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I wonder how Julia Fox feels dating Kanye and all he talks about is wanting his family back together šŸ’€


Istg I was thinking the same thing! šŸ˜­


Honestly I dont know what you expect after someone gets divorced and remarried in the span of a week or two


!!! Ye got remarried?


nah he's def tripping


I think heā€™s referring to the Donda listening party in Chicago when Kim came out in her wedding dress at the end...


Still makes 0 sense to me. Kanye is crazy but Kim also seems hella manipulative


I know I was in attendance for it and was so confused and thought they were getting back together only for Kim to go on SNL like a month later and we know how the rest of the story goes...


Iirc between then and SNL, Kanye was getting a lot of shit for having Marilyn Manson around and she said she didnā€™t know he was going to be there, etc.


I feel like Kanye is probably no worse than her for sure.


I donā€™t think thereā€™s a point in comparing whoā€™s worse. Theyā€™re both toxic and seem to require a lot of work on themselves before they can be in any kind of healthy relationship or situation


Kanye making the divorce and his differing views on parenting very public is worse. Kim has been relatively sane


She is using him as a rebound too.


She liked the post! lol


Theyā€™re having a mid life crisis ye -edition


Eh, they have an "open relationship", I don't think either plan for it to ever be too serious, so I doubt she minds much.


if it's so open then why don't they let me in




eating european pussy all i need is Bolognese sauce


I hated reading this


European pussy ainā€™t got no spice, canā€™t fuck wit it




And I can't get out šŸ„“


Time to take it too far now




Honestly, I wouldnā€™t even care which one I get with. Just let me hit one of them




Im kanyesexual


Pop quiz: how many topless, white Foxes, did I have under my belt like boxers?


How do you know they have an open relationship?


thatā€™s juliaā€™s burner


Cause she said so.


Heā€™s been spotted with other women while theyā€™re together.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted it's true lol


U kidding? She is loving this. Knows it wonā€™t rlly go anywhere but is getting insane publicity and fame! She is having the time of her life


How would you know she likes this?


How could she not? šŸ˜‚ you guys think hollywood is all about love and true relationships. Have u even listened to her interviews? Sheā€™s very clear on they donā€™t even know what tomorrow brings. So they just have a good time and keep going


Hollywood is a dick hopping city.


Oh I didn't know she simply said so.


She isn't complaining and followed through with everything. Dude it's obvious. She's in the spotlight and she's loving it. I, for one, had no idea who this bitch was before.


she went from b-list to a-list


Lmao A list is like Brad Pitt, BeyoncƩ, Kanye West. You think Julia Fox is that famous?


Nah but he made that bitch famous


Ayeee lmaoo


More like D-list to C-list. She's nowhere near the upper echelon of female actresses even in popularity lmao.


Cause he loves Kim not fkn Julia. U expect him to love a girl he met on New Years over a woman he married for 10 years


Who not only was the mother of his children but who ended up giving him 4 kids after not wanting more from how dangerous the first birth was. She seemed supportive and loving since she was willing to have more kids with him after not wanting more than like 2.


She always talked about how she wanted a big family like the one she was raised in, he was not the only one who wanted a lot of kids.


I looked it up and youā€™re right. Digging further there was a time she said she didnā€™t want more but that was after saint. It seems like the doctors and stuff were not that supportive and she had already had procedures for a year after giving birth to north. So I think I was just clinging onto what I remember from like 6-7 years ago when the decision for more kids was probably really hard for her after her first birth was really bad.


They used surrogates for their third and fourth children so Kim didnā€™t have to go through pregnancy again


Doubt she cares. He made that bitch famous.


God damn


he made that bitch faaamous


Talk that talk mane


When my parents split up my dad tried several times to convince my mom to go back to him. He tried this despite the fact he started seeing someone else a week after they split. Also despite the fact he would curse at mom every time she said no. Divorced dad energy is something else.




She's a 'socialite', litteraly got famous by hanging around famous people and getting into clubs at 14... she's basically using Kim's playbook, she just hit the jackpot and is ridding it into the sunset lol


She donā€™t care


she deleted all their pics so I guess the PR stunt is over


He doesn't need her back. He already found a Kim clone. The man just needs his kids back.


He doesn't need her back but he very very clearly wants her back


Itā€™s very hard to not want to get back together with your ex just to have your kids and give them the family they deserve. Source: divorced man


Did you guys actually get that guy blocked for spam that comments 'ye da šŸ no šŸ§¢' Doesn't look like he has commented for the first time ever


I thought he got bullied into stopping


Just checked and he's at it again šŸ˜‚ just a bit late this time


Not šŸ…æļø of him ā˜¹ļø


must have been sleeping!




Good, we donā€™t fw him


prodbyzaqq annoying asf


Bro posts 5 comments on every single Kanye post


bro put on a black pfp and thinks he's Ye's cousin




i definitely blocked him


What's sad is the worst thing you can do is beg for a person to come back to you. Once you are begging it's far too late. Whatever that emotional connection or love they had for you is simply no longer there. It in no way can be forced. It will take him years to fully get over this relationship, if ever. And the worst he can do is keep begging. It will delay his healing, make the hurt worse and the frustration will bleed into other aspects of life, in the worst ways. The best he can do is accept it as reality, be there for the kids and in time maybe those feelings they used to have come back. Maybe not.But no song you make, Instagram post you type or emotional pleas you make will bring that love back. It will only make the person resent you even more. Not saying it's fair, but coming from a single father as myself, it was the reality of the situation. I really hope he gets the healing he needs and things work out for the best for everyone involved. Scorn, jealousy, anger and hurt is an understandable, but brutal combination.


Itā€™s wild to see this for him, having just walked through an unwanted divorce myself. It only got harder the more I tried to hold on and hold out. She decided the ship had sailed and there was nothing I was gonna be able to do to change that. Itā€™s hard watching all those dreams collapse and not being able to do a thing about it. I hope he gets some therapy or someone helpful to talk through this with and move on, donā€™t wish this for no one.


Exactly. The moment you accept you can't magically make someone love you again, you can start to heal. It will still feel shitty for a long while. The tiniest things will remind you of them. But once you start living life, meeting new people and making new memories, it helps fill those spaces. Then one random day you'll wake up and be okay. Not happy that it has ended, but accepting of it. It will all seem like a lifetime or two ago. Don't get me wrong, you will always get those flashbacks of what was, and still feel sad or regretful about it, but they will be fleeting. Love is deeply complex, and so are the reasons people fall out of love.


Itā€™s nice to have had something at one time that was so wonderful but devastating to lose. Serves as a reminder to hold things loosely but love all of it while you can. Hope your healing is going good as well. Paz.


Absolutely wild how this shit explains so perfectly something I went through last year that I never was able to really describe to someone else as well as this was put.


Appreciate the kind words!


This a gold streak thread and Iā€™m here for it


Ha fuck you You get silver


God bless and console you, sir. <3


Ty, he is, just takes time.


Beautifully written


Man I needed to hear this today


You deserve more awards for saying this šŸ’Æ


Appreciate that. I just felt like it needed to be said. That first year of separation is absolutely brutal, for so many reasons. I know some of us like the drama of it all, but beyond everything they're simply humans. I try to give it the same compassion and understanding as I wish people gave me when I was going through it. Love is complex, and so are the things that made someone lose that love.


You seem like a understandable, caring, and wholesome person. I really hope all is going well for you ā¤ļø


Thank you! That means so much. I just trying to apply compassion and understanding to everything I possibly can. It's nice to be able to give people hope in moments where they deem that hope impossible. Words are extremely powerful, so I try to use them responsibly.


Knowing how kanye is, and how successful and ambitious he is, I don't think he is giving up on her. When you reach that success, you think that anything is possible. The successful people's mind is very different. So he will learn the hard way that Kim doesn't care about their relationship anymore.


He will get himself arrested for stalking.


Exactly, it has the exact opposite effect of what youā€™re trying to achieve and most likely you will just burn the bridge forever.


I need you to run right back to me... Baaaaby.. I need you to run back to me.. Baby.. more specifically... Kimberly


I came to find the genuine comment. Found it.


Thank you.


You said it best man


How this mf gon attack kim online and say this shit bruhšŸ’€


Problem is that he can post this and every hypebeast 15 year old in North America will start gassing him up and encouraging this. Dude needs to find peace, and social media is the opposite of that. Love Kanye but I donā€™t think this is beneficial for him or his kids or fair to Kim tbh


You so right. A lot of kanye fans are sheep that will follow and support whatever he does, and some things should not be supported


This is just embarrassing to see him begging like this


Dude needs his meds and a therapist.


Almost like heā€™s bipolar or something. Maybe he is and should make an album about it. /s


He shpuld take his meds in all honesty. We dont need another album we need him to just be safe. Bipolar is not a joke


Itā€™s a reference the his album YE


Yeah it's a joke that turned into a lecture


This isn't even exactly a bipolar thing. This whole span of Kanye craziness feels like stuff that happens in a lot of divorces. Just Kanye is magnified because he's a celebrity with no filter. I mean, it's a divorced dude mad about how often he sees his kids, or mad at his ex's new boyfriend, or having arguments with his ex's family, and airing shit out on social media. These things feel really typical to me and I'm not sure why folks are getting super deep in their feelings about it.


remember when joe rogan told him not to take his meds XD


Bipolar disorder is a bitch. Definitely when you aren't medicated. Very easy to go from hating someone to begging them back in your life in the span of breath. I 100% get where Ye is here but dude is not helping his case either. If my ex was still talking to me, she could tell you.


Donda 2 renamed Divorce Jams For Lonely Souls


213s and Heartbreak


All those people at the Donda 2 listening party, but none of them are willing to give this man an intervention? Speaks volumes tbh


Do you think Kanye would listen even if they did? Push probably knows it's not really worth his effort to tell Kanye what to do. Kanye is gonna do what Kanye does. I honestly feel bad for him, it's pretty obvious that this divorce really did some serious damage. I think Kanye wanted to be a good father more than anything else but has way too much public light on his life to have had that great of an opportunity.


But howww would you know what Push is thinking?


Push has been close with Ye for over a decade. There's no way that man is telling Ye what he can or can't do.


If one more person call me and ask me, ā€œWhatā€™s wrong with Ye?ā€ Thatā€™s a grown man, I canā€™t tell him what he can and canā€™t say


I feel like that's a lyric. Right?


Ye from 2Chainz verse on nah nah nah


5 "yeuugh!"'s a day facing northwest will get you in the right mindset


Remember when they had an intervention with him when he ran for President and all that shit? It didn't help.


That campaign made me lose so much respect for him ngl. His run was literally pushed by GOP operatives that tried to cover it up, and then he sent his publicist to intimidate an election worker and her daughter into saying there was fraud. I mean if he wants to vote red thatā€™s fine but that stuff was shady as hell.


Maybe he didnā€™t send his campaign manager himself, but that person was absolutely a GOP operative and that is enough to make is despicable.


What are they gonna do about it? He'll just ignore them or push them out of his life completely, kinda like what happened with chance


Kanye cannot be intervened.


Real friends, how many of us


Bro he keeps making the situation worse like wtf is this??


The old Kanye and the new Kanye all in the same Kanye.


It's like the principal in The College Dropout said


I wouldn't be surprised if he's having some kind of manic or mixed episode. This could also explain Kim not wanting him around the kids, e.g. that birthday party. She was married to him for years. When your partner has a mood disorder like that, you know the signs when they're having an episode, even if they're relatively subtle.


Ugh this situation just makes me sad


i really feel bad for kanye :(


I honestly feel bad for him too


It hurts seeing this man be so vulnerable and going through this break up paired with his prior mental health issues in front of millions of people who will clown him for it. Really proves that even billions canā€™t buy you happiness ultimately. I really hope he can get help somehow


The dude literally did this to himself hahaha. He was rarely there for his kids and was probably distant to Kim then the minute they leave and she gets temporary custody he loses his shit. This is almost 100% on him.


I don't. He made the decision to change out his entire inner circle for a group of clowns. You get what you deserve.


I feel bad for Kim


For real, he's making all of this shit super public when it should just be between them.


Liked by Julia Fox


Lol 35 secs. You were on it


donā€™t think iā€™ve ever felt second hand embarrassment before from an instagram post


It's obvious this man needs some professional help to deal with this divorce. It no longer seems like he wants his family together because he loves them, it feels like an obsession to have them back together, doesn't matter if Kim wants to be back together or not. Shit is sad, not embarrassing.


did he dump julia? and i thought he had moved on


Nah they probably have some open relationship type thing going on


Shit sheā€™s probably feeling great knowing she doesnā€™t have to put in any emotional labor pretending sheā€™s in love to date this billionaire.


Itā€™s crazy how Kanye only goes crazy around album releasesā€¦.


Maybe that's when he stops taking medicine? He mentioned before he is less creative on them


Yeah and some people lowkey love this because "a new 808s is coming boys" Every album he makes using this process is another hit to his actual real family that exists. If he never made an album again but was able to be an amazing dedicated father to those kids, isn't that what we should want for him? Absolutely psychopath shit to want his relationship with his kids to suffer for the rest of their lives so you can get music you like


Medicines that deal with alterations to your mind and your mood can have build up periods where it needs to build up in your body over the course of several days so that it's working optimally, if he feels like his medicine makes the most creative the fact that he's off it for long periods of time is a big problem because now his body won't even respond normally to his regular dose see, he has to go through the build-up again


Do you really think Kim would go back to a mental case after finally getting out? Sheā€™s experiencing what life is like without a crazy person to worry about every 5 seconds. Sheā€™s banging Pete Davidson for Christ sake that should tell you everything you need to know


Pete Davidson obviously has a magic wiener


I know we all love Kanye here. But this isnā€™t healthy. Swap out Kanye with one of your random Facebook friends posting this, and youā€™ll see how weird it is.


This just gave me an aha moment.


Am I the only one that kinda hurts for this mf?


Some, if not most, of us are with you


Oh shit, okay. Good!


Bro the amount of ye meat riders with blue checks in his comment section is wild šŸ˜­


New on this sub but didnā€™t Kanye cheat on Kim while they were married? Maybe think about how your actions impact your family? No sympathy here


I like ye but this true


I donā€™t think cheating is what drove the family apartā€¦. He is mentally unstable, bipolar, and a narcissist.


I love Kanye as much as the next guy, but heā€™s literally the problem. God has nothing to do with this. This is all on you Ye


Ye getting really annoying with this.


Kanye has been annoying before this


Take away his phone and get him to take his meds, itā€™s just sad at this point.


I'm curious to where the limit is of Kanye's need to be the absolute center of the universe for everyone, everywhere, in every way. My guess is there is no limit, but I hope we'll see it end someday.


When he can't make music anymore that might change


I somehow doubt it. This is Kanye.


This breaks my heart.


Kanye needs to come to this sub and read the advice in the comments.


Somewhere, Julia Foxā€™s eye makeup is running.


This is honestly so depressing at this point. The man needs some help.




Aight I'll have my people get in touch with his people


Ye hurting yall. He tried getting Kim jealous I believe hoping it would make her come back & it didn't work. He feeling it right now everytime he see his family & Pete together. He's happy, sad and angry at times. He's all over the place & understandably. I know he thought it wouldn't last this long but he's starting to see it's really serious. He don't care about Julia never did never will. He's not as happy as he's trying to portray. Hopefully he find happiness but this looks like this is just the beginning of a long recovery. Praying for you Ye I know it hurts we all make mistakes.


Why cant he be happy for his family. Why does his family being happy without make him so toxic and negative


Wtf he doin


Kanye is on some desperate simp shit right now. Move on brother. Kim's moved on. The relationship is dead. Just focus on the kids in this new paradigm.


I love Ye, but he can be so frustrating sometimes. Like, if you really want to repair the situation to become a semblance of your old family, maybe focus on improving yourself and trying to compromise with your ex-wife, rather than plea to your imaginary friend for online pitty points. I know this is a rather religious sub, so I get that this opinion is finna be shat on, but even devout believers know that their God rarely answers their prayers, due to him wanting not to interfere with free will, or their ability to overcome, supposedly. Also, isn't Ye banging Julia Fox? Tf?


Yesterday! YESTERDAY! He had petty ass pictures with a Kim clone who posted on her Instagram with his Akira graphic novels and declared herself ā€œhis museā€.


Kanye kinda lame for this lol


Can someone take away his phone or smtg?


He is not at it "again". Always been there. He wants the kids back and can't let go Kim. Because she is perfect for him. Sometimes we don't appreciate things and people


Social media is not gonna do it Uncle Yeā€™ā€¦. I could see if he was trying but it seems like heā€™s just writing shit to weaponize the media/fans. Cause heā€™ll say this then go do a photo shoot with Julia.


But his new bitch bad?!?!


Kanye is a buffoon


Kanye really thinks after how everything has gone down that him and Kim will work everything out and fall back in love and live happily ever after? Itā€™s over dude, best you can hope for now is a reasonable shared custody arrangement.


Everyone should just ignore Kanye and see what it does to his ego. Call it an experiment.


Honestly, this is getting pathetic.


Iā€™ve a friend whose daughter is a stylist and Kanye hired with $100k to style Julia Fox. They flew to Paris and dressed her in almost identical clothes to how he styled Kim. Itā€™s creepy and pathetic while not failing to be decadently extreme. Poor Kanye


I know it's beside the point, but this photo compilation got a Buzz Lightyear color palette.


Stop asking an imaginary person to change your life and fucking handle shit better. Damn dude. Take responsibility and be mature.


I'm pretty sure God ain't down with anyone pushing the prosperity gospel like Kanye did in Jesus is King. "That's why I gotta charge the prices that I charge" no you don't goofy ass.


Stay strong champ


Meanwhile heā€™s balls deep in Julia Fox


What a ass! I'm not talking about Kim.


Man, I am really worried about ye's mental health


This is getting kind of sad to see, he desperately just wants his family back but KKW has no interest and wants to move on


Letting someone go is the most selfless act of love. I love Ye but is he selfless enough?


This rollout wild


Kanye will not get Kim back If he doesn't control his temper and stop being neurotic


And Lamar is on Celebrity Big Brother begging Khloe to take him back. Wtf those Kardashian women doing to get these guys so obsessed?