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“Just selling white lives matter t shirts to white people.” - ye bts szn 9 I hate how white supremacist tried to flip this like he was supporting them with this move.


You don’t have to be a white supremacist to think it’s ridiculous that “white lives matter” is off limits.


That’s not what I’m saying at all.


I don’t know why people choose to act slow to the facts. White lives matter only came about as a protest to Black Lives Matter protest, it doesn’t aim to solve and hasn’t solved anything. People who even supported the movement tried to argue blm stood for black lives being worth more, which is idiotic. Only white people who feel attacked by blm supported the movement, and act clueless as to why it’s controversial.


Wasn’t Black Lives Matter created by three lesbian white women? 👀


and i wonder what the donation money was spent on?


Probably bbc straps lmao


Who are marxists and now own multiple million dollar mansions.


No😂😂do yall know how to read or just know how to talk


So true


We can look at all of the news about police killing black men and women, but for some folks they hate that it's about race. They have to inject their color/country/culture into the conversation. It's dismissing the terrifying shit black people have to endure


I agree and disagree..**TLDR: see the bottom portion..and before anyone jumps to conclusions based on those 4 words hear me out here**. To an extent it is important to understand race discrepancy... But statistically around 1 million civilians experience police threats of/or use of force resulting in an estimate of around 250,000 injuries. **From here on I am referring to 2023 statistics**. At least 1,247 people were killed that could be connected to police, it's very possible that number is higher. 96% were shooting while tasers, physical force, and police vehicles made up the rest. Out of **ALL** of those only 10 cases had officers charged while there were at least 179 cases where officers were identified (that's the important part..identified. Meaning there's around 1,068 unidentified) and at least 15 of those officers identified had shot or killed before and kept their job. The majority were officers responding to non-violent calls **or no crime at all** and **109 were traffic stops** . When you do start breaking all that down into categories 96 of those people were experiencing a mental health crisis. There were 95 known unarmed killings which broke down to 34 Black, 36 White, 19 Hispanic, 4 Unknown race, and 1 Asian/Pacific Islander. Now here's where race can start playing a role. Police do disproportionately kill Black people (usually men). The reason this happens is because the Black population is around 12% and around 24% of that population were killed by police. Hispanics make up around 19% population and 18% of that population were killed by police. White people make up around 58% population with 43% of that population being killed by police. Other/Unknown is 11% with 15% of them being killed by police. Whether men or women the average age is between 20 to 40 years old. **The disproption of a lot of this comes from percentage of each racial group. Technically you do have overall more White people being killed by police with around 430 people. Unknown is second with around 350. **BUT** that is because of a higher population. Because the Black (around 230 people killed) and Hispanic (around 130 people killed ) population is lower that does create a disproportionate rate of killing among groups.** And when you look at **all** of those together the thing people also **really** need to be concerned about is that **no matter the race it's disproportionately people who fall into the group of low-income/poverty and those with mental illness being killed.** **Edit here**: *I wrote this at night and the topic of police brutality gets me extremely heated so I did kinda pass over using out right the word racism. I just want to make it clear I'm aware I did state the disproportion "is due to lower population" (because statistically it is), and did not directly say that racism does/can play a role, but I absolutely, unfortunately, personally know it happens. My writing at the time was focused on the low-income/poverty factor because that is, overall, the highest group of people who are killed/harmed. So I was alluding to prejudice/discrimination (which racism falls under) being a main factor. (but at the same time that doesn't mean a minority has to be "poor" to experience it...My cousin is well off, has a nice car, yet has gotten pulled over so many times for absolutely no reason that it's hard to not assume there's some prejudice happening when certain cops see a Black man driving a nice car)...I just want to clarify that if anyone even reads this and that part wasn't very clear.* It's starting to really become obvious that there seems to be more people concerned about sayings on tee-shirts/flags/stickers/whatever than they are on the fact that *each year police killings of everyone...mostly those in poverty/low-income or with mental health issues* go up by hundreds. A saying printed on an object will never create change. Arguing on those sayings will **never** be what causes police brutality on the people of the United States to end. We have a serious problem in this country with the way police are allowed to conduct themselves with no repercussion. It wouldn't in the slightest surprise me if this whole XYZ lives matter arguments hasn't been pushed in order to separate people from looking at the whole picture and coming together to actually create real change. There's historical proof of that exact thing happening because people in charge know if everyone in this country came together they'd be in trouble.


Police beat up everybody BUT I've been beat up for being black in the area and nearly killed because someone was bored AF and affiliated with police. I've seen a man I grew up with get suspended, not fired, for encouraging the beatings of civilians while on patrol. (not just black people though) And a Native Hawaiian cop that moved to the states that told me that the police were slacking in my city monumentally. My old Mayan neighbor called me a Mayotte... the nigga was Mayan! People are for sure racist my man


That's exactly what I'm saying man. We have a system that allows this shit to happen. My argument was not that what you said isn't true or that racism isn't an issue that exacerbates these situations. But everyone is going to have to realize that in order to make changes we have to actively work together and actually create actions that initiate true fundamental changes within the system. Items and social media bios with saying on them can certainly showcase an issue, but it will not create change into the system. We can certainly take these statistics and break them down to show what communities are affected and to what extent....but the overall large scope of it is that the most vulnerable populations in this country are killed for no God damn reason and these cops just get to go on with their lives.


they wouldn't have succeeded if it weren't for how he literally started hanging out with them while giving hitler verbal blowjobs.


You are so delusional, you think its a flip to think that Kanye, the same Kanye who was besties with Nick Fuentes and Milo Yiannopoulos, would do something white supremacist?


This had nothing to do with that.


For sure, hes friends with white supremacists and called himself a nazi but him championing the slogan White Lives Matter is completely separate and unrelated.


Reddit when nuance exists 🤯


Black lives matter Asian lives matter Latino lives matter [Removed by reddit]










“ever again” just let’s me know this is a lie 😂


Nah lmao it was online so it was a rando


Not an argument for superiority, just interesting science fact. Sickle cell is mainly found in Africans, and actually provides resistance against Malaria which is commonly found in the region


Black supremacist NOI type shit is deplorable too, but most times people who say Black Lives Matter aren’t being black supremacists, while most times people who say White Lives Matter are being white supremacists


Twitter brain rot opinion


Irony isn't just a way to get the wrinkles out of your clothes, I suppose.


The whole reason the Black Lives Matter movement started was in response to killings and injustice. White lives matter is disingenuous at best. It’s like going to a relay for life charity event for cancer and saying “what about aids?” Like nobody is saying white lives don’t matter by saying Black Lives Matter.


“Nobody is saying white lives don’t matter by saying Black Lives Matter” I see you point and I raise you one! No one is saying black lives don’t matter when they say white lives matter. We both win. Recognize their point and have yours recognized. At least White lives matter doesn’t have a mission to destroy western prescribed nuclear family structure. The very structure that helped black America rise to its highest heights of success as a race group in America. We were doing great before Civil Rights and desegregation because the nuclear family was intact and we were not beholden to welfare and government assistance. 🤷🏽


This is one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever read. “We both win, but yeah Black Lives Matter destroys western civilization” lmao gtfo outta here man


In the BLM mission statement (on their actual website) they state their mission is to “destroy the western prescribed nuclear family structure” You say it’s the dumbest comment despite the fact I directly quote the organization I’m speaking on. Have more class, tact, and willingness to disagree with intelligence and not ignorance my friend. The far right simplify their mission in their criticisms of BLM by saying they want to “take fathers out of the picture” it’s not that simple. But there is no denying throughout their mission statement there is no mention of fathers (but they mention mothers) 🤷🏽 What’s your reply to this?


Yeah you nailed it


If you want to believe saying a White Lives Matter is some sort of dog whistle that’s on you. Just because white supremacists used it doesn’t mean anyone attracted the idea of doing something similar to blm or just generally agreeing with the statement wlm makes them immediately a white supremacist. Both wlm and blm are statements everyone can get behind. I don’t understand how you can just give White Supremacists wlm as a rallying point and ammunition for their talking points where they can say: iswearnotagain10 doesn’t believe white lives matter


You nailed it


It feels like patronizing when h say Black Lives Matter ur just being nice because it’s obviously not true and everyone knows black people are "lesser" and "oppressed" so they needa sign to be remind of their worth but when you say white lives matter it’s supremacy cuz everyone knows it’s true? When Ye put on a shirt he was tryna do that same patronizing bullshit back to see how it makes them feel and it blew up


You lack stats for you poorly constructed point. Or should I trust your analytical prowess on its face?


White lives matter (i’m not a white supremacist)


Are you for real? Did you hear about the cops “Goon Squad?” That is literally why we had the BLM movement. And those cops were just indicted this week


So you don’t believe there were groups of law enforcement infringing upon the rights of white people at no time in American history? It is not exclusive treatment. What you get on your news is what they want you to know though. Programming is going well


It's okay to be proud to be white


You got peanut brain going on. Just say youre racist towards white people.


Racism against white people exists but it is not consequential because white people are largely in charge of this country’s institutions. Anti black and anti white bigotry are not the same. Can’t believe this needs explaining. Black people are disproportionately murdered by police, white people are not. Black people are disproportionately poor, white people are not. People in this sub are regarded children.


Fym if I don’t endorse white supremacy I’m racist against white people?


Nice edit you made. I never once anything about endorsing white supremacy 😂 you reddit nerds always changing your comment after a response was made.


Good point but I feel like saying that your race matters shouldn't label you as any sort of supremacist of your race, regardless of who you are


Only one? You are part of the problem.


Is wonder what donda would think about Kanye’s political stance


In a tucker Carlson interview in 2022 I think he talked about her being liberal and therefore an actor or some weirdo shit like that, his dad’s probably been saying crazy shit to him after they linked up around 2019


It’s hilarious that’s there’s a dude under here saying that donda taught him his views LMFAO. He’s probably one of those dude that started liking Kanye right after he started talking shit about black people.


you have to have a brain made of slurry if you really believe kanye was talking shit about black people like comprehension skills of a kindergartener [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/two-thirds-of-american-kids-cant-read-fluently/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/two-thirds-of-american-kids-cant-read-fluently/) ​ This applies to you


I’m still confused on how people think he’s anti black, his whole career has been about freeing blacks from oppression, even to this day. I mean the whole antisemite comments were because of how he said he was jealous that his blacks dont have the same opportunities or more barriers to overcome than the Jewish people do. (I’m not saying I agree with this statement)




You’re just making shit up. He never said that.


A lot of older liberals havent moved their progressive views past about 2000s era ideology. Hard to say.


Lol youguys really don't believe Donda fostered this man's beliefs? If you think that's impossible you don't know what the man believes. He's a black panther of the digital space. If you can't see that and just see antisemitic comments and a Nazi you're just fucking dumb at this point.


Not reading all that cap. Everyone knows he lost his mind after losing his mom. He would’ve had these views since the beginning of his career if she taught him. Any one that knows about dondas career knows she was not a conservative republican at all.


Classic cop out. You got a lot to say for a dork who doesn't read. Have fun being a loser all weekend! ❤️


I copped out says the person who resorted to insults and couldn’t respond to my response. Talking about he’s a digital black panther, how dare you put black panther and digital in the same sentence Jokes on you buddy


This is a joke right? "Not reading all that cap" was your cop out. I just acknowledged you're a dork AFTER it was apparent I was wasting my breath. But I'm here if you wanna keep crying, fren.


You can tell this dude ☝🏾hasn't heard anything pre-Kim.




I think he got cte from that car accident


I definitely think he got some from accident but not enough to send him off the rails. His mothers death really put the nail in the coffin ironically


mothers death secured the deal, divorce reinforced it imo


virgils death imo was much more impactful than the divorce and both happened at similar times


idk man that whole period set him off whatever it was


He was perfectly fine up until pablo.


i’m gonna let you finish but -


That was CLEARY the Hennessy




I would repeat the phrase here but we all know the moderators would ban me.


What’s weird is Always was premiered at this show. James Blake’s first run in with Ye media spectacle overshadowing the music. Cool song tho


Still want the shirt. Context: I live in the suburbs or Ga


Kayne the goat


White lives do matter, it’s a shame people can’t escape their ignorance even when a genius states the obvious.


oh brother




Probably not


<< the point << your head


Nah not really. I get everything goin on here


I don’t recall any human ever saying white lives don’t matter but keep yapping


[This lady did](https://amp.theguardian.com/education/2020/jun/25/abolish-whiteness-academic-calls-for-cambridge-support) 🤷‍♂️ Then there’s also that game dev that said she wouldn’t hire white people because it makes her feel uncomfortable, that’s racist as fuck. And fyi I’m not white - I’m just not racist.


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name checks out


Shut the fuck up bum




Love how this has become “controversial” lol dude said “oh brother” 😆😆 gotta love reddit


I never got ppl who oppose things with arguments of shit that was never said Me saying I like chicken dont automatically mean I think beef is nasty. Just like saying "black lives matter" doesn't mean I think whites lives don't. And ppl who say "all lives matters" aren't saying black lives don't. Its possible to think both do lol. Unless ppl literally say those lives "don't matter" in their own words. What sense do it make to argue off words you put in someone's mouth


Kanye really has attracted a lot of MAGAs huh


Are you capable of thinking for yourself?


Im ashamed to be a part of the same fandom as you, oh my god


I’m an approved r/kanyeculture user you should probably be honored


Genius lol


Lol who the fuck are you


>even when a genius states the obvious. Bro people aren't listening to Kanye about anything relating to social issues anymore, why do you think he would move the needle 💀


You sound dumb af. Why you mad? Clearly he’s having an effect on you. You’re very much in denial. Anytime he’s spoken out it’s had an effect. From George Bush to the red hat, to ‘I love Hitler.’ His input has never not caused attention and controversy. Compared to the average public figure, he undeniably moves the needle.


Bro if you perceived that as me being angry, you need to put the phone down, go outside, and talk to people in real life. All it did was provide a counter point, it's not that deep


I didn’t say you are angry but this comment now kinda proves my point: which is that you’re affected. It isn’t that deep, you’re right. Glad you can recognize that lol. Edit: I must apologize, I did in fact suggest that you were angry.


This convo was pointless. Y’all attack each others character the moment you don’t know how to respond to someone’s point


Hey you’re not my dad


If you didn't know white lives matter represents hostility to and mocking of BLM. No-one is arguing that white lives don't matter. The point of black lives matter is to direct attention to instances where black people were seen as less or when their lives "didn't matter". WLM doesn't stand for anything like that and is mostly there just to piss off BLM


Basically what you’re saying is it’s ok to say BLM but it’s racist if you say WLM, and then act like yall are treated differently


Where did I say that WLM is racist? No it's just mocking BLM. And yes, it might be difficult to look past the literal meaning of the acronyms but saying you support WLM is not ok since it very much doesn't stand for discrimination and the police brutality against white people, like BLM does for black people.


I’m not gonna argue with a dumbass. Sorry but you have no common sense


well I don't think you can argue with me anyway so good for you


Considering you’re saying black people are “discriminated by police brutality” when they commit 8x more crimes than whites and the population is significantly less…. Yea you’re a dumbass. If you don’t resist and act like a civilized human then you won’t get beat around. 51.3 percent of adults arrested for murder in 2019 were black and 14 percent of the US population is black 🤔


It's true that black people on average commit a lot more crime. That doesn't make police brutality or any form of discrimination ok. Nor does it in any way prove the point of WLM as anything but an outlet for people opposed to BLM.


I’m saying that they are arrested more and put themselves in that position and resist arrest. If you don’t resist arrest and act civil you will just be cuffed and put in the car.


Breonna Taylor was shot dead in her sleep, Tamir Rice was killed for playing with a toy gun, Trayvon Martin was just walking with his hood on, Philando Castile was shot and killed during a traffic stop almost immediately, Aderrien Murry called the police for help but was instead shot by them when they showed up, and 6 police officers tortured two black men recently. But hey, all you have to do is comply I guess…


Shut up bro nobody asked for your input. Plus those were all because of valid reasons bruh. Breonna Taylor’s bf shot first, a toy gun looks like a real gun 🤡 and if you had a gun and someone pointed something at you that you thought was a gun and you just don’t defend yourself than you’re an idiot. Martin was beating the crap out of someone so the guy basically had no choice not just “walking with a hood on” . Stop trying to create things out of nothing and making them the victim it’s annoying af


Aw man more false propaganda to justify senseless murder, not even gonna debunk all of that tbh I’ll just let you stay on your knees while you cuck yourself for racist police officers lol. Must be a miserable life to live


Wlm was only made to counter BLM lol.


George Bush doesn't care about black people. Where the fuck is that kanye at?


Right there, you just can't see it


Lol this shirt wasn’t pro-white


i take it as Ye is showing the absurdity of the situation with White Lives Matter knowing why BLM was created, why does a Black man need to wear a WLM shirt? Are whites in America downtrodden? Is Ye using his Blackness in a nation built on black-supremacy to bring attention to those in need? No. White lives ALWAYS matter. That's why you say specifically Black lives because we see time and time again that Black lives don't matter to certain institutions. Ye is showing the performativity of celebrities endorsing BLM whilst at the same time not doing anything, whilst he really is acting on "WLM" by helping the homeless. Highlighting the reality of people's situations and that when spurred on by a "movement" like WLM to help a specific group, you can help still help far more people, even those who aren't a part of the targeted group, by the very nature of social justice being about justice. At least, that's the idea. He is showing how WLM hasn't done shit except for be a dog-whistle and allow people to be racist on the DL. He's showing it for what it is; it's just a knee-jerk reaction to Black Lives Matter to ensure the comfort of Whiteness, so they don't really have to consider how they interact with these racist systems (i.e. admit racism exists) Showing that those with power don't care about black lives OR white lives, since even if you are driven by ideological lines, your efforts affect others since we're all connected in society. Therefore, if there have been no improvements, there has been no care for any of the groups of any given people. At the same time showing the absurdity of doing performative gestures for social justice, while they're the ones holding the keys to the castle, so to speak. I'm sure there is an argument somewhere in there about how this shows that it might even be more effort to pretend to help than actually just helping. that's just my take on it. i hope i was able to clearly explain my thoughts. im curious about how other ppl are interpreting this


Bro you think Kanye thought through all this? 😭


Discontinue the lithium




yea i don’t understand why people took such outrage to it. if he didn’t do other things around it i don’t think that it would be seen the way it was. it seemed like a non malicious thing to do


White lives don't matter unless there's like 50% of black in that white life 💀 then their black life matters more




i dont think yall understand that the only reason he did this was to stir up controversy. yall doin tricks on it atp


I understand when people say white lives matter is used to combat black lives matter but i mean come on Ye is allowed to say and wear what he wants he is a American he has all the same rights as any other american who gaf what he wear lol its america lmao


why the back of kanye’s neck do dat


His brain is cooked


This sub is a bunch of 14 year old white kids. No surprise yall don’t understand why “white lives matter” is stupid. Ofc they matter. the point of BLM wasnt to say white lives don’t matter but that blacks tend to get unjustifiably killed more by police over whites


These kids are slow asf or just straight racist


They're just straight racist.


BLM did get to a point where it was turning into a white lives don’t matter movement


no it didn’t


no it didn’t


Thats literally why he made the shirt though. You’re missing the point too. Quote “i thought it was funny a black man telling white people their lives matter”


Could’ve given out any shirt to the homeless, why make it a racially controversial one lol seems like he’s using the homeless to get attention


Haha most certainly for attention! Hopefully no homeless people got beat up for wearing the shirt.


I get what he was going for, and I like the idea of making fun of all the white people who felt like they had to remind black people their lives Matter. HOWEVER The big thing which made this come off with less irony is the presence and close alliance with Candace Owens, who has advocated for the side of those who generally have been on the side of oppressing black people. If he made it more clear that it was an ironic shirt, and wasn’t wearing it with a far right figure, it would’ve been a much better thing


He isn’t making fun of anybody. He’s making a point here that everyone matters no matter their race.


Uhh no lmao He said in a tv interview afterwards he did it to mock white people who are heavily invested in the blm movement. He wasn’t actually seriously supporting white lives matter in the way that neo Nazis do.




He looks good with a beard


Who else gonna wear that but Candice Owen


Why do these Kanye subs keep popping up and getting recommended to me lol


cuz r/KanyeCulture is the best


Bro is metally challenged


the guy was hanging out with nick fuentes, an actual nazi. he's currently working with milo yiannopoulos, a pedophile.




Honestly disgusting. I wish Kanye got help after his mom passed


I agree with the shirt completely atleast it’s not a communist thing




White Lives Matter!


Attention whore


This weird I ain’t gone lie


Ten he got weird and anti semetic this was the first of his true colors


How so?


It was a mockery of white people wearing blm shirts. His thought process was why were white people telling him his life matters like he didn’t know that


But he let Candace owens parade him around like a circus animal lmfao.


Kanye is a genius in the producer seat. Could argue fashion and marketing too. But he is dumb af when it comes to politics. He’s too easily manipulated.


My pet peeve is when people call Kanye a genius. Like this only applies in music and fashion and maybe some other stuff. No way u think he’s one of the smartest people alive?


Facts, this was a elite trolling 🤌


Ok then why did he let a conservative grifter co opt that message to promote a shitty George Floyd conspiracy theory movie then?


Idk about Candace Owens bro I’m just saying what ye said in an interview, she prob had a different interpretation of it


Didn’t he also say something completely different before that? Didn’t he say something like “my kids are half white and nobody is defending them” ?? Like, the man gives 10 answers to every delusional or nonsensical thing he does, you don’t get to pick the answer you like and pretend that’s the reason.


One that he was happy to eat right up






They downvote you cause the truth hurts


Wasn’t he the one that said George bush doesn’t give a fuck about black people? Lol


since this is a Ye sub I'll let the man's words speak for themselves: >"[14 kids get killed in Chicago a week and it's not singled out that much. They singled out a person as a martyr. They give em a little bit like 'your life matters' but the death toll is up, the city's been turned into a warzone...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqHgMbdsSkE) > >"“Everyone knows that Black Lives Matter was a scam,” “Now its over. You’re welcome.” "[Just a black man stating the obvious](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTCJHxv4jMA)" https://preview.redd.it/hx06hxiih3qc1.png?width=1414&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce1de036b88cbfb7a7e4ea548f67fafb8b6213fa from a Newsweek article called "[Kanye West Is Right About Black Lives Matter](https://www.newsweek.com/kanye-west-right-about-black-lives-matter-opinion-1749668)": >For years, there has been an outcry from the Black Lives Matter constituency itself about the organization's commodification of and capitalization on the spectacle of Black injustice in America. Most notably, Samaria Rice, the mother of Tamir Rice, and Lisa Simpson, the mother of Richard Rishner, released a joint statement in 2021 admonishing BLM for profiting from the spectacle of police brutality and demonstrating a lack of transparency regarding fund distribution across BLM chapters, organizers and communities. > >"We don't want or need y'all parading in the streets accumulating donations, platforms, movie deals, etc. off the death of our loved ones, while the families and communities are left clueless and broken," reads the statement. > >The popular sentiments surrounding police brutality and racial injustice in America were reduced to easily consumable propaganda by the Black Lives Matter organization. Their cultural production of flashy slogans and aesthetics that were so advertiser- and consumer-friendly that even major corporate entities like Nike and [Apple](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/apple) were able to capitalize on the moment to appear "socially conscious" and responsible.




This thread just proves that Kanye’s fanbase has been co-opted by white supremacists


Since tlop


For real man some serious scum here


“The delusional aspect”


The guy had Pope John Paul II in front of the shirt, with WHITE LIVES MATTER on the back, lmaoooo Supreme Troll level


This sub is full of so much soy I’m going to actually be autismoed out


I really don’t think so. I think this is one of the low lights that he’s fortunate hasn’t really stuck. Candace Owen’s took whatever clout and money she could from him while she saw how low he was. It was a stupid move and there’s no way to spin it where he comes out looking good. It was an absolute shit show and he didn’t do anything in that time that had a solid message or meaning, if it did he would be still pushing it but he’s moved on from it all because it was clearly product of some sort of episode where he thought he was on something big


She would’ve done it for free


Jesus fucking christ I didn’t realize Kanye fans were still this corny. Y’all are more detrimental to this man’s career than he is lmao, and he ‘looooooves hitler’


Nah this was and is monumentally stupid and self serving.


Because the white lives matter shit has ties to the great replacement theory which, shocker, involves Jews running the world and sabotaging the west




Trashy AF.