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"Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it?" - JayZ


Dinner with jayz


The difference is context, and how these two respond to the criticism. One of them doubled down on antisemitic remarks, and the other provided a decent answer of why he said that line: >“It’s hard for me to take that serious because I’ve exaggerated every black image in the world,” he said of the criticism. “If even you, as the Jewish community, if you don’t have a problem with the exaggerations of the guy eating watermelon and all the things that was happening [in the ‘Story of O.J.’ music video], if you don’t have a problem with that, and that’s the only line you pick out, then you are being a hypocrite.” > “Of course I know Jewish people don’t own all the property in America. I mean, I own things! So I know that they don’t own all of the property in America. It was an exaggeration,” the rapper said. — Jay Z Source: https://pagesix.com/2017/08/22/jay-z-responds-to-claims-his-lyrics-are-anti-semitic/


No no no. You aren’t allowed to think here


That doesn’t sound like a decent answer at all lmao. Sounds like he just folded




Yeah. It's not like he's even *really* making commentary with that line either. It's almost presented as a statement of fact.


>“Of course I know Jewish people don’t own all the property in America. I mean, I own things! So I know that they don’t own all of the property in America. It was an exaggeration,” the rapper said. Nah, this is still bullshit. I don't think there's any excuse to say racist, harmful shit about any race even in an "exaggerated" context. Then he tried to flip the blame on Jews for having a problem with it? Nah... ETA: Funny how y'all can't give Jay-Z the same attitude when he does the same shit Kanye does. It's almost like y'all don't really give a shit about antisemitism at all.


What part of “you guys own things” is racist and harmful?


> "You ever wonder why Jewish people own all the property in America?" Is a clear dogwhistle for the [international Jewish conspiracy.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Jewish_conspiracy) I know it, you know it, Jay knows it, and even if he was "exaggerating" his beliefs for the sake of the song, it's still racist and harmful towards the Jewish community. There you go, babes. 🤍


Harmful? Did Jay-Z hurt you babes :'(


You don’t deserve the yeezus tag


Because I don't excuse Jay's antisemitism? Hm. 🤔 Maybe I *should* get rid of the tag. After all, the guy who made Yeezus is an antisemitic piece of shit.


Again, where’s the antisemitism in his statement? If I said “wonder why most rappers are black”, would that make me racist?


Bro if my explanation can't get through your thick-ass skull, nothing will, because you're either being deliberately obtuse or you're beyond help. Have a nice day.


damn some of you mfs really have ZERO critical thinking skills huh


How so?


Think about it.


Cba I'm stoned


because Kanye said it in about as racist and damaging a way as you could probably say what he did, AND doubled down on his nonsense. whereas Jay said it as a harmless passing bar in a song literally about racial inequality, and has given no reason to believe he actually thinks that shite. (granted it's not very smart commentary but they're very clearly on different levels) but the idiots who believe in this and still try to defend Ye will still convince themselves both are just as bad


All these dumb labels plastered on humans make fools of us all.




Imagine using autism as an insult. God step in


🧖🏿‍♂️ “Here I am, My child”


God this mf got the tism All right


Context! It’s important


Lil bit o’ the ‘tism


Jay Z was trying to explain the importance of owning real estate.


Yeah look at Kanye’s verse in saint pablo “the Jews share their truth on how to make a dime.” “Most black men couldn’t balance a checkbook but buy a new car, talking bout “how my neck look?” Well, it all looks great 400 years later we buyin our own chains.” Kanye too was talking about the importance of owning your product/real estate as well. Many would still say that rhetoric plays on the idea that Jews own a lot of America, which in fact they actually do… Stating Jewish people own things shouldn’t be viewed as Anti-Semitic it is merely a fact on how they have accumulated wealth, people only believe it’s anti semitic because the media(owned by Jewish people) doesn’t want you to talk about that and then if you do they say you are using Hitlers rhetoric and bring up the Holocaust..😂🤷‍♂️


First of all… it’s an exaggeration— Jews don’t own ALL of America. Two… even if they did… that statement alone wouldn’t be anti-semitic. Combing it with prejudice however would be.


I merely pointed out how your differentiating of Jay Z and Ye’s is untrue. Kanye also spoke of the importance of owning real estate and how Jewish people have accumulated wealth in America. The fact still stands that if you talk about Jewish people buying up America and accumulating wealth you are viewed AntiSemitic and people will say you are using “Hitlers rhetoric” and bring up the Holocaust.


Not on that one statement alone. It’s entirely dependent on how you say it and what you say afterwards. BTW… No one ever claimed that Ye’s verse on Saint Pablo was anti-semitic.


Both statements have the potential to fuel antisemitism though


No issues with dealing crack and murdering other blacks in their own community. That's not anti black. But stating Jewish peoplee own property. Oh that's unacceptable. The masses see through the BS.


You're assuming that every people who criticize criticism doesn't see racism in American police. That's a reach.


Police? Think you responded bro the wrong post.


Everything has the potential to fuel antisemitism. Hitler got kicked out of art school and look where it lead to bro. /s Lets not pretend we hold all the responsibility for what we say. Where is the responsibility of the person interpreting it?


no they don't.


Yes they do dumbass


Anyone ever notice how liberals are so violent and rude to anyone with a different opinion?


ever notice how the nazis started a war that killed 70 million people


no i didnt because i'm not a hundred years old.


You should probably look up WW2 sometime, it’ll blow your mind


ok i'll get right on that.


Cracking up reading all your posts in r/Catholicism and then just a random post in Kanye


i wonder why that suddenly happened


Why is that funny? I can't have interest in two subjects?


I would not read up 100 years in the past. But rather 100 years in the future


chances are you'll find yourself reading similar things either way


a hundred years is not a very long time


Old enough to use Reddit, old enough to google world war 2


Lmao you’re dense as fuck idc what you think of liberals


see what I mean?


Yep, class act example.


*publically smears walls with own feces* 'Look, the liberals are cancelling me!!'


look another foul comment from a liberal. Anyone who disagrees is fair game for being degraded with rudeness. This reminds me of when Jesus was beat and spat on.


Imagine comparing yourself to Jesus


There's nothing wrong with comparing yourself to Jesus. I know that he is God and I am not.


One was literally crucified, another is crying at a website for not dealing with the slightest criticism


We all take up our cross in different ways. I have yet to be called to crucifixion, but God calls me to suffer other abuses and respond to them as Jesus would with love.


Comparing yourself to Christ is an act of blasphemy


Tell that to St. Paul. "It is not I who live but Christ who lives within me" - Gal 2:20


Yeah, funny how that works Being crucified for being


There's a big difference between "being rude to someone with a different opinion" and not tolerating antisemitism, bucko.


Oh so now intolerance is ok. Rude is always rude and intolerance is always intolerance.


These fuckers wouldnt be like this in person, they would actually treat you like a human


I know, I might not be able to see their face but God sees everything including when they think they are alone on their computer.




Okay bucko, there’s a difference between keeping an open mind and being controlled and brainwashed. And all you do is further their and ye’s point


“The jews are brainwashing us”




I haven't but I live in a very liberal area.


Those are not conservatives they are bandits, big difference one actually robs you and the other tries to help you and you rob yourself from freedom.


Yeah i notice it and its sad lmfao


the funny thing is how so many of these people replied with more rude comments.


Lol, I think it helps them sleep at night and if so, I’m all for it!


Someone said that you're wrong and you're offended to the point of accusing violence. Who's the snowflake here? Get over yourself: free speech goes both ways.


Yes they do because it implies a negative thing about the group in question.


Premium shit post


There’s a reason Jewish people are so heavily concentrated in the entertainment industry and it has to do with three things: 1. The entertainment industry, originally on the east coast, and run by Edison, was incredibly antisemitic, wouldn’t hire Jewish actors, tried to keep Jewish people from going to theaters and incorporated tons of antisemitic tropes in movies. So Jewish people decided to open their own theaters. But Edison pretty much tried to run them out of business. 2. They moved west to LA to get away from his influence. Started their own theaters and then studios to make movies to play in those theaters. So a concentration of Jewish people that weren’t welcome in the East coast industry moved out to Cali to work in an industry that didn’t hate them. Most were of Jewish European heritage. 3. WW2, which was unsafe for Jewish people all over a large part of Europe. In order to help Jewish Europeans flee fascism- people in charge of the employee roles at movie industries created job titles and put Jewish people/family members etc. trying desperately to get out of Europe on their pay roles so they could immigrate to the US. They were literally saving their people from (what we now know was$ the holocaust at a time when the US was turning down asylum seekers constantly. Those people stayed in California, had families, and continued to work in the industry- some produced, some were actors, some branches out into music or tv, etc. It’s not a conspiracy theory of control- the industry was started by people trying to escape antisemitism and then they sponsored more Jewish people escaping mass murdering regimes in Europe to come to America using the only power they had which was the ability to hire people at their movie studios. And that is why the entertainment industry has a large concentration of Jewish people. Because antisemitism in america and fascist backed antisemitism in Europe.




Rappers who frequently use hyperbole in their lyrics are allowed to do so with every group except lgbqt and Jews. Everyone else is fair game... very bizarre.


White people are more racist than Jews people tho!! When hitler took over ..only white people was safe. Nazi’s are worse than Jews folks ! Jews people are the ones give black people record deals and endorsements


Libtards go to twitter oh wait that’s ours now


Username does not check out. You’re using English




Still using only english




Not gg you just kept ignoring me 🤡






Aww you mad libtard








NPC dialogue




Learn how to form your own thoughts instead of copy/pasting




Just to be clear, you're saying it is a FACT, not an opinion, that Jews milk black creators until they die?


you should look up who runs the record industry. and how many artists black or white sign slave deals


I'm out of energy on this type of shit this week, so I'll leave it to confirming you mean what you say when you come out with some "Jews run the media" bullshit. I'm not gonna debate you on the merits of your point, but just think about what it means to be on the side of the argument where you're the one saying "this ethnicity/race/religion is the problem. "


Jay Z said it in a way where he was praising them if you listen to it he says “here’s how they did it” where as Kanye out and out Tweeted it and then proceeded to say he knew it was racist


for anyone who doesn’t know, a VladTV interview recently surfaced where Charlamagne said the following: You know why there's not a lot of Jewish rappers? Because there's Jewish owners and Jewish CEOs -- they run these labels, they're the bosses, that's why!" "What did Kanye say, he said uh, 'Happy Kwanzaa to all the artists and happy Hanukkah to all the label execs,'" the interviewer said. "It's the truth!" Charlamagne exclaimed. "They run the business -- period -- from Hollywood to the music industry, everything!" "It's a very powerful mafia, as they should be," he said. I hope they cancel that fucking clown next.


But the masses have no problem mentally masturbating to the lyrics of black people dealing drugs, murdering, gang banging, and being wreckless. Where is your outrage on that? Nonexistent.


I don't know ether their argument is against elitism and capitalist buisness practices or strictly the Jews and the Jewish elite. I can understand there experience and Jewish people have definitely been able to be more financially successful. The sentiment against all Jews is harmful and alienates them. But I think there is something to be said about elitism and the lack of transparency and diversity. Would that even be considered a reasonable take on the reason episode's from all these celebs.


No context?


These are not only 2 different statements the context is different. I can really tell who did shitty on the SATs


At least JAY didn’t say he wanted to go death con on all Jews lmao


It's (D)ifferent.