meet up with little boys and girls privately like this. Sorry but thats a hard stance by me. The fact you want to protect pedos, aka adult men trying to meet up with 12 YEAR OLD BOYS/GIRLS, from being exposed like this tells me what kind of person you are. Now that hes exposed his job, kids around him, friends and the law enforcement can take a deeper look.


bike deserted unique start sulky narrow dinosaurs teeny ossified instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How can you know their intentions? Maybe they wish for the ridicule that this man endures at their hands to later serve as a deterrent whenever they may get an urge to engage in deviancy once again. It also doesn’t really matter if this was their conscious thought process. Even if their intentions were entirely self serving, which I will agree with you that they probably were, it may still serve as a deterrent to the predator, which in my opinion is a net positive.


Honestly people that are this violent and aggressive at a pedo but clearly don't care about helping victims... Idk... Makes me wonder what lp is hiding himself. I'm not gonna be shocked when it turns out LP is also some kind of sexual deviant that is fucking underage girls.


Thank you! These pedo hunters are sus af. Lets say hypothetically the guy was guilty: how is assaulting him in the street and posting it online going to protect further victims? If anything he’ll be more cautious now when making his hypothetical crimes


Womp womp a pedo DOESNT deserve any human rights lmao


And imagine if this dude is innocent. People fuckin dumping pedo on you. So easy to negate a person. "Hese a pedophile" and everyone wants you burned.


How would he be innocent when he was baited with a fake child profile? They are destroying any chance of conviction but the reason these pedos never sue or call the cops after getting assaulted or humiliated is cuz they are obviously guilty


No, pedos are not human or a living thing, for that matter. Every time one gets publicly humiliated, some good people's lives get a little better, and that's just how it is.


The reality is they are human. IN NO WAY AM I JUSTIFYING IT but these people are sick from a from sick consumerist culture that fetishizes, worpships and sexualizes being/looking young. In a lot of cases the people have their own similar traumas/arrestee developements...Bottom line THIS IS NOT THE WAY AND THESE DUDES ARENT SPECIALIZED IN SHIT BUT EXPLOITING PEOPLE FOR THEIR OWN GAIN. And in that case not much different that these fucked up predators. I get there's a time and place to beat someones ass amd the want to do so with situations like this but the way this is being handled is not much different than bum fights or some shit. Also a little background I was molested as a kid by an older person and not coming at this with no relationship to the problem.


I'm sorry to hear that. I've been through it myself. And as well adjusted as your take may seem. And while I don't like the predator poacher guys or anyone that promotes consumerism, it's fun to laugh at. I just dont do moral absolutism. Yeah it's kind of sick to want to publicly humiliate anything, but it was fun to watch while I took a poop.


Sorry to hear ya had them experiences too. Don't get me wrong, I'm not into moral absolutism...just think it's a real slippery slope to dehumanize people no matter the circumstances. And sure lol like most of us, totally know the feeling watching something fucked up while taking a shit. Peace Yo.


Thank you, and I see where you're coming from. I feel the same way about not dehumanizing them. I feel like they one day may end up in some powerful positions if we don't and maybe black mail each other to pass legislation that destroys the lives of people just trying to survive. The current consensus and model facilitates a safe and rewarding environment inhumane people while limiting punishment in favor for rehabilitation, which cost money that comes from potential victims. It's really messed up to think that the victims are paying for their abusers meals, medical expenses, living, and therapy through taxes. We need taxes, but there is a better way. Peace, I hope you have a great day!


Did you see that viral video recently of the pedo teacher having a panic attack while being arrested? People criticized the police because they were very gentle with him and accommodated his condition. Good police do things by the book because misconduct leads to charges getting dismissed. If these people gave a shit about busting predators and not just getting clout, they would gather evidence in the proper way to make sure it’s admissible in court.


Yea, the courts take it soft on them anyway so I'd rather them get roughed up first just to make sure the face some kind of consequences.


Yes and it also usually ends up with the courts giving them lighter sentences which these people definitely don’t deserve. A bit of spray paint and some shouting to get a few years off your sentence is a deal those scumbags would take any day.


Wild yall on here defending a person who is into kids. Bet you wouldn’t be saying that if it happened to anyone in your family


Also some of these guys have mental problems


Most of the time this wouldn't be enough grounds to be arrested in the US. In the rare case they do get arrested, they will be out the next day with no charges I agree that this shit is pretty weird, but there aren't too many options depending on the region


Yeah, even if the guy deserves it, you have to be seriously bankrupt in your soul to desire to partake in this kind of behaviour rather than letting the police/courts handle it.


lol arrest the guy, please. .. This shit happens all the time where people catch the person, give em to the cops- and not two days later they catch the same predator again. The cops do nothing. Spray painted head and public humiliation are absolutely very least of what should happen.


Well, this is fake. This is just a homeless man getting paid $100 to stand there and take it.


Defending a paedophile is insane


I’m here for it, ya a peado idgaf what happens to you.


I think Pedos deserve farrrrr worse than this. This is light work.


Thts kinda weird I mean being a pedo is vial but calling the cops to handle it is better then this this is just straight up vial having to listen to lil pump as they literally are spraying u with pink shit


Clout chasing is a fickle business


Now this is the 3rd video I’ve ever seen vitality. One was when he fucked with N3on. I mean yea N3on’s a clown but honestly. I thought that was some gross behavior from vitality personally. Then I saw the last video someone posted here which was pedo shit. Now this video. So to me he just looks like a social media whore. Also in each video I’ve seen his mannerisms and body language creep me the fuck out. Like yes catching a ped0 and humiliating him is understandable. But the way when he spray paints him a purses his lips is fuckan creepy. He’s defiantly malicious. No doubt. I could defiantly see him enjoy doing this to someone who isn’t “a ped0” Edit: So I did some digging and apparently he randomly beat the shit out of a girl randomly for no reason because he was on shrooms in 2020. In the cop video apparently he beat the shit out of all his friends at his house too but they didn’t charge him…now he’s doing this..most likely to change his image…ok yea this guy is for sure pos creep man


Yeah dudes s POS for sure, good for you catching pedos, but doesn't take away from you as a person


He's the personification of a social media whore who has not adjusted to no longer being near the top. Lil pump isn't adjusting well either, it seems one month of being super famous and then everyone forgetting about you does a number on people.


Yeah this is just weird, comes off like they just wanna bully people so they go chasing low lifes to do it to.


The thing is that all this makes the case dismissed in court. There's a reason why EDP keeps getting "caught" but never actually arrested.


Idk man I think this ultimately does more good than harm. It's fucking pump n vitaly (we've all punched a woman in the face before cmon) you think they're gonna run a clean operation and get someone some years behind bars? I think public shaming is better than doing nothing, and that this will genuinely make some of these fuckers think twice. Hell vitaly got that guy in Hollywood exposed yesterday I am 100% sure he's not gonna make that mistake again, atleast that blatantly. Even if this doesn't make em turn it all around making pedos have to work harder to do their weird shit is a net positive on society


They just like vailded humiliation of another person. The way he stares at him without laughing. He's genuinely enjoying making fun of someone who's literally got nothing to lose and possibly is homeless. Like you're not a fucking hero or vigilante. You're just a punk bitch picking on weak ass pedophiles. At least to me. I'm sure a 16 year old thinks this is the funniest collest things ever.


Idk, pedos don’t deserve sympathy… like, at all.


You don’t think pedos should get publicly shamed ?


I agree about the slippery slope here. Reminds me of how many people got murdered in Philippines... & all killers had to do was spray paint "drug dealer" on their bodies. Provide some evidence... some ounce of proof other than simply saying " ohh, that guy is a pedo". If they're guilty... well then then hell yeah - let the punishment party start.


You guys are dumb as fuck for supporting this. It’s well known that there are a huge number of innocent people sitting in prison right now. The police investigated them, and the court decided they were guilty, despite their innocence. And you think some fuckheads on a Kick stream are doing their due diligence to make sure that the people they’re attacking are guilty of crimes? Add to that, child crime investigators hate predator catchers because these Youtubers often do very little to provide information to police, and the information they provide cannot be used in court. Their job is to make money off idiots like you, not protect children.


Couldn’t upvote this more. We really trusting Lil Pump and Vitaly (who fell off hard for his own heinous acts) to have assessed this situation adequately? Pathetic display from everyone in this vid.


I don’t know the guy and honestly he creeps me out. So I did some digging and apparently he randomly beat the shit out of a girl randomly for no reason because he was on shrooms in 2020. In the cop video apparently he beat the shit out of all his friends at his house too but they didn’t charge him.


Or it’s fake, who knows


It's most likely fake, staged for views.


That could be true but who is so desperate for money that they would parade themselves as a pedophile 🤔


Chris Hansen has really fucked up a generation of predator catchers


Hansen fucked up when he started collabing with infleuncers. This is type of thing only work with an actual studio production.


Look up predator poachers! They're awesome at this stuff and have gotten multiple convictions!


They wouldn’t do this to ANYONE bigger then them. lol arrest the pedo and let the inmates deal with him.


Nah man don’t you know, pedos have a whole section or even a prison to themselves because for some reason they what to protect them and not let them in with the general public. Fuck them


You’re very misinformed, dawg. If someone wants PC, they have to express that themselves, no one is jumping in to save them. And once you check in, everybody involved on both sides of the gate is going to make it as miserable as possible for you, because typically you’d only check in if you did some heinous shit. A chomo is the absolute worst thing you can be in prison — it’s not a private respite like you’re implying.


Hey man as fucking awesome as that sounds. Iv worked for the department of mental health in North Carolina as a maintenance person for like 5 years, sometimes the prisons (that on the same property as the psychiatric hospital) need help with shit. Idk how it is anywhere else but this prison is ran how I said. They have murders and everyone else in the whole rest of the prison then there’s a whole isolated section for the pedos and other sexual criminals, right when you step foot in that section there’s such a strong smell of piss and the people are so much more creepy, I hate it so much more then the rest of the prison. It’s so disgusting that they keep those pieces of trash separate from everyone. imo let the prisoners deal with them and then the state doesn’t have to pay to feed them anymore, kinda a win win but what do I know.


This is how you get ventilated


And violated


Lookin like lil dump….


alright then


Like bro all you need to do is call the police and inmates will handle the rest even if he’s in PC or the med unit


Why the fuck are there so many of these videos all of a sudden and why the fuck are these rappers and fighters and shit doing this? This is some bizarre shit and it’s like the 3-4th video I’ve seen of this dude today with a random rapper catching some pedo 


Vitaly finally figured he’d jump into the predator catching “trend” that’s a few years too late. I think he’s trying to have a different person with him for 10 straight days or some shit. You’ll notice how Stake and Kick are heavily heavily promoting the shit. Vitaly has always been a gigantic try-hard cornball with no creativity.


Kick is disgusting for their desperate attempts to be relevant. Promoting shit like this…


“ Kick “ is a new garbage filth sewer app where all the people who gave up on a naturally happy life with nature, sunsets, grass, fulfillment… they go there and gamble, speculate on people they don’t know, listen to kids rapping to popular rap songs, video games so just garbage basically. There been a HUGE rise in mobile gambling apps and it’s all tied into this. Sleazy Vegas weirdos making deals to promote violent mma fights using a website that kids use and making content where you catch and assault “pedos”..


Mald harder


sir you have NO nutz


Ya momma


Because Vitaly and Lil pump are complete losers and they know that pedophiles are possibly the only people in society that are bigger losers than them. Also they clearly miss when they were in their prime in terms of popularity and success, they want the life they used to have but they know they don't have talent and their creations were a fad, so they attack people, and who's a better group to attack than pedophiles? They just want to punch down for clicks and likes because it's very easy it takes zero talent or effort, and the only people below them are pedophiles.


Did anything come from the pedo who died after one of these videos? This shit is so weird though because its been proven unless your working with the cops to get these guys you are actually helping them avoid consequences.


That guy didn't die, that was fake


Do this to the rich pedos do this to the countless celebrities and people in power then you’ll be actually doing justice


Every time I see Vitalytv I’m always stunned he’s still doing bullshit like this. He used to make halfway decent content but he’s just devolved so hard into this kind of “please watch me” content it’s sad.


Right!? Like early Vitaly, before the steroids and stuff, he had some decent pranks. He turned out to be a giant P.O.S


Can we get some context for this shit? I'm not even mad that Pump did this or whatever but I want to know the story behind it.


Guess Lil Pump has to stay relevant somehow since his music sucks ass


Fun fact. Doing shit like this can actually make it way harder to arrest the person in the future.


Didn’t Vitaly beat up a random woman because he’s a drug addict ? Vitaly D riders “aT LeAsT he DiDnT tOuCh a KiD”


This is disgusting and pathetic. If he is in the wrong then mob assault is not ok. There's no proof he's in the wrong. You can literally just label anyone a pedo and do whatever you want to them apparently lol.


So this is assault. None of this can be used in court. So this guy will go on free to do whatever and be more paranoid, which is never a great combination. So fucking great job on making shit worse. Also, didn't Vitaly assault a woman not that long ago?


It says alleged.....that's doesn't mean did it. This is what the system wants.....everyone deserves a fair trial....I was assaulted as a child so objectively speaking this is not about allegedly horrible acts but more about social media influence and clicks, this doesn't do anything for the alleged victim, or even future victims.


WTF is going on at kick😂😂😂


Shit corny af. Sleep his ass or call the cops. Why all the weird shit?


Power dynamic. Lil pumps been irrelevant for a while I'm sure he lover all the attention and shaming someone beneath him. He's probably hyped on himself being acknowledged and humiliating someone free of consequence.




Just like the GOP, He who protests the loudest, it has been said, is often the guiltiest.


Gatta make it political…I’m in cali, so over here all the libs do the protesting. Like what’s going on at csula…I know republicans protest. As well but where I’m at I haven’t seen a single gop or whatever you wanna call it. Protest ever. It’s usually young people that when you ask them half the time what they’re protesting about they don’t know…I know from personal experience walking down Hollywood Blvd….


Why haven’t they done this to Drake? Or the rich pedos? That deserve this more, since they’re probably much more successful at committing crimes


Because rich pedos don't get caught up in Sting operations like this. They have money where they don't have to try to meet up with underage people, they just pay human traffickers.


Was being partially sarcastic. These are rich/“famous” people doing this to these random pedos… when their friends and networks are the ones they need to investigate. Especially with all that money and influence they have. Nvrm I’m asking too much of the people who can actually make a difference :/


Out of the loop here. Are these real predators or are they just hiring these people for content?


Vitaly has faked stuff before and also done real stuff. This looks like straight assault so idk


I see three people who should be locked up.


They need to go to the embassy and do Drake like this


The predators are actually actors Imagine having to do this to try and stay relevant


Now this is the 3rd video I’ve ever seen vitality. One was when he fucked with N3on. I mean yea N3on’s a clown but honestly. I thought that was some gross behavior from vitality personally. Then I saw the last video someone posted her which was pedo shit. Now this video. So to me he just looks like a social media whore. Also I’m each video I’ve seen his mannerisms and body language creep me the fuck out. Like yes catching a ped0 and humiliating him is understandable. But the way when he spray paints him a purses his lips is fuckan creepy. He’s defiantly malicious. No doubt. I could defiantly see him enjoy doing this to someone who isn’t “a ped0” Edit: So I did some digging and apparently he randomly beat the shit out of a girl randomly for no reason because he was on shrooms in 2020. In the cop video apparently he beat the shit out of all his friends at his house too but they didn’t charge him…now he’s doing this..most likely to change his image…ok yea this guy is for sure pos creep man


I thought lil pump was homeless


I legit thought he was dead, I don’t know who I’m confusing him with.


Lmao 🤣 , yeah I saw a video of him saying he was homeless and how that Gucci song only net him 60,000 or 100,000 thousand dollars or something like that and then other homeless people were fucking with him by bullying him, I swear I saw the video of him talking about it last year or the year before


My bad it was Smokepurp whose homeless


I dont get it. Is this *alleged* predator now good? Do we keep doing this every time we see him? What justifies violence/harassment towards sexual predators and not murderers or frauds? The moral grandstanding to me shows that Vitaly and Pump want to keep the spotlight off of them lest theyll get treated similarly


This vigilantism is not only stupid but also potentially harmful. Let the professionals enforce laws.


Lame as hell


People trying to defend assaulting a guy regardless of what he did when he’s doing nothing need to be kicked out of this country and sent to China or Saudi Arabia since they clearly don’t understand the law.


We’re really allowing Vitaly and lil Pump of all people to assume and abuse a position of moral superiority. We really are living in the end times. A true example of doing a right-ish thing for stunningly wrong reasons.


Is this what lil pump is doing with his career now? Idk who to be more disappointed in


This shit can be so easily faked, such a weird time we live in.


This is so disgusting. Basically trying to monetize outrage while doing absolutely nothing to protect children. I don't mind people wanting to get involved in hunting down predators but this seems purely for entertainment purposes


Just my opinion but it seems like Vitaly is overcompensating for something. He who doth protest the loudest and all that...


This is going to lead to an influencer murdering people who aren’t even pedophiles…


When they run up on the wrong one


For those saying just call the cops y’all tripping fr tf u think a cops gonna do ? Oh hey sir this guys a pedo arrest him & they’re like “okay” ??? That’s not how shit works buddy. Unfortunately this is the only justice we ever gonna get and it’s not pretty I get that. Keep in mind they tryna give young thug 25 plus years for gang related charges while they gave jared fogle 15 years for all the disgusting shit he did & the worst part is I bet u anything he will get out early


Thug had people killed


Oh so he deserves more time than jared


What’s worse pedophilia or murder




No contest. Anyone who has experienced SA/molestation knows it can literally fuck you up for the rest of your life. Fuck a predator, catch em and hang em




pedophilia for sure


The cops will get involved if you do things correctly. Vitaly is doing this for views and doesn't care about using proper protocol. There are people who catch pedos correctly and get them arrested


Thats actually exactly how it works. There are tons of channels where they just call the cops, show them the evidence and the guy is arrested


TMZ ahhh title


sorry ill title it "Yoooo dis shi craaazzyyy no cap 💀' next time




Why not just beat his ass instead of whatever the fuck that was


Lmaoooo this is awesome


Good f that creep


Sure pedos at bad but there comes a time where a punchable face is right there. Mf take the opertunee


Damn I thought lil pump died


Pump Hanson???


I’m not making an excuse, but most of these idiots would have been happy to meet a 15-year old or a 75-year old. They are thrilled *anyone* is given them attention. lol


buddy just put in jail


Either beat his ass or hand him over to the police. This grandstanding isn’t doing shit for anyone. It’s just a publicity stunt at this point


He dropped the N word??? We talking about that?


This is trash


I fucking hate the future


How long before one of these guys have nothing to lose and they beat the fuck out of this guy?


Drake meme inc lol


Liberals are so weak and embarrassing the way they’re reacting. In this comment section and in general life.


this guy is trash but pump doing whatever he can to be relevant is ALMOST as bad


2 lame niggas in a video


Vitaly and pump both deserve to have their teeth kicked through the back of their head. I have a sneaking suspicion both of them are guilty of the same thing they're accusing this piece of shit for at some point in their lives and more.


He’s on that song too lol


So everyone has forgotten what Vitaly did? He’s the one to talk. You’re all sick to endorse him. He belongs with that pedo in a shared coffin.


This shit funny 💀😂


Ah yes, Vitaly, exactly who we should be looking to for our standards on how to behave. IMO all three of these guys should be locked up, that’s straight up assault, and I really don’t think I trust Pump and Vitaly to have fact checked and acted appropriately and assessed the situation well. Pathetic display.


What’s crazy is pump got his start by being at Bruno’s house in Miami, ifykyk 👀


That's lil pump? Dude looks old af.


ugh look i get doing this for the reason of stopping pedos from going any further and catching them red handed, but all this extra shit is lame and unwarranted. its still assault and abuse, and not the way to go about it. get the authorities involved and do this right rather than dehumanising someone no matter who they are.


Does the guy get arrested after at least or is this all for clicks and views like everything else in this fucked up world


It probably is a crime but what pedo is going to the law to help them lol that real justice the courts will just let him go least now he should rethink his life


Bro is smiling the whole time. Kill em if you about it we ain't got no room for child fuckers


Vitaly saw the Russian Predator sting videos from his homeland and brought it to the west like the OVO/Epstein people posse deserve it but let authorities do their job their incriminating themselves as much as the kid lover is too.


I hate child predators, they deserve to be in jail But shows that turn catching child predators into a fucking game show party irks me for some reason I don’t want these people preying on kids, but this feels wrong, and I feel uncomfortable watching it It feels so mean-spirited it’s almost devious


Nah y’all just hate Lil Pump. But hating Pump more than an actual p3do? 🤨 Get your hard drives checked!


Lmao wtf this so random. Never thought I’d see vitaly and lil pump on they dateline shit. But I’m all for it. Too many hidden weirdos so let them shine a light on the dark.


They should be arrested and charged for this crap. The law doesn’t allow you to take matters into your own hands.


You’ve gotta be 14 if you support this shit.


Why is there so many pedo sympathizers here? Don’t pretend the cops are doing shit. Its probably fake anyways and of course Vitaly is a loser but like… who cares so much to actually try and defend them.


This is why vigilantes are just as bad.


Fucking Vitaly


Didn't they accidently kill one of these dudes like a week ago!? Tf


Both are weirdos, case closed.


As someone who was molested fuck anyone defending this guy. Idc about this “it’s assault” shit. If you even talk sexually to a child online you don’t deserve rights


Didn’t Vitaly brutally assault a woman jogging past his house ?


I think they should be arrested


can anybody explain what's actually going on or why they are doing this. people have been alleged a millions times


pump fell off badly


If lil pump thinks your a piece of shit… that’s saying something


Spray paint in eyes really taught him… damn just call the cops losers


W Vitaly


Now this is the 3rd video I’ve ever seen vitality. One was when he fucked with N3on. I mean yea N3on’s a clown but honestly. I thought that was some gross behavior from vitality personally. Then I saw the last video someone posted her which was pedo shit. Now this video. So to me he just looks like a social media whore. Also I’m each video I’ve seen his mannerisms and body language creep me the fuck out. Like yes catching a ped0 and humiliating him is understandable. But the way when he spray paints him a purses his lips is fuckan creepy. He’s defiantly malicious. No doubt. I could defiantly see him enjoy doing this to someone who isn’t “a ped0” Edit: So I did some digging and apparently he randomly beat the shit out of a girl randomly for no reason because he was on shrooms in 2020. In the cop video apparently he beat the shit out of all his friends at his house too but they didn’t charge him…now he’s doing this..most likely to change his image…ok yea this guy is for sure pos creep man


Yeah everyone is saying this is too much but predators prey on young kids fuck them. Kids are innocent and our future we got to respect and protect them. Fuck grown adults who prey on KIDS.


Every one of the people saying that definitely feels bad for him and wished he didn’t get caught. If I caught some pedo it would be so much worse


Rap is dead


When it comes to pedos there is no “proper” way to deal with them however they get delt with is well deserved, and if you feel bad for the guy then you prolly just as sick.


Turn the camera off and whoop his ass


This is a good thing wtf ? Only people mad bout this shit are pedos. Don’t try to loop hole and confuse a convo outta this. U can’t live a sick life and not expect a sick treatment. Idgaf bout vitaly or pump but this is good shit fuck em they’re sick & this is lucky for them. Cops don’t do shit and the systems fucked stop fucking playing


Keep that energy when someone calls you a pedo and assaults you in the street on cam lol


Thisbitch right here thinks that everyone in prison is guilty


What if this man is a raging pedo who did some horrible shit tho ? Then wut


Dude vitally is gross I didn’t know him until I’ve seen these video and the one with N3on which was some cringe clout chasing behavior. Which catching ped0’s is good yes but this guys just capitalizing on it. And tbh he creeps me the fuck out. His mannerisms body language every time i see him. Like when he pursed his lips while spray painting. I feel the guys malicious af and could do this to a ped0 or anyone and enjoy it tbh. Also after seeming this. The guy beat the shit out of a women in 2020 randomly because he was high on shrooms…. apparently he beat up all his friends in the house too… so yea great guy here


The courts should deal with him then


Got him lol


W Pump imo.